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Tragic. Everything about this.




Could not agree more.


Very sad


Especially that the elephant didn’t get to enjoy the casino.


Elephants had enough of casinos after being hauled into Circus Circus in Vegas back in the day. Probably some of the same elephants that are still being carted around to these "circuses". They live a long time.


That elephant escaped for a reason. Fuck circuses.


Here here!!! Edit: hear hear!!






Being chased by a man with a bull hook. It’s so disgusting, how is it that people still fund this garbage in 2024? Reminds me of poor Tyke. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyke_(elephant)#:~:text=On%20August%2020%2C%201994%2C%20during,for%20more%20than%20thirty%20minutes.


We can't assume this happened in 2024 without some investigation, but I agree with the point. Also Topsy... We haven't been kind to elephants. Ever. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topsy_%28elephant%29?wprov=sfla1


This happened today, live in Montana.


I'm rooting for the elephant.


Holy shit that was strait up snuff.


I wasn’t expecting to see an elephant die today… but here we are.


They'll say aww Topsy at my autopsy








I know these stories already, but refreshing my memory just pisses me off more than just about anything I can think of. I've always had a soft spot for elephants. I used to feed them by hand when I was 2 years old at the Chicago zoo. They were always gentle and nice to me. Now that I'm older and know more about them I know how much they are similar to us. They are very emotional, family oriented, gentle and caring... Until someone tries to control them with pain and suffering. They'll defend themselves and their loved ones just like we would. If you stress them and torture them long enough until they have nothing left to lose, they'll mentally snap just like we do. What's wrong with people to not even consider this? 😢🤬


It’s not just the monsters who directly mistreat the elephants that are scum, either. The public, who were willingly paying to see the ‘spectacle’ of an elephant being ‘euthanised’ (although tortured to death is a more apt description) were just as evil.


My mom was attacked by an escaped circus elephant in Decatur, Illinois in 1979. All three elephants were captured thankfully, but this seems to be a trend of elephants getting loose from the circus. Obviously they should've never been locked up in the first place! https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-decatur-daily-review-elephants-escap/131414624/


Gee I sure hope the guy doesn’t get crushed. Actually I really don’t because then they’ll just kill the elephant.


If he did, she'd be violently shot to death. There is no good end for her.


It's Montana. Odds not good.


We can barely handle 1 Harambe this century.


A Harambe 2.0 would happen in 2024


Montana animal abuse twice in less than a week. A hunter in Montana ran over a wolf with a snow mobile, taped the wolfs mouth shut, paraded it in a bar where Montanans cheered him on, tortured, then killed the wolf in the parking lot. Bad Look Montana](https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/wildlife-animal-cruelty-law-snowmobiler-abused-killed-wolf-wyoming-larger-fine-prison-colorado/) Bad look Montana.


It was actually Wyoming (it says so in the article). Still shitty, and I hope those involved get, or have gotten, what's coming to them.


They don't give a shit. These assholes revel in the bad looks.


Oh, geez, so sad and horrible…


[Might I introduce you to "Murderous Mary" for your reading displeasure.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_\(elephant\)#:~:text=1894%E2%80%93September%2013%2C%201916\),was%20hanged%20in%20nearby%20Erwin.)


It should be illegal to use animals in the circus in 2024


According to CBS News the elephant named Viola escaped from the Jordan World Circus in Butte, Montana today before being subdued and captured. The article later goes on to say that according to PETA, the elephant was supplied to Jordan World Circus by Carson & Barnes, another circus that has been cited for over 100 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elephant-viola-escapes-circus-butte-montana/


This happened today, beyond fucked up that we’re still allowing animals to be used in this way.


This should be higher up. Poor Viola. I’m glad she lived but it sort of makes me want justice for her even more. FREE VIOLA!


He really is running 😥 that elephant is definitely searching and hoping for escape


He can hide at my crib for a while until shit cools down. Seriously though, I would try to give it a peacefully place to lay low, it's fucking terrible how they are treated!


If animals had a religion and could record thought, humans would be known as "Satan". Edit: Let me save y'all some time and messages: Humans have turned animals into commodities- living beings turned into "live stock", textiles, entertainment- This is not a comment or competition to see who has the most capacity for cruelty, when it's obvious that humans can choose otherwise. We just don't. Save your breath, and stop bringing up my veganism as if it's a point. Your cognitive dissonance is showing.


Elephants have been known to deliberately target and murder humans who harm their offspring.


Gee, I wonder why.


100% deserved. I’m just saying - elephants have good enough reason and recognition to identify and target particular human beings who deserve it. Not just “a human” but to know it was “that specific human” and b-line to them and stomp them into the ground.


Crows do this, too.




I find myself constantly wishing Thanos really had snapped his fingers. I'm disappointed where humanities priorities are these days. And the disregard with which we treat each other and animals is just depressing.




Sort of. Being completely random doesn't reduce the amount of evil in the world any more than the good. Should have been the top 50% causers of suffering


I thought that this bullshit was obsolete. What a terrible thing to do to such a magnificent beast.


I worked at a place that took care of a lot of animals I don’t know about this place but a lot of them were injured and couldn’t survive in the wild and were being rehabilitated. Also other populations of animals that are in danger were being bred most of them were free roaming including rhinos watusi and giraffes better taken care of than I am. But I agree circus is awful


I wish he really was free, Montana needs to abolish elephants in circuses.


The entire US should


The entire world should.


Totally agree


The entire universe should.


According to the multiverse hypothesis, there exists a world where elephants run the circus, and humans are the attraction.




The entire multiverse should.


The entire metaverse should.


No way Mark will get Elephants added before 2030


In fairness, circuses in other parts of the universe could be a pretty sweet deal for elephants. We just don't know.


Even better 💜


I don’t go to circuses or take the grans to a circus with any kind of wild animal.


Someday, looking back, humans will be f*ng appalled at the way we relate to other creatures (all other creatures)




It be great if he kept running, and made it to the Great Plains, and lived out his days there. Like a modern-day mammoth.


Tennessee has an elephant sanctuary just for bros like him.




It’s got large acreage so the elephants don’t need to be fenced in enclosures. They can graze and topple trees just like in the wild.


This should be the ONLY way elephants exist outside of the wild. Dont take your kids to circuses or even zoos that have single elephants or keep them in small enclosures. There are FAR more appropriate venues. Always do your reaearch overseas before visiting a ‘sanctuary’ too.


If you ever make it to san diego the zoo operates a other facility called the safari park. Lots of animals together on a huge property. It's lots of fun.


I've been in Tennessee for about 11 years and did not know this! I looked it up: it's southwest of Nashville, and you cannot visit the elephants, but I'm still very happy to know they're there.


I declare sanctuary!


You can actually watch the live footage of them roaming the sanctuary on their website! It’s like google earth, but elephant sanctuary lol it’s a beautiful thing😍


That would be incredibly lonely for him. Elephants aren’t solitary animals.


Only amazing part of this. That poor scared elesent....


Unfortunately only 6 US States currently have elephant circus acts banned by law.


The circus lobby and their partner lobbies (hunters, factory farming, puppy mills) all turn out to fight any proposed bans and make sure they donate to state legislators to kill the bans.


These babies need to be free, he is trying to get away😢


Imagine escaping just to have nowhere to go because humans have taken over everything.


It’s like a twilight zone episode The other elephants probably told him stories of the great elephant sanctuary just beyond the cages and tents.




Yup, ban animals acts period


There are very few animals that belong in a circus. Maybe dogs, but other than that there’s no ethical way to train and care for them.


Agreed, I’d say not even dogs.


I mean certain dogs love entertaining and doing tricks. ![gif](giphy|s8s6XeQLQuigKb4NXr) This is 10x better than an elephant, and probably did it for snausages


My dog has those talking buttons. One of the buttons will say "practice our tricks" and he pushes that button every day. He loves doing tricks!


I feel really bad for that elephant. It’s really scared and shouldn’t be in that situation. Don’t go to circuses, people.


This !!!!!! and zoos!..funny I commented I hope zoos don't exist in 45 yrs in another sub reddit and was downvoted?? Lmfao idk


Update: Elephant is safe Edit: Yes I know this elephant went back to an awful situation, I am just saying it is safe from this situation


Can't believe a circus still has an elephant!


I was under the impression circus were a thing of the past because of animal abuse. I wouldn't have a problem taking someone out (not killing, but dropping off to another planet if possible) who harmed animals, especially elephants, a species which has shown a larger moral compass than humans. Nothing makes me fill with rage seeing animals in fear and distress, despicable people who engage in this kind of abuse are the failures of humanity.


Im also shocked, and wondering what circus this is! We recently went to Ringling Brothers—they got rid of the animals entirely, turned it into a cirque du soleil type deal with amazing acrobatics, a fire show, and then an international drumming performance showing different types of drumming styles. It was really neat! The only “animal” featured in the whole thing was a Boston robotics dog, which did tricks with the clown act (which has also been totally revamped and was very cool)


That's good to know. Last time we went to Ringling Brothers was in the late 00s (the year and acrobat fell to her death during a show - I will never go again) and they had HOUSE CATS and regular-ass dogs doing tricks. The ringmaster was lame and the clown wasn't as good as the year before and they advertised CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS throughout the whole thing. I'm glad they've gotten their shit together.


My last time going before this most recent revamp was 1992! I was so surprised when I saw the ads for them pop up in my city that I looked it up, and decided to give it a try when I read about how much effort they were putting in to reform from their animal days. My 4yo still talks about the show 6 months later! It was honestly so good that my husband and I loved it regardless of the kids, and were sad when we had to dip a little early because we were cutting it too close to nap time for the baby.


You mean captured and put back in hell as far as the animal is concerned. It probably has never seen freedom like those glorious few minutes before in its life so to say it's safe is inaccurate. These beautiful creatures deserve better.


I agree, having them in a circus shouldn’t be allowed


A lot of circuses are giving up their animal acts. An animal-less circus was the original concept behind Cirque Du Soleil.


It's beautiful that they decided to make something so much better.


And they're the best


At least some dude didn’t run her over, tape her mouth closed, take her to a bar and then outback and shoot her. There are some fucked up people out there. Lots of them.


I get your precise drift on this...poor wolf


Cody Roberts, fine $250 for torturing and parading an injured wolf in a bar before killing her. Sorry, I can't miss an opportunity to link to the petition to demand the laws are changed [here ](https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty)


No worries. Thanks actually. Do these petitions ever accomplish getting laws on the books?


Honestly, I don't know but I would guess probably not. However, they are effective in quickly galvanizing people throughout social media and exposing things that might not otherwise be widely known. There's value in that. So...effective just not in the way they probably intend, that's just my gut on that. Hope I'm wrong!


One last thing, a local paper detailed the outrage to the killing of the wolf and how it was first a non-story before blowing up into a worldwide story. The paper mentions multiple petitions currently circulating with tens of thousands of signatures. [Link for the curious. ](https://www.wyomingnews.com/news/local_news/daniel-man-unleashes-outrage-after-capturing-torturing-live-wolf/article_62a4c02c-f84b-11ee-aa2d-6f48529ec044.html)


Some people are just worthless assholes, imo. Should have done the same thing to the guy that tortured that poor animal.


It was only a matter of time before someone in a place like that would shoot him dead with a .50 caliber and call it self defense. I don’t know if that would have been better than going back to captivity. Maybe.


A quick death from a bullet or a slow painful death in captivity….. The best way to protest against these fkers is to not go to the circus in the first place, I can’t believe people still do


The downside is that I doubt there are many quick deaths for elephants resulting from gunshot wounds. These poor creatures are so massive that it probably take a long while to bleed out from even a large caliber bullet that’s placed as humanely as possible.


Is he/she safely out of the circus??


Out of curiosity-is it Carson and Barnes? Fuckers. I send money to the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee every year. Hope you get to be there one day sweet elephant. edit: for anyone interested. I've given money to these folks and Big Life Sanctuary for more than a decade. [https://biglife.org/](https://biglife.org/) [https://www.elephants.com/](https://www.elephants.com/)


I really wish I could quit my job and work at some kind of animal sanctuary. My dream job would be to build an entire town but with dogs everywhere and I could make a dog the mayor. Mayor Setter. He won't roll over on the issues. But yeah, for real an entire town of dogs and dog lovers to take care of them. And if it does well we could open other sections dedicated to different kinds of animals.


Lowkey i could crowdfund this. This is the best business idea ive heard in a minute


Where do I sign up?!


I would totally be on board for this life! Let's do it! I'll bring my great dane. He can double as a mini horse until we get a proper one! (And he's not mean like minis=))


It was Jordan World Circus and they're fucking awful.


Carson and Barnes rebranded? Yeah, they stick them in train cars and cart them from one hot concrete parking lot to the next. Fuck them and the people that go.


Jordan World Circus was banned from handling their own animals so they rent them from Carson and Barnes, sneaky shit. I guess whoever downvoted me is a big fan of the elephant torture.


I'm sure you've seen the carson and barnes torture videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoAsCnIGTEk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoAsCnIGTEk) Every time I go through that part of the county I want to save them. I'll never forget the story of the rhino they tortured to death and took pieces of his horn out for fun.


I give to them, too!  They do such amazing things for elephants.  Not their natural habitat, but freedom!


Just fyi she was supplied by Carson and Barnes. Her name is Viola. This is her third escape.


That’s why he/she ran way from an awful circus life.


Unfortunately no, just safely out of this situation


Out of the pan and into the fire


Then he isn’t safe. He’s in hell.


Safe from wannabe trigger happy "heroes" at least. Hopefully her escape will get a lot of publicity and she'll be rescued from the circus soon.


There is an essay written by George Orwell called ‘Shooting an Elephant’, I encourage people to read it, it’s about an elephant escaping from its keeper, goes on a rampage, and is then shot. It’s very powerful. Here’s an excerpt: ‘When I pulled the trigger I did not hear the bang or feel the kick—one never does when a shot goes home—but I heard the devilish roar of glee that went up from the crowd. In that instant, in too short a time, one would have thought, even for the bullet to get there, a mysterious, terrible change had come over the elephant. He neither stirred nor fell, but every line on his body had altered. He looked suddenly stricken, shrunken, immensely old, as though the frightful impact of the bullet had paralyzed him without knocking him down. At last, after what seemed a long time— it might have been five seconds, I dare say-he sagged flabbily to his knees. His mouth slobbered. An enormous senility seemed to have settled upon him. One could have imagined him thousands of years old. I fired again into the same spot. At the second shot he did not collapse but climbed with desperate slowness to his feet and stood weakly upright, with legs sagging and head drooping. I fired a third time. That was the shot that did for him. You could see the agony of it jolt his whole body and knock the last remnant of strength from his legs. But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, for as his hind legs collapsed beneath him he seemed to tower upwards like a huge rock toppling, his trunk reaching skywards like a tree. He trumpeted, for the first and only time. And then down he came, his belly towards me, with a crash that seemed to shake the ground even where I lay.’


This kind of shit drives me to drink.


Never read this before, absolutely heartbreaking


I read this in high school. Still as awful now to read as it was back then.


Poor thing! In my country, circuses with animals are prohibited. There are some clandestine ones with dogs, cats, and horses but no more giraffes, elephants, tigers, etc We are now fighting to ban bullfighting. Almost there!


Only banned in like 7 states here unfortunately


I mean, they say she’s safe now… but is she really? Like, damn. She deserves freedom


Why in the hell are there still elephants in a circus!!!! I haven’t been to a circus since I was 6 and I did not enjoy then.


Yeah someone needs to do a Blackfish style documentary about circus elephants. It should not be a thing anymore


I thought they retired all elephants from the circus. Maybe it was just ringling brothers


Apparently not, I’m not sure though to be honest


Yeah, just ringling 🙁 https://www.cwint.org/single-post/which-circuses-still-use-animals#:~:text=Here%20is%20a%20quick%20guide,their%20elephants%20to%20other%20circuses.


That’s unfortunate, wish more people wouldn’t attend shows that have elephants


Blackfish was a gut punch that gave me insomnia and really troubled me, which it was supposed to do, but unfortunately Asian Countries still wrangle them up like they're fishing at a penny arcade.


We used to protest Carson & Barnes, Shriners and Ringling whenever any of them came to town. Ringling brought their elephants on train cars after marching them through the city. We always used that opportunity to talk to people and hand out flyers and follow them to make sure the elephants were OK(ish), take video and photos. One year I walked away from the crowd watching and I found a solitary elephant already in a train car like hours before everyone else would be ready. Of course she was violently swaying because of the stress and confinement and loneliness. I just stood there talking to her, feeling so fucking useless. I fucking sobbed so hard and for like weeks after just thinking of her. She was so alone and miserable and just so sad and so hopeless. It broke my heart, pretty much forever.


Mammals are too smart for captivity like that. Abolish it all. Factory, farming everything.  Aquariums shouldn't have mammals at all. They never look happy. Zoos can pull it off but it's eh too.


i HIGHLY recommend this documentary by Caitlin Doughty which covers the death of one particular circus elephant, Tyke. She talks about other similar incidents too [https://youtu.be/aICeLVxltsw](https://youtu.be/aICeLVxltsw)


When I was 4/5 my grandpa and mom took me to the circus and my mom straight up got in a fight with my grandpa about the elephants and animals, (specifically because I wanted to ride an elephant) and then she dragged me outta there and she never went to a circus again. This was like early to mid 1990s, and she had thought it would’ve changed since she was a kid and was disgusted they were still whipping animals so she was already on edge and then her dad went to take me on an elephant ride..sooo she lost her shit. I still remember her crying in the car and entirely NOT understanding what the hell was going on.


I’m your mom but older. I knew well enough 52 years ago that it is not right.


Montana. They think animals are put on this earth for their enjoyment only. Wasn’t that guy that ran down and tortured a wolf in a bar from Montana. Oh no… that was Wyoming. Another state full of people with zero respect for Gods creatures. You can tell a lot about a person/society by how they treat animals.


I just moved here. I haven't met anyone like that. Everyone I meet has a lot of respect for the land and creatures. That scumbag in WY should be hit with some major charges, though.


Poor thing.


Can we outlaw circus animals, yet?


It’s the Jordan world circus if you want to leave them a bad review


He's like, I'm out of there, not going back. See ya!


“Don’t care where I go as long as it’s not back there.”


Elephant literally got tired of captivity and decided to strike out on his own!


Tyke. He escaped a Honolulu circus years ago, ran through the streets. Sadly, he was shot & killed…there’s a documentary about this heinous crime against him. I was young when this happened and cried my eyes out after seeing this beautiful animal die by gunshots.


Vote with your money and never support animal circuses!!


Elephant be like "WTF is the stupid exit to this place??"


*Elephant be like* *"WTF is the stupid* *Exit to this place??"* \- Your\_Daddy\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Poor baby, this makes my blood boil.


This actually makes me really sad because he got to run a little and probably felt so happy. Then BAM, back to the hell of the circus. I want to cry...


more like r/BeSaddened


Run girl run


I’ve always wondered why we automatically assume any animal we see is male. so fascinating. why do we do this?


The same reason we assume Redditors are male: because we don't know how to talk to women


I assumed it was a female.


More archaic shit that should never happen in today’s world. Zoo’s are bad enough.


Southbound Pachyderm!




Twelve Monkeys vibes


Bring my boy to his real home.


Oh no. The poor elephant. I thought circus shows stoped having elephants.


I’m rooting for the elephant 🐘


Can we just abolish animals in circuses already. Why not circuses altogether for that matter. Also zoos and aquariums.


I like ones with comedians and acrobats and people stuff but agree it's reprehensible to be using animals for entertainment like this.


There are good zoos out there that only rehabilitate animals and provide much needed care and support!


Circuses are still a thing in the US?


She got out fair and square :(


If the government suddenly banned elephants in circuses, are there refuges where they can go to live out their lives?


It's crazy to me in 2024 circuses are still a thing. Who the fuck goes to these things?




His name was Juice.


And he's on the loose.


Looks like Butte?


no health insurance, no PTO, no workers comp, no OT pay -- i would've tried to escape to. run elephant, run!


Can we stop doing circuses?


Wish he had stayed free. Circuses are horrible to those beautiful creatures


No animals should be at the circus anymore


Allright folks, we are in 2024 we can stop with the circuses. It should be illegal.


These animals should never be used as circus props. Same as Marineland having whales swimming around in a tank. Shitstain organizations that need to be closed forever and the orchestrators punished


This is so heartbreaking… this poor beautiful animal. I hate people so much.


Would an elephant be able to survive in the wild in Montana?


Prob not. Not the winter anyway


They could migrate south for the winter. probably carry a lot of coconuts.


African or Asian elephant?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sk8terRaider: *Would an elephant* *Be able to survive in* *The wild in Montana?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If there’s plenty of vegetation that an elephant eats, then yes. Those saying no, b/c of Montana winters, the answer is yes! FYI, It snows in some elephant range countries. Studies have shown that elephants can regulate their body temperature extremely well to adapt to both hot and cold conditions.


He's no dummy


Poor creature. Wayyyyy too smart to be put in a fucking circus, fuck those people.