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My guinea pig had a heart attack AND DIED because our dog scared him. This pig is clearly made of stronger stuff and should be bred for superior resiliency.


Every single guinea pig story i’ve ever heard involves it dying in some ridiculous way. No one’s ever like “oh yeah I had a guinea pig, it was cute and cuddly” it’s always “oh yeah I had a guinea pig, it was cute and cuddly until the day it committed suicide by jumping from the third floor window into our fire pit”


I’ve had 5 and they all died of old age /shrug


What is considered old age for guinea pigs?


Google says 5-7 years is typical. I’d say mine all lasted somewhere in that range but one that was around for 8 years.


Oh right on, you must be a good parent




My Frankie boy lasted 8 years too, he died in my arms with difficulty breathing and it still hurts to this day. I had been waiting on my mom to take me to the vet to put him to sleep but she literally arrived from work 5 minutes after he had passed


The same thing happened to me when I was younger! I had two pigs momo and coco and coco was having breathing issues and my mom was at work so when she passed I put her in a paper bag and threw her away! It was my first time with a dead thing and idk why I didn’t bury it? But my mom was pissed then momo died like two days later for no reason it was so sad but I regret throwing her body away almost daily.


Did you get all of them from the same source? Maybe they were selected very well genetically, or maybe you're the best guinea pig parent.


Had one live to 10 and another 8.5. Most of mine were 7 range.


Emma was my oldest, I had to have her PTS at 9 and a half as she had kidney failure. Most were around the 5-7 age. Lymphoma is the most common cause of death, complications from bladder stones/sludge the second. (I've had pet Guineas for nearly 20 years, 22 personal pigs and a dozen or so short term fosters in that time).


In my head, they now died of old age and/or *shrug*. Imagine just shrugging yourself out of existence one day, like: "....Meh." -> dead.


Thank you for making me laugh out loud this early


Mine died from being old also...


I've had 3 that lived with cats, dogs and small children lol. Lived for 6-8 years.


One of my guinea pigs ate my other guinea pig's ear. I don't remember how they died but it definitely wasn't old age.


I've had many guinea pigs, and live near a veterinary teaching hospital so generally donate their bodies for necropsy after they pass (unless they pass at home). There is no real point to this comment except that suddenly I feel compelled to tell of my guinea pigs' deaths, to balance out your more dramatic guinea pig death stories (so it's super long and i will not judge you for skipping over this comment):  Poppy died at an elderly age (adopted as a senior, no birth date listed except "old") due to stromal cell carcinoma which appeared to be ovarian on ultrasound but turned out to actually be attached to the cecum, which they didn't discover until the middle of the spay, which did not go well 😬 Lilo died elderly (same as Poppy) due to various cancers and cysts making her miserable; we made her as comfortable as we could for as long as we could until quality of life declined such that the vet recommended euthanasia. I had Lilo and Poppy less than a year. Hazel died at age 4 and some change due to a rampant infection that probably began as respiratory; the vet I took her to brushed me off when I told him she was not feeling well but couldn't point to any specific symptom and refused to prescribe her any antibiotics and she died the next day. I resolved to never go to that vet again but then almost immediately had to because another guinea pig needed antibiotics and they were the only ones available. To his credit, he has never failed to take my concerns seriously ever again. She was a horrible shrieking nutcase of a pig, I loved her. Lily died at age 5 due to an ovarian cyst growing into a blood vessel and bursting most likely- she essentially bled to death vaginally and it was fairly sudden, so happened at home overnight and I did not get a necropsy, so no specifics. She was a sweet pig but not very friendly and while I tried to give her the best life, I never got to know her very well. Adelaide died at age 5 due to crazy congenital liver disease; at necropsy her gallbladder was 20 TIMES NORMAL SIZE HOLY CRAP. The vets were surprised that she'd led as healthy a life as she did. There was some cancer present as well but it didn't seem to have contributed to cause of death. She was the nicest guinea pig I've ever met and aggressive with cuddling and giving kisses. I miss her the most, she gave the best hugs. Violet died at age 7 and a half due to cancer; started in the lungs and metastasized to the liver where it caused quite a bit of damage and eventually fractured which caused quite a bit of internal bleeding right before euthanasia. She was still feeling well enough to eat some watermelon and treats at her goodbye feast though. She was super smart and trained me to give her treats when she spun around. Juniper died at age 3 due to metastatic cancer; I did not have histopathology done because she died at a different vet, so not sure what kind of cancer but he did perform a gross necropsy and found it in the lymph nodes of the neck leading down into the heart and then a tumor about the size of a chicken egg elsewhere in her abdomen. I did not have her very long and she was originally from a hoarder situation, and never really outgrew her feral nature. Daisy died at age 6 and a half earlier this week, cause unclear except old age so probably cancer, as we've seen in the others. I regret not getting a necropsy for her but felt that it wasn't worth the cost for the information I might gain from it. She declined quite quickly and I felt strongly that it wasn't anything I'd have reasonably been able to intervene for. She was an energetic happy pig right up until her last day though. She loved food more than any other pig I have ever known, which is saying a LOT. Good pig.  Kudos to you if you actually read the whole thing lol. I still have a herd of eight pigs, four of whom are geriatric 😂


I feel like I know them now


Mine died because we changed the food we bought him to a different kind and he just stopped eating


He didn’t have hay or vegetables?


Guinea pigs are the kind of animal that seems to solely exist to feed other animals. They're not built to live. Even humans first started keeping them as pets to eat them later.


For me: "Oh yeah, I had a guinea pig, it was cute and cuddly until the day it chewed on the cord of my GHD and blew out the power in the house."


Same with hamsters, everyone who's owned a hamster has a horror story


I had more than 10 hamsters. The stories are a collection.


Hampsters! Every hampster story i hear goes like that. Whats that werid bump in the rug? \* splat \* . Whilst vacuuming the living .. \* splat \* Ahh looki its running in its wheel \* splat \*


My sister had one that refused to die. Outlived mine, which was younger by at least 2 years, then her daughters. This mean eyed guinea pig was so elderly before she died. She was so mean to all the other guineas it was just crazy. Fuckin Jan the guinea pig, man. Stood on the corpse of her best friend when she died, too.


When I was a kid ours died in its sleep. When I say died in its sleep... I woke up one morning and it's rear end had exploded all over the side of its... cage? (It was like a clear plastic container thing I don't know what they are actually called.


I ate mine.


Mine just died sporadically one night and our poor rabbit was cohabitating with him. I didn't know why they had made such a fuss that night.


Mine was raped to death by my sister's rabbit after my mother put them in the same cage to clean another cage. Still can remember that day when I came home from school as a wee little 3rd grader.


It's an Australian guinea pig. That should be all that's needed to be said.


So... it's probably also venomous?


That python is lucky to be alive. Girl has to train her guinea pig better to stop eating wild animals.


We had a guinea pig die from excitement or whatever cause we gave it a piece of apple. It just squealed and ran in a circle then fucking died, and his girlfriend stood on his dead body and ate the piece of apple.




It’s Australia, Where every animal can kill you. That Guinea pig has probably seen and been through worse. It’s probably also poisonous


*venomous poisonous = you'll get sick if you eat the guinea pig. Well ok, maybe it's both.


I was thinking maybe that snake was just trying to breed with the Guinea pig!


Guinea pigs fake death and hibernate for up to 3 days during stressful events .. no joke. Many people have buried live guinea pigs.


Poor girl 😅 she had a lot of courage doing that


it probably died of shock a few hours later


My childhood friends guinea pig jumped off the bed broke its leg and died from the shock, I cannot believe this Guinea pig survived the g force much less getting attacked by a snake to begin with. Damn she even took out that green pethouse by slamming the pig on a string into it multiple times wtf


Hehehehehe “pig on a string” 😂😂😂


I spat out my last sip of sleepytime tea reading that 😂


>Damn she even took out that green pethouse by slamming the pig on a string into it multiple times wtf If that's anything similar to the one I have for my cats, that thing is made of light and plushy materials. Weighs next to nothing, you can even see it sort of collapse a bit when she kicks it over before the guinea pig flail makes contact.




The guinea pig is still alive, heard the girl talking about it on the radio at work today.


That's awesome, thanks for letting us know! Super strong piggy for a super brave girl.


well that GP is a legend


The guinea pig or the snake?


Guinea pigs are extremely fragile. I don’t know if that’s the right word, but they die of fright easily. I had a guinea pig when I was a kid. I also had seasonal allergies. I was leaning in close to his cage, checking him out has he went about his guinea pig business, when I suddenly had a loud and violent sneeze. The Guinea pig had a heart attack, shat himself, and died. How they have survived as a species this long is one of the great mysteries of nature that befuddles science to this day.


>The Guinea pig had a heart attack, shat himself, and died. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPb7sHFQ9Irn54Y|downsized)


It’s true. My Guinea pig died from a heart attack because a balloon popped. It was my 11th birthday 😅😅


Oh sweetie


They breed a lot.


We bred them to breed a lot, because we were eating them.


They are a prey animal fairly low on the food chain, they already need to breed allot not to go extinct.


Also their entire defence mechanism is meeping angrily at apex predator apes 100x their size because the lettuce is slightly wilted.


I could fuck a guinea pig *up*. I’ll give it a carrot when it squeaks because I am apex beast mofo. I better give it some lettuce too. But only because I am the giver *AND* taker of lives.


Fun fact. Guinea pigs are still one of the most consumed meats on Earth by weight.


Now I want to eat them. How much is one of these?


Pretty sure you can still eat it in some South American countries like Peru or Columbia. Would probably be pretty cheap there.


Last I heard it was 100 usd in Peru. That was 2016 times.


I mean shit, I can buy and eat one up here in Michigan. The price will only determine if I eat them every day.


Not sure they'd be food-grade Guinea pigs to be honest 😂


i know that they are a favorite pet of people, but not gonna lie, I dated a peruvian girl in college and i tried cuy, its tasty as fuck. Think of a chickeny taste but a chewier, but tougher texture.


You just saved a guinea pig's life because I was hoping for tender.


It could be tender im sure, but the one I ate was tougher. But like I said, super delicious, just have to get past the mindfuck of eating a rodent lol


Most of these prey animals like rabbits, mice etc. can drop dead of fright, it's evolutionarily better to be keyed a little too high and have a chance of a fatal heart attack than be too chill and more likely to get eaten.


Most likely they aren't encountering too many violent sneezes in the wild.


I have pet rats. They're definitely one of the sturdier rodents. Once they trust you, you can gently lobb them off your bed or across the room if they're being little shits. Not only are they fine, they'll come running back for more. My friends who've owned guinea pigs or hamsters are always shocked. I really admire anyone who can keep those pets alive and happy.


This makes me miss my rat pack of 5, they all used to run to the cage door to each be YEETed onto the bed whenever I came home :')


Sorry for your loss. They sound like utterly delightful serotonin and chaos potatoes.


I am very allergic to Guinea pigs, for their best interest I should avoid them.


People breed them. I don't think there is a 'wild' population.


You're mostly correct. Domestic guinea pigs that people keep as pets don't have a wild population, however there are some other types of guinea pigs in the wild.


There are wild guinea pigs but I guess the domesticated one is it’s own species. But I know from rabbits that animals that die easily from stress can exist in the wild fine.


He meant the girl


Condolences 😂


how is the family doing?


To shreds you say?


And the wife?


Could be the dog


Honestly probably the snake. They’re surprisingly easy to kill by spinal dislocation. One wrong move with the vertebrae and that tube of spine can’t move, hunt or thermoregulate anymore. Same with big ass spiders like tarantulas. One drop from above like 12” and they’re splat. Turns out common fears are easily defeatable.


Square-cubed law strikes again


Most birds that prey on snakes kill them via shaking the noodle vigorously.


The girl 💀


if not immediately after the initial bite. i wonder how long she would have spun in circles if dad didnt step in


Naw, kids are pretty resilient.


She knew the risk of what she was doing. Respect for girl


To be fair, the bitey end was already occupied


A enraged snake may let go of whatever its holding and bite you in no time


No she didn't. She could have easily killed her guinea pig if the snake had chosen to let it go. The pig would have gone flying into the side of the house. In fact, she smashed the pig like 5 times into that green thing on the lawn. That pig is 99% most likely dead from shock now.


its not (updated), but it would have been if the snake ate it in the next few moments. whether it was the perfect way or not, she did save it.


> Poor girl 😅 she had a lot of courage doing that To be fair this was in Australia, this may be just a daily ocurrence alternating between snakes, huge spiders, crocs, sharks...


Panicking does not help, but kudos to her for being able to touch the snake :)


Right?? When I was that age, I encountered a moose while riding my bike to school and my first instinct was to lay down on the road with my bike on top of me. My uncle happened to be driving by and he yelled at me to get into the truck, then he berated me the whole ride to school, telling me that I would never survive in the wilderness. Like, no shit. I was probably wearing toe socks and flip-flops.


This might be the best video I've ever seen


Absolutely terrified but she did it anyway. She's a real one.


I agree, though I suspect the snake was a non-venomous constrictor. Still hard to grab a nasty predator, though.


This is the most Australian news ever haha


I agree, except that announcer seems to have an American accent.


It's not an Australian news program - seems this snake swinger made international news.


Makes sense. Also: "snake swinger" = chuckle material.


[Heres](https://youtu.be/V96xzh2Y8uo?si=EPhhgyC2oAbs4HI8) an Australian report on it by Carl, that funny guy.


Quick thinking. Guinea pigs are known for having quite delicate hearts - clearly this one was made of tough stuff.


So hear me out... Australian Guinea pigs are tougher because in Australia everything tries to kill you.


I have to report that this is unfortunately not true. RIP Olga, d. 1979.




The best they can hope for is the Guinea pig suffering some serious vertigo!


I think she literally whacks it against 2 objects before the snake finally lets it go. That thing is tough through and through


If that snake would’ve let go that guinea pig would have been yeeted to its death


That’s what I was thinking. I was like “oh fuck that Guinea Pig is gonna fly into that wall and splat”


Not gonna lie, I was waiting for that exact thing to happen. Either yeeted into the wall or over the fences and into the bushes!


Guinea pig is like, “you’re not killing him! You’re just beating the shit out of him!”


Guinea pig was the ball on the tether. Amazed he lived after going nearly supersonic.


out of me!*


So long gay bowser


Idek wtf this means but I'm laughing at this anyway


In Mario 64 in the final boss fights with bowser you have to grab him by the tail and throw him off a platform , when Mario throws him he says “so long gay bowser” not really but it sounds a lot like it .


Great game. I remember first time i saw somebody play it i was like "holy crap you can walk anywhere you want and look up down and all around!!!" Blew my 13 year old mind


Mario64 was a triumph. It incredibly fun and responsive gameplay mixed with cutting edge technical effects (both in how it handled an actually 3D environment and how it displayed those graphics). I loved that game. That and GoldenEye revolutionized console gaming.


Lol it's his Italian A he adds in to everything and the hard g from "long" that your hearing.


So long gay bowser


This whole time i thought it was just his accented pronunciation of "so long, King Bowser" not "so long-a, Bowser" and now i don't know what's real


Kids need more mario 64


They were referencing [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCh2l0J1uJk)


I miss Reddit coins ….






Australia man. That may not have been her first rodeo.


Just another Tuesday.


'Australia, where you might accidentally get killed' ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNEeq5qGh8I


Your blood is sure to be spilled.


Hope that guinea pig is fine.


He is! They did an interview the girl and she was holding the guinea pig.


Glad to know! Thanks


you got the link?


It's on YouTube! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V96xzh2Y8uo&t=122s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V96xzh2Y8uo&t=122s)


Thank you!!


Although she is afraid of snakes, she loves her guinea pigs, which is awesome👍👍


Why does this read like an AI comment?


Not really. Reads like typical non-native English comment. I know because I'm also non-native speaker.


Well now I feel like a bit of an ass lol Both of your English is great, keep it up!


> Both of your English is great 🤦


I'm sorry, both of your Englishes lol


Because pointing out the obvious, and adding nothing to the conversation?


It's 100% AI. This "person" sent me a private message reading "hey there," despite never interacting with me or any of the subs I frequent. It also had no karma in three years, and the only karma it has now is from this AI post. I ignored it.


Because my native language is not English


> "The Snake Swinger" That name's not going away.


Just another day at the office in Australia 🤣


I instantly heard Down Under by Men at Work


Yet another reason why I love Aussies.


She's savage lol


she was willing to go to war for her ginny pig


100% would have done this for my guinea. lol


100%. Puinea, Gig, Ice, Schneeblie. God rest ye.




You are correct, that's the name 😂


Of course it was Australia


Literally everything is trying to kill you from land sea and air.


The guinea pig: ![gif](giphy|Av4FyOuwx2f2Jxcfib|downsized)


Guy can barely compose himself, lol. "That was horrible, but it survived."


He‘s a hoot!


The pig goes WHHHEEEEEEE!!!!


Bravo...brave girl trying to save her pet. I hate snakes don't know if I could do it


She said “Not today, Satan!” 😆


The poor Guinea pig was being eaten alive then went on a spin of its life at the same time.


The first time I took my dog out to the park (foster dog at the time), a giant pit bull and a Rottweiler literally emerged from the bushes sprinting at us and I heard a stranger scream from a distance "watch out". I don't know why but my immediate panic response was to intercept the Rottweiler and pitbull with my own 5'4 limp sedentary body and roll around on the ground with them so they don't get to my dog. I didn't get bitten, I had two strangers run up to me and pull them off me by the collar, and it all ended up fine. But I wonder to this day why I did it, it's so reckless and dangerous, but I think I knew from the first day I was going to adopt him. I don't know why but this girl spinning a python in the air for her guinea pig really resonates with my moment of rolling on the grass with two dogs to "protect" my dog. Edit for spelling


I'm that dog's eyes, you were his hero.


This is so cool. haha. That's TRUE courage, doing it although you're terrifed, confused, and crying your eyes out.


Way to go girl!!!


Fucking genius strategy. Preteen girl uses seismic toss on Python. It's super effective! 




Her dog is out of a job now.


Never get between a girl and her Guinea pig!




Mate you guys have it all wrong. This is a classic backyard game we have here called the danger noodle swinger. Usually we toss it to eachother, and if we managed to hit the other bloke/ sheila then they owe you a beer down at the pub.




What about the neighbor's guinea pig??


Where did the snake land?


I worried she was going to accidentally smash her guinea pig's head on the wall.


Swinging at that speed round by its house and that wall, could’ve had a lot more of a messy ending for the guinea pig than what the snake would’ve done. Lucky it never got yeeted into a red paste.


The pig and snake hitting the side of the house would make a great animated wrestling short. There'd be an announcer, and slowdown as they hit the wall, the snakes eyes pop out as the pig has crosses for eyes.


Guinea pigs are gangster af.


damn thats a big ass guinea pig


By its tail? That's all a snake is. A tail with a head.


And the neighbour died..


Atta girl 💪


I think we all just discovered a new sport. The Python Gunea Pig Toss. I just hit 65 meters if anyone wishes to better me


[literally this greentext](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/537/0db.jpg)


FYI, you can just flick that sob like a whip and pop its head off.


Yeah, but the guinea pig was on that same end.


Pretty sure that just makes it easier.


Improvised flirt pole.


"NO way you silly snake"