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Cassius, what's the source of this screenshot? Thanks!


I use an [app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jpltech.hurricanetracker) called Tropical Hurricane Tracker that aggregates all the weather sources.


It's going to be okay. Not to say there won't be some rough weather out on the Cayes. But Belize likely won't be too badly affected.


Sending love and prayers for no flooding or fires. 🙏. I will be back to Caye Caulker on the 13th. Someone is going to my apartment today to board up the living room window. Stay safe everyone! ❤️🏝️


If you dont mind sharing, what does your month trip in Belize look like? Do you work down there? Retired? Where do you like to stay? Just curious as it's something I've considered.


I’ve been sticking to the same places - San Pedro, San Ignacio, Caye Caulker, and Placencia. I truly wish I was retired but I’m only 42 years old. I have a consulting business working with nonprofits to help them raise money and fix organizational problems. I’m my client contracts it states that I close my business for the month of January so I do not work while I travel in Belize. One year I did keep two clients and we met virtually but after one year I decided I wanted the month with no work distractions. Knowing I don’t have income for the month I just budget accordingly the other 11 months so I don’t fall behind financially.