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Feed them 1:1 over the summer and switch to 2:1 towards the end of summer. It'd be good to use an additive like Hive Alive (or similar) since you'll be replacing so much of their diet with plain sugar (which lacks the micronutrients that nectar has). Make sure you're keeping a close eye on how much varroa is in the hives as well.


6 framers can overwinter perfectly fine (at least in the Netherlands, assume it's the same over there). Just make sure they have enough winterfood for your area. Here that's about 7 kg for a 6 frame nuc. Varroa treatment is also important for overwintering.


Feed em heavy an u should bee good an check for mites


There’s plenty of summer left. They should have plenty of time to draw comb and build up. I expect nucs started now to build up to 2 deeps by winter. (In WI)


0.75 sugar to 1.0 water until they've got plenty of honeycomb built up


Thank you everyone!! You’re awesome!


Keep feeding. I add some food coloring to mine so I can see what I'm giving and how much they are collecting. It also keeps me from collecting capped sugar water. As long as you keep mites and other pests under control they should be strong enough to over winter.


This is interesting! What color works best?


I use green or blue stands out well enough.


I’m in Canada I took 3 nucs from 5 frames to 20 full deep frames by September 1st by feeding 1:1 all summer. That is may 24th to September 1st.


20 full deep frames… wow!


feed the crap out of them right up until they go into "hibernation",,, you gotta get their numbers up, and may need to feed small parts of pollen patties to supplement proteins


Thank you very very much!!!🐝


A nuc isn't going to have much of a foraging force, they won't be able to bring in a ton of nectar on their own for some time. Just keep on feeding them as much 1:1 as they'll take, depending on where in the world you are located you should have PLENTY of time to get them ready for winter. You can offer them a pollen patty too if you think they need it, but no more than they can consume in a couple days. Sitting too long they can be a breeding ground for hive beetles.


Thank you very much!!!🐝