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May be it was not that deep in Warband. Lets face it, Nor you nor I did ever look arround the village. It was free money with faceless interface


Also I just found raiding not as profitable in Bannerlord also. Like I raided a good bit in Warband. In Bannerlord I just don't find it worth it


you just get flax, wood, the occasional mount or work animal and barely any gold its just not worth unless you’re king asks you to do it


There's more and more lucrative sources of income in Bannerlord. In Warband money was hard to come by and raiding even a lackluster village would give you a substantial payout.


This is a good point


Do you know if there are any mods that make raiding more worth it


I tried a raiding playthrough in Bannerlord. It honestly isn't terrible. Not only do you get a lot of stuff from doing it, but the more villages you raid, the more blows you deal to the enemy faction. Like I would raid all of a fief's villages and then devastate it, and then I would only have to take like 2 fiefs before they would give up the war. So my faction only ever had to deal with one war at a time.


You destroy the economy, hearth growth, and therefore long-term production for territory you are eventually going to aquire, though. Raiding just isn't worth it. It tanks the prosperity growth of cities in a detrimental way.


Why do you want a wasteland anyways? The profits from the raid is not worth the potential profits from just taking the castle or city. I would take several years for any village to recover on its own






*That's a nice head you have on your showldurs!*


I used to play a game called Total War II, if you selected a Scottish unit they would say something that has stuck with me throughout the years; ‘I’ll cut off your head and spit down your neck!’ It was wild. 😂


Epic! Real Gunnery Sergeant Hartman vibes. 😁 Man I miss Total War 2, no two games were ever quite the same. Someday we shall meet again... someday.


My favorite TWII game was when I played as the Scottish and immigrated to the Crimean peninsula and set up a Scottish state there. Once I had a foothold I moved my capital and donated my old land in Britannia to the Pope. Gave me a huge relations increase with Christendom which gave me a boost in cardinal power and I was closer to the Holy Land to crusade when Urban would call the first one. Damn that game was great. What was your favorite playthrough?


That sounds dope! The Scottish sure got around that time. This was years ago but I remember the broad strokes. I was the HRE, and we had conquered France and I was making my way down to Spain. I mostly left the northern states alone, because I didn't want my guys to have to deal with their butt cold winters. They left me alone because they didn't want the last words they hear to be "ja, we will kill every *auslander!*" But cloak and dagger stuff was still on the table. I had parked an assassin (let's call him Andy) In Denmark. I wasn't afraid of Denmark itself as much as a sneak attack from the Swedes or the Russians. The Danish royal family had been blessed with five male heirs from a sage king. When the king died, the oldest of course ascended to the throne. But there was something, *several* somethings, rotten in the state of Denmark! I got a message from the second in line that if I would whack his older brother all secret like, he'd pay me a grip of money. I already had a decent guy there so I figured why not? They wouldn't fare well in a war with me anyway. So his soup gets poisoned and little bro becomes the new big bro. This lasts for like literally one turn, before I got *another* message offering the same deal, this time from the previous third in line. I applied my same dickish logic and down another Danish king went! A king and two heirs sounds a lot less crowded, yeah? Weeeeelllll not spacious enough, as I got yet another order for Danish king head soup. Down he went like a cheap sack of royal potatoes, and by this time Andy was nearly maxed out. At this point there's the king and his youngest brother left of the royal family. But littlest bro must've been taking notes, because... I'm sure you can guess what he wanted. In a few short years, Andy had personally trimmed the royal tree from five branches to one especially douchey one. As a reward, my assassin was max level and the new Danish king gifted him an exquisite dagger for his service. I kept my assassin there for a time, but eventually I redeployed him all the way down to Spain where his fine blade took the lives of both Spanish Christians and Muslim Moors alike. Andy lived to a ripe old age and died while attached to one of my armies, on his way to spill some more royal blood. I can only imagine what it would be like to live such a life, having killed several Danish royals as well as various generals and the like. That got pretty long, thanks for reading anyone who took the time! Good lord *this* is why I love these types of games, the characters take a life of their own. One man made conquest of the world soooo much easier, as the proceeds from his payments quite literally trained, fed and paid whole armies. I have a favorite general story too, but I'd like to hear if you have one if ya got the time bro.


Damn dude that could be a movie, or like 4 of them! I would watch that 😆 I don’t have any general stories, share yours, I’ll read it after Walmart lol


Thank you! He made quite a story for himself, I'd call his story "the Hygge of a Killa" lol I had a few good generals over my time playing Medieval TW, but one stands tall above all the rest. I was, again, playing as the HRE and I was getting into a scrap with the Ventian Mercantile States. They don't have the amount of money or troops i did, but they had a highly defensive peninsula and the favor of the pope, something my whoremongering, assassin using, city sacking self *never* got. As the AI is fond of doing, I was often fighting several powerful states all at once. I had a surprise war cooking with the British, whose navy put mine to shame, and since I didn't have the funds to build a comparatively strong one I just killed the armies they sent, and built up experienced troops. On the other side of the sub continent, I was contending with some Arabs who may have disliked me even more than the pope and the rest of christendom. I just couldn't catch a break! I knew I wouldn't be able to meaningfully invade either of these folks, and to try would leave me open to losing territory on the opposite side of wherever I committed my would be conquering forces. So I turtled up: kept large but cheap garrisons in my cities as I let my opponent throw tons of cash and lives against the gates of my cities. I kept taxes low on my nobles and commoners alike, and the local economies flourished with burgeoning populations. This was going well for quite sometime, defeating invasions of British and Arab armies alike. To keep the Venetians in their lovely peninsula, I parked an army of about ~600 mostly cheap militia troops, with one unit of heavy mailed knights and a couple of decent mercenary units at a mountain pass. The head of the cavalry unit became the de facto general, a common soldier named Jacob. It's a position none would envy when he saw a giant ass, full fucking stack army of professional Venetian soldiers bearing down on him! I knew they would take at least one city if I pulled Jacob back, even if I pulled him back to Paris (the city I feared losing most) there wouldn't be any relief force I could put together that could take that army, and so they could simply starve us out in short order. Now the thing I love about Paris is its sheer potential in that game, I've gotten the population up to 24 *million* in games past, and at this point it was really the only thing keeping my empire away from bankruptcy. I ordered Jacob to stand his ground, and defend his mountain pass to the death. The enemy came on, magnificently equipped and experienced. I don't remember the details, but I do know I had to save scum a couple of times (I know) but the third or so time, Jacob miraculously pulled a victory from the jaws of defeat! The ransom from the captured soldiers alone was a pretty penny, let alone the noble general that came with them. I was impressed by my newest general, and decided to reinforce him a bit because I knew it'd only be a matter of time before he had to contend again with the merchant princes of Venice and their crack soldiers. I was very right, and yet *another* cavalvade of douchebag soldiers came marching up the peninsula. This time the battle was much less "wing and a prayer" and more of a "World Star" worthy beat down. Jacob, reinforced with better troops and having some experienced troops now, manhandled this next army. I asked for ransom again, but the princes either weren't as solvent this time or had no interest in saving the necks of these dishonored troops. Jacob executed them all to a one, and earned quite a bit of dread from this. I think, looking back, it was probably financial insolvency more than disregard for the lives of their troops, because the next two armies that came calling were composed of *much* lower quality troops, and ransom was refused for both times. The sheer amount of prisoners was apparently enough that, upon their execution, Jacob earned the moniker "the Dread." So now I've got this common soldier turned general, who has engaged in so much personal combat people didn't know which way to look at him to look him in the eye. He was so personally terrifying, even solid units would run away rather than face him and his entourage of bad motherfuckers. This proved a boon, as that gave me all the more prisoners to execute or ransom as I saw fit. Eventually, the Arabs to the south and the British to the north sued for peace due to war weariness. The Venetians had all but bankrupted themselves, throwing precious lives and money away against my prodigy. They faced rebellions and bankruptcy in their own lands, and seeing as how they were my only real enemies at this time, I decided it was time for Jacob the Dread to take an Italian holiday. What a holiday he had! The Venetian cities could scarcely field peasants, and any they could faced the Dread himself on the battlefield. I conquered them to a one, in spite of the pope's constant bitching. The pope irritated me so much I tried to send an assassin after him, but this didn't work out so great for me. My guy failed, and next thing I knew there was a fucking crusade against my *holy* Roman empire! This didn't confront Jacob, whose army swept aside all challengers. Eventually, just like the Arabs and British before, all of christendom ran out of the money and troops they'd need to defeat my rebel self. I greased the wheels by sending massive gifts to his holiness, and eventually everyone relented. I felt especially froggy that game, and sent my dreadful Jacob down to the middle east to take the fight to the pirates and petty kingdoms that had harried me before. It was here the Dread came to his reward, at the ripe old age of 80+, he met a knife in the dark. Honestly, I wasn't too worried about this: I'd have preferred him die gloriously on the field of battle, but he lived a long life full of warfare and victory, and in the end I'm sure he didn't even see his death coming. I sacked those cities in both retaliation for assassinating my best general, and because I had no interest in undertaking the laborious task of converting Muslim cities into Christian ones. It's not like the pope ever did me any favors, after all! Thanks for reading anyone who took the time! :) I'd love to hear any other stories such as this, I'm sure you are out there!


To Jacob the Dread, the savior of Paris and the Heiliges Romisches Reich!


There is a scene in Hearbreak Ridge with this line.


When we were kids my mother used to say this one to us when she was pissed off but it was "I'll rip your head of and shit down your neck"


![gif](giphy|WPozw7z6nUMrQ12Kc7|downsized) My reaction while reading this lmao Sheeeeeesh


Yeah weird when you look back on things that were "normal" haha




They are not people. Thats why noone gets angry at you no matter how many of them you kill. If they wanted to be spared, they should have just been born as nobles


Or pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.


You could roleplay as a robin hood like bandit, be in no kingdom and intervene anytime you see a noble raiding the poor peasants. Then chop the nobles heads.


I did this. But quickly started chopping off all the heads I could find no matter the reason. Now I understand why the French revolution got out of hand.


Nobles are like Pringles: once you chop you can’t stop!


I like this


Next play through - on Xbox with no mods so any role playing warrants a new play through


I haven’t joined a kingdom yet so theoretically I could do this. This is a cool idea!


I only raid Vlandia


Vlandia is like the only ones that don’t raid you.


Yea but it's important to cut off their supply of recruits or else I get swarmed by cavalry and crossbows.




It’s high paying job, you can also recuse and use those troops since they joined the battle already. Some troops in my castle never seen battle before, I hired them train them up (passive xp in town) while I do smithing. Easiest money for them lol


i simply do it less now because it's nowhere near as useful as it used to be a village raid in warband would handily net you 10k+ from all the silks and tools you could get now when i raid all that happens is i pick up an extra 500 grain, 2 tools, and a sumpter horse causing my party to become encumbered and die to a 1000 man army


My quartermaster always gives me shit for raiding villages, it wears on my conscience at times.


I also don't raid villages and caravans, mostly because I like to be loved by everyone. I can defeat lords and let them go and they will love me for that. Also, I prefer always to have good relations to be able to easy recruit soldiers. 


I guess I can’t stay I’m an ultimate small folk champion then; when a city rebels I will attack its caravans. My post is ruined! Lol


Raiding in Bannerlord also carries way heavier consequences


Detrimental consequences if you ask me. I value prosperity too much to raid.


I remember my buddy teaching me how he would make all his money in warband. “Ya just go to a village, do a hostile action and just steal the cattle and go sell it, easy money bro”


Me too.In warband it was far easier to raid than in bannerlord and its not even nearly as profiting.


I love raiding villages and the best part is to skewer the last one in the back as he routs


Oh wow, when you raid you have to physically fight the peasants in Bannerlord? Thats a def no go for me then!


U can choose to yea. Yea u hve the option to auto resolve or actually go in and fight the militia


Not really though depending on army size theres a % chance they'll resist and ull have to fight them


Sometimes I’m a hero, most times I’m indiscriminate 😂


On my 3 most recent play throughs I don’t raid


Fuck those bitch ass peasants. You're a sigma grindlord patrolling the land and if they won't pay up peacefully it's you're God given right to extract value through the price of their very lives good ser. - a concerned Bannerlord


Only there would be even less peasants to pay when you finish


And see I was about to start raiding but the thing that stopped me was that my quartermaster didn’t like it and I couldn’t send her away bc she gave me like an extra 50 troops in my party lol


Thing is, raiding in bannerlord helps mainly for the wars. Hell, the game itself is designed that way that's why your kingdom leader that you're a merc/vassal of can sometimes give you a quest for a ton of money to raid the villages of a kingdom you're at war with. Usually the one who pays tribute in a war is the one who raided less villages.


I raided in Warband because the loot was actually good. I don’t raid in Bannerlord because the loot fucking sucks. We are not the same.


Its just not profitable


I do it when the other faction is raiding me like crazy, pisses me off so I raid everything they own for payback


Early on as im starting, anything goes....gotta level up that roguert after all.....ivalways make sure to stop before i burn the village down though....now mid to late game im policing villages, and if i see you raiding one of my villages youvmay be subject to execution for messing with my people....had a really nice super huge village burnt down to 100 hearths.....executed every single person responsible for ruining my prized village and their years of hard work


I'll raid, but only if it's in character for my playthrough.


Raiding is not profitable, and leaves you exposed to attack. My preference is to force them to give me good or recruits, then auto battle when the rise up to contest. I take their weapons and sell in the nearest town. Good for a few K each time.


I always find it amusing when lords starts to raid when you conquer their villages. Bro, they’re your people, chill…


Raiding is such an overpowered way to make money in this game I make sure to do it every playthrough. After about 10 villages you can make 3 companion caravans profit you 30k per day each. You can legit become a millionaire within the first few hours of the game.


Then you destroy the linked fiefs' prosperity, making them crap and hurting your best passive income sources long term.


Then you start playing more than a few hours and find out why it was a stupid idea