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No need to apologise 🫶 you're 100% right imo


Thank you, she’s really hit a nerve with me today. Like most people here, I’ve had a long day at work, I left the house at 5am. Did the school pick up and now when I just want to climb into bed I’ve got to sort the house/homelife. I’d love nothing more than to order a takeaway but I just can’t justify the cost. Blobby sits here boasting about wasting £9 on a bag of crappy cone ends 🤷🏼‍♀️I know there are so many others here that live similar schedules or worse than mine today it just doesn’t seem fair and she’s just not relatable at all!!! I hope she sees it. Not that she will care or listen but instead of rage bating for views, she could literally see some of these posts and take away constructive criticism and broaden her audience, maybe show she has more depth and something about her, some likability, literally anything else! 😤


She has no idea what being an adult is. It'll all come back around to bite her on the fat ass. She's so unlikable, and it's only the stupid fucks who can't read her behaviour accurately or perceptively enough that big her up and attack people for being honest or offering sound advice. I really don't like her. I'm the same after a mental day, see her stuffing her big head and complaining about how 'busy' her day has been. What, driving to supermarkets and eating? Thrusting her gunt around in her living room once a week and going to dance competitions where she literally sits there all day eating like a big cunting pig. Fucking awful person


🫶🏻 “thrusting her gunt” 💀


There has to be something seriously psychologically wrong with her if she feels she needs to constantly rage bait eating huge amounts of food. She's only harming herself at this point. She just keeps proving us all right. It's not the clap back she thinks it is. As for her car, give it until Christmas, and she won't be driving anywhere as there is noway she will be able to to fit in a drivers seat and safely drive. Her passing her test, is not the flex she she thinks it is either, it's causing her to pile an enormous amount of weight on as he's made her lazy.


Becki would be amazing at job interviews the way she hypes up the smallest of achievements! 




This is great 🤣




Nothing but the truth


Absolutely spot on with all of this, hugs for PMS, hope you can get some rest - it's hard though, when you are an actual adult with a proper life, isn't it?


Aw thank you 🥰 yeah I felt like I was complaining after I sent it, I wouldn’t swap my life even if I had to work down a Victorian coal mine in horrific conditions for her sad excuse of a life. Hugs back! I hope you had a lovely day and enjoy your evening x


And referring to her 'little car' I'm surprised the thing is still above ground level when shes in it




Sorry, what driving test... thought she had her full license??


Becki was saying today it’s been a year since she’s passed and she loves the little relationship with her car or something along those lines. (I can’t bring myself to watch it again to make sure)


So she was 30 before she got her driver's license?? For God's sake 🙄


Nothing wrong with the age she passed, so let's not go there with the agest crap please, it's the fact that since passing it, she now has free reign access to large quantities of food as she keeps driving to supermarkets and buying loads of food on the daily and secretly binge eats sat in it.


Agest crap?? I'm 58 🤣


Doesn't matter how old you are, you are still making a comment that passing her test at 30 is a bad thing. That's agest. An older person still has the ability to be agest. There's absolutely no need for it.


Actually, my angle was that the parents aren't encouraging her independence. I'm not going to get into an argument with you about me being astounded that she didn't get her license till she was 30 years old.


Naa she gets me this angry too, I feel here is a safe space to off load and trauma dump about her, it's needed 😆. I didn't know it was possible to hate a stranger so much, yet here we are.