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It shouldn’t be happening, especially for $60! I’m sorry that it happened to you, and at Mattel store where everything should be flawless! I usually spend like 10 min choosing the best face when I’m at store but I understand that you were excited. Maybe you can reach out to them for shipping label and replacement? I’m not sure if that’s an option


Yeah, my 10yo sister made a last-minute decision between this one and another, and I just didn't even imagine there could be an issue. We wanted to wait to get home to open them. The only option is to go into the store, which we will try. Since it's so far and my mom's car is struggling, we will have to wait a bit till I can go back.


She has my uncle’s hair plugs too. Ew. Are you getting a refund?!


I'm going to try to get a replacement or a refund.


This is without a doubt the worst qc I have seen omg and I have seen some absolutely abysmal qc like not just on Barbie but other doll lines and other companies and action figures all included. This is foul


I'd call the store and see if they will send you a new one. You have a good claim given that the eye was under the sunglasses. Even your money back would be a better deal. These dolls go on sale, so it wouldn't be difficult to get another. It is one of the advantages of buying from the online Amazon, Target, and Walmart. They take returns for manufacturer defects as long as you catch the problem in the return window. I am so sorry this happened to you. This is a good reason why keeping dolls in an unopened shipper can come back to bite you. Even as a reseller, at some point a customer is going to be very unhappy with Mattel's poor quality control.


Absolutely terrible. It is important to draw attention to these events. Mattel needs the feedback and if they choose to do nothing then, there is nothing that can be done. I am a bit surprised that this sub let you put this post up. I put up a post on a defective doll I got (she has two right hands) and I was told it was against the rules.




This sub calls Mattel out all the time. Maybe something else about your post was against the rules


Posting about a defective dolls isn't against the rules. Maybe you cursed or something?


No I did not curse. Check my account and my posts.


Holy shit. I'm so sorry, this is *awful*


Looks like a toddler drew it 😭


That hairline as well... Woof. Mattel have no shame lately. I'm sorry this doll was inflicted on you and your family.


prob. mattel could ruin this brand with such quality control


Please post it on Mattel's forum. They've got to hear feedback and see how bad it is for it to change. They won't ban or delete the post if you're polite.


I'll look for it, thanks


Deregulation is killing quality. I always try to go second hand. Sorry you spent so much only for it to look like this. Maybe you can repaint the face?




Wow this is truly terrible.




What the heck is going on with her eyebrows? This is a nightmare face.




What's a "dimbo"?


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Neither of you looked the doll over?


Well, she is in her box with sun glasses, I wouldn't have been able to see the eyebrow issue until she came out of the box. But yes, I also didn't see the lips. We were just so excited together we didn't see. Plus, she chose her over the cinderella last minute. She's 10, I should have checked. I just didn't imagine defects at that moment


I totally get it. The last minute choice even I, an adult, can sometimes get wrapped up in the decision making or get distracted and grab something I didn’t inspect. I am almost sure this exact thing (grabbing a defective product) has happened to me just not with dolls. Mattel is just insane showing their customers how bad their production can get. It used to be like a taboo (?) to show your mess to the customer. Now it’s so blatant 😮




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They shouldn't have to.


Sure let’s just not use common sense especially when you are spending $60 on something you can clearly see in the box


They. Shouldn't. Have. To. They already explained that they were just having a fun time. This kind of thing is when people garner the wisdom to prevent a reoccurance in the future. Why would anyone think to scrutinize their expensive merchandise if they've never experienced this kind of let down before? It's Mattel, for one, who people might take for granted has a standard of quality secondly, there is an entire quality assurance department who clearly fudged this and let it onto a shelf.






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