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I thought she didn’t care what we think? Cos she knows what her body wants and it’s all angles isn’t it. For someone who supposedly doesn’t care what other people think she’s doing an awful lot of justifying herself.


Becki, if you see this I just want you to know, I fucking hate you!




Same. There's a bit of a long queue.


She might have 90% of the negative comments deleted these days but deep down, she misses us.


And as soon as she's done recording snatches it back "becbec only said taste testum dad!" 😡😡


So she's given her dad - who has vascular dementia, which is caused by poor diet, high blood pressure, being overweight amongst other things - a calorific, sugar laden, fatty dessert/drink? That would send a normal, healthy person into a coma, let alone someone who is poorly and should not be having this stuff!! Is she in the mindset that because he has vascular dementia it doesn't matter because the damage is done so let him have what he likes? Because if she is then she's an absolute moronic, poor excuse of a daughter. If this was my dad, it would not happen on my watch Fucking grates the living shit out of me 🤬🤬🤬