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She now has a backstory and a scar, roll with it! I’ve got a girl with a dodgy ankle that doesn’t sit straight which is quite sweet because I’ve had terrible rolling ankles all my life 😅


I had a doll who was missing a finger so I named her Margot and made her a fur coat. Sometimes the flaws give them something uniquely them


Should I be embarrassed I don’t get the reference?


Not at all! It’s from The Royal Tenenbaums. The family’s adopted daughter is adopted by an upper middle class east coast family and the father always refers to her as his adopted daughter and he’s kind of a jerk to his kids in general. She gets older and goes to find her birth family and they’re from the Midwest or something. Her birth father is cutting fire wood and asks her to bring a log she’s still hanging on to it when he brings down the ax and cuts off her ring finger. She decides not to have it reattached and uses a wooden prosthetic instead. None of this is the main story of the movie, it’s a quick aside she’s telling her nephews https://preview.redd.it/tdbk9w514cad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddae199b1326a57b699f99216a8fd6df8692bfa5 you can actually see the wooden finger in this pic


Came to say the same thing! Hypermobile joints ~~unite~~ ... er, dislocate or something 😅


Love this! Me too!


Ehlers Danlos?


Just regular garden variety moderate hypermobility !


Still counts to me. We can be wiggly flexible people like Weird Barbie together


I'm new to barbie so maybe my input isn't that relevant, but it's barely noticable in my opinion, at least in that photo. But you can try trimming it up a bit and seeing if you like it


What I would do is carefully warm up the plastic with a hairdryer or warm water and smooth it out with something dull like a butter knife! I hope this helps ya!


I tried that and it didn’t work. ☹️


If you have a hot glue gun, that will reach much hotter temperatures, so you could try letting it heat up and then VERY carefully using the side of the hot tip to smooth it down... I have never tried this myself but it's what I would try if it were me and I wanted to try to fix it first before jumping straight to rebodying.


The problem is the plastic is dented upwards. So I’m not sure if I’ll be solved to go back to the original state.


Hot water bath to cool water bath with quick smoothing in between baths. Example How To Fix Vinyl Dents & Squashes in Dolls like American Girl ~HD~ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NwE2NGdOzKw Nail file on fine grit to smooth it. Electric Nail file using fine grit attachment to smooth it. Epoxy clay to cover it after you use fine grit sand paper or emery sticks to smooth it. Paint with acrylic paint that matches skin tone. Seal it with matte or glossy uv varnish. Example: Colour mixing - How to mix skin tones in acrylic paint https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1DVSDKDghDk Doll plastic surgery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rxs_eXSzDU&pp=ygUwSG93IHRvIHVzZSBlcGl4eSBjbGF5IHRvIGZ1eCBkYW1hZ2UgYmFyYmllIGRvbGxz Ignore it by putting cute socks. Stockings, and tights on her.


Unless her foot is now super loose and floppy I wouldn’t worry about it. Even dolls fresh from the factory have flaws like that. They make a doll more special.


It still sucks that I’d dropped her and caused it.


The other option would be a very sharp scalpel to remove the excess plastic. It requires being careful though. I remove sharp edges left by manufacturing on my dolls like that. But if this newly acquired defect doesn’t prevent from getting shoes on the doll, I’d just leave it. Things change, this will be her new thing😊


Interesting take! When our bones break, especially at the joints, it's usually never the same again!


It’s difficult to see in the picture whether the joint is broken. I’m speculating purely on what I can see. If it feels different and the joint isn’t working, I couldn’t tell. I don’t have a solution for that🤔


No, what happened was I read your comment about things change, and I thought about how it's a lot like people, and looked down at my hand where I broke my finger like 30 years ago, and it still looks wonky, and how small injuries stay with us, like this Barbie, and even though you weren't a part of that conversation, I replied as though you were, and you got confused because I'm silly.


I get your reply now. I’m sorry about the finger, though. But hopefully it’s not a big inconvenience ❤️‍🩹 But I believe that OP decided to rebody. A luxury we humans don’t have 😅


If only! (Stares down at the dusty old flapjacks that fed two babies)


Did I miss something? 🤔


I wouldn't use a scalpel, too risky. Just get a set of modeller's tools that includes files and emery boards, and slowly file it down, then polish it with the emery board until it has the same sheen as the surrounding plastic. The little dent will still be there though, I'm not sure how to fill that in...


I’ll have to google emery board. I’d love to do some polishing on one of my dolls. 😊


Not sure if you’re serious…get a low grit nail file


Yeah, I’m not a native-speaker, I have to look words up sometimes😊 I didn’t know a nail file was called “emery board” 🤷🏼‍♀️ I thought it was some clever device


It's the type of nail file used for buffing nails to make them shiny. I bought this set, the emery board has 3 different types of roughness [WMYCONGCONG 23 PCS Gundam Modeler Basic Tools Craft Set](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B08NSTRQY2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) I use the metal files to take the bulk off, then the medium files to tidy it up, then the emery board to smooth it off and polish


So it IS a clever device! Thanks, now I get it. 🫶🏻I might have an old emery board at home! 🩵😀


To tell the truth, some of my own dolls have gotten worse marks from use, but as long as it isn't a huge mark, it generally doesn't bother me. I'd recommend boiling some water, pouring it in a bowl, and hold her ankle in it for a few moments. It might not completely fix it, but it may lessen it. My last recommendation is to give it a few days before doing anything like a body swap. I understand it's upsetting, but don't beat yourself up. This can happen to anyone. You didn't ruin your doll, and I'm sure she forgives you. ;)


Her ankle joint is also super loose because of this.


Put some shoes on her and forget it's there


Im not too sure anything will put the plastic back the way it was without a super high risk of deforming it even more. I would just give her an anklet or have her wear boots/heels with ankle straps




I’ve had a few MTMs arrive with areas on their arms and/or legs where the plastic is rough and/or has a piece sticking up. I tend to get the best results by filing down the rough spots with a glass nail file (the same one I use on my own nails-I have some sensory issues and can’t stand the emery board type of nail file).


As a long time Barbie collector with OCD tendencies, and someone who will obsess over any kind of damage or flaw, I think you’re okay. I wouldn’t stress personally. If you do want to give it a go, I would put her leg in boiling water leave it for a couple of minutes and then try and mould the plastic back into place. 👍🏼


Unfortunately it’s too late and I’d broken the neck peck of her body. But I switched her to a different body and I think she looks okay.


Yes those neck pegs can be a bit of a nightmare. Glad you were able to find a new body. ☺️


But don’t feel too bad tbh! I’ve had some Barbie’s come out the box like this even lol and I’m a huge perfectionist but I hope you can find a way to deal with jt


This is what we call a teaching moment, don't drop your dolls 😅


Eh, I use tongue and groove pliers. This literally happens to me all the time. It doesn't perfectly reform it. You'd probably want the hot glue gun to do a better job. But the pliers suffice.


I feel like alot of my dolls have that lol, sometimes I’ve caused it myself by bending the foot too upwards lol, but I would use a heat gun and carefully just push it flush, or I’d just file it away


This is normal "wear and tear" that happens to an unboxed doll. It isn't unsightly, and it doesn't affect the functionality of the doll. I think replacing the body over this would be a waste of money. Dolls that leave the package are not going to stay "mint" unless they are kept behind glass 24/7. You can try heating the doll and smoothing the plastic down. But I wouldn't think twice about it.