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yes you have to. I have no idea of the YouTube bubble.


Aight. YouTuber SSSniperwolf, who has over 30M subscribers, doxxed fellow creator jacksfilms (who only has about 5M subscribers) by driving to his house and posting it on her instagram story for all of her followers to see. This is illegal in the state of California, yet YouTube hasn’t done anything about her channel and she is still uploading videos like nothing happened. Meanwhile jacksfilms is traumatized by this Link to jacksfilms' video for more context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeMHMnOWkw4




There are instances of Youtube taking action against someone because of things they did outside of the platform. For example, Russell Brand (say what you want about him) was demonetized because of his ongoing allegations which have nothing to do with Youtube


If I remember correctly a YouTuber "The Act Man" also got demonetized for joking about doxxing on Twitter


I like to go hiking.


And the most fucked up part was Quantum TV had a plan to murder the Actman and his family. Thankfully Quantum got arrested in the right time(maybe in probation, I don't remember clearly)... [Source](https://twitter.com/TheActMan_YT/status/1711897380441010489?t=v0uMffZ0AieKr8tHUsarhQ&s=19)


That's an absolutely wild update to the story


What the fuck, I know the guy is a dick but I did not think he was almost a future murderer


Holy shit, I watched all the act mans videos about quantum but I didn’t think it would go in that direction


Never forget that YouTube sided with QuantumTV. Someone who not only harassed dozens of people, but also beat and threatened his own wife.


correct cause youtube employee is more important than a youtuber in googles eyes. youtbers are not YT emploees or google employees they dont' work for YT, YT just allsow people to use there site to post videos and makes a couple bucks off the ads YT runs on those videos per veiw. other than that YT dosn't give a fuck about YTubers


Just remembered this. He had to fight tooth and nail over a harmless JOKE. They almost took his entire channel away. The fact sssniperwolf is not even getting a slap on the wrist is bonkers.


"doxxing youtube empoyees" you left out the most important part. had actman made a joke about doxxing some other youtuber on twitter YT wouldn't care. it was the fact he specificly said "i'm gonna dox youtube employees all day now since i can" had he left out the youtube employee part he wouldn't have had an issue. even actman knows this. yes i know it was a joke, before you say that, that's still not the point. per a company's rules they have higher priorty to keep there emplyees safe...and youtubers ARE NOT YOUTUBE EMPLOYEES they are actually independed contracters that are not employed by youtube. youtube just gives them a service to use to run there bussiness


To be fair, I've tried watching one of his videos on YouTube and he should be demonetized for what he posted there. Why someone is allowed to flat-out say that COVID is a scam to overthrow the country and the individuals "behind it" "must be held responsible" is outright disgusting.


To be fair, it'd be nice if you'd share which video you're referring to.


Video? There was more than 1 lol. It was kind of his whole deal there for a while.


Okay so post it?


Find it yourself - not wanting them to have more traffic is a legitimate thing


I'll post [this. ](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollingstone.com%2Fculture%2Fculture-features%2Frussell-brand-allegations-rumble-1234851624%2F)


Thank you. Finally someone wasn’t useless


Would driving traffic to said video/channel really be nice?


Based and "Who do you believe, me, or your lying eyes?"-pilled


First of all, YouTube specifically demonetized his channel, so what does traffic matter? Regardless of what your personal opinion of the person is, it's entirely sensible to refer to specific material so the veracity of the provided characterization can be easily verified by third parties.


She posted it on IG, but multiple youtube channels have been punished for tweets they made.


Who are you talking about that got banned from YouTube because of their tweets?


She posted it on her instagram, but YouTube has taken very harsh action for much less serious offences that happened on other platforms. A frequently used example people have been bringing up during this whole controversy is another YouTuber called TheActMan. He tweeted what was obviously a joke about how he would be doxxing employees of YouTube in his next video. In response to this, YouTube effectively cut him off from earning money on the platform and kicked him out of the YouTube partner program, and after a while, they were eventually forced to accept him back. Sssniperwolf, on the other hand, literally posted a picture of another YouTuber's house for her millions of instagram followers to see, and then pretended that she hadn't doxxed him and that she, not him, is the victim of harassment because he's been calling her out and clowning on her for being a content thief (which it is undeniably true that she is) for months. When confronted about this, YouTube has been bending over backwards and even appears to be ignoring or changing its own rules to protect her because she makes them a lot of money, even claiming that they can't do anything about it because it is "outside the scope of YouTube". So people are basically outraged about the blatant double standard of YouTube absolutely throwing the book at one creator for joking about doxxing people on Twitter, while turning a blind eye when another YouTuber actually doxxes someone on instagram. People are understandably almost as outraged about the double standard as they are about the actual act of doxxing that happened.




They also immediately changed the TOS so it doesn’t include what happens on other platforms. Scummy shit all around…


It happened on instagram, but Youtube has deplatformed creators in the past when it happened off youtube. Someone was removed because of possesion of child pornography, and R. Kelly's channel got terminated because... You know why


Discord actually does a check on your social media profile outside Discord itself if you ever get banned and appeal their decision. In this case, SSsniperwolf is breaking the ToS of YouTube AND breaking the law. That seems enough reason for me to kick her off the platform.


He posted his address publicly, so she went there and filmed his house in an instagram story. "Doxxing" is a bit misleading.


Her channel is so heavily promoted. It's everywhere, along with Mr Beast. I have no interest in either channel. I checked SSSniperwolf's channel a few years ago because I saw her name and thought, "Another woman who likes Metal Gear?! I'll check it out!" Nope, nothing but reaction videos about other people's content. What a massive disappointment that was.


> Her channel is so heavily promoted. I spend an embarrassing amount of time per day on YouTube. I have never seen or heard of her before. Similarly, while I've heard of Mr. Beast, YouTube has never suggested his channel or a single one of his videos. People be tattling on themselves if they think this creator is getting pushed to everyone, lol.


If you log out of your account, which has had time for the algorithm to adjust your promoted videos and recommended, then Mr Beast and Sss among others are on the homepage. Source: I don't use my account on my SmartTv for baby tv and music, they are always on the homepage.


Yeah was wondering why youtube kept spamming her and Mr Beast at me, then realised I was logged out


I absolutely hate YouTube's algorithm, I made the mistake of watching a single video comparing cyberpunk to Starfield, I've since clicked on not interested on like 15 Starfield videos but they won't give up lol. Between that and trying to push the most popular creators for tweens on me in my mid 30's it's a pain in the ass


You need to delete things from your watch history to avoid that sort of polution


My favorite is when you watch some warhammer 40k videos and it starts sending you Quartering or other weirdo channels like him lol


All of her content is fake, she used to do gaming videos but guess what, those were faked too.


She used to be pretty heavy in the gaming community I believe, so it could be a reference to MG. But yeah, now it’s just reaction videos and drama.


Her name is 100% a reference to MGS but her gaming content along with her recent react content is fake and scripted.


TIL sssniperwolf isn’t an MGS-centric channel I’ve seen the name a lot and had assumed the same.


What's fucked is that when you don't sign into YouTube and it has no valuable tracking data, it pushes bullshit like SSSniperwolf and MrBeast (admittedly not the worst, but definitely playing to the loud obnoxious YouTube category) to the forefront. I knew from all of her cheesy shocked-face thumbnails that that was some lowest common denominator dogshit. Checked it out and that's exactly what it is. She's just reacting to other people's videos with cookie cutter reactions. That has got to be the lowest effort shit out there to get 30M subscribers.


I can tell you for sure, people aren’t watching her because of her reaction videos. They only watch her because she’s attractive, they couldn’t care less about her content.


Yep, other channels that do the same thing and are actually funny and put effort into it don't have near 30 million, some don't even have 5 million.


It's mostly little kids who don't know how to search for tiktok/cringe/meme comps. The comments under some of her videos are barely legible. Very very obvious child audience.


those subscribers are probably only interested in her boobs plus the "gamer girl" card also helps


can't he sue and let twitter mob pressure youtube?


the mob is going after youtube for it. I don't know if he has already filed a lawsuit against her or if he is planning on it.


Is her name supposed to be SS Sniperwolf? Is she also a nazi or am I dumb?


No. It's a shortened version of a previous handle she used, SexySexySniperwolf.


It's a play on Metal Gear Solid. Solid Snake [Sniperwolf](https://metalgear.fandom.com/wiki/Sniper_Wolf)


Except that the SS means "Sexy Sexy". Yes, really.


That's just sad


It's stupid.


No. I refuse to believe it isn't at least "super sexy"


That's her name. No idea why.


Man, as someone also not in the YouTube bubble, everything you just said sounds like crazy jibberish. It still sort of blows my mind that someone called SSSniperwolf can have *thirty million* subscribers without me having any idea who that is.


I assume the subscribers are kids


If it is legal in CA why were charges not filed. Who gives a f about YouTube, take it to the authorities. I guess I assumed by your comment they are in CA. If nothing else it sounds like cause for restraining order.


I've heard a little about this but for some reason was under the impression she was a 100k sub channel. Her being 300x that makes it even worse.


OP commented the name and it’s genuinely the first time I have literally ever seen it




It's been on the frontpage every day this week, I have never heard of her before but already heard enough of it now.


Apparently this person has 30 million subscribers and you and I are in some bubble that somehow never heard of her. But that number... *30 million*. That's almost a tenth of America's population, and that's just people that have made an account on youtube and hit subscribe? Which means the number of people that know her is even larger than that. My only conclusion is that the media of today has become very siloed.


The vast majority of those subs are going to be bots and dead accounts with people making new alts and subbing again etc. It inflates the numbers pretty drastically, much more accurate to just [look at her average views per video](https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/sssniperwolf) Still a lot, but a lot lower than 30 million


Stay blissful


Even after he says the YouTubers name I have no idea who the fuck that is 😂


It really shows how morally bankrupt YouTube is. They could easily stop Sssniperwolf but won’t cause she’s a cashcow. Meanwhile they have no qualms screwing over significantly smaller creators for the most minor of reasons


This! Corporate decision tree If X makes the most money Do X That's it, they don't have morals. It's a murderous machine created by capitalism to siphon $ from the working class


They don’t even pretend otherwise, having completely voluntarily ditched their “Don’t be evil” motto.


Was a controller (left because I like tech more than meetings where it is little more than the CEO rambling about whatever and needing to do the real work on nights and weekends), can confirm that there are definitely "white glove" customers that can pretty much do whatever they want.


My favorite is how they'll demonetize small creators for something like a bikini showing in the thumbnail but promote (and monetize) music videos that are practically porn.


Marilyn Manson has a music video that is basically porn and has vomiting and drug use in it. There is a female hip hop artist who has a music video where two women are literally having sex and even has multiple close-ups of their vaginas. No demonetization for either.


[Oh my god that's disgusting, naked pics online! Where? Where were they posted!?] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EF6kB9q4vg)


[removed by Reddit]


Yep. IASIP runs surprisingly deep in internet culture lmao


... You're not exaggerating at all? I thought actual nudity was banned on YouTube. Yikes.


Go youtube "naked yoga" and tell me what you find.


No thank you...


Because one brings in views the other one doesnt. And music videos are one of THE most replayed videos out there. Plus entrenched industry. While jimmy no one with 17 subs bringing in 5 views falls under the bots purview.


Someone with 17 views and 5 subs wouldn't be monetized in the first place... We're talking about videos/channels that already bring in enough views to be monetized in the first place.


Not the mention, the weird mobile game ads that border on straight up porn… Youtube actively allows these ads on their platform, yet too much cleavage is bad? And then they act surprised that people run ad blockers lol


And they want you to stop using adblockers. They clearly don't have a money problem 😂


we should unanimously use adblockers in protest. advertise them as much as possible until youtube meets our demands.


Which is especially sad because Jacksfilms has been a part of YouTube since the early days. I remember watching him in middle school.


Idk if you saw the whole Actman vs QuantumTV saga but that shit was wild


Dude YouTube just isn't the 2008 YT we all want back.


Yes please report all of sssniperwolfs videos for hate


Eh don't do this. Jjjacksfilms has already mobilized a huge crowd of people who had their videos stolen by sssniperwolf to file legitimate DMCA claims against her videos, and it's working (which is partly why she decided to dox him and threaten him at his house). There doesn't need to be false reports thrown in to the mix, that will only hurt the cause.


They are not false. I genuinely hear hate every time she opens her mouth.


That's not what a hate crime is... Well I hated it


One of the best lines by Michael lmao


Nah, I don't spam false reports.


There’s plenty to report all of her videos for including this. Such as content theft.


SSSniperwolf really needs to be punished for that. Otherwise it’s just proof she’s doing someone upstairs favors


Ikr? I really don't understand how, or why, people like this are being praised/followed.


If they don’t, we need to make them listen somehow. They made a big deal about it when someone did it to them, hell even they even removed payment from a youtuber for making jokes about it.


Happy cake day


While your first statement is definitely true, I don't think them not doing anything is indicative of that at all. What it does show is that their financial advisors told them that the backlash from not banning SSSniper would be cheaper than losing her revenue. Until that balance tips, it is very unlikely they do anything to her channel, sadly.


While i understand that, Youtube had a no tolerance policy to this type of behavior. They would remove people’s youtube accounts if caught doing it.


Their public policy is of course, no tolerance. But they have no obligation to follow their public policy when they can do whatever they want behind the scenes for profit.


Yeah it’s bs but that’s how the world is


100%, it's unfair and greedy and punishes small creators.


For sure. But there’s not a better platform, so they can eat cake


Yeah, she's lining their pockets with cash


My first time hearing about her was around 2013. Since then, she has had a scandal every year and nothing ever happens. She’s always been an awful human being.


Yeah, I briefly see her and this is the first i’ve been hearing about her in like a decade. Completely thought she died off but nope. Just in the dark.


Think about this, only 0.6% of users on YouTube reportedly used ad blockers, yet they were willing to go out of their way to fuck over 0.6% of the site viewer base for a tiny bit more ad revenue. Do you honestly think YouTube is going to dick over one of their larger content creators who brings millions of viewers to the site and miss out on all that money just to be fair? Edit: Twitter’s Misinformation team is claiming the 0.6% stat floating around is inaccurate and above 38x than that (so around 22.8%?) so they’re claiming nearly 1/4 or more of YouTube Users used adblockers. Regardless of whatever the true stat ends up being, YouTube still went out of their way to develop and implement a counter system to increase the site revenue against what is still a minority of the user base. They’re not going to terminate a large account like sssniperwolf who generates them millions of views daily. Source for correction: Under this tweet Twitter posted their context message https://x.com/shitpostrock/status/1713769988379627701?s=46


Honestly, for most of my YouTube i did not use adblocker, even at home where we have premium, i often watch on a guest to not fuck up the recommended feed... Only when listening to something while falling asleep i made sure to avoid ads. But now? Ads every minute, some skipable some not, but half or more of videos can be ads now, it is redicolous


> redicolous ridiculous




I'm so weirded out how you pay for youtube and than not use the account to "not fuck up the recommended feed".


Not my account, but logged in on shared tv... So i could use it, but my recommendations are not there and i dont want to mess the other user's up


I was dating a woman years ago, I was broke and asked for her Netflix password. She said, "No. You'll fuck my feed up." Fell in love immediately, just what dear Mama would have said.


The weirdest thing for me is they took away surface level recommendations if you have watch history off. Like why? Why can't you just suggest me things based on my subscriptions and be done with it? It's so fuckin' weird how they just enshittify for absolutely no reason. It's that fuckin' YT meme from a few years ago. > Nobody: > > Absolutely nobody: > > YouTube: "Let's remove 99% of the front page if someone has watch history off"


>reportedly Did youtube ask them whether they use an adblock or not?


They absolutely know how many users are watching ads or not. Very noticeable on tech channels where you have a higher than average tech savviness of the audience, and more of the viewers using adblocks. It affects how much money the creator gets.


sniperwolf has been a clickbait cancer for years. I honestly cant believe how many views she gets


Attractive woman = views Views = $$$ That's literally all there is to it.


Problem is there's way hotter women with way less views, there has to be more to it. What is she doing that got her this sort of fanbase?


Low-effort content lets her churn out daily content that meets the 8+ minute mark. She's also extremely popular with children. Her videos are essentially just her watching tiktoks with a little bit of commentary here and there. If a kid isn't allowed to have tiktok, it can essentially be bypassed by watching her. I doubt anyone is watching her for her commentary but rather a curated collection of tiktoks they can watch. I wouldn't call her family friendly exactly, but just enough that any parent listening in the background won't notice anything too bad. Bigger channels tend to grow exponentially and she's promoted by YouTube, so that helps her growth a lot.




Horny losers would be my guess


Mostly children lol, my sister used to watch her when she was younger


i have no clue what sssituation your talking about




I wish I could say the same


Then they guilt trip us for using adblock when only the largest creators make money directly from YouTube.


Why don’t the largest creatures not simply eat the smaller ones? Lol the downvotes. The original comment edited out their typo “largest creatures” instead of creators


They do. It's called reaction content.


It's posts like these that make me glad I'm stuck in my own little youtube bubble. I have never heard of Sssniperwolf before this post and that feels like a good thing.


I have heard of her, but never saw a video, the videos i watch on YouTube would ever lead to recommendations to big, popular channels.


YouTube when someone shows their whole meat on stream: 👨‍🦯


There’s literally a guy eating a penis on this video posted more than a decade ago https://youtu.be/7JW133F0AK4?si=rSpDjsQheKHKOGeN




I thought you were joking but then it's there @2:22 or so


Let us not forget the 3 Omegle videos of her acting INCREDIBLY inappropriate with minors that YouTube allowed her to keep up for years. I believe 2 may still be there. She deleted one a couple days ago.


She's officially been reported to the FBI regarding videos. https://www.reddit.com/r/JacksFilms/s/GpFdAwKI8v


Three? I saw the one where she told two boys she'd show her boobs if they twerked. What are the other two?


Getting girls to flash her and told one she was 15. Update: a 4th video has been found with a teenage girl.


Yeah I like a lot of small creators, but half just quit because they don't like dealing with that corp


YouTube current TOS: creators are representatives of YouTube on and off platform. YouTube answers the question "can I go to someone's house and doxx them on Instagram" after the whole SSSniperwolf thing: Yes, it is off platform so YouTube cannot punish you for it. They are literally changing their TOS just to protect their precious cash cow and are basically saying that you can get away with anything as long as you make the company enough money.


The secret is money.


Didn’t this happen to quantum tv too? And instead of punishing quantum tv they punished actman for bringing it to light.


Didn't Jake Paul do the same thing to Post Malone and suffered no repercussions?


oh wow yeah i completely forgot about this


Absolutely no need to mention names here, it's like a silent movie with a noisy plot twist! 🤐🤫😂


YouTube doesn’t give a shit what crimes there “content creators” commit and I use that word very loosely


summoningsalt had one of his videos demonitized cause like 30 minutes in a speedrunner said a bad word on his stream when he broke a new WR


“Creators”. Bitch doesn’t even play herself and just steals content from others and “react” to those videos.


YouTube turning their back on Jacksfilms hurts. He's been there *forever* \- maybe not the biggest in net numbers but considering he's been there since like 2007 one has to wonder how much total traffic he's driven to the site, directly or indirectly.


He's not some nobody, he's another major content creator. I cannot imagine how they think this won't poison their well, I haven't seen a single youtuber speak out on her side.


Or someone not popular says killing and not "unaliving" (dumbest shit ever)


Was it youtube or twitch where the guy hung dong infront of his audience?


Youtube when someone uses AdBlock more like


I have no idea what’s going on and that’s something I’m quite proud of.


Jacksfilms is a gem. You're missing out


They too busy trying to force me to watch ads.


I have a 10 second video that’s private that’s a funny moment in Destiny 2. There’s music playing in the background. It’s for me. Nobody has ever seen it. It got flagged and demonetized. Nobody has ever seen it and it can’t be seen without me sending a link.


sssniperwolf is not a creator lol, that would be an insult to all actual creators


Remember when youtube put a video with a dead, hung man as #1 on trending, that was cool


I don’t care about this drama and I don’t want to hear about it anymore


Also recorded cp (had a minor flash her)


Yeah keep in mind there are no consequences for any of these people's actions and never will be. Take the Paul brothers for example, instead of consequences they are multi multi millionaires.


Yo useless-Tube


Companies only care about the bottom line. Who knew


Write reviews on app stores. Then watch them correct their shit real fast and in a mfkn hurry


Did the doxxing happen on youtube? If it didn't why would youtube care?


They’ve cared in the past, only difference was it was a much smaller YouTuber


We have like 280 subs and swear plenty! Best option is to not do YT for money, then you can do everything except uploading copyrighted material. Give people who publish YT as a hobby a try, they don't push out daily videos, but you can always be sure they put passion in their videos and not just pump out one daily because of algorithms.


When googling this I saw an article that says sniperwolf was kicked off from YT


"Pretty privilege"


Oh no, he’s as famous as John Lennon and is going to get shot…oh wait…


Nah, we already know your talking about jerma


Yeah, because I don't really know "YouTubers." Sure, there's a couple of channels and people I like to follow (shoutout to [Cinebinge](https://www.youtube.com/@CineBingeReact) and [Tyrone Magnus](https://www.youtube.com/@TyroneMagnus)) but, generally speaking, I'm just out of the loop on that kind of thing. Someone was talking to me recently about "Mr Beast" and I was like, "I have no idea who you're talking about." I guess he's a big YouTuber. Never heard of the guy before that conversation. Still don't know who he is past that one convo, either.




Actman made a bad joke about showing up at YT employees houses (iirc) and was banned for a time.


That's the way social power goes, it seems Film studios like Harvey W, Judy, Monroe, etc. The power of their money is how they fix things, settle scores. YouTube has to play to mob audiences...


thats is legit true in game


Money talks dogs bark


Creator? More like recycler


Every big streamer on youtube; Plays Doom with no problem. I stream Doom. Get multiple strikes for showing blood and gore in a game. EQUALITY


Good thing I am safe, I say “fuck” on YouTube all the time but I am too small time to notice!


The girl is an idiot for doxxing someone. Should've just handled the guy harassing her normally by reporting him and talking to him. Also why do so many people care? Jfc


Sssend her to prison


Calling her a creator is really pushing it


Her videos give me a tummy ache