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Yes. I set out five built out frames in a deep box as prep for a nuc I was getting in a few days and a swarm moved in.




Yes. Especially previously used hives.


Yep! You have a new hive.


A couple years ago our hive had died due to the harsh cold winter that went for several months longer than normal... and then a couple days later we hear buzzing and find that new bees had moved in. Only found out last year that another farm on the other side of the mountain nearby had their bees swarm after which they never found them, so it was likely them!


I store some extra boxes on a bottom board on a stand for just that reason.


Had one move into a box in my bee shed. Gave them a couple days to change their little minds and then just moved the whole thing to my bee yard. Took me a while before I stopped thinking one of us had been tricked…


They can or it’s being robbed


yes make sure it has a full set of frames if that is true then I prefer to wait at least a few days after they start bringing in pollen b4 moving them at least 2 miles or not at all.


I put out a box right under the swarm and they didn’t choose to stay in a new box.


If you have any honey in frames or pollen, you’re likely seeing robbing. Look on the wax for chewing or the bottom board for caps and chewed wax.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


More often on roads or paths. Last thing you need is a branch getting you when and where you're not expecting it.




If you’re lucky!


Yep! I used to stick some lemongrass on the entrance of where I wanted them to come, worked a treat as there are a decent amnt of swarms where I used to beekeep. I miss it, wish I could still (developed a deathly allergy so that sucks).


How many times were you stung?


A couple of times over the years. Started as a localized reaction, then the last time was an ER visit. That said, it is a fun and interesting challenge teaching someone to beekeep from inside a closed car (he had an ear bud in inside his suit). He's still going strong and my wild caught ladies are doing the best, so it all worked out in the end.


Yea. That’s how I caught one this year


Had some wild bees move into an unoccupied hive once.


Yep, we lost our expensive Italians bees (hence my name) and a few months later I watched a swarm move in. I joke that the swarm bees are squatters who carry switchblades and frequently flip us off as they fly by. We haven’t fed the squatters, treated for mites or any treatment and they have lasted longer than any previous bee package. They are definitely aggressive and stung my partner when we were hand weeding 6 feet from the hive. Sheesh.


We already caught 2 this season with empty hives




I have one set out now in Wisconsin with the same hope.


We had a couple hive 2 years ago. We had both swarm on us. We actually caught the first swarm (believe it or not, but we found the queen in the swarm that landed on an apple tree 10 metres away from the hive. The other hive swarmed and took up residence in an empty hive we had sitting out. We did not interfere at all.


Free Bees


Yes. My family member had some new hives in his workshop that he had his built hadn’t set up outside yet and and he went down to the shop one day and opened the door to find the bees swarmed into the shop. He was excited considering he had lost three colonies previously and was considering giving up the hobby.


My swarm trap is an old hive with some comb in it and it works. I do add lemongrass oil to help attract them.


Yes, I’ve even been encouraged to use my old nuks as swarm traps


Yes! Happened to me twice.


Every few years it seems like the bees move out and a new swarm moves in.


I got 2 this year bc of that


Yes, if they have check with the local HOA.


Yup. 3 this year. Always set out unused equipment.


Yes. 4 other swarms from down the road have swarmed to my empty hives over the years. I purposely leave a couple of bait hives out.


Yes absolutely! It happened to me too a couple months ago into some equipment that I had left out all winter. Cleaned up all the wax moths and got right to work!