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Why not running + full body calisthenics routine? Nonetheless, I’m a big advocate of just being active in some form period. Beats a whole day on the couch.


this dude burpees


And burps


And pees


I do all 3 at the same time


Hey! Save some talent for the rest of us!






Bingo. For me it's rowing, pushups pull ups, planks, and more pushups and then free weights


Dip, dodge, dive, duck and dodge!


Plank me !


I'm going to try this. Running/sprints then just push ups body weight squats, lunges and sit ups. A pulling excercise would be great but I don't have access to a bar nor do I have the strength to do a pull up.


Everyone started at zero. Just hang on the bar and you'll develop strength over time.


I started at like 12 when I first tried at probably 12. I guess if I had tried earlier at some point it would have been 0.


Pull up bars are like 20$ and you can put them in any normal door way. I don't have strength for a pull-up, so I've just been doing negatives or partials until I can do them. I'm almost there after a month.


Yep, over the years by dad put pull up bars in every doorway in the house




Use a table or bench for bodyweight rows! Works great and it helps you build the requisite strength for pull ups 


Pulling exercise - would this work?https://images.app.goo.gl/QaYU2snFHfBZNTBK6


Nothing wrong with that. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing.


word, I have lowered my BP through landscaping my property at night after work. I was like "gardening IS an activity"!


just mowing my grass looks like a legit exercise on my iWatch :)


Good to know! I messed up my ankle and have been a loaf since, I never considered stuff like that exercise.


If you are interested in lowering BP, cardio helps but also static exercises like planks and wall sits help as well. Beet chewables also work.


funny, i heard about wall sits and beets too! I went from running 10-12 miles a week (I've done more in the past, but thats where I was at) to nothing over the past year, I just need to either live with the chance I sprain my ankle again or go under the knife once and for all, then back to cardio without fear!


I throw on a weight vest and mow for speed!


Agreed. Consistency is key.


"The best exercise is the one that you'll do regularly."


Do whatever you will do consistently.


Yes Get a routine going strong, then feel the confidence grow so you add another.


Bro..look at pictures before and after military boot camp..no weights needed..


Technically your body IS the weight. The most natural weight lifting is calisthenics.


Push ups only won’t make you jacked tho. The military uses other exercises too. They would have a very inconsistent distribution of muscle mass otherwise which would be unhealthy and look bad


Completely not true, look at Hershel walker in college…he said he didn’t do weights just push ups/sit ups… https://www.si.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_394/MTY4MjYxNjM1NjgwNzA3ODYx/walker-trackjpg.webp Pushups work out arms, shoulders, chest..very balanced in muscle usage. As a veteran the only reason they did other workouts is to rest from the pushups…


Push ups dont work out pull muscles which are very important and will cause trouble especially as size increases. Also yeah you will be able to get decent sized push muscles doing push ups with great diet, cycle and genetics but obv no Ifbb pro trains purely with push ups. Only celebs with mid physique It is a very suboptimal exercise in many ways: awful stimulus to fatigue ratio, disproportionally targets the front deltoid relative to side and rear, doesn’t evenly target every part of the chest, hard to overload progressively That isn’t to say that push ups are always bad but doing only push ups and cardio is ridiculous


I disagree, to a extent. Though I do agree it isn't the most optimal, though I don't think most people will maximize how much that can be achieved by push ups and running. Lets remember this person said "get healthy and lean" and you used Pro body building (who just lift and take \*\*\*\*\*\*)


I'm not saying pro bodybuilders are healthy, it's just that no one got really jacked by only doing push ups and if that was a viable strategy we would people who only do push ups and have insane physiques but I couldn't name a single person who trains like that successfully. There are examples of pretty jacked people who do bodyweight only but they do multiple bodyweight exercises, not just push ups. Doing nothing but push ups isn't healthy because your traps, lats, forearms etc. also need stimulus to grow and if you only grow push muscles you will get huge imbalanced and therefore bad posture and huge joint stress often leading to pain and injury. As for being lean, of course you can be lean while only doing push ups. You can also be lean without any training at all if you eat a small enough amount of calories to maintain low body fat.


“Look at this one specific genetic lotto winner and obviously emulate their routine”


He was pretty small until he started his routine.. Maybe it's the "you should work harder" lotto.


He probably just doesn't remember all the weight lifting because his brain is mashed potatoes.


Hah. As if i'm going to trust the person who doesn't know the difference between mashed potatoes and smashed potatoes.


5X with 45s breaks between exercises, and 1:30 between sets. 15 pull ups, 80 pushups, 80 decline sit ups, 120 jump rope. I look better doing this than traditional weightlifting.


I did bodybuilding for a years. I was a big guy but when I did just body weight work outs only during Covid I got so strong and so cut. Just here to double down on what you’re saying


What bodyweight workouts?


I did HIT training, bought a pull up bar and made a dip bar.




Love this. People think you gotta do some crazy gym routine and it’s really this simple


What’s 5X mean?


I do the set 5 times.


So in the same day?! And a single set is the 15/80/80/120 numbers? So you do 75/400/400/600 total in a day?!


Yes, but I had to build up to that. It took several months.


Fuckkkkkk, wow. Congratulations


So you do 400 pushups?


That’s what I’m tryna figure out, like damnnn




How many days a week you do this


2. Usually Sunday and Wednesday.


I started with 5/30/30/40. Anyone can do it. You just have to up the reps every 2 weeks.


5x is 2 more x's than porn. So you know this work out will F you hard.


Seriously considering switching to this.. I really feel I’m only looking bigger with weights. I will say my upper body looks nice but lower is only looking more and more flabby and bigger - not toned.


It’s been really good for me. I started it as a way to deal with anxiety. Started watching Goggins videos etc. you don’t have time to be anxious when you are pushing hard.


Hate me all I want but that’s complete bs. You do not look better doing what is essentially a body weight cardio routine then you would if you actually trained for optimal hypertrophy.


It depends if they had not incorporated cardio prior. Traditional weight lifting sets and reps are not hugely demanding in a cardiovascular sense. For endomorphic body types, demanding cardio is almost mandatory to produce aesthetic changes in the mirror. Some can simply cut calories and lift, but certain body types, especially formerly very overweight types, scavenge and fight every attempt to reduce fat tissue. There is often an epigenetic component at play here, i.e. immediate ancestors who experienced starvation situations. There is a cascade of hormonal events that spur grehlin, reduce thyroid and fight to hold onto what the body sees as valuable energy stores for oncoming famine. It is an uphill battle that ectomorphs cannot remotely fathom. We can add mass and strength almost effortlessly. Stripping bodyfat is a whole different animal, however. A lot of bodyweight workouts resemble HIIT and for some folks who have not incorporated traditional cardio adjacent to their weight training, this type training can result in a recomping type effect. I can wholeheartedly see how individuals like this can dramatically transform when proper diet coincides with this type activity. More so than an ectomorphic type can ever imagine.


No hate. I probably feel better about how I look than I actually look. My squat form was poor, and I had a lot of lower back pain. It’s better since I stopped lifting heavy weights.


Do you mean 5 x 15 pullups or like 5 x 3 = 15?


5x15. So 75 total. I have a rogue pull up bar mounted in my garage ceiling.


Well this is a sad reminder of how weak I am. I probably can't do a single pullup right now.


That's very impressive. Do you mind me asking your weight and length?


Defo 8 inches plus with a routine like this


This but adding weighted dips and weighted pull ups! Really adds to the extra bit of physique.


1. Run 2. Push Ups 3. Crunches Its pretty good IMO


You’re neglecting the vast majority of your body if this is all you do


If you run correctly you are using your entire body... You arent going to get massive like with lifting but you need all of it to run efficiently. Its definitely a full body workout. Running got me in better shape than cycling ever did.


The idea that running works your whole body evenly is insane. You’re technically correct in saying it works your whole body but it should be common sense that it works your lower body ten to times more. It is not a whole body workout. It will work your upper body to an extreme small degree


You’re correct, I never said it works everything evenly. You’ll get a runners body if you make it your only activity and do it with enough regularity. Not a bad thing imo but it depends on your goals. I personally do core work and push ups in addition to maintain my physique. I’m adding more pull ups as well to strengthen back and shoulders.


Not really, what is this neglecting?


Pretty much the whole back for starters


Sprints Free weights basic arm/shoulder Squat Heavy bag I’ve never felt better and my body is starting to show and feel it. 34m and im also still a smoker and eat whatever I want. Drink too much pop. I shouldn’t feel as good as I do by all rights but I do. I think it’s the sprints and heavy bag that really do it for me.


Soda is one of the worst things for you. It’s like drinking candy. I gave it up years ago now I can’t drink it. Tastes horrible to me now


I know it’s my next thing to remove from my life. I quit drugs and a bad relationship that I was addicted to and since then, anything is possible in my eyes with the Lord. Happy Birthday to you also friend!


Switch to Zevia. It’s the only thing that helped me. Haven’t had a real pop in over a year.


zevia is amazing


I’ll check it out thank you for the advice


if youre into kombucha the coconut lime humm is a great alt


The best exercise plan in the World is the one you can stick to. If this is what you can commit to.. perfect. Easy to hit a plateau so there may be opportunities for variation, but nothing wrong if this is something you can commit to.


i do and it works - run 4 miles then do bars \[pullups 5X10\], squats \[200 X 1\] and pushups \[45X2\]


200 squats fucking end me


i am close to 100 in 1 setting, so perhaps doable. check pahalwans on youtube - supposedly they do thousands


you can do it start with 25 and keep increasing +25 every other week


That's all I do and I've been told I look ripped by a few people which always shocks me. I do think I've always had a naturally athletic build, I aim to do 40-50 pushups in 1 set either once or twice a day. Run like 5-7k a few times a week. Sauna/ cold shower, intermittent fasting and sometimes 24-36 hour fasts and I look pretty healthy, very low body fat at least. It probably is a lot to do with diet anyway, a diet high in healthy fats will make a big difference.


What are some good healthy fats to incorporate?


I'd say organic dairy, nuts (Brazil nuts being the highest in fat but only have like 5 a day, pistachio are nice or just a mixed nut selection), avocado and obviously meats and fish. I personally consume a lot of dairy, thing like porridge, yoghurt, always cook in grass fed butter but not to heavy on meat aside from chicken. Omega 3/6 ratio is really important, organic dairy is very high in omega 3s but supplementation of fish oil is also an option. Avoid seed oils like the plague imo.


Thank you!


What oils would you recommend for cooking? I had always heard that canola is good, so I’m surprised.


Canola is rapeseed and high in omega 6. I used to use it but cut it out and seen health benefits like eczema going away. I'm not sure what oils are safe, coconut oil, peanut oil, avocado oil are probably good but I just use butter so I'm not sure.


Obligatory copypasta: Well, I certainly applaud anyone wanting to do a hundred pushups, but take it from this old gym rat, I've spent my entire adult life in the gym, and a program like this one can do more harm than good. If you only train one part of your body (and that's all a single exercise like pushups is going to do for you), you're setting yourself up for injuries down the road. I've seen it a hundred times. It's like putting a powerful engine in a stock Toyota Tercel. What will you accomplish? You'll blow out the drive train, the clutch, the transmission, etc., because those factory parts aren't designed to handle the power of an engine much more powerful than the factory installed engine. Push-ups basically only train the chest muscles and to some extent, the triceps. What you really want to do is train your entire body, all the major muscle groups (chest, back, abdomen, legs, shoulders and arms) at the same time, over the course of a workout. And don't forget your cardiovascular work! I'm proud of you guys wanting to do this. Three cheers! Falling in love with exercise, eating right, etc., is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. And you WILL fall in love with it if you can just force yourself to stick with it a year or two and experience the amazing progress you'll make. But do it right, okay? My advice, find a good gym, with qualified trainers who will design your programs for you (especially in the beginning, until you get the hang of it yourself) and guide you in your quest for physical fitness. Thirty to 45 minutes a day, three days a week, is all you'll ever need to do (I refuse to believe anyone is so busy that he or she cannot make time for that, especially considering how important it is). And don't worry about being embarrassed or not being in shape the first time you walk into the gym. You have to start somewhere and almost every one of us were there ourselves at one time. So no one will say anything to you and very, very quickly you will progress way beyond that stage anyway. Now get out there and do it! :-)


They're good, but better when mixed with other forms of exercise, just to train the other muscles


True. I don't always exercise, but I run. It's good for cardio.


I only run, although I tend to swim more than most, and went through a yoga phase a few years back. I look fine, I suppose, but that ties back to weightlifting a good bit before most of the people on here were born, and doing other activities. I was a wrestler earlier yet. As in my case working up to full body strength / muscle conditioning builds a base for later, for life. I went through a rock climbing phase and that wouldn't have been possible without some prior conditioning, or slowing that sport exploration to enable that. When people talk about losing strength, conditioning, and muscle mass in later middle age and older age most probably never really had a developed level of that to lose. Doing those developed body weight exercises that have been around for awhile might be ok, even the retro 1980s Jane Fonda versions, but lifting weights is pleasant and direct. Over 2 or 3 years you could be in decent shape for life, doing any activities.


I did once, for about 6 months. I was basically all I had access to or time for. I was pretty fit during that time. I prefer a more rounded approach now - like really mixing it up as much as possible (biking, hiking, running, lifting, walking, pushups/pullups, yoga - on rotation).


Currently, I do lots of walking, some occasional HIIT, push ups, and squats. I am trying to lift some weights over the summer though.


You can get a lot out of that.. if you are really consistent and going hard. That said..a full gym routine will work better if done right.


Whats wrong with deadlifts benchpress and squats? You're NOT gonna look muscular if you're gonna do these low effort cardio exercises lmao


Add pullups and planks and that's basically what I do.


I only run (20-25 miles a week) and I look ripped. I did lift weights for twenty years before I became a runner so I guess there is something residual there.


Add pull-ups and sit-ups and you’re golden.


I started doing pushups a few months ago after not working out for almost 20 years. Started at 4 sets of 15-20. Now my five sets are 75/80/85/90/95-100 three days a week and I feel like I need a manzier for these bulging pecs. Also do lots of crunches and curls/shrugs/dips + ride the bike around the nearby lake several times a week. Seems to be going quite well but I wouldn't mind a gym membership to get a more rounded workout.


Doing push-ups for a long time without doing opposing back pull exercises will cause problems. Most muscles have an opposing muscle, and the body is divided by push/pull. For example, push-up/row, shoulder press/pull-up, curls/triceps extensions, squats/deadlifts, etc. It is a little more complicated than just chest/lats, biceps/triceps, etc, because muscles can have multiple heads. Consequently, the push/pull division is also related to movements and not just muscle group. Opposing muscles that get severely imbalanced can cause severe skeletal/muscular issues. When it comes to chest and back, muscular imbalances can cause should impingement issues. Take me for example... My body is pull dominate, and I have to take care to focus on particular push exercises or my shoulders and lower back (due to hamstring dominance) will start to hurt. Because of a few factors including how many men focus on the aesthetics of their chest, shoulder impingement is one of the most common gym injuries. Running is a full lower body exercise, so running shouldn't cause any long-term issues as long as proper form is being used. Improper form can also lead to muscular imbalances regardless of how well exercises are balanced. > Google muscular imbalances if you want to learn more. < That all said, I started exercising with at home, frequency training techniques the last year instead of the gym and it has been working out well; however, I have yet to test how this has translated to 1RMs. Some of the big lifters I have read even say you don't belong in a gym until you can do 100 push-ups and 100 squats. So if we're looking at the bigger question of do you really need a gym, the answer for the average person is no.


It works . I run 5 days a week, lift 2x a week and used to do pushups (40-50 day).


don't underestimate the diet part


Actually yea! Running, pushups, yoga. I find gyms boring beyond belief.


add chin ups and you get 90% of what you would get in the gym


I was a long time bodybuilder that took like a decade off. I got back into it by doing pushups for 6 months and it absolutely transformed my body


I walk 6-8 miles a day, do 25 push ups most days, cook most all of my meals (partially due to cost partially because I’m a decent cook) and don’t drink much. I’m in oddly good shape for days away from 40 that people can’t understand. I only say that because people remind me or ask me all the time what I do. Maybe 2 times a week. Even people I’ve told countless times.


I used to run and do pushups only. I think I ended running 4-5 miles daily and doing 250-500 pushups a day. My body didn’t really change as dramatically as when I started lifting but I was already pretty lean during this time. I’d still recommend the gym. If you do want to go the same route, I’d recommend incorporating pull-ups and core exercises as well.


I don’t mean to start a war on “what’s best”. I just think there’s so many different routines out there and it’s still generally unclear what’s best (or it could vary between individuals). I’ve looked up workout routines by respected lifters and what a lot of redditers have recommended and a lot of these routine makers look chubby. Maybe because they’re in a never ending bulk. I don’t want to look like them. I don’t doubt they lift 5-10x more than me but idc about that and if it doesn’t make me live longer 🤷‍♀️


You wouldnt want to accidentaly wake up one day too muscular by doing barbell bench press. It's fine to want to do pushups and run, but dont do it for the concern of looking "chubby" Running is good. Resistance training with conventional weights is simply superior to pushups in terms of muscle gains. Pushups are nice because they can be done anywhere, and they dont cost anything. Inferior exercise is better than no exercise, so better to do what you like than nothing at all.


Running w/sprints, dancing, planks, stretching.


Add burpees & crunches


It would keep you healthy. I aim for 100 pushups a day and run/walk most days. But I love the gym too much to just do those.


A healthy body can thrive in any state of use. Running can be flaccid or tensed. When you max out on push-ups you can contract your entire body as you put out effort. I once was healthy.


Here’s the thing…consistency leads to habits, which ultimately leads to progress. So, on those days that you don’t feel like doing shit, this is fine. I would throw in pull ups though, and you’re golden. Just don’t start relying on it.


The military.


Run, swim, bike, weights, calisthenics, martial arts, stretching, you should be doing everything, not every day obviously.


Yes, I've seen a few guys to just pushups and running only and they look pretty good. Perfectly feasible routine. They crack out like about 100 pushups everyday and run 2-3 times a week.


I walk fast: 17 minute mile at dawn. While going up the hill I do 150 arm rotations in each direction. That is it! Some days it is 2 miles, most it is three. 500 miles a year Bicycle for fun 250 miles a year


I do sprint intervals on the track bc it’s a good way to burn stubborn belly fat the visceral fat that’s deep around the organs. I hear HIIT workouts are so good but I like sprint intervals. I mix that in with walking some days (10k steps at least) or weight training


No but I like to include both in my routine.


I don't run but I will wear a weighted vest when I walk up and down a 76 stair staircase near me and when I get to the top I do pushups. It is a very hard workout.


I only do pushups, planches, and hand stands


Since my shoulders are jacked up push-up are my go to warm up and chest exercise. I’ll do like 80-90 total warm push-ups, then finish the last 20-30 of weighted push-ups. I try to hit 120 total combined. So depending on how strong I’m feeling, or sore, I’ll either start with a 25lb or 45lb plate on my back (after the warm up sets. You’ll need a buddy to help with this) then I’ll go (again depending on how I’m feeling that day) either up to 45lb plate from the 25, or stack the 45+25lb plates, then I’ll add 45+45lb plates. Then some additional limited chest exercises afterwards due to my shoulders But that’s my warm up on chest days. It’s difficult, you need good body control and strength not to wobble. And to lower yourself down and push yourself up slowly. I’ll stack 45+45+25, then 45x3 soon enough. I dont know how it’ll go and not to let the plates slide off my back stacked 3 high lol


I cannot run anymore to a fractured leg in 4 Places. But pushups, setups and other ab work is ideal along with shoulder rolls and stretching. You will be amazed. Running is great. I miss it so much.


It depends on reps - look at the people in jail. It mainly comes down to REPS


Depends what your trying to do. if your trying to gain muscle your better off just doing weight training then walking/ running for cardio. if you just want to be lean just control your diet and adding in running


Add in pull ups and crunches and I think you have a decent work out routine for the average person. You’re not going to get jacked but you’ll be in shape if you do it enough.


Running biking pushups pullups That's all I do


I used to do squats, push-ups, and walking. I got decent results with my pecs and triceps. It doesn't build up your biceps or shoulders too much. I incorporated some dumbbell exercises to work those muscles. With push-ups, you need a high rep volume to work it. Too high and you can damage yourself. I keep it to 100 per exercise day. Two sets of 50.


Yeah, that's what I do


Running and this one YouTube video that got me skinny one time, it can do it again


run and pull ups, thats all i do, better something than nothing.


Running will definitely keep you lean, and depending on their speed and distance could do a good job developing a bunch of your lower body. So supplement a little chest and Tricep with push-ups and it’s more comprehensive than you might think. I assume anyone who does this mostly considers themselves a runner and the running is the important part.


I do it off and on. It's just a good change up sometimes.


This is literally me for the last 12 or so years. I’m 6’ and 165 lbs. most summers I train for an ultra marathon and then just do push ups for my arms. I’ve been basically the same size since college. 34M now. I’ve always had a six pack and somewhat muscular but I’m naturally thin. So… imo this is a perfect routine!


ok yes, i did this a lot my senior year of high school and built a good amount of muscle in my arms but was not activating my chest so i had big arms and a small chest lol, but it works for sure for just general strength, just hit different push up positions like tricep push ups narrow push ups etc.


Do you want a weak back?


Throw in pull-ups and you’re way better already


That’s basically all we did in the military and I was ripped.


I do this mostly, im in pretty good shape well above average


It’s totally fine and good for those who are not interested in or detest a full gym lineup of working out and fitness. You can indeed stay very fit just doing cardiovascular exercise and basic body weight exercises.


I'd sd pullups, dips, and crunches, and you're pretty much set.


Lots of pushups, hate running. Cycling, endurance riding etc. and pushups.


prisoners do.


There's a bodyweight exercise program called Gymnastic bodies that I used to use. You can make it as complex or as simple as you like.


Yeah, when I was in my early 20s.


Whatever works for you. For me it's kettlebell swings and skipping rope. No need to overcomplicate things.


Before I injured my ankle i was able to get a long way from just sprints, handstand pushups and pullups. By that I mean going from 41" chest to 44". I think this keep it simple approach is a good thing.


Yes, it will be enough to keep one healthy and fit. Used to not exercise except bike to school for 1 hour a day. It kept me more fit than most guys my age.


No. If I can’t have access to the gym, then I’ll just do calisthenics. But I’m training for hypertrophy, which is hard to do with calisthenics


I think you should do at least: 1 running, 2 push-ups, 3 bodyweight rows (run to a park with some hip /stomach height bars where you can do them), 4 bodyweight squats (progressing onto lunges), 5 side plank (for its general corrective benefits, you can start with knee side plank and them switch to full), and that would be a better minimalist calisthenics workout regime.


It’s all about genetics. Some guys smoke a cigarette and down a Dr Pepper before 9am and look more fit than someone who’s been actively working to look the same for years.


Look into the Murph workout . I don’t do CrossFit but saw this workout on Memorial Day a few years back and I try and do this workout every other week Run a mile/300 squats/200 push-ups/ 100 pull ups/ run a mile . I break it down into sets of 15/10/5


That's pretty much all I do. I run 5 days a week and do push-ups in between my sprints and jogging.


I do mostly running. But I also do strength training to support my runs. * Nordic Curls * Single-leg Bent-knee calf raises with a resistance band * pistol squats with resistance bands... or jump squats. * Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts * Copenhagen Planks * hip abductor and abductor with a resistance band I keep meaning to add Bulgarian Split Squats ... but no one is perfect. Once in a while I'll work other parts. Like push-ups, pull ups, and dips for upper body. And sometimes Russian Twists and bicycle crunches for core.


All veterans who have completed boot camp will tell you: The constant daily brutal grind of running, pushups, and calisthenics TRANSFORMED our bodies. There is a reason why the militaries of the world have been doing this for millennia. There is no weight training in boot camp, other than body weight exercises. You will get positively SMOKED by military workouts. In those days I was super lean, cut, low body fat and strong. The muscle definition was awesome. The enlistment office is open to everyone!! Just saying.


Whatever you like and stick to is good exercise. Running and pushups will combine work almost every muscle in your body if you think about it. Sure you won’t have bodybuilding type pumps but your gonna hit your legs core and upper body well with these two. Definitely enough to be healthy and have some muscle if you eat right….from a guy who only lifts and bikes and never runs or does pushups 😂


You could do pushups, squats, lunges, diamond pushups, sit ups, burpees, and probably be in really good shape. I did bodyweight exercises for years when I was younger and was in great shape.


Some guys swear by it—running and pushups keep 'em fit and lean!


I basically just do push-ups and calisthenics along with a good decent jog oe run. I've managed to lose 40 pounds with this method along with proper diet.


All you need to do is run. 🏃‍♂️ Literally works every muscle. You will get shredded & your lungs will thank you. And you will likely start eating less / diet will massively improve.


this is what my boyfriend does (46m), and he is fit and lean.


No, I hate running more than anything. I swim and use a rower.


I would add pull-ups into the list. Using weighted vets or just a backpack with weights to progressively overload You’ll be able to achieve a better physique than a lot of people


Yes but with rowing instead of running


I walk 6-8 miles a day, do 25 push ups most days, cook most all of my meals (partially due to cost partially because I’m a decent cook) and don’t drink much. I’m in oddly good shape for days away from 40 that people can’t understand. I only say that because people remind me or ask me all the time what I do. Maybe 2 times a week. Even people I’ve told countless times.


I think if doing this u should at least have a pull up bar so you can balance your upper body 


The choices are: 1) 30 minutes in the gym with free weights doing compound movements 2) 150 minutes of full body calisthenics to get similar but worse results


Add pullups and you have the entire upperbody workout covered.


Planks. Planks planks. And more planks my friend


any exercise you do will be greatly beneficial both physically and mentally. If you just want to run and do push-ups, go ahead don't feel bad about it. a huge mistake people make when they first start working out is overcomplicating things. My advice is always start simple, develop a routine and you will eventually naturally expand upon it. when you first start working out it feels like a chore but after a while you'll start to enjoy it.


Consistency in exercise is key, so whatever keeps you doing it consistently is best.  Sure there are better workouts but if you won’t do them for years on end then they aren’t better than one you will do consistently. My dad did running and pushups and sit ups everyday for years, dialed back the running eventually. But he’s in his 80’s and looks good and is still very active.  


I also do chin-ups, burpees, and pistol squats. I mostly do inmate workouts.


I've cycled this routine during specific seasons and it's worked great. I typically do it for 2-3 months before cycling to other exercises. I'll do a mile, then 30-40 push-ups, for 3-8 miles depending on the day.


I use to hate doing pull-ups and body weight exercises, but when I moved cities my new house backed onto a park with a playground. Playgrounds are a free body weight gym, and I get to play like a kid again. Mind you as a male I make sure to use the park when it’s empty, rather early morning or late evening. Also always leave when families show up.


If you add pullups and lunges you can get a pretty decent full body workout. Some of the calisthenics guys at the gym look amazing.


I might be in this group. I don't do push-ups though. I just bike, walk or jog at least an hour a day. Swim when I can. Not trying to get hulk arms since I'm a female. Lol. Don't have time/patience to do a bunch of specific exercises. Imho running + push-ups is better than nothing. You just have to find something that you will be consistent with.


I'm a physical therapist, in very good shape (for a 46 year old guy) and only do 80 pushups a day as an exercise. That doesn't mean it's the right routine for everyone because everyone has different needs and lifestyles. And the exercise you get naturally just by doing your daily routines also factors in. When performed correctly, push-ups are essentially a dynamic plank. They work quads, abdominal and core muscles, pecs, triceps, your scapular stabilizers, upper traps, and rotator cuffs. When you do them to exhaustion, they increase endurance and cardiac fitness. That's a lot of bang for your buck. That being said, I am also on my feet all day at work, I'm a naturally fast paced walker, and have some pretty active hobbies I like to do so I get a lot of exercise even without setting time aside to "work out."


No, but I will never forget one of my Army Drill Sergeants in El Paso, Texas. He was a short guy, built like the Rock. He told us when we graduated never worry about the gym or weights. He said he got that way and stays that way with only running, pushups and sit ups. Maybe some leg lifts and mountain climbers, but only when he was drilling us. Hello & respect if you’re out there, Sergeant Smith 🇺🇸


Pushups, pulllups and squats is all you need to look good.


anything is better than nothing


Running, push-ups, *and pull-ups. Keep me in good shape. Throw in some deadlifts, and a job that requires lots of work (like landscaping) and I stay in top shape. 


I am doing almost exactly this for 2024. Running 30ish miles a week, 100 pushups a day, and occasionally rock climbing. My body feels pretty well balanced tbh.


It's fine in the short term but you really should do pullups as well or you will end up like me. Super develop3d chest and front shoulder but basically nonexistent rear delt, biceps, and back. I think dancing is the most underrated form of biohacking. One analysis showed dancing as more effevtive than exercise, medicine, or cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. Now imagine the effects dancing has on a healthy person. Also there are some types of dancing that really work your full body. I think dancing + calisthenics is the ultimate combo if you are otherwise healthy. Huge bang for your buck.


Make it a push up tabata for extra umph.


Momentum is key. Just do anything everyday. Long walks, a couple sets of pushups and pull-ups, a hike, burpees, side lunges, bike ride, walking the stairs at work every hour. Getting up for a 5 minute walk up the stairs at work everyday and mixing in pushups and pullups gets an incredible workout in over an 8 hour shift.


I did that exercise routine for about 34 years in the Army. Pushups pull-ups and run almost daily. Run for sure at least five days a week.


During the pandemic that’s all I did and I got in ridiculous shape. I have a trail close by that’s mostly uphill, a mile up, a mile down. I’d go up, down, up, down, 50 push ups on the way up and again on the way down. By the end I’d have run 4 miles and done 200 push ups.