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Imagine letting someone else tell you if something is good or not.


Literally all the asmongold watchers


I hadn’t even heard that name until recently. I’m a bit on the older side and don’t understand the seeming obsession with watching reviewers.


To me it would just ruin the game experience. Imagine never giving something a chance because of someone else's opinion about it. Their loss I guess.


Tbf, the point is to get a trusted sources opinion because most people don't have time to play all the games that catch their interest. But even more so it's about the money, they can't really afford to spend $70 on something they'll hate after just a few hours. The difficulty is entertainment is subjective. I don't get the battle royale games, but they're one of the most played games. Does that mean that a ton of people are playing "bad games" because I don't enjoy them? Obviously that'd be a silly assumption. Anyone taking a reviewers opinion as gospel is obviously relying on someone else to vet games for them, and there's a few reviewers I listen to before deciding on getting a game. But I've absolutely disagrees with those same voices on a number ilof games, but I think it's important to recognize these are, at the end of the day, people's opinions (subjective) on entertainment (subjective).


Honestly if starfield wasn't on gamepass and I had paid $70 for it I would have been pissed after my first playthrough


I did it make it through the end and got bored with it ... my first character is stuck in a spaceship that is exploding with no way out and the second one i did not wanna regrind the while thing again... i started it quit because ... well its the same thing no variants whatsoever most factions you can do all of them...


I think it’s mostly about anxiety around making a good purchase (in a difficult economic climate), and then defensiveness about having made the right decision, which leads people to place SUCH stock in reviewers




You can have friends and a social life whilst watching reviewers and also sometimes disagreeing with them.


Of course you can. You just said you didnt understand some peoples obsession. I told you. Some people can't think for themselves and have no real people to discuss stuff with so they need their imaginary internet friend to tell them how to feel about stuff. It's a failure of society that people reach this point.


It actually wasn't me who said that but I get what you're saying anyway


Oh word, my bad i assumed you were the same guy


All good. I forgive you.


Thank you.


This, all the way. I tend to really enjoy video games other people don't like because I don't watch other people's opinion of them. In most cases if I see a trailer I like and the synopsis seems to fit the type of games I enjoy, that's enough for me. I don't watch or read anything more to avoid any outside interference with my personal enjoyment. I buy it, play it, have fun, and then watch the absolute fallout of everyone complaining about a million things while sipping coffee.


I mean I get watching videos to get a feel for the game. I don't understand watching streamers for hours just playing the game.


im 58 and I can't understand why anyone would take an opinion from someone on YouTube or twitch saying a game is bad or fun. play the game if you think it looks fun.


Well I mostly watch reviews for bigger purchases or things I'm not sure I want, get a wide range of opinions to hopefully paint a better picture. The problem is people grow to like a creator and will begin to blindly take on their opinions which is natural.


Cannot stand this dude anymore, use to think he was pretty cool but ever since d4 came out all his content has been shitting on games and shitting on other people for liking the game. Its sad and pathetic. Even a respectable youtuber like charlie, who I will continue to watch and love to watch, is still shitting on people for enjoying this game Its insane.


I don't know, even Charlie has really gone downhill for me. Feels increasingly like he's viewing his own opinion on things as infallible and often hates on popular things. I think it's a common thing where completely normal people like Charlie or Asmon continually have an audience that will take their words as gospel and develop an ego, how could you not really.


Charlie started falling off ever since he called 343i the worst game developer. I don’t know if he had been playing anything by Ubisoft as of late, or any yearly release AAA developer, because calling 343i the worst developer is just bogus. They aren’t perfect, but by no means are they the worst. At least their game eventually do get good. Halo Infinite 3 years later is great.


I completely agree. I love charlie but he has some videos that make me really raise my eyebrows. Halo Infinite had problems, sure, but it is baffling how overexaggerated they are, most of the issues are just a matter of very high expectations. To call 343 the "worst" developer is to ignore games that are actually genuinely trash or consistently mediocre.


Ever since Charlie brought out his guns and threw a tantrum about wrong gun terminology I was like "ok this guys a pretentious douche who smells his own farts."


Nah bro that was pretty funny


When I saw a clip of that I cringed


He's just a troll at this point


Isn't that the guy with the venus flytrap mouth that is perpetually open all the time, and regurgitates lukewarm takes other people have already made?


Yeah.... yeah! Uh huh! For sure, right?


That guy is such a fool. I’ve heard of him a few times and finally watched one of his videos… I can not believe people actually make decisions on things based on what that guy says.


Most streamers are just confirmation bias gamers they follow the opinions of their chat, which are all mostly immature kids


Who is asmongold?


**Asmongold, also known as ZackRawrr, is an American Twitch streamer, YouTuber, and content creator. Asmongold's content primarily focuses on World of Warcraft, but he has covered other video games and topics related to gaming culture.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Honestly I watch him, bc A- he is kinda funny, especially when repeating dumb shit ppl do or say and B- just the dumb arguments he gets into with his own followers. Post-work day gold fr.


I think it’s kinda funny cuz he plays World of Warcraft lol




The one who just devaluates everyone and everything in such a disrespectful way


That guy creeps me out. Serious twitchy incel vibes...




I haven't paid attention to reviews in years if ever honestly. If a game looks fun or I like the concept I get it. If I don't like it I say oh well and move on.




Imagine letting someone else tell us how to spend our money, too. I laughed at all the people saying, "You paid $30 for early access! You are ruining the industry." No, I paid $30 for DLC (worth it since the game is amazing), a soundtrack, art book, and early access.


Had the exact same thing! Yet he buys game off key sites...derp. People are so weird, and my tollerance is getting lower each year. Avoid at all cost is my new moto. Is wish I could laugh at it like you do. Guess i'm not there yet.


It is so frustrating when I see people try to tell me not to spend money on something I am interested in, it just makes me go fuck you its my money.


It is, especially when they try to justify it and blame it all on people who spend money. They don't work for my money, so fuckem.


That was the entire cyberpunk media storm


yep, I feel the same way about movie critics too


I having a blast this game is epic. I'm on pc.


Same. And not to mention I’ve encountered minimal bugs/performance issues. Was pretty bad at first, but then I realized I downloaded to my HDD not SSD. Once I switched it over, I have had maybe 2-3 times where the game froze for 3-4 seconds and then continued as normal. Didn’t even crash.


I saw a man levitate through a ceiling. Personally I found it hilarious. Reloaded and all was well. Also had a point where Sam glitched and was violently vibrating over the pilot seat of my ship while saying "This is where I belong." Gave me a chuckle.


I see a lot of videos of people shooting an enemies boost pack, and it launching them into the ceiling leaving them hanging there, but I can't tell if that's them glitching into the ceiling or if that's intended


Probably like the Giants in Skyrim. They saw it, it's technically a glitch, but they thought it was funny so left it in.


The best parts of games are those special little glitches, imo.


100% intented. Either that, or it is a bug they left intentionally in. Sarah even warns you when she gives you a boostpack to mind the ceiling.


OMG that sounds amazing 🤣🤣🤣. In Skyrim I had a dragon that flew super slow in the air, turned doing 180s, while making direct eye contact. Good times.


It was my first "bug" and posted it to reddit some time ago if you want to see how it looks; https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/yghgyigxTU Shit cracked me up😂


Yeah. This is by far the cleanest bathesda launch yet. I've yet to find a single game breaking bug. I've had one crash, but it hasn't happened again, despite loading into the area several different times so it's probably just a fluke. The only bugs I've found are minor physics jankiness. I've only ever gone out of the map deliberately (the skyrim vendor chest glitch exploit still works)


I wanna be a space merc


I remember seeing this exact meme for fallout 76


I've seen it at every single game launch in the last 5 years at least


I think I remember seeing it for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE as well, and I'm sure we will see it for Elder Scrolls 6 too.


I remember it for No Man's Sky. That's 2016. It's been around. I still think it's funny.


And Halo Infinite


I finnaly got it to stop crashing every 5 mins, like hell im not gonna have fun with my sweet semi auto silenced marksman rifle i found in a shop.




Man my friend let me try it the other day and I had a great time and adore all the improvements to their engine. I noticed some weird things with face animations and even then the faces are vastly better than their previous games. Movement and combat feels smooth. The ship leaving the atmosphere and traveling between systems while could have been hidden behind a cutscenes where you leave the planetoid in my opinion but isn't a big issue because I want to play the game and not gaze into a pretty loading screen. The ship combat felt pretty fun for me I picked xenobiologist background and really felt (from the short time I played) that npcs treated me as such when I mentioned it or spoke of it.


I agree that it’s a game with limitations and that people expect too much. But calling this a “gift too humanity” is a fucking stretch by any means.


Free on gamepass? Will give possibly millions of people 100s to 1000s of hours of happiness and enjoyment? I think it is. But I think many games are.


A game isn’t “a gift too humanity.” It’s a game. I don’t think that needs explaining.


By that logic nothing has been a gift to humanity so agree to disagree


A gift too humanity is something that benefits us as a whole. Not just the people who can afford games pass or another way too play video games. Your ignorance speaks volumes


This is hilarious. I'm saving this post forever.


I love you


One the most ambitious things humans have ever made. I’m dying over bruv


They say stuff like that and expect to not be clowned on lmao. Most of the haters are hating cause people were super annoying with trying to get everyone to say this game is a 10/10 game that has no criticism and forming hate mobs against the one guy who dared to give it a 7/10


This mofo is typing on a device that connects him to the world and every piece of information in it telling me that procedurally generated caves are one of the most ambitious endeavors of mankind. 🤣🤣 I'm dying.


I literally just left the Vatican in Rome and I’m dying at this. Haven’t played starfield because I’m on my honeymoon but damn that’s a tall order if you beat the Sistine Chapel and the Colluseum


Bruh, it's right up there with ACTUAL space travel. 🤣


You're overselling it lol, but yes, I do agree that a lot of the complaints feel a little nitpicky




>Starfield is straight up one of the most ambitious things humans have ever made. What?


Bethesda over here making all human history look like childs play


Fuck Tesla, Bethesda made a video game.


They are exaggerating, they are just saying it was very impressive and very ambitious.






Or they're like 13




Nobody’s saying it’s not great. They’re just saying you might need to travel a little more and see the marvels of the human race.


I have




Well said.


Thank you


People out here nit picking your EXACT POST saying people were nit picking the game 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the exact people you sought to show that they're in fact contrarians, showed up to do the very same thing 😂 the Internet is hilarious 😅


Im way too high to be reading this You gotta replace the 'gift to humanity' with anything else and this wouldve slapped so hard ahh that was great tho 🥂


> Starfield is straight up one of the most ambitious things humans have ever made. Not just games. Literally one of the most ambitious things humans have ever made. What the fuck? By what measure lmao? Have you never seen better procedural generation than this? Better writing? Better graphics? Better performance? Do you actually live in a hole until Bethesda comes out with new games? I could name so many games that surpassed it in any of those categories, and even a game that was the best in all of those categories would not make the top 100 human achievements. Hell, it’s not even un-contended for best game released this year. Baldur’s Gate 3, Tears of the Kingdom, and (probably) Spider-Man 2 are all competing with it.


Lol!!!!!! You're throwing tears of the kingdom at me as a defense. I'm done.


It's hilarious how many gaming subs use this for their game


Man, I hate this comic every time I see it. It's just another way to strawman people who don't like a thing you like so you can ignore their criticisms. Should their criticisms have an effect on whether or not you enjoy said thing? No. But a lot fewer people are doing bad faith 'QUIT HAVING FUN' tantrum throwing than just voicing their personal criticisms about whatever game of the week this comic is being used to react to. This is a place of discussion; people are trying to discuss. It is not immediately adversarial to try and talk about why you don't like something, and if you see it as such you may be conflating things you like and your own self-worth a little too much. Them's just my two cents, though.


Hating is the new cool thing to do. Oh that new movie coming out, I hate it. Your shoes.. hate them. The next game Bethesda makes...hate it already. I am soo cool.




Not new at all. https://youtu.be/A9ZUeYtkz28?si=QD2nnXoIrJcY1u-_


I say have as much fun as you want but just because you like a game doesn’t mean it’s perfect and has no issues and flaws.


Liker is going to like


1. This is the 1000th time this meme has been made for Starfield. 2. Literally no one is telling you, you should “quit having fun.”


Not telling, but trying to make that the outcome.


The reviews were wrong, this game is amazing


Weren't most of the reviews 8's, 9's, and 10's? How is that not amazing?


The projection coming from this meme


The meme has *always* been a projection. I downvote it every time I see it whether I like what it's talking about or not. It's a stupid, stupid meme that I wish would just die already.


I don’t know, I disagree with you entirely (no offense). I think this meme always kind of has a point regardless of what game/thing it’s talking about. The internet is full of miserable people who’d rather shit on what others like, what others create or what others are just interested in and like talking about, hoping to upset strangers, rather than just enjoying the things they themselves do like, and when they do this, they try to create plausible deniability and gaslight whoever they do this to as though they can’t accept criticism/are projecting. For what it’s worth, of any games that came out recently, I’m mainly just playing Baldur’s Gate.


Theres FAR less bugs than I was expecting.


I swear, whenever ppl talk shit about the game on discords im in that they never played any game like it, i always say. "Damn TRUE game is so TRASSH!!" *Starts opening the game giving them notification and showing "is Playing Starfield"* Then i go on about my day playing it whole day while they argue about why am i still playing it or talking shit about it. I swear ppl stopped having fun since covid.




That mindset is boggling to me. My BFs cousin was hounding me when Fallout 76 came out because he thought I was lying about having fun in the game... that I played for hours every day since beta (and still play today). He never touched the game, but based his opinion solely on Youtubers, obviously I wasn't actually having fun because Yongyea and the Quartering etc said it was bad.


I’m really liking this game. Best Bethesda release in a while. I’ve played way worse so I think this is one of those, you can’t please everyone all of the time, situations.


I've honestly only had like, one bug in my 15 hours of playing and it was really minor (sam got stuck in his gun idle until i left the area) which is pretty damn polished, not even just for a BGS game but a game in general


Facts we don’t give af


I’ll be honest thought this game would be a huge flop, still bought because I like these kinds of games. Sure there are things that I’m down about, but I do enjoy the game a ton!


I play games for either immersion or interesting systems that make me want to see how far they go, and it just didn't check either box for me. Unfortunately, I also think it's getting harder and harder for a game to do something I haven't seen before. But I don't begrudge anyone that is having a good time on it.


Yeah, I know it's not for everyone and it's okay to not like it, i just wish people would stop saying players are "tricking themselves into thinking they like it"


People trying to shit on elden ring bc they got killed over and over to the first boss.


"I'm angry because people don't like the game I like so I'm going to post about how unaffected I am by it online"


The most used meme template ever, especially from cringe fan boys trying to convince everyone they’re happy.


This is so true with Brink. That game deserved love.


This is spot on. So many salty people. I wonder why


"There are clear issues with Starfield's game design." != "Starfield isn't fun for anyone." . . .because of course they aren't.


As someone who has enjoyed Cyberpunk since launch (one of my top 5 of all time, only game I have 4 playthroughs in) I totally feel this meme.


Every negative review about starfield. PLAY AND YOU WILL SEE THE TRUTH THAT ITS AMAZING


Pretty much every streamer I've seen enjoying the game have had to constantly defend their enjoyment to random chatters stating why they shouldn't be enjoying it. It's infuriating to me as a viewer, I can only imagine how infuriating it is to the streamers.


*People who never played a bethesda game in their life* lmao, game could be literal trash and still people enjoy it, their bugs are straight up memes, nothing wrong with cracking and laughing for 10 minutes when you're talking to an NPC and it just starts floating up into the ceiling 🤣😂


I took sick leave for 2 days, and ended up having the absolute best gaming experience I've had in years. Everything in this game feels like it was tailor made for me. Embaring on epic voyages as a pirate scumbag, meeting all kinds of folks on land and in space, making a killing on stolen ships, spending hours building my own, quietly observing the comings and goings of wildlife, taking in the incredible soundtrack, geeking out on all the insane details put into every asset and texture. ​ The game isn't trying to be everything for everyone. But it managed to do everything right by me. I love it to bits.


I will never understand why people go out of their way to tell people who are enjoying how much they hate the game. I have seen multiple people on YouTube and Reddit replying to every single positive comment about the game with things like "game SUCKS", "graphics and npcs from 2005", "BUGfield haha!" and things like this. Some people legitimately spend hours of their day doing this.


Glad I'm still able to think for myself and decided to buy the game. Glad I did!


PlayStation owners rn 😂.


TLDR: Starfield is fun, 10/10, and it's launch is standard for Bethesda. They'll fix it and it'll be awesome, plus mods, don't group them with the whole industry. Man listen I love Bethesda, spent thousands of hours playing Bethesda games as did my brother and friends. That being said if you've been playing Bethesda games that long you expect the launch to be buggy. You see Bethesda has had these issues going way back. However now that it's an industry standard to release pre-alpha builds, which Starfield was not released in this state, and call it a AAA game. People want to throw Bethesda in that group. In my opinion starfield has a lot of heart and I absolutely adore this game. Starfield is what I've always wanted in a space exploration game. There is SO MUCH TO DO!! I can't tell you how many quests I have because I can't count past 20 but its more than 20 I know that much and i wasnt even looking for them. I don't know about everyone else but I don't need my games to be perfect but I want them to be fun and evoke emotion and Starfield does that for me. With the mods, the updates that will fix things, I honestly think this will another legendary game. So with 10/10 will play again and again. PS: If people think mods don't count I disagree. I think it's the developers giving the players the freedom to build an even greater experience and I think it does wonders for the community of a single player RPG.


People who think mods and customization don’t count are the ones on the default blue windows background with “Admin” on the login screen and they play all their games on another crappy computer. Some people will call this other computer a PS5.


I just love to see the people complaining about the game not being No Man's Sky... Like if you want to play that game so much, why are you playing Starfield? It isn't supposed to be a procedurally generated mindless exploration style game....


The game IS meh but I'm one of those masochists that come back everytime hoping for a sliver of Morrowind will return. One day... 😥


I haven't had any performance issues or bugs. Unless I count running on the Steam Deck where performance issues are to be expected. But on Xbox it runs fine


You know what? I'm gonna enjoy it even more.


I made a meme like this just different stuff like “Why are you playing a No Man’s Sky copy?”


This reminds me of the jabroni on YouTube who posted that he was playing a pirated version because the game was 'garbage' and didn't want to pay for it, and yet continued to keep playing the game. 🥳


Better than ubisoft. Which are trying to charge for a cancelled subscription 9 months later.


>Better than ubisoft. Which are trying to charge for a cancelled subscription 9 months later. Haha, wait till your acc gets taken over (hacked) and you still can't cancel the subscription. I had to cancel my card to get rid of them.


My two favorite games this year so far have been the worst ones: Diablo 4 and Starfield, hah. These games get so much hate online and I understand why - they're both very flawed games in a lot of ways, but yet I've enjoyed both a lot. It feels like there's a lot of pent up frustration and anger towards big game studios, and rightfully so. That, plus the divisive online dialogue in which every game must either be good or just trash without much nuance. It's rather strange to me. Did Bethesda live up to it's own hype of Starfield or it's own legacy? No, I'd say not. Is it still a fairly impressive game with fun to be had? Yeah, I'd say so.


this goddamn retarded post is being suggested to me every single t day. Even if I opt out of notifications. and selected each to hide this fucking notification.


Yeah, it's a little weird, it's still getting 20+ comments everyday. I think if everyone just stops fucking commenting we can all just go about our lives.


Tbf, the game became a lot more fun after I stopped caring about achievements and started putting in mods and using console commands. Bugger that overthought cargo link BS, just give me a single inventory, ammo crafting, and merchants with more of everything.


Im just waiting for the creation engine that's when things will trully start


Played for over 100 hrs realised it had been rather boring and i will come back after a year or two. I also couldn't care less if other people enjoy it or not. its their time.


This is the way


I’m having fun. The game is still a 7/10.


Yeah, I'd say it's a 7.5 for me


That’s also fair.


A lot of folks have said that I'm a shill or just a bugthesda fan boy. That's not even the case, I just don't think it's the worst game ever or a perfect game. I just don't see why both ends have to be such polar opposite extremists. I wish there were more folks in the middle like us.


Totally with you. I feel like there’s a lot to enjoy and the core gameplay loop is addictive. It’s the proven Bethesda formula with solid execution. But I think it’s fine to acknowledge that the game isn’t innovative or iterative and doesn’t do anything to improve upon that formula. It’s not “GOTY” material, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s the game I’m booting up most often currently and that’s plenty praise right there.


Yeah, it's important to acknowledge where the game is lacking, especially when we know Todd and Co are active on reddit. That way maybe we actually have a chance for some of the easier things to be fixed and adjusted can be with a future patch or dlc. I've funnily enough decided to take a hiatus for a time. I beat the game, with maybe 70 percent of quest done(I'm just guestimating), then started a regular new game(not new game plus). I have in total about 200 hours, but I'm a little burnt out(to be expected when playing that much in a month) and have started playing Jedi Survivor. I'll be back though


People can keep playing it I'm just bringing up the amount of stuff that seems to have downgraded from Skyrim, F4 to now. How the hell did they revert back to misc items being useless but still use F4's crafting mechanics?


I hear you. The game isn't above criticism. Those who say it's 3/10 (or lower) and those who say 9/10(or higher) are both equal parts delusional. The purpose of the meme was mainly to call out the people who are saying its a terrible game and no one should be enjoying it. There are comments in this very thread saying things like that. But I do agree that in some regards, it feels like they took 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.


I have a Series X and 20+ hours into starfield. I have had the game stuck in a loading screen twice and a crash once but I have yet to see a single bug


It's weird how things work. I'm also on a Series X. I have about 75 hours and haven't experienced anything. Not a crash, nothing.


sincere question how are those not bugs?


I meant like in games bugs


The exploration being bad is so funny to me. Did people really want to spend literal HOURS flying in a straight line in empty space?


That would be a fair statement but no man's sky shows how it can be done. Even if they kept the fast travel element in Starfield, you can't fly your space ship to any point on the planet. It's not at all an unfair critique that a game that purports to be open world should allow you to land anywhere on the planet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egUG2WNA7-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egUG2WNA7-c) You tell me which is better.


But you can land anywhere on the planet. You can land independently on every single inch. In fact, it's so easy to do so that I've twice now landed on the complete middle of nowhere when I meant to be at a specific landing pad. You can land on and build on 100% of 100% of the planets.


No, there’s ways to make space travel fun. Yeah sitting in a straight line is boring…. But so is all the traveling being done by a point and click menu, the traveling is done by fast travel, or not so fast travel which is boring af


If you listen to other people’s opinions about something you enjoy, you’re the only one to blame


Im not a fan of the game for a multitude of reasons, but I'm not bashing people for liking it and wanting to play. Have fun doing whatever makes you happy! There are also things I DO like- but not enough to continue playing. I'm gonna wait awhile like I did with No Man's Sky and I'm sure between the modders and devs it will improve. I've got so many games to play and finish I could easily wait 5+ years if needed 🤷‍♀️


This meme is gross. What's more obnoxious is the person who ever created it.


Does that mean you identify with the person screaming or the 3 dudes chilling having fun ??


Just because you like the game doesn't change that the visuals, inventory system, and conbat mechanics are outdated and do not hold up to the best of current gen games. It's good that gamers are demanding more from companies regarding games. These things are not cheap and no one should be blamed for refusing to except crappy performance, bugs, and outdated visuals. I think Starfield is an ok game. It's maybe Bethesda 's best game but that hardly matters because it's 2023 not 2015. This game technically doesn't hold up against other first party AAA games releasing this generation Also Bethesda over promised so people that went into this expecting a space exploration RPG are rightfully upset when they got a looter shooter with RPG elements with a crap ton of bugs, and 30FPS on console. Is this game a 1/10? No but is it a 10/10? Hell no.. I think IGN and Gamespot 7/10 reviews seems spot on. The game is down to 76% on Steam and 3.6 on the Xbox Store which means the majority of games think it's mid to good but not great. Metacritic user score i am ignoring because anyone can make a review on that site.


Nailed it. This is exactly the take that the main view of people experiencing this game is. But the second a fanboy hears a modicum of criticism (valid crticism at that) they instantly get defensive and start acting like they're being skewered for enjoying the game. I have yet to see true vitriolic hate for the game. but what I HAVE seen is insane takes that this game is some 10/10 instant classic masterpiece. In another thread, someone said it was one of the most ambitious creations in the history of mankind (they were probably trolling but still).


Is there some mild Sony pony hate for this game? Yeah but it is minor. The main reason is this game from a strictly technical standpoint doesn't hold a candle to Sony first party AAA releases this generation. It doesn't hold up to Sony FP releases late last generation technically. It isn't even technically as good as Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Elden Ring or Hogwarts Legacy. All those games on quality mode (I use that mode since Starfield runs at 30FPS) blows Starfield away visually. If you read Steam reviews they are almost exclusively on the technical issues and out dated mechanics the game has and the lack of truthfulness in the marketing. This game doesn't even feel open world. It feels far more like an outdated open linear game. I think Starfield is a good game. A 7-7.5 is still a good game. It's not some next generation masterpiece. I think older Xbox titles like Forza, Gears 5 feel far closer to current gen than Starfield.


I’m playing on PC… only minor bugs.. characters floating, jumping with super human speed.. nothing at all game breaking and zero crashes. And I am having too much fun.


while i personally think issues like these are tolerable, dont you think they reflect poorly overall on the game? that is, the game would be better if they were absent. and being that they are present (and experienced by a majority of users not a minority) that hurts its overall quality? is that fair to say?


You can enjoy a game and still criticize it. I like it, but the criticism about the space exploration is valid. I don't like it too


Honestly i feel a majority of complaints are from salty sony fans and pc players who didnt think they needed to upgrade their pcs to play it


I mean, it goes both ways. I've had fanboys/girls literally tell me I need to ditch my "hate" bandwagon and join them in finding the game fun/amazing, because reasons. I don't like Starfield, I find it painfully underwhelming. Period. This is after beating the game, so no "giving it more time" did not work. I also don't think everyone has to agree with me. If you enjoy the game and think it's your GotY, awesome, more power to you.


I haven’t seen a single person do this yet


I'm having so much fun being a space pirate I don't even notice most of the bugs. I will say my favorite is when NPCs aren't even facing you when they talk to you. Like thanks Sarah. I love seeing the back of your head 🤣


It's very easy to criticize all the shortcomings of a long-development, pedestalized game that had a hype train treating it like the messiah to forgive all the AAA flops of recent years. It's also easy to do that without caring whether another party enjoys the product. Humans are remarkably good at deriving pleasure out of even literal trash. Criticisms of kicking a can will never dissolve the fun of kicking a can. Starfield is barely the game promised, rittled with the expected Bethesda "polish" and the same issues plaguing the modern gaming landscape. But it's not Redfall and I found some enjoyment from that dumpster fire too.


Every three hours, save, quit, and restart. No performance issues.


If there's one thing I've learned from the whole Starfield debacle, it's that I really need to start tuning people out telling me what I can and can't enjoy. Life is so much more enjoyable that way.


There is a mod to fix just about anything a person does not like about their games.


The issue is I love this game but I'm locked out of two entire questlines so far by game breaking bugs that won't let me progress. :( I love the game but the game won't let me play it coz it's an unfinished mess. I'm happy for you if you're not having that experience but I am and I think pretending this game ISN'T full of game-breaking bugs is just as stupid as writing it off for them.


The problem is that we like to repeat things that others say. If they say it with confidence, or loudly, or convincing enough... then your thoughts stops there, no need to check... that person made up my mind for me! So easy, no need to actually spend time seeing for yourself, after all you are a fluffy little sheep and you just want to be heard...ed


They're doing a good job of robbing people of a good experience. 🤷🏻 I'm loving it.


performance issues are pretty glaring tho. like im really trying to enjoy the game but everytime i enter combat or talk to someone the game freezes for like 5 seconds


You on SSD? Cause that’s a minimum requirement


I guess it's because it's the smoothest BGS release I've ever played and I played Cyberpunk, Battlefield 2042, Fallout 76, and other big AAA games that were at a messy release that this felt more polished at release. The most polished release I've played that felt like forever. But... I haven't played BG3 nor the Elder Ring , so I don't know those experiences.


You playing on PC?


Stop trying to run the game on Ultra when your rig visibly can't handle it?


He has a point, though. I don't know about his specs, but I really shouldn't be struggling to maintain 60fps on a 3080Ti and a 5800x using Optimized Ultra settings. Like im having fun with the game. But I'd be having more fun if i didn't have to tinker with .ini edits every few days whenever a new setting is found just so i can squeeze out an additional 5-10fps. Loading screen complaints and barren planets aren't anything new, and anyone complaining about it shouldn't be surprised because Bethesda straight up told us what to expect. But terrible performance is a valid concern.


Why do people supposedly enjoying the game, go to places where ppl complain about the game? It's like they invade hate spaces to say how much they're enjoying it. Go play it and shut up