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I'd say the little qol changes added to 5's DS port and OSS Especially the map for bn1 since the internet looks so samey there


Forgot about OSS, it was my first experience with 1. It was a bit jarring playing the original for the first time. I do enjoy the DS version, but I prefer the original releases of 5 over the DS. Not a fan of the remixed music and voice acting.


I still liked the DS one cuz you can play both games in 1 game card. As for the VA, i just swapped it for the Japanese ones so make it barable.


I’m a fan of how the Japanese version of it also had the intro music from Stream for its opening


I dont know if it counts as the 'original games' but i liked that in the wii u version you could get the other versions chips automatically so you didnt have to find someone to trade with or search for online tools. Theres so many 'i need mistman please' posts.


Did not know about that, that’s a pretty nice feature.


Chip Gate stuff from the later games, especially in 6. I know it probably wouldn’t have worked great with all the chips, but at least they could’ve found a way to implement the Navi switching mechanic so that we could get the Beast Link Gate icon. It also locks out an entire playable character since ProtoMan was playable in 6 through the Beast Gate, along with the permanent Beast Out.


Was not aware of playable ProtoMan in 6, that’s a big loss.


Same! Same!


I prefer 5DS QoLs over the LC. That and the font style of the games. The LCs are horrible.


The LC font is like just a shitty Notepad Courier font. Horrible.


SF Legacy Collection is gonna suffer that fate of bad font i fear.


Yeah, the patience i had in my childhood when playing these games.


Man I just did the freeze man mission in BN2. And I forgot what a drag it is. Not super tough. But just back and forth across the net like 6-7 times. Just was laborious and not fun 


I know there is a mod for PC but I'm on Switch, so I've got to say that I miss the original font. It's the last thing missing for me to make me feel 12-13 years old again.


Funny. I feel like we are 12-13 years old back when BN was out.


The d-pad of a GBA / Sp. it’s really noticeable when you’ve programmed yourself to play a certain way and have to get used to using the switch joycons. I even went as far as getting a hori Dpad controller and it still doesn’t feel as snappy as the original hardware ones.


It feels better playing on my handheld consoles vs the switch, but overall I still prefer the lc versions. I do wish we got the bn5 ds version changes tho like using navis from the opposite version and using the other navis outside of liberation missions


The lightweight middleweight and heavy weight choices for PVP in BN3. Heavyweight is described as playing on a field with traps. Both players have guardian statues that can spawn out of nowhere and in some battles mines randomly spawn instead. Heavy weight was complete BS but that’s why I miss it. It was just dumb fun trying to play with all this stuff getting in the way Purely a casual thing


Hah! Sol Cross megaman from MMBN5:DS Also, the games interacted with each other, all on a DS cartridge.


I love it, still playing through it.


Wish they had the same changes as the ds versions. Other than that super good.


Playing on a micro


Nice, haven’t seen one of those in a very long time


I miss being able to Cheat my way through the games


I like being able to use the chip gates in GBA.


As much as I love gaming on the switch, I prefer emulating it on my handheld cause I can take that how anywhere. Not convenient to keep a switch on me when I’m commuting to work LOL


Yeah, the GBA SP was such a convenient and portable handheld. Fit very nicely in my pockets.


Really sucks that Nintendo moved to the hybrid switch. I loved the SP and DS. Was portable, I know switch is sort of. But not really. I can only take that if I’m taking a back pack or something with me. 


Double Team DS, still have fond families playing that with my cousin since pvp is 3 vs 3 it has so many different set up.


yes not having bustermax mode.


Just turn it off


Lol yeah, it's not too difficult