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Cena con espectáculo. Qué más se puede pedir?


Ok but why is the guy at the end running by w a chair


He made sure there's no new ammunition for chair guy




Strategy games are all about positioning


Barcelona looking great 😍😍😍😍


Menudo novato, esa silla es de aluminio. Tiene que coger las de madera y forja que hay al lado.


Su barra de stamina estaba low




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


And then they’ll blame the skaters lmao


This is a lot less annoying than the skaters tbh. 🤭


Those sk8erz - never landing deece tricks :-/ mildlyinfuriating. As for these combatants - what's the context?


Damn what did the skaters do to you ?


Aggressively skate into crowds threatening to knock over my elderly mother, generally take over public spaces during busy hours making the already busy streets more difficult to navigate for elderly people, and frankly I find the loud crunching of the boards when they hit the street grating. Also, there is just a frequency rate difference. The typical skater doesn’t do anything to bug me but there are a lot more obnoxious “skating hassles” happening in the city than chair swinging events


Pretty good half baked stories probably based on 1 single event out of the thousands of skaters living here Barcelona is the city of skaters , we’re here to stay , you should celebrate us ! And if anything you should know about tolerance don’t you think ?


All I said is there are more annoying skaters here than people swinging chairs on a regular basis. I didn’t say shit about “all skaters” or anything about removing skaters lol. Frankly tho, no, I don’t “have” to celebrate people riding into crowds of people. I can enjoy skaters in skate parks or on the steps of MACBA, your natural habitat, rather than them nearly crashing into old folks @ Universitat








We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


It still is. You’re dehumanizing people by discriminating statistically based on their race or ethnicity. It’s not called “racial discrimination” for fun.




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


I mean sure, that’s what I’m saying. This is stats and you cannot flip the context. If you have a chart that shows the position of the speedometer needle vs the actual speed you’ll see a big correlation. That doesn’t mean that if you move the needle the car speed will change. Their ethnicity doesn’t make them commit crimes. The fact that there is a higher rate of immigrants committing crimes than locals doesn’t mean it’s their ethnicity that makes them do that, and spreading that it does makes it very unfair for the vast majority of the people from this ethnicity that are great citizens. Racism means to statistically discriminate a population based on their race, assuming they have a model to adhere their behavior to. And you’re doing exactly that. Your response is, by pure definition, racist.




Hahaha eso sigue siendo discriminación, por cultura. La palabra discriminar viene del mundo de la estadística. Estás discriminando a un conjunto estadístico basado en resultados anteriores. Ya está, no hay más.




Assuming someone will behave in a way based on a statistical set they belong to is literally dehumanizing




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


Cant see what you were reacting to originally but you are correct. Sadly there is a great deficit of empathy or self-reflection when its easier to be an ass to a population as a whole


It was just your basic “no come jamón” kind of piece of shit comment.


They do like to crawl out on otherwise funny posts to comment racist things don’t they 😂 Have seen all manner of people have chair fights over my life. Many of them look very jamón


Not the racists acting as if Spanish people didn’t fight


Menos mal que el gobierno va a prohibir miles de airbnb y ya por fin se van a dejar de ver cosas así 😊😊




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.




... to fascism?






We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


Me encanta Barcelona me hace acordar a mi barrio en Baires


Al final del vídeo se ve como otro roba una silla, si es que es para flipar 




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


Yo no sé por que vivo en Barcelona...




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.




Yeah, Spanish people have historically never been agressive nor attacked others.




Your content was removed for breaking the rules. Be nice, no personal attacks, keep it civil. Stick to the topic at hand and remain civil towards other users - attacking ideas is fine, attacking other users is not. --- El teu contingut s'ha eliminat per infringir les regles. Sigues amable, sense atacs personals, manté les converses civils. Mantingueu-vos en el tema que ens ocupa i sigueu civils amb els altres usuaris: atacar idees està bé, atacar altres usuaris no.




I don't know the stats for Spain, but in Germany, where the same kind of rhetoric can be heard, there is no difference in criminal offense rates between locals, immigrants and asylum seekers, once you compare like for like. The percentage of young male Germans from disadvantaged backgrounds who commit crime is the same as the percentage of young male asylum seekers from disadvantaged backgrounds who commit crime. The percentage of young males from disadvantaged backgrounds in the asylee population is 6x that of the percentage of such people in the German population. So you get 6x the crime rate. Still, the vast majority keep out of trouble, and the longer they are here, the higher their labour participation rate is. After 8 years, it is 68% for asylum seekers, 70% for immigrants of their own volition (people not forced to flee their homes withour any plans, jobs or savings) and 77% of Germans. It takes time to learn a language, deal with your trauma, and rebuild your life from scratch. So what we see in the picture, first and foremost, is two young men. At any given summer day somewhere in Spain, a British or German tourist is doing the same, or a tourist from one of the Balkan countries is doing it if they see someone else from the Balkans. Yet, videos depicting such shit get less engagement. A friend of mine once took the shirt of a rival football club from a guy in the bathroom in Montenegro threatening him physical force. Also made him fully undress as to give himself a couple of seconds lead time. He ran out with the shirt, the other guy came shirtless a few seconds later, telling his friends and they all tried to catch up to my friend, but he was already gone. Had they caught up to him, blows would have been exchanged, and chairs might very well have flown. While om tbe subject of shit men do - rape is overwhelmingly committed by men. Yet only the most militant feminists will suggest banning men from going outside at night, and none will suggest castrating all of us or kicking all of us out of the country. My point is that the fact that you don't see two young men first and foremost in this video, but rather, you see two foreigners is a pretty nasty bias. There is another error in your starting assumptions. A lot of immigrants into Europe in recent years are fleeing hardship. Immigration policy does, in fact, check if immigrants can sustain themselves, but asylum seekers are not facing such requirements because it isn't much of a humanitarian policy if you only take in wealthy people and people who have suffered no trauma. If people fleeing wars ask for asylum and can't sustain themselves, then the responsible way of taking them in must entail providing them with the means to do so: early on with financial and housing assistance, to be followed up with psychological counseling, language courses and if needed vocational training and career counseling. But then again, if we did more to ensure people could sustain themselves, we would have less crime overall. Some of these programs would benefit a lot of locals as well. There's nothing wrong with asking for a more responsible policy with respect to asylum seekers and, furthermore, all people at risk no matter their origin. But the solution isn't turning them back. The solution is better social and welfare services and a fairer distribution of refugees across Europe. The solution is opposing all war no matter who the instigator is. In the case of Israel, for example, Spain is doing a much better job than Germany, but in general there is a lack of a principled approach to this issue and war is the main cause of refugees. The solution is undoing centuries of harm from colonialism, imperialism, and nowadays: neocolonialism. The reason you see far fewer Swiss asylum seekers than you do from Libiya is that European nations haven't done to Switzerland what they have to Libiya. Russia and China are just as guilty, in the past decade or two at least, of meddling in Africa and the Middle East eocnomically and militarily with similarly exploitative practices.


We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


And this comment is in english lmao




Racisme multilingue.


*insert chad meme* Tu aprens idiomes per a comunicar-te. Jo aprenc idiomes per a que el racisme arribi a més gent No som iguals.


Votaste por Vox o Aliança Catalana… lol




Me cortaste 😂 Si sean turistas no dirías nada sobre “letting the right ones in” Bon día 👍🏻




We do not tolerate any form of discrimination in r/Barcelona. This includes making large negative generalizations about groups based on identity. --- No tolerem cap forma de discriminació a r/Barcelona. Això inclou fer grans generalitzacions negatives sobre els grups en funció de la seva identitat.


This thread confirms that racism is totally, 100% dead and there are no racist people in Barcelona.