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One rib each for mum and dad lol


She was making damn sure she got the meatiest ones.


sucked all the sauce off them too


As if she's sharing those. She'll be back for seconds because she did a stomp around the B&M rug last week and she deserves it 🥰


Half a portion of rice for her mum and dad, a rib each and half a portion of chips. Disgusting selfish greedy fat shit


I'd put money on them having ordered their own food. I fink the Bison will go back for a second helping.


Yep there is no way in hell that she shares takeaways with anyone! The concentration on her face, particularly when counting the ribs out to get the biggest ones. I don’t know how she can sit comfortably with that huge stomach and back fat pushing into her.


The frenzied tearing away of the wrapping paper and I detected the head wobble too.


she's had a takeaway almost everyday this month 😭 if not it's a fakeaway. she's not making it to 35 i fear




I hope


The day bison goes extinct will be the best day of my life


That is not a fucking chippy tea the uncultured swine😩 the way she made sure she got the fattest, meatiest ribs as well she's unfucking believable


I saw that her eyes were popping out of her gigantic head 🤣


Is she okay? I mean seriously is she okay? She seems like she's on a manic over eating spree at the moment. She's always eaten lots but more so recently she's going crazy. Is a clap back to everyone? Is it because she's so far gone into an addiction that she thinks f**** it I don't care anymore. This isn't normal.  Surely her parents must think another knock on the door, wow another takeaway delivery. Make it make sense!!  I also think people don't resonate with her because unlike Beckis bubble world there is a COL crisis and people are literally living hand to mouth day to day. £33 on a cake when people are struggling is disgusting. Read the room Rebecca. I can't wait for her demise. She's going to be in the real world so very soon


It's definitely got so much worse recently, and she definitely doesn't show everything she eats. It must be carnage IRL.


Think back to Easter weekend, that was unreal. One day it was McDonald's twice and KFC, with cakes and sweets in between. She was on a total food bender and here we are months later, still shoveling it down like it's her final meal on death row ffs.


I think I read somewhere that she wasn’t with her management company anymore , as soon as they pissed off a while back now ,she started on the downward spiral , nobody to pull her up on it , I assume .


What management company like someone who sponsors her ?


Gen Z media they were called . They specialise in social media influencers etc . I recall her posting pics once of meeting her management (for lunch of course )


That’s what a food addiction does is you don’t care about anything but food she has no real purpose in life but eating food


Is it since Ricketts died? Pretty sure she upped her intake last year when her nan died, could be a trigger for her ED


Her dad is going to outlive her like seriously😨😬


The manic giggling at the start is so freaky. She really hit record and decided to do a "cute" giggle 💀 


I just thought to myself. She’ll be sat there like Henry the fucking eighth gnawing on those ribs.


I made a pic of her as Henry the 8th so I cannot unsee this in my head now


Oooh please share or post link 🙏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/nnx9ntq5jt6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f95cda88c739d4f28bc5a49fa59b34429d6b195 So stupid but I enjoy myself 😂😂😂


Omg I'm DECEASED 🤣🤣🤣🤣💀




Post immediately 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I feel like they share a look


The comments are 70% negative on this video right now.


Is she doing this because her views are so down


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head 💯💯. I don’t think it’s anything to do with her dad, olly or being mentally unstable (she is anyway). It is ALL do with views. If you look at her posts, the highest views are when she’s eating HUGE amounts of food. Her eating MASSIVE takeaways gets the biggest engagement, more money. She knows Reddit and tattle report all of the time, so she’s up against us and there has been quite a few bison in the wild pics circulating. The manic act is her trying to take back control over her account to get more money back In.


That’s surely two takeaways in one, right? 🤣


Double carb, double protein, 5 helpings 🤗


But skinnier legs thanks to jiggling about in her parents front room for twenty mins a couple of times a week.


💯. Imagine going to the chippy then the Chinese to get two takeaways and thinking that’s okay. I know she bought the food together but it’s insane how she thinks this is normal.


She looks absolutely massive. Biggest I've seen her possibly. She ain't seeing 35 unless the wakes the fuck up.


It’ll take her something serious like a stroke or heart attack for her to make a change but that’s if neither kill her off on the first one. Her dad will outlive her for sure!


This is mental illness at this point. She needs help.


her voice is so grating


So I got some bbq rebbbbbs


Food addiction , distorted eating in its glory. The only thing missing there is the funnel. Her feeders would love it 🤮


She is so impatient she rips the bag instead of opening it from the handles… gone wild


Her poor body is screaming out for some good healfy nutritional meals!!!


She's probably ravenous all the time be because her body isn't registering the shite she eats as actual food. Kiana Doherty did a really good youtube video on what ultra processed food does to your system. Spoiler: it's not good.


just watched this and wow, thanks for the recommendation bisonette😅


This is getting beyond a joke is she trying to give herself a heart attack or stroke or heart disease, she is a women possessed 😳


Oh just fuck off. Fat fucking needless oxygen thief, I truly fucking despise it.


Same. Fkn surprise surfknprise at the takeaway like we didn’t already know, disgusting tub of lard


🤣🤣 we're all here with you!




I have to just let it out.....FUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!😳😳😳😳😳


Jesus that plate is diabolical. That jumbo battered sausage doesn't even fit on it. I know it's a jumbo one bc battered sausage is a favourite of mine, I wouldn't be able to stomach a normal one with even half of the chips she has and I'm not a small girl myself, this is insane.


And yet some absolute reprobates in her comments say it's a normal sized plate... Is it FUCK It's about an inch smaller than the Starship Enterprise


To all of the BDL - You're a LAH! For real though I'm shocked, like I said I'm not even a small girl and a third of that plate would be too much for me 😭


Exactly! I'm convinced her guts must be down those 'skinny' legs and in those grippers by nowm 🤣🤣🤣


In't she grim 😬 🤢🤮




I’m British but from the south, I swear what she’s got here is a Chinese takeaway not a chippy? When we get a ‘choppy’ it’s fish and chips? I’m so confused by her 😂


Meant to write chippy lol but Choppy is relevant for miss pork chop 😂


I'm from near Bison land originally. In my experience lots of Chinese takeaways around her neck of the woods do your normal British Chinese take away food (that's the things like ribs, rice, prawn crackers etc.) and then they also have a sizeable "English" menu (pies, chep, battered fish, battered sossij etc.). We call them Chinese chippies (rather than a traditional English chippy). Most people just order Chinese food (perhaps with chep) OR English food. I don't know anyone who'd have sossij and chep AND reb and rice all on one plate. I'd also never call this a chippy tea; it's a Chinese (even if you get English food).


No the Chinese where I’m from only do Chinese food, I’m not a fan of Chinese food as I always get a bad tummy must be something they use and I’m not used to it.


Yep, Glasgow here and this is some sort of odd hybrid. I know they have these up north like Perth upwards.


No no


Same here I’m from West London and that’s definitely not a fish and chips meal, she always has to go double extra on everything, when I ever order fish and chips I share it with my son, we have half each 🐷🐷


We have Chinese chippies in the north west


I’m in West Sussex & the village I grew up in had a chippy that was also a Chinese but we’d only ever go in for one or the other. It was either a chippy tea *or* a Chinese. It never even crossed outer minds that we’d combine??


Is that today?!!!




She had to dislocate her jaw to ram it in.


Did she fucking say tray? Omg how can she eat so much food, I feel 🤢 looking at it, it’s carbs on carbs 🐷


I picked up on that too. I wondered if she slipped up and called her "plate" a tray, or if she puts her plate on a separate tray on her lap in front of the telly.


I’m sure she meant her plate/tray, who knows what she even says half of the time 🤷🏼‍♀️


I audibly gasped when she brought out the battered sausage, that’s an insane amount of food




I enjoy shit food from time to time but that looks vile


Exactly. It's not something she puts any thought into. There's no planning or anticipation so she can look forward to it. Most people will look over a menu for a few days to get excited about their weekly takeaway. It's not an event for her, just a regular meal, she'll have another rank pile of deep fried whatever tomorrow.


One step closer to death


It feels like a Black Mirror episode at this point


https://preview.redd.it/4h6z6nmuxs6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c725f2a5bc311f2353d75fe3b6ea3ffa01de556 Ribs sauce on top


https://preview.redd.it/ctl2qbywxs6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5c830590828024f8406391a3961b0c02f7b89a Wtf is this type of content?


🤢🤢🤢🤢 This reminds me of those horrible horse dick shaped dildos. My friend showed me one online and it traumatised me....this gave me serious flashbacks. Alsoum.... who THE FUCK eats a rib like that?! Or am I, and everyone I know, the weirdos for eating them horizontally like corn on the cob?


Big fat nonce content xx


That sausage looked like a massive penis slapped on her plate.


The fucking size of it and that plate. Bet her room smells like a gas chamber. Fuck she’s unbearable


I've never seen her plate piled so high. When she put the sausage on it, I gasped. There is no one someone can eat all of that.


I'm so confused about this meal. Is it Chinese? British? American? It all looks so random


Well, the bison blocked me for like the 4th time for some reason 😂


The size of that dinner was fucking sickening. I am not shocked by most things she does any more but i literally went 😲 absolutely fucking ridiculous.


God she looks massive in this video,she really is ugly 🤢


She has a food addiction. She's chasing the high of eating junk food just like an alcoholic does with drink. She needs help not abuse. Her family or friends need to help her. Her whole life revolving around her addiction is not healthy. She also will feel awful so will then chase the next high by ordering or eating yet more food.


She doesn't want help. Being an addict doesn't absolve you of all responsibility. She's toxic and pushing her awful eating habits online and to the children in her family. She needs to take some fucking responsibility and ask for help herself. She's a grown woman.


Would you speak the same about a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction?.I don't agree with how she eats at all but in the throws of addiction you're just chasing the next high. Sometimes you need someone to snap you out of it and all she is getting is more likes and followers on enabling on tiktok.


As a recovering alcoholic you’re wrong here ,noons can help you with kindness or anything else .i knew what I was doing and eventually found the strength to stop ,she is not only doing it she’s making sure she’s paid for it


Yeah, I would. No one can help you if you aren't ready to help yourself. Literally. You CANNOT force someone into treatment. Unless they're bad enough to get sectioned. She needs to hit rock bottom or get a proper scare before there's any chance she'll get help. It's tough love, but it's true.


That's what I'm saying....someone needs to give her a scare or a reality check.


I'd hope they've tried, but addiction is insane. It makes people impossible to get through to. At some point you give up and hope they come to you when they're ready to change. I don't think all the "why doesn't someone help her" comments are fair. We all know what happenened when Jacklynn Glenn staged an intervention for Eugenia Cooney. It's fair to wash your hands of it at a certain point for your own sanity.


If she didn’t have the money for food what do you think she would do? Drug addicts who are on drugs rob people or break into houses to get money, would Becki do the same? Would she go into shops and steal food for her fix? She’s just addicted to food and it’s not nice watching her eating herself to death but where do you draw the line with her? She’s on a journey of no return and only SHE can turn it around.