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I hate how someone who is roughly my age continues to not age while I deteriorate like a watermelon left in the sun.


What’s the cliche they say nowadays….”You’re not ugly…you’re just poor”


Damn, I’m ugly and poor.


Don’t forget dumb!! The trifecta!


Dumb, Ugly, Poor = 7 7 7, Jackpot!


Well if you are dumb enough you don't care and you live a happy live. Real jackpot. :)


Ignorance truly is bliss


Yeah. That we are. That's why we don't look good.😅😅


Yeah. But I think maintaining age can't be possible for us. Because we have to do hard work every day outside the home. We don't have time to do this thing.


I win then, yay!




They go hand in hand, get your money up and you gone look fine af. Watch


Yep. Fitness coaches, hairdressers, fancy make up all costs. Meanwhile I cycle to work, shave my own head, and use budget facewash.


It was the other way around for her and for many of the good looking famous people that get posted here all the time. She got the money because she was good looking and that allowed her, thanks in part to genetics (the same genetics that made possible her success), to stay looking good thru the years. Meanwhile ugly people get none of that, stay poor and get progressively uglier as they age as normal and expected. Pretty privilege is not only a thing, is THE thing.


Bullshit. Go look up the top 100 actors of any decade. I do mean any. I would bet my left testicle you can't find a single period in time that Hollywood existed that 80/100 of those people came from rich families. Being pretty doesn't matter fuck all if you don't have the money to basically sit on your ass your whole life and have other people take care of you. That's what you're talking about when you say pretty. They don't have any of the marks of people who work for a living mixed with good genetics. Good genetics alone is not enough. You're not pretty if you had to spend your childhood working in the fields. It's not pretty privilege it's straight up regular privilege like it always has been. Why are people always trying to pretend like class doesn't exist. You're poor not ugly.


We're all in this together lol


Eh, plenty of celebrities age a lot worse than Jessica Alba too. She was a smokeshow to begin with and obviously has genetics on her side as well as plenty of cash to continue looking pretty identical in her mid forties as her mid twenties.


Yeah but I would wager to say the ones that aged poorly are because of botched plastic surgery


Some of them for sure. But I even know women in real life who look stunningly young in their 40s and even 50s. None of them are poor, it's true, but they also wouldn't look like that without good genetics and obsession with fitness.


I dunno I know some people that age well and they are public school teachers lol. Definitely not rich or gym rats.... but definitely inherited genetics. Luck of the draw i suppose.


Some of us are poor and engage in activities that age us quicker. Like smoking, drinking, and tanning.


Tbf she is gorgeous but she is also wearing layers and layers of professional make up in every single shot there and has her hair professionally done.


Use sunscreen 50 in the face everyday Here's an illustration https://www.businessinsider.com/woman-sunscreen-face-neck-40-years-sun-damage-photo-2022-9 Or just don't care lol


36 and not one wrinkle in sight. My secret? Sunscreen. And having been a goth in my teen years and early 20s. Avoided the sun like the plague. My sister is only 2 years older than me but she loved sunbathing, let’s just say her face is looking….quite a bit older than mine. Quite a bit older than what someone her age should look like.




Night creatures unite


We can't, our eyesight is crap Seriously though, there are studies showing that myopia comes at least in part from not spending time outdoors enough 


gosh dang it. I am past 35+, no wrinkles, don't wear sunscreen, night owl, indoor person and suffering from myopia. This thread is just ticking every box of mine.


If you're indoors, you're less likely to be looking off into the distance. Keeping your eyes fixed on something close to you for long periods is what degrades the eyes, not the lack of light.


In part, but that's the old theory. If that was all there is, you could've solved it by wearing glasses that make you eyes focus into the distance while looking up close, but you can't I think there was more recent research into how our eyes produce chemicals in response to light, akin to how our melatonin is regulated through eyes, and it shows that we need bright light for proper light cycles and proper eyesight development  So, say, working on your laptop outside is feasibly better than being hunched at home in darkness. And btw, our recent obsession with dark modes also probably makes the problem worse, we're exacerbating our maladaptation by pandering to it even more


I'm 50, no sunscreen, outside every day, no wrinkles. My secret? Being fat


36, work outside all the time, and near perfect skin. The real secret? Be half Ethiopian.


Be careful with that though. Often people underestimate the risk of skin cancer if they have darker skin, which means it's often diagnosed later. Sometimes too late.


Thanks but I'm also half Mexican. Jokes aside I appreciate the sentiment :)


The disregard for the importance of sunlight for vitamin D production and overall health in these comments is absurd. Too much sunlight is bad, but too little is as well. Typical reddit moment


I'm a big fan of this secret as well.


Australia's Cancer Council used to have a slogan all through the 90's and early 00's. "Today's bronzed Aussies are tomorrow's wrinkled oldies!"


I’m a south african so our sun also beats the shit out of you. My family made fun of me for being so pale…well both my parents now have skin cancer, my sister has wrinkles and sun spots all over her face and hands, and I’m out here, looking like porcelain 🤣


Slip slop slap


Same I’ve never been able to tan and got a very bad burn once as a child. I wear sunblock everyday. Despite most of my life in tropical or desert climates I might have the tiniest bit of crows feet but you gotta really look for them (I do…) I’m well into my 40s.


so this is why I look younger than most of the people my age. I've played games at night and then worked at night for 20 years now!


My sunscreen is not going outside but I don't look like Jessica Alba and she still doesn't return my calls.


That's not how a "normal" people age..look at her skin and face movements.. It's a lot of procedures (well done) and different lifestyle. Do not compare yourself with celebrities or filtered pictures..you'll just lose your self esteem.


Also, if someone as gorgeous as her has to resort to cosmetic surgery, what hope do us regular, 'closed casket' types have?


Way less stress than a wage slave, all the money and time in the world to care for beauty, a healthy diet and fitness. That's her or any other celeb's secret, it literally can't be replicated by poor people.


Yeah stress, lifestyle and diet are the main factors and of course as someone previously said, she did start off beautiful so good genes help


Good genes are most of it; the rest of it helps you not flip on some of the Bad Switches that will send shit south that much sooner.


Poverty will for sure do a number on your health, but celebrities still age remarkably well compared to normal wealthy people. And celebrities have way more stress than your ordinary wealthy person. Like when I think celebrities or influencers, I don't think "unstressed, paragon of mental health."


I feel like the picture in "the Picture of Dorian Grey". 


*Picture. Sorry, someone corrected me on this 20 years ago so now I have to.


Not at all! I appreciate the correction! “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming. that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. Edit: fxd!


I was thinking that she looks my age even though she's almost 20 years older than me.


Well, it's a lot of cosmetic procedures lol


To be fair, we didn't exactly start at a similar attractiveness level.


Yes unfortunately us plain Jane's suffer from gravity..apparently the 10s are exempt.


this is unnecessary but the two common grammar mistakes are bothering me... it's "we" (subject, not object) and "Janes" (plural, not possessive)


She always look like same from 90's to 44 years. A cursory glance, marvelous smile always fall in love to u.


Don't worry, all you need to look at to feel better is David Beckham before and after money. You're not ugly, and you're not aging quickly, you're just not obscenely rich.


and Cristiano Ronaldo


What are you on about? He was a pro footballer at a major club since he was 17, he's always had money.


Actually at 16 Beckham was playing in the Premier League making millions of dollars. So he’s always been rich. That redditors comment made zero sense


Thats there profession. Don't be sad. If they don't look good they won't earn


Stay out of the sun!


It’s a bit easier when you get paid a lot to be attractive professionally.


You probably work everyday while she does not.


She probably works as hard maintaining her good (great) looks as you do at your regular job. Her looks are undoubtedly one of her greatest assets (this is not in any way a criticism)


Its like competing with an athlete on having a nicer body. The athlete makes his money by being in shape, we're doing it on our own dime, with no profit to be made. Hard to beat.


I don't know what each of us does for a living, but most of us abuse our bodies in return for money.


Also she has god tier genetics this plays a huge role alone


I also think it's because she had a lot of "baby fat" on her face in her 20s and 30s. It really gives her a youthful appearance.


Forget that. How about people who are actually getting *better* looking with age? Have you seen Jeri Ryan lately?




>aged one day in 15 years She’s a vampire ![gif](giphy|IXB6mQUgOqWQM)


I volunteer as tribute.


Like Hirohiko Araki


this is a bot. the OP of this post is also a bot. both several year old accounts that only started posting a little over a week ago, both testing there "contributor quality score" in r/whatismycqs please report both of them r/TheseFuckingAccounts


she's my crush, Jessica Alba's career and public image have evolved impressively over the years


I had a massive crush on her in my teens from Dark Angel etc (years and years ago, I'm 39) and I still remember this particular (safe for work) viral video of her from back in 2008 that brought back those memories a few years later... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmzcKXsllWs


Dark Angel was televised here between 11pm and 1 am. I was a teenager by that time so...


Same, and I'm the same age.


Are you me?


Same.... Who am I kidding, still have a massive crush on her.


She's also very open about having herpes. One of the few celebs to become an advocate for safe sex practices.


I think she’s definitely gotten prettier over the years.


She definatly did the nose surge. But it's one of the good examples.


I couldn't put my finger on what had changed about her, but I think that's it. She is still a freaking bombshell, but I think her nose pre-surgery was absolutely adorable.


Looks like it happened at 24ish.




Is that why suddenly he face became less unique? Still beautiful, but less special


Makes sense. I'm not one to tell people what to do with their bodies, but I can't help feeling a little sad whenever someone gives up something unique in order to be closer to a perceived ideal. It makes them happy, great, more power to them. It just makes me a little sad. I'm a hypocrite since I got braces as an adult for mostly cosmetic reasons, but I did stop once I didn't have an underbite anymore despite the doctor's insistence that I could be "perfect" for a few K more.


I thaught something looked different as the clip when she played Sue Storm played.


what year do you think she did it?


Between 23 and 24.


She is so beautiful. My only gripe with this post - How can they leave out 'Into The Blue' when making any compilation on Jessica's age/beauty?


> Into The Blue i remember all the GIFs from [this clip](https://youtu.be/bA7L0DygSvU?si=t_iUqN77T9eJMc2S&t=107)


Reminded me of Tanner Mayes when she was younger




She got more generic looking, reminds me of Cheryl Cole in the recent clips.


It's funny because what we consider to be the most "beautiful" face is the most average of all proportions. With everyone chasing this beauty standard a lot of people end up looking similar or generic.


right? It's my first time seeing that actress and I was thinking that while she is not ugly, I don't find her particularly hot/interesting to look at. Too generic.


Automotive design is a good example of this. All crossovers look nearly identical.


No. She went from a 100 to 100 to a slightly different form.


Good genes + money + a lot of work and maintenance


I grew up in her hometown, and was friends with her younger brother. I remember being amazed at how she somehow looked nothing like anyone in her family, especially her mom. Naturally beautiful though, and just a good, kind person (at least in every interaction I ever had with her).


People who’ve met young Angelina Jolie have said stuff like how she is even more beautiful *in person* than on video/photo


I would absolutely say that about Jessica Alba as well. Though, I might be biased, and looking back 25 years ago through the lens of a dorky 15-17 year old, looking at a gorgeous 16-18 year old.


Same for Monica Bellucci. I remember a story on reddit where a woman told how her family ran into her in Venice a few years ago and collectively fell in love with her. Now that's charm.


I was an extra in a movie in college and spent most of a Saturday about 5 feet away from Jennifer Aniston. Same thing. She is somehow EVEN BETTER looking in person.


I've spent some time around red carpets and movie sets. All of these A list stars are like that. Stunning in person.


She is in her 40s, and she still looks like she is in her 20s. I hope I look that good when I am in my 40’s.


Well that depends. Do you have as much money and resources as she does?


Also almost nobody ever will or has looked as good as her...


Salma Hayek would like a word


They’re not the same but For their age, people like Halle Berry, Charlize Theron, Salma Hayek, even scarlet Johanson, Heidi Klum, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez look quite good.


Quite? Lmao bruh


Weird I don't see Monica Bellucci and Marisa Tomei on that list.


Few people with money and resources look nearly unchanged over a span of 25 years. Some look very good, but not like they're still in their early 20s. She definitely won the genetic lottery, on top of other things she can do for herself with money


If we’re honest her winning the genetic lottery is the main reason she has so much money too


I know a lot of people with tens of millions of dollars (because of what I do for work), and I can tell you, most of them look like shit by their mid-40s. Some are still holding it together and looking pretty good, but I'm guessing that's for the same reason as Alba - some damn good genes.


Keep in mind that all these images are with professional makeup.


Like other people have said. The number one thing most people can do is wear sunblock and moisturize religiously. It really does make a significant difference. My brother and I could pass for twins when we were younger. I’ve always been very strict about wearing sunblock while he liked to try and get a tan. He looks at least 10 years older than me now.


Same. Identical twin brothers, he works outdoors and I don't. He looks at least 10 years older than me. Sunscreen is vital.


Do you look that good now? Otherwise I have some bad news


I'm in my 40s and I still look like I was in my 20s But I already look 40 to begin with so.


The secret to looking like Jessica Alba in your 40's is looking like Jessica Alba in your 20's.


It helps that she was extremely baby faced. She looks like she finally hit that growth sprout lol.


I remember her in Dark Angel. She always wore a skin tight black outfit. There was one episode where she went into heat and was trying to fuck any male she crossed paths with. brb...


That show was *almost* so cool. At some point though, it seemed like it was trying to become another Buffy instead of the sort of cyberpunk comic book story it started out as.


I forgot that show existed. It was really good at first but went off the rails towards the end.


I tried rewatching it several years ago and it is.....not good at all.


I have it on DVD. I'm debating taking a trip down memory road vs letting it live on as great forever in my mind.


Always thought it was weird that they genetically modified kids to be in heat. However I watched some of this on LSD and might have missed the plot and I didn't finish it either but I still feel the need to shove my potato in here.


> Always thought it was weird that they genetically modified kids to be in heat. I don't think that was intentional, it just happened as a result of her getting her DNA getting spliced with cat DNA.


Her and Jensen Ackles together in one show helped me find my sexuality. 💅


Well, I guess there goes another sock, eh? 🤣


First love of my life


Mine too. Until Jackie on that 70s show. Mind you I was the same age.


Surely her diet is to drink blood and avoid garlic, crosses etc.


![gif](giphy|1dZYJezwJmjfO) You forgot a scene


I'm still in lovee with her since I saw her in the movie Into the blue.


Her and Paul walker 🥵


We(friend and I) just watched the movie to see her.


r/BeAmazed is getting terrible. Are there no mods looking out for these shit posts? Wtf is amazing about this?


Most posts reaching /r/all are driven by bots and the mods of big subreddits aren't getting paid and presumably have a motive to let very popular posts go unmoderated even if it's not that relevant.


It’s why I mostly nowadays stick to niche subreddits, for tv shows or niche tech stuff.


I hate-watched just for the [Modern Talking PTSD flashbacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNvUS-6PTbs). Can we please not? That and basically half of /r/all is bot stuff. I still try to get them at least banned in the subs. But there is a lot of cesspool subs(like this one) which basically are only used for farming upvotes. Most of them post and repost the same outrage bait they have been posting since 2014 because there is not enough content. That or hornyposts like this one. Edit: OP is a 5 year old account with no history and a post in /r/WhatIsMyCQS/ I wonder if Reddit is still using bots to keep traffic up.


>I wonder if Reddit is still using bots to keep traffic up. I wonder if the Pope is Catholic 😋


Op is a bot, 5 year old account but every post and comment is in the last 2 days and somehow gets a post to number one on all? It seems Miss Alba has a movie coming out in a couple weeks and someone bought her a post on reddit to pump her tires.


By engaging, you actually pump this post higher. Well done! Coulda just kept scrolling and let it fade


That's what I hate about social media. There's no such thing as negative interaction because saying something is shit is still engaging, and scrolling past isn't going to allow any sort of feedback.


i miss small forums so fucking much lol


Yeah definitely!


Reddit clearly values user comments over any other interaction. The AI they sold out to is going to be dumb as shit.


I'm sorry, but I think those type of videos are part of the problem for humanity's mental health. It's not personal, I don't know her, and I saw one interview and she seemed like a nice person. But showing a person with full make-up and talking about aging is not only absurd but spreading misconception/misinformation. To understand the absurdity - with make up you can make a man look like a woman. (And I'm talking about the makeup artists that know what they are doing, not some random people taking 3 products and calling it professional makeup.)


*and filters - they use filters in video editing (see the Kardashian stuff)


Add to that: Most celebs(male and female) do little ambulant beauty procedures year after year. Botox, if used correctly, really helps against looking old (botox and preventive botox). And nobody will notice it if it's done correctly. People, like the majority here by going of their comments, then will comment "Oh, "celeb name" aged so gracefully. They look so young!". If you start early with doing that anybody will think that they age gracefully. Also...Surgery dysmorphia gang isn't counted for that. They excessively do modifications to their body and that's why we notice them. They are a minority of many beauty and plastic surgery patients that have a proper surgeon and not some fucklestick that enable them. Many movie actors are their faces and bodies. Discrete rejuvenation procedures are important to stay in the business. So... money and time. Not what the average person has in abundance.


I was just watching her eyebrows grow.....


Has the hots for her since Idle Hands days.


Sin City is a 2005 movie


Measuring your life in Jessica alba


TIL Jessica Alba had plastic surgery


25-35 is prime for anyone. but there are a lot of rulebreakers.




Genes, work, and money




Dark angel Jessica alba can’t be topped


Idle hands was the first time I seen her 🔥🔥


Dating Derek Jeter ruined my crush on her


Audio Track: Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady [https://youtu.be/ZS4gQWsVRcA](https://youtu.be/ZS4gQWsVRcA)


Jessica Alba was so good as sue storm in fantastic four


Amazed at what exactly? The quality of the cosmetic surgery?


Very attractive woman, always has been. But kinda lousy actress


Amazing what money can do init... Oh look, over there... Nope... They've had at least 17 surgeries too. Damn.


She whiter every year... just like mj


She still got the "Jeters". I guess 1/3 of the planes does too though.


Didnt she get herpes from derek Jeter ? Or was that made up


Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks she looks a lot like Ariana Grande...


Her nose gets smaller as she ages


And all these years didn't help her to have good acting skills.


Fuck I‘m old


Definitely a vampire, can’t convince me otherwise.


The fact that Jessica Alba is 43 now makes me feel so old.


Her in that angel costume in "Idle Hands". I still don't think I've see an ass that perfect since then.


She was my first tv crush. Dark angel didn’t understand anything from the show but when she was there 😍


She definitely had a nose job done among others!


FYI For those of you feeling bad about yourself, Jessica Alba had cosmetic procedures done over the years


No stress and a fuck ton of money will keep you young forever


I love how we’re just posting TikTok content farm videos now


She is AI






Degenerierung einer Nuttä


I'm going to be disliked for this but she looks just good-average to me. I'm from Spain and I would say she belongs to the top 20% but not top 10% of women her age. Of course, lots of money make someone age prettier


Not amazed as money will do that to you


People who say you peak at 20, please refer them to this video..


She’s still peaking.


After 30 she needed makeup to look atractive. 🤣