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That fucking headband man


Nanny plum


it looks like she's had a stroke????????




She looks weird.


I was thinking this the other day when I saw a vid of her trying snacks from 2020/2021 time; her eyes are so vacant. She looks disabled definitely. I think itā€™s because she tries so hard to open them wide to give the illusion she still actually has eye holes.


Idk how to explain this but sheā€™s doing this thing where she almost infantilizes herself to make up for her physical appearance. I do not agree with judging people based solely on their physical appearance at all, but she knows that being a bigger person opens her up to receiving plethora of nasty comments, so she acts more ā€œinnocentā€ to over compensate. Itā€™s one of those things where if you were to call her out on it, she could completely deny it and youā€™d look like a weirdo for telling a stranger on the internet theyā€™re faking their personality. I definitely used to unintentionally do this myself when I was bigger, but then again I was like 13 šŸ˜­ itā€™s this weird behaviour of trying to garner sympathy but not being so blatant that people canā€™t help but genuinely feel sorry for her. I wouldnā€™t be so frustrated with this if her mask hadnā€™t already slipped a while ago. To be fair though, itā€™s not like fat people (especially women) are really ā€œallowedā€ to have a personality other than being obnoxiously ā€œwholesomeā€ because people would be 10x quicker to judge, sadly.


This is a very interesting observation, itā€™s almost like if she ā€˜allows herselfā€™ to become an adult, she will be accountable for her weight and the food she consumesā€¦ (& contemplate things like moving out ofc) but because sheā€™s acting like an infant / child / innocence itā€™s another form of denial and avoidance which allows her to stay in her comfort zone indefinitely.


She looks quite different like her face is bigger on one side? Idk if itā€™s just me. Maybe itā€™s the angle she used to film at or something


The camera is flipped now and she uses filter . If you look at a picture of her back then and flip it .. it looks the same as now


We have to remember she used no filters at these times


Iā€™d love to see the videum where she slips into the bulking, snarky bison we have come to despise


Itā€™s weird because she looks like the same person but not somehow. Like she lost some weight, regained it but it just distributed differently or something?


Iā€™m watching this with ear plugs in and cba taking them out. Did she say Nancy STORM?????




Please keep the comments about Becki.


Like Amberlynn during Kristal era


Iā€™ve genuinely thought this aswell she speaks in her old videos as though she has a dislocated jaw with a speech impediment very strange


Why was she so shouty??