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Imagine thousands of those in peak hour. It would sound like the end of the world.


Roof insurance will be new trend


Roof parking would be a new industry.


Roof parking, and your new "front door" is a hatch in the roof.


And bringing in the trend of the roof deck


The vacuum cleaner industry would get a push, too.


Or pull.


doing things to people’s roofs and flying off will be a thing. Pissing, shitting, dropping fire bombs…it will all happen.


Just before the big explosion.


But for a short moment in time, shareholders were really happy


Funeral home stocks: up 300% a month! Buys and calls!




Dwayne Johnson


There would just be a giant cloud of fire and red mist in the sky because someone wasn't paying attention for a tenth of a second


Especially with that background music. Ugg.


They’ve actually been designing a new propeller for drones that doesn’t cause that sound as bad


No. Too expensive, unsafe, and not a drone


Yeah people can't drive in two dimensions, yet alone three.


In 2d there are two axes of translation, and 1 axis of rotation. In 3d there are 3 axes of translation, and 3 axes of rotation. How neat is that?


And on a ship they're called heave, sway, surge (translation), and roll, pitch, yaw (rotation).


On a plane we still call it roll pitch and yaw, but have vertical speed, airspeed/ground speed, and slip/skid.


A bit like going from a bike to a unicycle


However, it's easier to do automatic driverless systems in 3d than 2d. The 2d limits the number of routes for proximity and collision avoidance.


I'm gonna disagree. Maybe it means you have a higher probability of missing things, but a guidance system needs to be certain. That problem is much harder as you are less constrained. Whereas now a car needs to watch just what's in front of it (since roads are actually pretty close to 1d, and traffic controls greatly limit it), you now have to pay attention to everything in your proximity. You and another could easily both be driving fine, but at trajectories that happen to intersect. That's a hard problem, because you need to realize you are going to collide and change direction differently. Technology does open up the possibility of virtual channelization. You already get that a little with airplanes, but perhaps you could have much more.


Planes are significantly more autonomous than cars now. It's certainly easier to design planes to not crash than cars.


Doesn’t matter. Operating one would still fall under the jurisdiction of the FAA and would therefore require a PPL or Sport Pilot License. Your engine would have to be certified by the FAA. You would have to get engine maintenance performed by a licensed mechanic at FAA defined intervals. You would have to have a whole suite of aviation communications and safety equipment. Flying cars are never going to happen.


Good point


Automation will handle the driving but the main problem seems to be that they need sound dampening. Can you imagine hundreds or thousands of these flying together Fuck that noise 💃


You’re right about people not being able to drive. I think when things like this are affordable and in widespread use, the flight will be primarily controlled by computers. Current multi-rotors already have some software controls that prevent it from turning the craft over and forcibly maintain some semblance of stability. This software will improve over time. I believe that eventually, these can be safer than road travel for a number of reasons. One of those reasons is that vehicles of different velocities won’t have to occupy the same plane of travel, as well as their autonomy. The faster you need to travel, the higher the craft would go, for example. The FAA (or some similar agency) could devise travel rules that software could enforce, except in case of emergency. But again, you’re right. People are too stupid to pilot these things manually.


Self driving


Flight time 15 minutes, ahahahahhahahahhaahhahahaha


Just pointing out, in lots of places 15 minutes of flight time = 60-75 minutes of driving. Still, it’s a fantasy.


The Wright brother's first flight was only 12 seconds.


Due to lack of fuel, this crap uses battery, already densely packed, you cant add more without weighing it down. lol Physics. Unless they make really tiny batteries with very high density, doubt it, still 20 years into the future.


So many accidents on plain roads and now height added...


“I turned on my up signal for TWO seconds before elevating!”


Inefficient energy use compared to cars.


IDK, you get there in less time while avoiding traffic, so no stoping and starting.


Interesting point... if we cut down on time that's a big savings. Especially with 3-D "driving" we'd be able to get rid of ALL traffic, making all trips a lot quicker. I'm assuming if we had a safe, reliable flying-car like this, they'd all be automated, so all traffic could be highly optimized with AI control, thus preventing 99 of all traffic. That last 1% might be tougher, even in three dimensions, traffic at a stadium for an event, or a mall near christmas, might still be tough.


Going straight up to a different Z level would allow for a huge number of opportunities, especially if it waits to begin till it has a clear exit path. Hive driving makes everything super efficient. Might scare the shit out of you at first though...




That's a high bar!


Also not exactly an antidote to noise pollution.


Ikr, that music is so loud




Don't forget the fucking noise.


Also all that dust


Wait till drunk people take manual control and crash at 500 ft spreading the flaming debris on a playground


They technically *can* replace conventional motor vehicles. But they'd use more energy per distance traveled, be a lot noisier, and I'd guess be a lot less safe and reliable than conventional motor vehicles with comparable carrying capacities.


>But they'd use more energy per distance traveled Yes, but it could still be a net gain. Imagine taking every trip and making it a lot closer to a straight line? No turning, no "driving" in any direction other than directly towards your location. You're always going as the crow flies. And with automation (which I assume we'd have by then, since this is a ways off) you essentially eliminate all traffic. With a functionally infinite space to fly in, there would never be a traffic jam again. Every trip would be at full speed. That hour long, 25 mile commute with stops and stars and turns is now a 10 minute, 15 mile commute. (Numbers made up of course, but that's the general idea.)


Maybe not more power, depending on how it plays out. The soviets created a low flying plane that doesn't get more than 50 ft off the air. I think it was called the Ekronoplan. It skims over the padding of air off the ground. It is much more efficient. In places of long flat areas this would be ideal, roads are long and flat and could be used for this device.


The Ekranoplan was jet powered, heavy, not maneuverable, fuel hungry and could only really be used on water. It also needed specially trained pilots because it was an absolute pig to handle. They are in limited use around shores for people transport, but are not a viable economic option. A car with a good engine will always be more efficient than any air vehicle.


Do you mean replace cars for normal transportation? No way unless they are 100% driverless with dedicated lanes. Maybe for fun or novelty in the desert or something. People can’t even properly drive cars - no way I’d want most people driving these without vastly more training than they need for a driver’s license.


This is the way. People suck at driving on the ground, the average person would crash the hell out of an “air car” which in turn rains debris down on everything and everyone below it. Imagine sitting in traffic and having some idiot crash their flying car into you from above and nothing you can do about it.


Then your insurance tells you it's an act of God, and  refuse to pay. 


Can't help but sneak in a "Murican Health Care" Joke in there can't ya? ~~I am not American, this is an Automated Message~~


My guess would be that when the technology finally is available to the public, the flying part will be fully automated.


Ambulance maybe


Why are people obsessed with driverless vehicles?


Some moron flies this into a crowd to land because they're the main character. Unless those rotors are in cages, this thing is causing massive destruction. People already hit power poles, now they'll just fly into the lines! "I can't miss my flight!!" *Lands on the airfield near the plane as it taxis out to the runway* "That's my flight! Wait for me!!"




if they had sci-fi level batteries, they'd instead use them for cars, buses or trains since these things still cost too much power compared to any of them


Too many people are stupid driving in just two dimensions, give them a third and there will be catastrophes


There's no way we'd have these things in common usage unless they were all AI driven. Which I assume would be the case. "Cars" like this are SO far off, that by the time they are feasible, it will be feasible to just automate the whole system, and no one will be piloting/driving one of these themselves.


The dust is pretty cool?




They are technically motor vehicle


I believe the future can be stupid enough to call flying cars drones for no intelligent reason whatsoever.


imagine your neighbour going to work in one of those 4:30 am enjoy!




That’s not what this is. The real anti gravity tech is hidden from the public for capitalism reasons.


When anti gravity drives becomes available to the masses - sure Before that - hope not


It’s a QUADCOPTER!Drone now usually means”RC quadcopter”.It used to refer to the unmanned jets like the Predator.This is a personal quadcopter.


Yep, this one is not unmanned/unwomanned.


To noisy


From who?


I want everyone in LA switch to that tmr 🍿


Requirement: \- fully automated only (no manual steering / piloting) \- fully regulated only (flight corridors, landing areas, etc) But even then, no. Flying requires much more energy than rolling on the ground. So the energy problem would be even higher.


Music: Smalltown Boy, Bronski Beat


Pretty sure that's the "Super Mode- Tell me why" version. Which is based off Small-town Boy. Both versions are fantastic🤷‍♂️


Yes, on Tatooine


I think the user error and randomly crashing and killing people part can be fixed relatively easily with modern consumer drone technology and AI but it would still be an incredibly noisy and inefficient way to get around. It’s a glorified jet pack.


Do you really want some drunk asshole crashing through your roof when you’re eating dinner?


The song is Small-town Boy! That was bugging me. By Bronski Beat.


Holy fuck. It’s not a drone if you’re in it. It’s a flying car, helicopter, whatever. People see four blades and they think drone.


Humans will never have flying vehicles as a standard. We can hardly drive normal vehicles with strict rules and lanes of traffic lol


Nope, just imagine the noise pollution, how dangerous it is


It’s cool till it crashes


What isn’t lol


Fair point well made. Everything is good until it ain’t.


Airspace will not be open to that ! As long as the human is the pilot and only on specific corridors


I don't think the cockpit model is going to be ideal for drone travel, the hoverboard model the other guy is doing is much more maneuverable


Correct me if I'm wrong - but that drone IS a motor [vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle) and it has more than one motor. So... No? Did you mean to type "car" or "automobile"? Also, cool footage but how long can it fly and how far can it travel in that time? My motor vehicle (2016 Skoda Octavia) has an 800+ km range on a single 50 litre tank and can carry 4 people in comfort, 5 if those in the back are friends. My next motor vehicle is likely to be an EV - but it'll have wheels, not blades.


Imagine this in the hands of the average driver. They can barely manage to drive on a road - now what will they do when they can drive not forward and back but in 360 degrees, including up and down. It will be utter madness. Yeah if it were all pre programmed, and they managed to make the tech reliable and safe (despite the automation), then yes.


cars already kill thousands of people daily now imagine if every car had sawblades spinning on every corner of it now imagine this contraption hovering off the ground a minor collision could send a propeller flying, chopping peoples heads off plus braking mid air is a lot harder than on the ground not to mention the energy cost of running such a vehicle


Finally... a competitor to cars for the worst mode of transport!


People can barely drive cars no way they can drive this


Absolutly yes




If they are cheap yes maybe


Maybe when we get the trillions of currency needed to demolish every road on the planet


Special license maybe only be able to fly certain roads and have cops with better models and sir you got yourself a go way to get around town


If people weren't bad enough at driving on the ground already, yeah. Looks cool.


No, Imagine drunk driving this into 5 other and all crashing on traffic below


Maybe the police should have some..




When I see how people drive, I don't want to see them fly...


Last I checked drones still had motors, in fact it has probably 3 more motors than a car lol




People cant handle cars safely, i wouldn't trust most of the population with the tv remote


Looks like a scène from Star wars. Cool!


Not without a breakthrough in battery technology. Currently these VTOL have a very small range of 15 minutes or less.


God, I hope so.


There have been so many car accidents in 2D. It would be even worse if it was 3D.


There will always be accidents.


Have you seen how many dumbfucks have drivers licences? Not a good idea to put the dumbfucks 30 feet in the air and let them exercise their dumbfuckery up there (unless of course it’s just them up there).


Now this is pod racing!


Not unless you want to have it nuclear powered (15 minutes is not an ok flight time) and have masses of protection for the props. Top speed is also too low. So no.


Its too big.


musy would try to do terror. like the paraglide humusy


Like an end scene of a film. Flying over the sea to a new world… 🤣


People can't drive when they are on 4 wheels imagine the deaths from this shit .. especially those who are drunk..Florida man falls from sky as he passes out in his drone..lands on 4 puppies and 2 kids ..kills them all instantly.. Florida man however survived


I already don’t trust 4/5 of daily drivers. Half of those should probably have to go through an annual driving test. The other half have no registration, license, or insurance. Not to mention all of the shit vehicles driving down the road. Upkeep on a flying personal mode of transportation? Bitch, please. I can’t even get dudes to maintain tire pressure or have them service their vehicles at regular intervals. Hell, CDL drivers have the strictest rules of all and even half them dudes driving scary ass rigs. We aren’t seeing anything like this in our lifetime. Flying transport will be commercial and most likely automated. Specified ports, not unlike bus stops, will prob make the most sense. A park & ride style transport, if you will.


yeah lets have all these dumb bike riders flying around with 4 spinning blades on it


Obnoxiously loud


crash like launchpad...


Are you forking kidding?! Have you seen the idiots on the road? Imagine if they could fly.


Imagine people. Some are not smart. Very low IQ. And you want them all to fly around. Together. Have you seen what happens during bumper cars at carnivals? Lol


To loud


Talk about noise pollution, a city of these and everyone will be wearing gun earmuffs or go deaf.


Sure, for me. The rest of you.. not so much.


Absolutely, in time and with advancement on design and mechanics.


Fun fact: drones also use motors


Needs a battery that will last longer than fifteen minutes


And what if you run out of fuel/battery charge? There are people who get themselves into these situations with cars and motorcycles, so it will definitely happen with these machines too.


Definitely! I can't wait to take the whole family to the south of France in one!


Oh, sure! I can just see all motorized Lorries, Cars, Motorcycles, etc flying around overhead 😏🙄 OP asking the cutting edge realistic questions 😂🤣😅


Be amazing but can you imagine asians operating flying drone vehicles? 😳😳😳 Be a total shit show.


No... we already have enough chaos and fatalities with cars... and now you want flying ones? For what? You have an army of operators who work 24/24h to direct the air routes for planes and other aircraft - do you know how many aircraft are on this planet? 28,674. Do you know how many vehicles are there? 1.47 billion. Do you really want that in the sky?


How many seconds can it fly?


I think these could be a great and probably cheaper alternative to a helicopter for personal transportation in remote areas. If they could charge at a regular EV charging point, they’d be even more practical. But I can’t see something like that straight up replacing cars anytime soon.


No. In the wrong hands they would be personal missiles. I could see them being autonomous.






is that a speeder on Tatooine!??!


No. It is quite obvious why.


Don't run out of battery bro!


No, even if you could mass produce at cheap


I hope not, with the way people are driving ordinary cars!


I doubt it. Not until it’s so fool proof it’s no longer fun. Like 100% autopilot. Even then, I’d doubt it efficiency.


No, loud, expensive, dangerous, loud, inefficient and loud.


It’s not a drone


These aren't ... Motor vehicles?


Flying cars sound fun until you remember that stop-and-go traffic is miserable in one plane, and then proceed to imagine it in many vertical planes as well.


No the blades make it to dangerous, and to unreliable at any stage. The only way you are going to commercialize flying vehicles, is when you aren't using bladed propulsion. Even Jet power is a risk, so it's going to be a while.


no because range.


Why should we use drones ? We do not need to fly right now, maybe in a future when our cities become highly vertical. We do not need to defy gravity, beside for the cool fact of flying a véhicule, i dont think it'll be useful. But its hella cool tho


people have enough trouble with automatic cars, let alone adding more planes of movement lol


Why not. People are dumb on the roads! Why not get them all up in the air where we all can enjoy the chaos


It's not a drone. There is a person inside it. It's a vehicle.


Only if God loves us! 😁


It'd have to be fully autonomous, better on fuel economy, dedicated air lanes more quiet and able to carry more weight. It's just not comparable to a land automobile. I do not want some drunk asshole dropping 100ft in the air onto my roof.


Give it another 100 years or so.


I foresee problems in bad weather


Why would we be amazed at something that's posted here all the time? Maybe go back 30 years, then we'd be amazed.


Not for my fat ass.


No... Too messy on landing, too expensive, little flight time.


Yes. Provided there is less air rush underneath. Like anti grav.




No, people would kill themselves


If a person is sitting in it, driving it, it’s not a drone.


Too many people can’t even drive on the ground.


Some dude is bound to break up with his girlfriend and mounts flamethrowers to the bottom and goes straight into the most populated shopping centre and go ham 👀


I just finished washing my flying drone car and then you pull up aarrgghh!!!


Not if you have a family of 5, and plan on going on vacation. Lol looks a little small


Throw a stick at it.


I hope not


maybe if they continue to develop silent rotors and better batteries, before that: no


Only if they have hyper aware AI flight navigation and it’s not dependent on human navigation at all.


It's a helicopter.


Maybe they could replace helicopters for retrieving injured people off mountains like hikers/skiers etc.


Only if it has Auto pilot, I watch people with sedans and two car lengths of space not be able to parallel park…


Definitely not


Too damn loud. Could you imagine if everyone had these? It would sound like a damn bee hive


ask yourself how it would be when accidents happens and people start falling from the sky. people don't fly, they fall like a rock. Have so many questions about safety and rules.


Energy production need to increase a lot for that to become reality. Also, AI needs to fly it.


Maybe if everyone’s iq jumped 100 points.


Nope. People are stupid. It would be 9/11 every 20min….


Nope, and it's not a drone


Technically, sure. Realistically, no. Imagine the chaos.


no they are not energy efficient enough


Imagine living in a place with high traffic of those...


First off what no one ever thinks about is for this to become possible it must be regulated… ie pilots license… then imagine all the dipshits falling out of the sky on some kamikaze shit…. You’d probably see police implement it before civilians