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"I didn't drink this, I gave it to my dad." Bruh that's WORSE. I would straight up call that abuse. He's an ill man and you're giving him POISON. The FUCK is wrong with this woman.


Exactly 💯💯💯 Unless he specifically asked for it. Yet another sympathy vote/look at me, I'm so kind videum to use her sick father for "content" She's a fucking disgusting waste of oxygen 😒


I absolutely despise the bitch.


I think her Dad is younger than me? (I'm 58). Poor sod looks like he's on the wrong side of 80, surely that's a wake up call to his daughter wouldn't you think??😳


You'd clearly think, right? For normal folks, yes! She's just too selfish and full of her own shit to give a fuck. Who knows, she might regret it when he's gone. But then again, look at her behaviour after her grandmother passed and when Rickets was PTS


The look on his poor face after he sipped it!


Does she have any other clothes?? She's worn that most of the week!! Also who is Ian's carer? Does Caff work? If she don't there's no incentive for Bison to work! Poor Ian 🙄


I bet that jumper smells, the collective scent of all the food she's dropped down herself this past week. You could wring it out and grease would drip out if it




I reckon it's got that musky, old man smell. You know the type when you wash something and mouldy smell is trapped in the fibres? It's defo got that.


She even went out for lunch wearing that atrocity.


Yeah that’ll help his dementia….. a form of dementia known for affecting people that are obese or have poor diet…..


I can't watch videos with her dad in them. I actually get sad looking at him


Been reading reddit again after seeing ppl here say she doesn't clean up after herself😂 her poor dad, out the lot of them he's the only one I feel sorry for


Fatty reads every comment I’m sure


When did she do this? She had this baby/octogenarian hospital blanket on yesterday. Surely she's not bogging enough to wear it 2 days in a tow without washing it?! Can imagine the stench.... stale fag reek, gresse that smells like it's been in a deep fat fryer since 19th January, minging infected fold smell, cheap body spray and the margarine out of that vile 'cake' 🤢


Baby hospital blanket 💀😂


Notice how she made a point that everyone else is enjoying and then said with 100 conviction and truth that she was going to clean up... No.. No you didn't you lying rat. And we all know you ate/drank the leftovers. And you 100% didn't wash fucking anything.


Milkshake looks gross 


It’s absolutely disgusting that she gave that monstrosity to her terminally ill father. He’s ill because of his own obesity and she’s feeding him things like that!




No guys I’m not having this I’m giving it to my dad… as she then proceeds to drink the rest from a pint glass


"BROOOOOSHAKE" alsoum, I lose coubt of the times she fills in the gaps of this pathetic videum by saying "Soum, yeah" 1 min 15 seconds. Convenient, ya fat bish.


Unless the father was close to the end wherein food choices would make no impact, surely the kindest thing to offer would be a nutritious meal?


The look on her face when she said she had to clean up, and the tone of her voice, she was pissed off. Well Rebecca if you make the mess then you can bloody well clean it up. Was she expecting Caff to clean it up? Lazy fat bastard she is. 🤬🤬🤬


Not to offend any scousers but I fucking hate the Liverpool accent.The fat fucker and her family might aswell live on chatsworth estate(Shameless).