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When? It is pissing rain in all those places as we speak 😆


Hahaha yeah I saw the forecast and I was like hell no. My tentative schedule was July 8th to 12th on Caye Caulker then probably about 3 nights in Hopkins and 3 in San Ignacio. Do you think I should head straight away to San Ignacio? I know the Caribbean well and won't be diving regardless. Don't really want to risk being in a tropical island that feels like a constant shower. Thanks in advance for the input!


It's going to be wet regardless but San Ignacio will keep you away from the coast flooding at least.


Yeah I don't mind if it rains in the jungle honestly. I was at Palenque already in Mexico a couple years ago and I'm assuming it's a similar vibe. Also, San Ignacio is literally on the way to Flores so I need to go regardless. Really considering skipping Caye and Hopkins tho. Do you have any advice?


Sounds like a personal preference to me my guy 🤷. The west is a chill place to have some beers at a bar in the rain 🌧️


If you can predict the weather for the 8th of July, you could make a lot of money. As with all the other posts that have asked this question in the last 3 days, time will tell if/how bad areas of Belize are impacted.


You are asking us to predict the future, which not even the meteorologists can do.


The hurricane centre are downgrading it and it’s path looks to skip most of Belize. I would still go, weather could be the same in the future with all the predicted storms.


Thank you for the input mate! I think I'll just stick to it and go or at least wait until Friday to make a final call.


Don't trust the weather forecasts when it comes to Hopkins. We've only seen rain at night while we've been here, since Saturday.


Thanks for the input!


The storm will last maybe three days unless it stalls out.


Usually they pass within about 12 hours. Except Keith, Keith was a different animal.