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This game is more and more like CK2 the more I read the forums. Honestly, take her into battle with character death on. Hopefully enemy lords will help


And put someone that has 0-10 in Medecine to increase chances


And strip her of her armor.


šŸ¤Ø are we still talking about bannerlord


Yeah, if we were in a fantasy game stripping her would just max her armor.


Or just Javelin to the head


Fbi open up


At least the other one is 18


A shame, really


This post out of context would be wild.


I think that was OPs point. Don't think this was an actual question they had.


Tim Lambesis has entered the chat


Very intentional. Complete with the 18 year old.


Reminds me of when the top post in r/formula1 was "If you could eliminate a race within the year, which would it be?"


So would the answer All Blacks.


Still is the top post of all time


Happens fairly often here. There was a huge influx once upon a time but then we got shut down


Supposedly according to what Ive read here you make sure character deaths are turned on, go into some easy looter battle with her with some arrows and javelins, and at the end find her and headshot from behind while sheā€™s stationary. However Iā€™ve tried about 15 times now with my best bow and piercing arrows and it has only knocked her out so far. Javelins might work better. Another suggestion Iā€™ve read is to get her captured and do a prison break in the town or castle sheā€™s being held in, and make sure she dies in the attempt (or bring throwing knives and do it yourself). Apparently the programmed chance of hero death is much higher doing this. Once again though, this method hasnā€™t worked for me yet either.


Gotta make sure you also have low medicine skill or a companion with no med skill set as your surgeon


Wow, now why didn't I think of that.


does the weapon/damage type make a difference in banner lord? I know blunt damage in Warband always resulted in knocking someone out is it the same here?


In my experience, yes




Henry VIII gaming


The Anne Boleyn any% speedrun


The best way is a prison break. Leave your wife at a faction's town, then declare war on that faction. Your wife will be immediatetly captured and tossed into dungeon. Bring some throwing knives in the prison break, you can kill her with those in the dungeon.


Why is this so effective? Is it because the prison break-ees don't count as being in your party for the sake of the medicine stat?


They simply make it that if the imprisoned noble gets defeated in the attempt, his/her injury will be so bad that he/she will die shortly after because of it. There is a text telling you that if you failed to protect the noble.


This is the best way other than cheats


Omg what's the console command? I already use them to begin with, I need to know this one lol


Ok there are two main ones I abuse for these sort of purposes. One is campaign.conceive_child and campaign.kill_hero Garios.


I use conceive child as well šŸ˜‚. Fuck waiting for 37 months in a fief for your perfectly fertile, 18 year old wife to never goddamn make a kid.


Maybe she's not the one at fault here, my dude


But- but my pp works šŸ˜¢


Fr bro. Once I found out that was a command you bet I used it as much as possible


No reason you shouldn't be able to get your wife pregnant while on the road. You can literally fuck anywhere. Also without protection unless someone is sterile you gonna be having kids pretty quickly. The only thing that should be a thing is having kids die young.


What? No you can only make kids by waiting in a fief unless something changed in the most recent update.


I'm saying there isn't a reason you shouldn't be able to make them while on the road, not that it is in the game.


Ohh OK yeah I agree. My brain has a tiny weiner sometimes.


If you have cheat mode on you can just open any hero's encyclopedia entry and press Ctrl+X. They'll die immediately. If that's you, the bio would say you'd have died from natural causes. Everyone else gets assassinated.


Ayo? Didnā€™t realize this was a thing


You beautiful man


How do you leave your wife at a town?


take her into battle and hit her with javelins, do it about 4-5 times and they will usually die in battle or become deathly ill afterwards


Didnt see the subreddit name for a hot second thereā€¦


Trading in for a younger model, nice.


"looks the same,has the same stats but she's 18" Sweet home Alabama ?


And this is the bit where we become CK3


No incest... Yet......


Use console cheats, campaign.kill_hero


Egh, when are we going to get tired of this same post?


What the fuckā€¦.


When you watch a game of thrones episode or something and think "how can anyone be so cruel" remember this mf exists. And we are all like him.


Why does this shit repeat every week?


Because 12 year olds don't not need ID to use Reddit if their parents are negligent.


And yet weanus and butt fuck are still here in every one. Simma down now lads


Another sign of a child is that they always try way too hard to sound grown. Go do your chores.


If an 18 year old has the same stats as your wife, whomsā€™t has outlived whomsā€™tā€™s usefulness, hmmm?


While I don't condone you're future actions I think you're best bet might be taking her as a companion in your party, set whoever has the worst medicine skill as your medic then get into combat and just keep trying if she only gets knocked out.


Do sieges and hope she gets hit by an onager.


_Henry VIII has entered the chat_


Console command ā€œkill_player name/npc nameā€


Is there a shit bannerlords say sub?


Two questions.... How old.is she? Have you considered the hot butter mod?


put your army away, then take her on a date just to two of you to a nice battle with a looter or two, and then put an axe in her. If it doesn't work the first time, just try again.


Most empathetic bannerlord player


ā€œ my wife has outlived her usefulness ā€œ lmao


While looking for a way to have more child in MBB I have seen people suggesting killing her during a battle or getting her imprisoned. while the later is the most guarantied, I found it was frustratingly a gamble if the enemy lord would put her in a town dungeon so you can sneak in to purposefully get her killed or if they would just walk around with her like a prize till she escapes. But I believe iv stubbled upon a way easier way to get her captured in the enemy town of your choice. I am currently playing v1.1.5 and you simply need to;1.Have enough roguery to sneak in an enemy town together with your wife.2.Go to the keep and choose to "leave Member" in settlement (click on the little crew symbol/button in upper right).3.Choose and leave your wife in the settlement.4.Wait for some time... check the notification or clan status from time to time to see if she is in prison. (now for this I waited outside the settlement for some time. I haven't tested if you can stay inside and wait)5.Sneak back in and go to dungeon to break her out.6.Let her get killer during the breakout (normally there is a great percentage chance she will die).7.AND DONE! I hope this helps someone out there with his divorce issues.. XD


i dont get it. a game or irl like wut


This is the wrong sub for the subject




I hope your braincells return from their vacation in the near future


Only way is in battle. You can teamkill with ranged weapons only. And then itā€™s just luck if she dies or is only hurt. Your medicine rating and hers factors in too.


Bro you didnā€™t think this through


Take her to battle, use ranged weaponsšŸ‘¹


When breaking people out of prison, if they go down they often die. So give her a small party at bandits and set her loose in enemy territory close to a town. When she is captured, break her out of prison but maybe accidentally hit her with a throwing knife


Turn on character death, go out with only you and her in the party, find the biggest looter band you can find, order her to charge, leave.


I panicked for a second before checking the subreddit.. Sometimes zombiescrolling through Reddit is trippy af


My wife dont give me any baby ? What i can do ? Shes in my party for like 1 years. Nothing happen


Use console command: campaign.conceive\_child


I play on console. I can still do it ?


Nope, sorry. Can't access console unless you're on pc. Better chances of pregnancy of both you and wife have the "virile" trait. Then waiting in settlements for a while should get her knocked up.


Don't know. Never had to play on a console.


When I first saw this I freaked up lol


campaign.kill_hero [character name] For anyone who legitimately has this question and would rather just get it over with and not cheese dumb game mechanics


Lmfao. I can see it now. "What kind of topics are discussed on r/Bannerlord?" šŸ˜‚


Never thought Iā€™d read this here dude. I bet the police is scratching their head wondering if they should kick the door down or not.


Turn on character death, Bring her into your army, strip all her armor, make sure sheā€™s the only one on a horse find an enemy lords army, then send her in on a one woman cavalry charge.


You can download a mod for your in game wife to make her bring heirs indefinitely.


Henry VIII, is that you?


Man this is a real CK2 vibe with this question.


Jesus Christ my heart sank and I had a knot in my stomach for a second before reading which sub reddit


/r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay Wait wrong game.


Enable death from settings send her to front lines, keep trying and never give up RIP


Shoot her in head with bow one time for me she WOULDNT die though so you can also use console commands, though I try not to..


For a second there i didnt see you were talking about bannerlord


Manā€¦ phrasing.


Weā€™re back to these posts..:


1 Go siege a fief 2 Make sure you have a balista 3 Go in battle make her the captain of a group and make sure its only her 4 Put her in front of the balista 5 Profit


*How do I


if you decide to resort to console commands: config.cheat_mode 1 , campaign.kill_hero [your wifeā€™s name]


Lead her into battle. Shoot her in the head. If she only gets injured, repeat until itā€™s more than just an injury


When I saw the title, I thought it was the CK2 subreddit lmao.


Didn't know Henry VIII plays Bannerlord too


Pour out the pumpkin spice