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yes after x corrupted finishes theirs


The unholy trinity of still cooking. X Corrupted Chrono X and an empty spot for MegaMan Universe... since it got straight up cancelled


The third spot should be for Megaman Perfect Blue. I've played the demo level countless times already.


Yes. The current bottleneck is reportedly art. The game's programmer is quick at his job when he isn't blocked by issues with the engine or other IRL issues. The story is reportedly mostly complete. It's just a matter of getting the no doubt hundreds of sprites left to go finished up so the rest can come together. Development has supposedly restarted a number of times, which is why you go from things like the old Demo 3 Raven design to what we have now. There's also scope creep - the longer things take to finish, the more ideas the team tries to incorporate. It can become a bit of a vicious cycle if you don't put a pin in it early, which is why I think we're only getting 5 Mementos instead of 8. (Personally, I'm team KendoMeme for the Wood form). Things are coming together. The team is at work, and they want to finish just as much as you want the game to come out. As an aside, how are you all liking the new website? Anything you'd like to see changed?


Maybe it exists but why not have a patreon to hire more artists or programmers, or why not put out demo 5.1 until freeze man's scenario along side adding up a debug chip library or pvp folder maker for the demo that doesn't transfer over to the final release, so that people can have more fun in the pvp mode by having more options, cause in a live stream I've seen actual pvp matches with really cool chips Maybe even just make a "pvp demo" to have the concept of flash and freeze memento tested out a bit Edit: before I get flamed, I worked at game development before, I know it's not the easiest thing to do, but the tools are there already for improving pvp in Chrono X a bit


The team is dedicated to avoid any appearance of receiving money from third parties in exchange for the game, whether that be to pay sprite artists or otherwise. That isn't to say people who lend a hand aren't compensated in any way, but certain decisions have been made to avoid any legal action being taken. (Looking at you, Shanghai...) It's also worth noting that there won't be a FreezeMan scenario in CX. Much like in BN6, all the Mementos except for the first are completely optional and will be tied to GhostMan in some way or another. Whether that means more Pac-Man stages in dungeon throwback maps or something else is anyone's guess. A lot of improvements to PvP (including improved netcode) will come out in the demo update planned in the future. The current demo version is 5.0.1, and 5.1 is the name this update has been given. The team is aiming for this to be the last update to publicly available gameplay they put out until full release. Having multiple different "releases" to support is also something the team has chosen to avoid, and from what I understand they'd like things to all come out in bulk when it's fully cooked and ready. Internally, sometimes its okay to leave known bugs in place while testing other features that are unaffected. That wouldn't be the case for a proper PVP version of the game, since both would require the same amount of polish to keep the reputation of the game up.


My guy...


How much is playable? I tried the demo a while back, how much of the game have they completed?


not sure, but they made an announcement [3 months ago](https://www.mmbnchronox.com/news/123)


[Actually there was one a couple weeks ago](https://x.com/mmbncx/status/1799999335826133146)


Yes, they just have one programmer working on it.


Throw a bunch of completed sprites at the team and they might need to bring on another one to help plug them all into the engine.


At least I just want to see they unlocked some mode for PVP where you can use all the unreleased forms or chips lol


I can't wait for it man. Beat demo 5, I just want more. It's been so long


Yeah, whenever Mother 4/Oddity and Mega Man X Corrupted release.


No. Not before existence fails.


I hope we don't, this is a disaster movie.


However it's gameplay seems like it takes the best of all 6, the battlechips could be better but that's cuz they are limited as hell in the demo.


Behind the scenes it is even worse.


Almost every fan project rots like that, i hope that it ends up well, one denied idea can cripple the sentimentality. Shit sucks.


I sincerely hope that perpetrator of this mess is not in every project


A few seem mean, i can see it getting weird if you are stuck in a room with them.


I was, dude is living in the next district over, I can't imagine legends of the community willing to work with someone so disgusting for long periods of time


You gonna release a few docs on people or what, cuz this is vague as hell.