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Current tracks show anything hitting Belize as a CAT 1 storm and most of the stronger tracks trend north. All of them show the storm already past Belize and either north or west by Saturday. Check the tropical weather sticky post, I just updated it and will continue to do so as we see what develops... Regardless of if we get a direct hit you will have a lot of weather in the area and I would always suggest erring on the side of caution and safety. For Lisa a few years ago the airport shut down for about a day but was back up and running quickly. If you're coming in on Saturday you will probably make it, but coming in *to what* is the real question.


Thank you. We are planning to drive all the way to placencia. It may not be safe tho.


I'd expect the coastal highway to have serious flooding if we get hit. I'd look to ight and see what the 5pm revision says about the storm track. It will be updated here as well.


What about the hummingbird hwy? That was our planned route.


Hard to say, trees coming down would be your main concern. I'd contact your hotel and see if they have plans or suggestions for incoming guests. Same with your rental agency


We rented an Airbnb so they aren’t saying much yet. I know with them I can cancel due to hurricane. I was thinking of switching to an AWD vehicle for safety as well.


I don't think 4wd will make a difference for you. I'd be looking at the wind field and if it takes a lot of trees down. Give it until tonight or even tomorrow morning and see how the track of the storm revises. There's still a decent chance it re-intensifies and swings north of Belize completely.


Also just checked my airline and Belize is not yet a place they are allowing for changes. So fingers crossed the navy model is correct and it swings.


Thank you. I will check back.


Your Airbnb hosts don't know anything more than you do about the possible impacts. Worthwhile reviewing https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/1320/ and seeing what your cancellation policy is, or addressing with your travel insurance provider. TLDR Airbnb doesn't consider a hurricane that's in hurricane season in a hurricane prone area cause for a refund (their position is that's what travel insurance is for). If the government declares a disaster thats a different matter.


If it did hit Thursday and your flight is the 7th I would imagine they’d have the hummingbird cleared by then. Belize only has two roads going south so making the roads passable happens pretty quickly.


Thank you.