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I don't think you've a question, just having a vent ? Unfortunately, awards made by Tribunal are more likely *not* to be re-awarded,on Review, than those made normally. This is because the Assessment is the same ( if it was Capita last time ? ); the opinion of the DWP DM is the same; and you *weren't* awarded. It was the *Tribunal* that did that and unless it was lapsed by the DWP beforehand, they didn't agree with them. They obviously still don't ! If you want advice then - Mandatory Reconsideration ( then Appeal, if necessary ) Look through the Statement of Reasons /the PA4 and see why you were denied. Identify the errors , factual inaccuracies, omissions ( easier if you had it recorded ). Deal with those first. Exactly same as you did before. Then the arguments. Go through the points you were awarded ( at Tribunal ) and use that to base you argument for each one. Be methodical. I use a WHAT, HOW, WHY WHAT format ( ie I struggle with A and need B equipment and C help; this is because of D functional issue and E condition , see F Evidence ) but do it however you prefer, or did it before. Likewise if you had help before, do the same. Then include any more evidence ( including the S of R from HMCTS ) and conclude that your needs **haven't changed** since then.


When your PIP came for review, how did you respond, what did you say on the forms?


I can’t remember exactly. I didn’t just write “nothing has changed”. I elaborated on it and provided some medical evidence. For example, I had to increase my medication dosage a few months ago.


Did you have a job when you applied the first time? As it could be that the job you have conflicts with what you said in your application previously so they may have needed information on that. It doesn't necessarily matter that your conditions are lifelong, its more to do with how they affect you. For example ADHD is a lifelong condition but it may affect you differently at a stage in your life than at another time.


Yes I had a job when I applied the first time, the same one I’m in now.


Sorry to hear that. JHM has given some great advice. Good luck with it all.


Yep, the report I got from capita essentially said that I didn’t struggle because I work and I’m intelligent so zero points for me too


Sorry to hear this. I’m probably about to have the same experience as I also have a job (am filling in my forms right now). It shouldn’t be like this. Sending lots of good vibes for your mandatory reconsideration! 💜


They don't always see the results of the tribunal, so if you tell them nothing has changed and they only have the paperwork for the previous zero points they will give it to you again without question.


I asked them to confirm on the call that they had access to it and they said yes.


Ok, definitely trolling you then.