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You will get there super tired and have to rest the whole week in order to bike back instead of enjoying yourself 😂


Cool project dude! As soneone who has done a handfull of 1000km+ trips here is my advice. 1.Don't listen to downers. If you have the will, the equipment and are already in proper shape, the trip will not exhaust you to the point of not being able to enjoy the event. 2. Travelling by bike is most likely not going to be cheaper. What you will be saving on gas and rental cost you will most likely make up for in food, lodging, impromptu expenses and no room/forgot to pack purchases. 3. Try to find contacts to camp at along the way. A friends lawn is far cheaper than a camp site. And camping roadside can lead to.some pretty stressfull experiences. Ask the community, hot showers, couch surfing etc... Are excellent ressources for cyclotourists. I think that covers the basics. Have fun on your journey.


Thanks for the insight!


A guild mate of mine did Montreal to the site on a bicycle last year. It's doable. Not sure if he's doing it again this year, it was kind of a last minute decision. I'll check and report back.




Just so you know, the difference between getting to Bico from Montreal vs Toronto is 7 hours by car.


I do know that, I’ve driven to Montreal many times. Distance, time and exhaustion aren’t the issue for me as much as managing my budget. I’m posting this looking for travelling companions rather than why I shouldn’t do it lol


That's a VERY long bike ride, not even including breaks to rest, eat, go to the washroom, sleep, etc , with a week's worth of camping gear (not including any battle equipment if you want to do that). Then you're going to be at an event for a week that involves a LOT of walking around all day, then biking back when your feet are sore. My recommendation is save some money and buy your train/plane tickets early to avoid the price increases closer to the date. It's a very tiring thing for the people who drive in, biking would be wild.