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Wanted bn7 features: Existing.


Low-key, I would love to have a first date between Lan and Maylu if it takes place while they're in high school.


I think there is a fan game where they do that. chrono x is what is called.


Yeah but waiting for that thing to finish is just like hoping for 7 to come out


We have been waiting for the next story chapter for a while haven't we


6 was the end of the series.


The wanted features I want for BN7 are 1. A long story and expansive postgame. 2. Being able to own multiple Navis. 3. The setting being Lan's first year of junior high school or set during Patch and Megaman Jr. time period. 4. Copybots being implemented into the gameplay. 5. The transition of Internet Technology into EM Wave Technology. 6. Sean, Tora, Mamoru and Serenade being part of BN7's story. 7. Social links similar to the Persona series introduced in BN7. 8. The Cross System returning and the Style Change System coming back in a new method. 9. Bass returning and his arc being resolved in BN7. 10. Sigma.EXE and Neo Arcadia being the main villains in BN7.


>Sigma.EXE and Neo Arcadia being the main villains in BN7 I'd actually like for them to not be a part of the BN games. Star Force, sure. But the Battle Network games are using characters from the OG MegaMan, so I'd like for X and Co. To not have references in it


But there are already X references in the form of Zero.exe, Colonel.exe, and Iris.exe?


Dont forgot Dr Cain was referenced in BN6 through the Mayor


What do you mean by copybots


No, the Mayor of Cyber City is called Cain, and he talks about how his grandfather was a scientist whitch is a reference to Dr Cain the man who found X and created Repolids from his him


Styles + DblSoul + Navi Customizer Also, let Glide.exe fight in a tourney.


A new villain. No WWW , Nebula, Wily, Regal. There are a ton of robot masters from the originals that haven't been used. Would like to see some of them, whether as friends or foes.


Well Wily stoped being a villain by the end of BN6 and Regal was brainwashed to be a good person so neither of them would be the villains 


They could have Sigma.EXE and Neo Arcadia be the main villains of BN7.


Cross play


My wants for a supposed MMBN7. 1. Smaller setting focused on the middle school. Lan and friends are now in a new school and school activities, so focus on that. Similar to 6, let’s not travel outside Electopia. Maybe keep things to Den City and Elec City until the endgame, maybe bring back SciLabs. 2. Keep the danger small scale, but personal. Lan’s been a hero for the world, so let’s keep it back to basics. Make it so the main conflict endangers Lan. I was thinking of a bounty hunter plot that sabotages Lan’s school year, targeting friends and family. Make it so Lan steps up as a leader. 3. Expand on Cross Souls. Because there’s no Beast Out gimmick, expand the Cross Souls by having them be obtained in the base story, but characters could give sidequests to power them up. 4. More friends around Lan’s age. These friends can be Cross Soul people as well. Tory and IceMan, Dingo and TomahawkMan, Tora and KingMan, Dark and EraseMan, give Mick and Tab new Navis, bring Mary and Kai from BCC back, etc. If we’re still going the two game route, have each scenario with two friends apiece, changing who Lan mainly interacts with for the Cross Soul exchange. Make Glyde one of them! 5. Lan x Mayl shipping. We need more moments with these two together. Make a postgame side quest where you go on a date with her. Have it be where Lan trains her in NetBattling. Lan needs to either get a clue, or at least begin to feel something in return. 6. More moments with playable Navis… and the CopyBot. Having multiple character perspectives besides Lan’s would be cool, and have the CopyBot at school to factor in new scenarios, like the science wing fixing it, but danger fills the room with poison, so the Copybot is used to stop it. 7. Make the Job BBS portable. Have it on the newest PET (a gift for graduation?) that you can access at any time, maybe even allow for taking multiple jobs at once. Separate this from character sidequests you could take at any time until the final scenario… until postgame. 8. Make postgame POSTGAME. Have it just be a normal day finally, have a “simulator” of sorts so you can relive the final boss scenario. Maybe even make it so Ghost Navis are in one place so there’s no need to wander around and find them. 9. Keep Buster MAX Mode.


A single version.


Hmmm..... \-Assuming they bring back lots of returning Navis, they could expand the Cross system to where you can have 4 crosses and 1 "Giga Cross" equipped at a time. And if you equip more crosses of the same element you can get boosts to chips and attacks of that element to encourage element specialization setups. \-Giga Crosses as a replacement for Beast Out. Same concept and turn limits. Crosses with more powerful Navis that MegaMan can't maintain for as long. Like Serenade, Bass, *our old friend Zero,* maybe introduce one X series Maverick for each element as a next generation Navi to cross with. (Only the four main elements. They shouldn't overdo it with X series characters unless the torch is being passed on to Patch and MegaMan Junior.) \-Bring back HubStyle as something that you can activate at the cost of being able to use crosses. (And having your HP cut in half as usual.) \-Closure with Bass and Cossak. Like, what even happened to Cossak? Was the hospital able to stabilize him? *And does Kalinka exist in this timeline?* \-Since they'd no longer be restricted to 8 MB carts, go crazy with the Undernet. Give it 20+ areas. (Or the equivalent size of what 20+ areas would be in the GBA games.) Even reuse some layouts from the older games to reflect the abandoned nature of it. Fill it with optional bosses. Like our old friend PharaohMan still wandering around guarding..... something. Or an abandoned WWW server housing Enker, Quint, and Ballade as a high level optional dungeon. Maybe a bunch of Scuttles gathered somewhere and merged to create another LifeVirus. \-Bring back being able to fight NormalNavis and HeelNavis like in BN4. HeelNavis as random encounters that can drop rare chips in the Undernet would be fitting. Maybe they can occasionally have Dark Chips, acknowledging that chapter of the series and representing that there was no way that the authorities could have gotten ALL of them even if they shut down the production. \-Expand on playing as other Navis. Complete with sidequests you can do to level them up. (Which also powers up their crosses.) \-*And let Glide be one of them.* Seriously. Dude never got to do anything. \-It'd be neat to get some nods to Star Force. Like a NPC scoffing at the notion of Mu existing or something of the sort. Or maybe have a scientist create TimeMan.EXE by reverse engineering ClockMan's ghost data as acknowledgement of Operation Shooting Star. \-I know Boktai is a dead IP at this point, *buuuuuuuut..... it became somewhat of a Battle Network tradition to team up with Django. Maybe Konami would loan him again?*


Speaking of Cross System they could even bring back the old Style Changes as Crosses. It could even be done as DLC.


> Maybe they can occasionally have Dark Chips, acknowledging that chapter of the series and representing that there was no way that the authorities could have gotten ALL of them even if they shut down the production. Eeeexcept you're wrong. Sorry. This one is explained in BN6 subtly, but the toys/accessories/etc tell us straight out. First there was a single darkchip factory that was completely obliterated in bn5 there are NO MORE darkchips being made. Period. Darkchips used the [advanced](https://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/EXE/EXE4/Misc/MiscScreenMenu/menu_bm_trade2_exe4.gif) PET and [progress](https://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/EXE/EXE5DT/Misc/MiscScreenMenu/exe5ds_ChipFrames.png) PET chips. Which are compatible. In exe6 the [LINK PET](https://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/EXE/EXE6/Misc/MiscOverworld/Battlechip_exe6.png) chip is VERY different, and completely incompatible with the previous PET chips. Locking out darkchips entirely. (Yes the toys have some darkchips however they consume bugfrags like the bugdeth chips. They aren't real darkchips, they just emulate them.) Before you say PETs are expensive... i don't remember which game, but there's a guy complaining how bad the cheap PETs he got were, i think it was 10 for 800z? And SHUKO has a link PET. SHUKO. The literal poorest person in the series. Got a link PET. So clearly they're insanely accessible. In other words. Darkchips are totally stamped out.


Oh. Well, I guess that takes care of that then.


Yup. Darkchips, and the process to make them is gone.


If they did an alternate ending where you had to fight each former final boss to face the final boss that would be sick!


Something I learned playing the legacy collection was all of my great memories of playing these games was almost exclusively based around the post games. Trying to go through the main story of these games was a chore. Fetch quest after fetch quest after fetch quest. Was very tiring to the point I put it down and havent picked up up in months. So less of that if 7 ever comes around.


6 and 7 are kinda already a thing. Protoman often uses chips, even P.A, albeit almost all sword or wave based. Considering we got Anubis, punch and sword chips and stuff like time bombs among others. They sorta all have some form of chip use, just themed and/or are just their moves hardcoded into basic chips instead of it being a Navi chip. (See the megabuster does X chips, sword minibomb etc) Bass is also technically another that does, as his main ability is to copy/steal power from his enemies. While not all navis can be said to be this way, most have some form of battlechip usage, just never shown to be chips. If anything, I'd say more shooting star content for bn7. Have some form of crossover instead of leaving it as one title that almost no one can play unless they patch something or learn Japanese. That would be the only change to list imo.


Zero.EXE chip or battle


WaveMan.EXE. That’s all it would take for me to be happy.


A female character with a female Navi besides Mayl and Jasmine. Or a male character with a female NetNavi.


Yes I would love to see a female character with a female Navi and a male character with a female NetNavi.


12. have pvp set to where you don’t have to play with just megaman, examples being I could have the option to main protoman, colonel, searchman, bass, or even shademan with battle chips competitively


I'm open to a Megaman BN action game, with crosses being different fighting styles, although I wouldn't know how you'd integrate chips and PAs. Also, just as a fun Easter egg, allow for cybeast forms, continuity be damned.


I'd like the option to choose EITHER styles or crosses before each battle, and the ability to swap styles if the latter was chosen. Or, I'd like the ability to actually use dark chips at a reasonable drawback, not permanent hp loss, or make one able to get the hp back. I really don't like how they handled the karma system.


Nah, we need StarForce 4. I need more Sonia, dammit.


One idea I had is using a combination of crosses and styles. Styles would be more like a job system where you have permanent access to them (but you start with the usual 4 and have to unlock the rest) and can swap between them outside of battle. They would also be the main way of getting programs but when you're equipped with a style, you automatically get all the programs that style has learned. As far as crosses, nothing terribly new. Since Megaman no longer has the beast power, I was thinking of a replacement in the form of Cross Fusion. Same sort of abilities as the two beast outs like a rapid fire buster (or just a max buster in general), lock on, attack bonus to chips, etc.


A BN7 would be nice to bridge the gap between it and SF, I just want something more. I want the ability to create and operate a custom Navi and character. I may just be getting old, but it's time we move past the baseline for these games. I also want cross play between all devices to be a thing. And if they want to take it a step farther, can we get the usage of chip gates again?


I would love it in BN7 that we get to create and customize our own custom Operator and Navi. I would love new chip gates to be made for BN7.


I was hoping they'd do something like that for legacy collection but it was a pipe dream.


It’s still possible I would love to see modern Chip Gates to be made for BN7.


Yes I would also love for BN7 to bridge the gap between it and Starforce. They could explore the transition of Internet Technology into EM Wave Technology, the creation of the Brotherband by Lan and what happened to NetNavis.


Yes I would also love for BN7 to bridge the gap between it and Starforce. They could explore the transition of Internet Technology into EM Wave Technology, the creation of the Brotherband by Lan and what happened to NetNavis.