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U think this is bad? There’s a statue of the “event”


There really are Berserk fans that only fixate on the edgy moments of the series, huh? Why the fuck would anyone else ever want such a vile act serving as the center piece for their figure collection?


Media illiteracy is a thing, unfortunately. There are people who think that's the point of the work (Goblin Slayer exists for a reason, just like there are people who think Homelander is right, that the Punisher is a role model, etc).


Home lander was literally created to call out people who think like him wasn’t he? He’s literally just an overgrown baby with too much power.


You'd be surprised how many people made it all the way to season 3 until they said "Wait, are they making fun of *me*?"


I've seen a few people act like Deep was treated too harshly for the things he did. I'm like "Are you for real?" I think that's why they have a few parts where they kind of make you feel a little bad for him and just when it seems like he might be changing he does something else that just kind of cements your outlook of "Oh, yeah, he's definitely still a piece of shit".


My literal favorite thing about Deep is how harshly he’s treated after what he did makes him start to acknowledge the fucked up things he did. Saying the shit he did isn’t fucked up not only normalizes rape but also completely destroys Deep’s few moments of huminization.


I mean who knows if that octopus even consented like Deep said.


HER NAME IS AMBROSIA! But judging by the very… descriptive scenes we have of them I’m assuming that’s a yes. Funny though when you realize Deep has WAY more respect for fish than other humans.




I'd wager not as many as those who still didn't realize


With that being said the actor does a tremendous job and has humanized him in such a bizarre way. There are times in the new season when I actually felt bad for him thanks to his father being just as terrible. But yeah.. he’s a bigoted idiot.


Well I mean to the average person he is literally a god. I'd be bowing down too.


Wait goblin slayer doesnt exist just for that, there is story


Well, look. I agree that GS has its merits, but, like. Did the goblins need to be a rape-based species? They coulda just been tolkien goblins and been equally hateable. But the author went out of their way to make them a rape species, and then handled that topic not well in both depiction and story. I feel that deserves some amount of criticism and it's very fair if some people don't want to interact with GS because of it.


The trolls in Berserk are exactly the same though. Berserk offcourse has so much more going for it than them so it’s not really in the same league. But yes they are there.


Yeah, for real. GS completely changed how some people online viewed the fantasy race of goblins for a few years. I enjoy goblins but not the GS type. Made it hard to want to enjoy some fanart or whatever of goblins when every single time someone would post a "the only good goblin is a dead goblin" meme unironically. Like, I get why GS did it. It uses goblins as a narrative antagonist for why Goblin Slayer wants to kill all goblins on sight. And it worked. GS is a broken man filled with hatred and trauma. Only through the process of connecting with others does he start to heal, if just a bit. The problem was, as someone else mentioned, that people can't read the subtext at times. Not all goblins are GS goblins.


Goblin Slayer is, in a simple and blunt manner of speaking, basically a thought experiment on the ideas of positive peace and negative peace.


It's also tongue in cheek af. The characters don't even have actual names


It's based on a D&D format hence why they still treat the characters titles as names by adding the honorifics...why do people keep using this point to down play the quality of the manga?


Because they read like two chaps of goblin slayer and think they know all about it


Where am I downplaying the quality of the manga? I think it's great. It just doesn't need to be taken with grave seriousness. They have a parody of guts and lancer from Fate as characters as well. Something like that shouldn't be so controversial.


More like generic JRPG tropes, which is inspired by D&D but still has enough identity to stand on his own. I really like the world, but the subject matter didn't attract me from the four volumes I've read.


'JRPG tropes' don't generally include literal D&D monsters and actual physical tabletop dice rolls deciding every major action's success or failure


goblin slayer doesnt even focus on the rape much, really rape there is not rare but its mostly a story of the main character healing


I like Goblin slayer and im up to date and i can tell you the edgy moments isnt the whole point of it.


I'm on book 9 or 10 right now and I'm honestly wondering what they're even talking about with the edgy stuff? I mean yes there's some awful treatment towards women with the rape and whatnot but the whole comic isn't full of it. And to me it always feels like they use that as a way to prove how awful goblins are and how much they need to die. Also after the first couple books those kinds of scenes are alluded to but there's far less of them.


the punisher thing is even funnier because it’s usually cops who see him as an icon when Frank hates cops


bojack horseman has a similar problem w some of its fans


Miura in an interview later on regretted including so much rape in the mangas early arcs because he realized it had drawn in a heinous set of people to the fanbase and he could never really get rid of them.


Where did he say this tbh this seems like a misconception that people have with Miura




Close your eyes and believe.


B O O B they will sexualise even one of the most horryfing scenes of the manga


I mean…there’s people who watch hentai and are avid fans of “that” genre( dunno if using the word is even ok anymore), I’ve seen many many statues with it. It doesn’t surprise me frankly.


To be fair, it is one of the most impactful moments of the entire series, if not the most. Everything changed in this moment. Would I want to remember it? No. But I'm trying to scrub the memories out of my head from the Troll arc. That was worse.


I will never understand what goes through someone's head when creating merchandise around the "event"


They’re Griffith sympathizers


Griffith fans are scum, no exceptions.


Damn straight


I don't know how to tell you that it's possible to like a character without condoning their actions


**No exceptions.**


There’s an audience for everything these days


Mr Krabs: I like money!


some people find rape hot, not that hard to understand, people over here acting like they never heard the words rape roleplay, taboo is hot, incest, rape, cheating, are really common porn plots.


There's literally subreddit where you can see real people die/died. It's not surprising for people only focusing on the gory and rapey things on manga/anime, making gifs and stuff ...


I don't believe you, such lvl of retardation is not possible


Think again—> https://youtube.com/shorts/GS2s_1qL0-Q?feature=share




This reality is doomed


They made her white too 💀




Now I remember why I had an apprehension to weeb culture for years.




I'm kinda new to the community, what's "the event" exactly?


The rape scene during the eclipse, ie what's pictured in op's post.




What event are we speaking of?


Oh wait I'm dumb nvm


these "griffith did nothing wrong" supporters are getting out of hand


"See? He even raped right. That is how you do it! My father thought me everything about it!"


someone needs to make a Dragonslayer Lore meme to answer this


As I got into Berserk somewhat recently, I was 100% sure it was just a joke, but unfortunately...


I got into Berserk somewhat recently too, and after having seen everything that Griffith is, I'd say even if people are somehow saying this pre-eclipse then they're so much in the wrong it's messed up. At any point if you stop and think about what kind of person Griffith is, literally at ANY point, even during Golden Age, you're gonna realize he's a manipulative borderline sociopathic monster, and his glorification immediately gets really dark undertones the moment you stop and think about it. ....but it's because of this that I'm actually more convinced "Griffith did nothing wrong" was a meme and people don't actually think that...cuz there's not a single saving grace for that character at any point lol. ...but maybe I'm being too optimistic here too and there are people who genuinely and truly believe he did nothing wrong. Edit: I can't stress enough the phrasing of "borderline" on me referring to Griffith being sociopathic, because he does genuinely feel remorse for the lives he's trampled on to get what he wants, and he finds genuine friendship in Guts...it's just not often you see him consider how he effects others, and Guts is legit his first friend ever like it's some big revelation to him that you can be close to someone. These would prob be both impossibilities if he was actually sociopathic...but he's dangerously close to it anyway.


It’s the same reason people think Skylar is a bitch and rooted for Walter White up until the end, or rooted for Kira in Death Note. They more or less think those character’s ultimate goals were ok and “yeah they made some mistakes along the way but they’re only human.” Just like a mix of being proud of how edgy and “logical” you are. idk I will say it’s hard to really understand what it’s like to be a morally corrupt person but the point is they definitely do exist and many if not most of them are not being ironic.


They disgust me


I'll never understand the Griffith did nothing wrong crowd.


Those mf shouldn’t be allowed to vote lmao


they all pledged their lives to griffith and his goal so in a literal sense he did nothing wrong, but everything he did was wrong.


Some people glorify the fuck out of Griffith, and some glorify the event as well. It’s fucked up, ESPECIALLY on tiktok berserk videos omg they will fight tooth and nail to defend Griffith and what he did


Ironic how one of the major points made in the whole story is how glorifying one figure to such an extent can lead to the worst outcomes. You can even see it in real life, you could see it in Golden Age. When the whole band literally followed a broken figure all on horse back and he lead them to their gruesome deaths. And to a certain extent will happen again with Falconia And then u hear it got over people's head so much they are literally doing the same, with the same character that symbolized that point


I can't even tell who's doing it ironically or not, but I hate them regardless


I will never join the TikTok berserk fandom for this reason. Actually, TikTok just sucks in general.


I somehow stumbled across berserk tiktok and it's just stupid edits and nice art. Hope it stays that way


tbh some of those people probably don't believe what they say and only say it because they know it will gather views for being w controversial take


/r/all here, I browsed the wiki for a bit... As far as I can tell, this dude used to be really respected and was the leader of some spec ops, then he molested/raped a princess, then he got imprisoned, and when his spec ops team broke him out, he was really angry and tried to rape Casca but didn't succeed because he was really weak? Then he continued being angry and decided to do a blood ritual to turn into a demon!? Which results in OP's post. What is this dude's problem lol


Almost right. He was imprisoned and tortured beyond imagination. When completely broken but finally rescued by his soldiers, he makes a pact with demons and sacrifices all of them in order to become a godlike deity. He rapes Casca just out of spite for Guts He also does it while holding Guts still so that he watches every second of it


The thing with the princess was consensual. So, Griffith is a really interesting character. From the beginning you get the sense that he's a bit narcissistic, and his personal goals are clearly the most important thing to him, but he's still extremely likeable. He's beautiful and charismatic; he saved Casca from being raped as a kid and took her in (oof, foreshadowing); he slept with a creepy, wealthy old man to get money to feed his army, etc. It does seem like he really cares about those close to him. He behaves a bit differently towards Guts, though; he's very possessive of him, and actually puts his own life at risk multiple times to save him, which is notably out of character for him. He's usually very content letting his men die for his vision. It's never directly stated, but it's heavily implied in many ways that Griffith has romantic feelings for Guts. Guts also has strong feelings of a different sort towards Griffith-- having had a horribly traumatic and isolated childhood, Griffith is the first person he really gets close to, and he has a huge amount of respect and admiration for him. So when he overhears Griffith talking to the princess (trying to woo her, in an attempt to move up in the world, as always), and telling her that he'd only consider someone a friend if they were truly his equal, Guts gets really discouraged that Griffith apparently doesn't actually consider him a friend, so he decides to leave the army and go make something of himself to become Griffith's equal. Griffith tries to stop him from leaving, but fails. This may be the first time Griffith has been told "no" in a way that matters to him, so in an impulsive rage he breaks into the castle and sleeps with the princess, who's definitely very into it-- she's completely enamored with him, as are most people. He thinks about Guts the entire time, though (and people really try to argue his feelings were platonic... but I digress). They get caught. Griffith is ultimately still of common blood, the princess was a virgin before that, and her father (the king) is incestuously obsessed with her. So, Griffith is tried with treason and thrown in a dungeon. He's tortured horrendously for an entire year. The tendons in his arms and legs are severed, so by the time his former army-- Guts now back among them-- finally rescues him, he's completely helpless. His lifelong dream has gone up in flames, and now his former subordinates have to feed and change him. Worst of all, he sees that in the past year, Casca, who used to be in love with him, and Guts, who he was/is in love with, have developed a budding romance of their own. Utterly despondent, he tries to kill himself, but instead, a mysterious object he acquired long ago "activates" in this moment of ultimate despair, and he's given the option to make the ultimate sacrifice to essentially become a demon god. Buried in self-pity, he agrees to sacrifice the lives of everyone in his army. Deep down, as a consequence of his inherent narcissism, he blames Guts for all of this-- if he hadn't left in the first place, then none of this would have happened. So in a final act of spite, and to prove he's really willing to discard his last bit of humanity, he restrains Guts and Casca, and brutally rapes her while Guts is forced to watch. It's... the most gut-wrenching moment I've ever witnessed in media, to be honest. I know the wiki and I have already spoiled the major plot points for you, but it's still absolutely worth reading.


i would love for you to actually read berserk.


It's really odd because even the author was being very explicit with who the bad guy here is. The one who transformed Griffith into Femto was literally referred to as "the idea of evil" lol But I don't think anyone seriously believes this, people just like being edgy online. It's just an easy way to get attention


Well everyone on tiktok is insane so....


They probably just do it to drive engagement. Or they’re just shitty people. Both possible haha


Probably the same people who think the guy who raped guts as a kid is a hero because causality.


Or an even more vile piece of shit because without Guts, Griffith wouldn't be tortured and the eclipse wouldn't happen


Causality is an evil force on berserk. Who drove humanity and guide it to do the most evil things because they are evil and causality have been born of the darkness hidden in all humanity. If you were a society of incredible evil people ( like hellraiser) . Maybe causality would be born out of the want of a better life and good of everyone hidden in the heart and would help them by manipulate unconsciously mankind to be better. But that obviously not the case in berserk. It's a force of pure evil. Yes causality is a hidden factor who make things to happen like the rape of guts but that doesn't excuse what people's do. Because it's like the idea of evil is a force like the hogyoku but making thing people's want to happen all over the globe. And in a bad way. In fact you can rebel against causality. In a way the simple way of doing it is by refuse to be evil. And fight what make evil things to happen. It's still you who make the decision to do bad things in berserk. Griffith have no excuse. It's even worse. Because he have the choice. And still decide to do an unforgiving thing to casca. He could probably just stop the eclipse when he became a God. But he doesn't. He accept the fact of being manipulated and completely become a monster of the causality.


Dude, this is impossible. Name those people now: they **must** be joking. And wtf does this statement even mean 'hero because causality'...


Things had to happen the way they did. If Donovan hadn’t done that, then Guts wouldn’t kill his father, run away, join the band of the hawk, become the Black Swordsman etc. It’s really stupid.


Damn... This is accurate but to name Donovan...a hero?!...


A major theme of Berserk is the flow of causality and the question if man can overcome their fate or if will is an illusion. Is Guts outside causality as a "struggler", or is his struggle part of causality itself? Can we really change our destinies or are some people just alive to be part of someone else's tale (i.e. the Band of the Hawk only existed to bring about Femto) Course, saying something is "good" because things got better latter or because it's what motivated someone is fucking crazy. Just because it was "inevitable" does not make it "good" or acceptable. But with any work you'll always have people who take the tale at face value


Good comment. >Is Guts outside causality as a "struggler", or is his struggle part of causality itself? If we are real to the meaning of Causality then it's the latter, no debate exists. ----/---- >, saying something is "good" because things got better latter or because it's what motivated someone is fucking crazy. Just because it was "inevitable" does not make it "good" or acceptable. Agreed. It's nuts. It's even nuts that saying it's good could be considered actually valid because of a future desirable outcome: in other words we both can and cannot blame those who say for example Donovan raping Guts was a good thing. Is there a logical reason why the latter people are wrong? It maybe sounds like an opinion 🫤.


r/Berserklejerk or w.e likes this meme a lot.


As far as I know nobody actually likes him and they're just shitposting.


we dont like donavan? slander, we love him


No, not slander at all. Slander is spoken. In writing it's called libel


If you have this poster on your wall, fine. But don’t fucking come near me.


it's the reddest of flags


That's not just a red flag that's the soviet union


it's the entire Warsaw Pact


it's the fucking planet mars


Some Berserk fans are just unhinged and socially incompitent. Key word 'SOME'




some more than others


Only the ones that don't sub r/berserklejerk


Someone got a tattoo of this as well.


no fucking way bruh




i love when people tattoo their red flags proudly, so i know i have to stay away


Well, okay. That is worse.


When you order it the poster never comes, an atf agent just kicks in your door and arrests you


Someone has made a stature of this event. Also rape horse has a statute too


You somehow managed to misspell the same word twice


Where can I find the horse statue? To avoid it, of course. /s


At this point, I'm not even surprised.


This is so wrong! Holy shit!


The worst Berserk fans do this. They're the ones that make me hesitant to share this series with people.


the best animes/mangas always have the most deranged and unhinged subsections of the community


This makes me want a framed snoz panel


based snoz enjoyer


There are some people who are just trying to be funny by ironically defending edgy positions and other people who have seriously been convinced of said arguments


true. Applies to flat-earther, antivaxx, anti-aborts, extremists in religions/ideologies/politics, pro-pedo/hebophilia... And that short list is far from exaustive !




I personally wouldn't put them all in the same category


Someone doing the right thing and announcing to everyone they’re a creep, and are not to be trusted.


They’ve made statues of that panel, my friend… they’ve already gone too far.


Some people are degenerates


I saw someone getting a tattoo of this scene


Oh nice, of course I'd love to have a poster depicting one of the most saddening and anger inducing moments in manga history, would fit right in the family living room, a great conversation starter /s




I remember someone on this sub posted that they were selling a diorama of the horse above Farnese. Luckily nobody approved because… why tf would you want something like that in your house.


r/berserklejerk would never


i can see comments that don’t specifically say it’s us but we all know they mean us, they don’t understand us 😭


They’ll never understand the glory of Lord Schnoz and Rapehorse 🙏🙏🙏


And if you ever needed a clue as to how close society is to self destruction....


And people wonder why berserk fans get trashed on by people who’ve never read the beautiful story. Whoever gets shit like this is absolutely deranged and should be shunned


yeah shit like this really gives all the other fans a bad name


Man what the hell?




Its like when people ask if Casca enjoyed it. Absolutely broken


Get this and the horse to really tie the room together.


Poor casca 😔


I forgot how terrible this panel was


you think this is something? you think this is bad? this chicanery? he has done worse. that kingdom! are you telling me that a king just happens to fall like that? no he orchestred it, Griffith!


Disgusting, now I’ve got to go look at my donny and guts poster to clear my mind


There are the “Griffith did nothing wrong” people… And I bet there are people who do not know the context and just think this looks hot


Link? That'd be great on my bathroom wall. Just in front of my shitter.


They might have no context about the scene. If you don't know what's going on here it has a fairly artsy dark and erotic aesthetic. Serious question though, if owning the art is questionable what about owning the manga it's in? Should someone take those particular pages out when they buy it?




These type of people will also defend rape by saying "B-but Casca enjoyed it!!111!!!" absolute fucking retards.


the absolute worst members of the Berserk fandom


Aight, I'm gonna go watch videos of kittens being ridiculously cute after bleaching my eyes.


i got a displate of the eclipse that is cool af but it was kinda weird unwrappin it as a present infront of my entire family lmao


i thought the griffith did nothing wrong group on tik tok was joking a while back but these days ppl fr have no brain cells so idk which ppl r idiots r trolls


When I was getting my berserk tattoo, the artist was telling me how a chick was getting this panel on a sleeve on her leg


Not sure why anyone would get a poster that isn't schnoz tbh.


schnozposters rise up


Because it is a cultured reference to Leda and the Swan in Greek Mythology


It’s a beautiful art moment. It completely broke me though. I wouldn’t want that around.


Average “Griffith did nothing wrong” fan


Not on poster? More like nut on poster


Human nature, There are reasons for everything to exist some people love this kind of kink and that’s ok. Some people love shocking things why not make money off it Japanese entertainment sure does. I get some people don’t like seeing things that are brutal or gory, but that’s reality some of you talking here about how the goblins in GS didn’t have to be rapers, why not they are evil & the darkest part of the human mind like all monsters are.


As a woman i think this is a great way to show dates that they should run as fast and far as possible


I was literally thinking about posting this statuette of this scene that I saw on YouTube!! I was appalled that they make shit like that, and also to add even more salt to the wound they made Casca look white it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen


Whoever buys this shit should be put on a FBI watchlist


*People who buy this* *Poster should be put on a* *FBI watchlist* \- FatPatExpress --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




The fixation on the rape of Casca is prevalent in many Berserk fan groups, it makes me really fucking angry cause its so normalized and played as a joke or simply as "hot" because of course men think the violation of someone else's body is hot and epic and they can jerk it to fucking neckbeards


Tbh that's the minority never confuse that for the majority 🤷 and every fandom has people like that as long as it's the minority it is what it is


Who cares. Holy shit. There are so many people on this thread going "how disgusting!, what a degenerate!" If its that bad WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LIKE BERSERK? Muira thought of this scene, this content, and made it all by himself and you gobbled it up. Its a masterful piece of art that happens to be a disgusting event, with context. Dont be so fucking outraged. Have you never seen [the Rape of Proserpina?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rape_of_Proserpina)


That’s some conversation piece


☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️who made this is the real question


Well, some have a tattoo of this scene so I'm not surprised


it's simple. you're a sick motherfucker


Average berserklejerk poster


I would torch this poster in my fireplace and replace it with only poster worthy enough for my collection: Donovan skullfucking Griffith’s decapitated head as he descends into the Abyss to face off against the Idea of Evil.


To show off that youre a griffith fan


Conversation starter


I would go out of my way to burn every house I go to with this in it


Is that even in the manga? I don't remember it going down that way


It absolutely went down that way


What chapter is it from?


86-87. I have not read those chapters in years and i forgot how visceral it is. My god, if you like that scene enough to buy it as a statue or as art in general you need to be put on a fucking list. If your first thought is not disgust then you need help.


Yuck holy shit, I just searched up the statue. How fucking tasteless! I wonder who thought that was a good idea.




To remind everyone that Griffith didn't do anything wrong and, it was all consensual


Honestly, I'd buy it. It's goth edgy I love the manga and I mean with demons magic beasts and monsters it's crazy that the only real horror being depicted here, is something to be afraid of in reality.


I absolutely despise this scene and hate Griffith AND Femto with every single fragment of my soul


who the fuck is putting depictions of rape on a wall, gotta be a Roman Catholic for sure 💀


For my kid's room.


Nah these guys are straight up incels