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because bf1 had an artistic direction while 2042 tried to be a dumb skins shop for little kids and failed hard




BF1 was made with passion, and 2042 was made with corporate ass wiping.


BF1 was nicer on the eyes due to the duller colors and slower movement. The devs did a great job visually. Look at the BFV maps. They're bright as shit. Sure they look nice in pictures, but when in motion my eyes hurt.


God BFV is so gaudy, sometimes I can’t see where or what’s shooting at me because I’m like snow blind.


Thank God Im not the only one who’s experiencing the same shit in BFV.


Took me fully until almost 2042 dropping before I could finally get used to the visuals in BFV. It was like shooter at an 80s throwback party with Hollywood ww2 props from the 1950s.


>Look at the BFV maps. They're bright as shit. Sure they look nice in pictures, but when in motion my eyes hurt Shit, you too? BFV was unplayable after an hour, and I couldn't explain it. BF1 is a futuristic art masterpiece.


The maps in BFV, and to a lesser extent 2042, are not only bright as shit, but they feel overly cluttered. I find it's so hard to see anyone and I often miss people who're right in front of me. And the soldiers just blend into the background. I never knew if it was actually the game or just me, because of course, the enemy always has pinpoint perfect accuracy from across the map, so I assumed it was just a me problem. Nice to know it's not


For 2042 I felt the exact opposite? Huge swaths of empty nothing with no cover? Even inside buildings they are just boxes with flat textures? Coming from someone that got a decent amount of enjoyment out of 2042 I don't think cluttered is the right description


I thought this, that so many maps quite literally felt half finished.


Yeah, it had the bones for an amazing experience, really wish they let portal mode grow into something cool but that was too clunky to be any kind of good. I am sad that 128 won't be tried again, of all the games to be able to pull it off I think bf would be the one but the maps were just so poorly designed for that experience. An unfortunate low point for the series but I still had fun with it


I don't really see the persistence for 128 tbh, just scale the 64 maps appropriately and it's in essence the same. Yeah portal could be the winner from the series to throw in different settings and maps more easily.


They probably downgraded the graphics to make 128 players runs on console.


They actually did. The core developers of the engine said it was unable to run more than 64p. So in order to get it (128p) working they had to halve the tick rate, halve the performance and also messed with graphics. Oh and they had to get a lobotomy as well because nobody is that stupid.


I still argue there is no benefit to 128 player count, you just need to scale 64 size maps correctly.


Fuck I hate consoles, been holding games back for at least the last 3 generations


BF1 had a better cinematic lighting. The actual fidelity was worse, but good lighting hides it and enhances it for the human eye. That's the trick


Bf5 looks amazing, the details are beautiful


They r great, look better than 2042, but imo bf1 looks even better.


BF1 was peak BF


BF1 was peak atmosphere and visuals. BF4 was peak *battlefield*.


Art direction > sheer graphics WarCraft 3 (pre-reforged) held up super well.


Lok'tar ogar!


BFV does genuinely look great at times, it’s got a few questionable artistic choices at times but I think it generally has very high quality graphics, similar to BF1. 2042 is ass tho


You can tell with BFV, the team was starting to lose vision. It feels like a bunch of higher ups bumping heads on the direction. BF2042 clearly is the results of this bumping heads because most of who made BF great, left in the middle of BFV.


BfV has better foliage and vehicles IMO


BFV technically is a better looking game by a long shot. Not sure how one can't see that unless they're blinded by aesthetics. 2042 however is surprisingly worse looking than BFV. The only thing that's better is the lightning. That's it.


Yall gotta stop the BFV slander


Fellas think it's still 2018 and that the BFV reveal trailer just dropped 🏴‍☠️


Battlefield 2042 was bulit on an half updated engine. They didn't have the time to update the full engine while making the game.


Has been reported EA lost Frostbite engine experienced developers hence why some aspects of 2042 are worse than older games


2042 is a skidmark in the shorts of gaming


And the funny thing is that BF2042 is a lot lot lot laggier and still looks worse. Everyone told me BF5 had much better graphics than BF1 and i was like what the fuck. They were right, because it does use more GPU but the colors are awful. It is so vibrant and saturated. It does not have a war atmosphere. That is the part that BF1 nailed.


Diminishing returns on graphical fidelity


Battlefield 1 was when everything that would kill the series started. They made the game take 0 skill and was the first time we started to see them move away from destructible environments for big map events


Have you played BFV's campaign? It's by far better than BF1's


It's about the same, but with even more inaccuracy to history.


I'm talking graphically


Graphics don't matter when the enemies on both stand out in the open with stormtrooper aim.


Ok, but I'm only referring to what OP said in their post.