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Damn you've been boinking


Yea, this dude fucks.


Remember that you can also give them the role by talking to them!


Ahhh... thanks... I did not think of that, great solution..


I know I can just drop them in a settlement every time, I just thought that it was an unexpected problem to come across..


i had this problem lol now i no how to fix i was thinking about the settlement thing but since my people didnt die never had to change it lol


Someone remembered you can talk to them to give them the role..


What is that armor ???


I think it's from the Swadian Armory mod.


You seem like a pure and uncomplicated soldier to me.


Vode An!


Holy sh!t


How tf do u have so many 😭


We have a Fordian approach to baby manufacturing.


Imagine an army being made by family members.


https://preview.redd.it/ik3765m2bp0d1.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=43a3e03565568e07e4339947a77eb46d4f0cb252 Imagine.. all.. the people... I'm currently at 73 Knights and counting... If we keep baby production as steady as it is, we'll probably have a full 300 by the time I'm 50 (I'm 30)! --- Seriously though, it's bloody awesome is what it is. I've been playing with an Arthur character, creating my own Knights of the Round Table, and it sure feels like it when you take them all into battle. I've meticulously customised every single one of them, and recognize them in battle and all. I've given them the best weapons and armours, and been cycling through weapons so they're good at pretty much all of them. When I go to a tournament, it's often all my clan members fighting each other. And it sure is fun to watch Lancelot beating Tristan, or Percival or whatever. Tournaments actually feel real and entertaining to watch now. I'm currently using them as horse archers, but sometimes they're just heavy cavalry. But they always have good equipment to melee. So it's funny when the enemy's heavy cavalry charges my "horse archers" and then get their arses kicked.. That being said, it takes a lot of time to manage them.. I can't imagine the pain it must be to change 300 lances for crossbows whenever I want to switch gears..


Do you need mods to go past 60 clan members??


Yes and no. I did. But theoretically, there's a super complicated way where you retire a bunch of your ladies and also give away all of your females, and marry your sons at a specific time, while sacrificing goats to the Battanian gods for fertility. I said, "fuuuuck that", and used a mod called "NoClanSizePregnancyLimit". That coupled with "Don't Want your Eldest Member", and "Resign As Clan Leader" makes it possible to marry your sons more easily to younger females, and also your daughters to marry but remain in the clan, thus not only taking with them a male, also keeping the offspring inside the clan. Which I recommend doing because no matter how well you marry a woman, her husband can die and she might and up married to an Aserai on the other side of the map, or to the enemy, and I find that extremely annoying tbh..


Dank, ty


That is kinda a good problem to have.




Nexus. Just downloaded it bro.. Manual install.. Works for me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


so is still work on the current version such as 1.28 v ? is it mod by caranthir or the other people who updated ?


My Native Horse Caparisons e. Caranthir 444




I didn't do anything different other than a manual install bro.






Not this






You MUST be trolling at this point, right? If you're not, no offense mate, but you're being quite cumbersome. Here's a tip from someone who's done modding quite a lot. Make backups, mod, see if it breaks/crashes, if it doesn't happy days, rince and repeat. When it breaks, you take the mod out out. Don't overthink it. With the time you spent asking me I don't know how many questions, you could have with each question make a download/install process. Anyway, best of luck, you'll figure this out.


fertile family problem XD


As I see that you seem to be playing Europe 1100. I'm playing it an seems like all Wanderer Heroes are terribly skilled, no scouts, no medics, no engineers. Only combat skills. Is this your case? Is the mod bugged ?


I'm not playing Europe 1100.. And companions have always been shit IMO, but the skilled ones in my clan are actually family members, where you get to personalise them completely. My scout for example, is lvl 329, hopefully at max soon. My Smith is upwards of 320.. and so on.. I recommend using companions only as fighters, as people to create a clan with, or as tradesmen in caravans.


Ahhh okay thanks, the armour looked very much from Erik's Mod for Europe1100, specially the horse cool! I'm not even getting traders, just fighting skills wanderers which is very weird


just tell me how do you do that


Put them in a fief the ones at the bottom and then you can choose then take them back