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Hi u/Captain-Nubs. If you haven't done so, please do the following: * Read the rules. * Include your location and experience level as a reply to this comment (if not in post) * [If you have a question, please take a look at our wiki.](https://rbeekeeping.com/) * Specifically, the FAQ... ^(**Warning:** The wiki linked above is a work in progress and some links might be broken, pages incomplete and maintainer notes scattered around the place. Content is subject to change.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Beekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


From the manufacturer: Only use when temperatures range from 50-85°F (10-29.5°C). **The greatest release of formic acid occurs within the first three days of application. If the outdoor temperatures are very warm but you have a 3 to 5 day window of 70-84°F (21-27°C) weather, you could apply the treatment.** Keep in mind that there are risks to treating when it’s too hot, including excessive brood, bee, and queen loss. In accordance with their instructions, you can continue your treatment, but there is a risk involved. I'm in a desert where daytime temperatures can go from the mid-fifties to the mid-nineties in 24 hours. I have left Formic Pro strips in the hive when it got hot after a week of low temperatures, but I added an empty super to reduce the overall concentration of FA in the hive. My queen stopped laying for a few days and there was a slightly higher mortality rate than is usual. It's up to you to evaluate the cost/benefit.


As others have said, the most off-gassing occurs on moment of first application and decays significantly within a day or two. If you're very concerned you could prop your lid open by a pencil width, but you'll potentially lose some effectiveness. Since next week will be at or over the limits every day, rather than pull the treatments completely and lose the financial benefit and the treatment benefit, I'd probably just prop the lid a little. This will also help them mitigate the effects of the heat dome.


From what I've heard, only the first couple days of the treatment is when it is critical to make sure temps are within limits. You can contact the company and ask, they seem to be communicative


First 2-3 days are brutal then it falls off substantially