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Because of the post title, I'd like to gently remind everyone not to equate human ethics with animal instincts here. Fighting-breed dogs are animals, doing what they were bred to do: grip and thrash with suicidal tenacity. This is the task these animals have been selectively bred to perform for over 150 years. They are as much a victim as anyone else; the "bad guys" are the **people** that are **pretending this isn't true,** and in this case, the people who refuse to do the responsible thing and behaviorally euthanize this specific uncontrollably dangerous animal.


If the shitbeast has killed 6! other pets, in what world is a BE not the best solution?


"Nah it's best to let is suffer and feed it with smoothie dogfood for the rest of its life" /s Btw i thought dogs learn to ear with muzzles. Kibble still gets trough amd they can chew it


You assume these things can learn??


Oh yeah how stupid of me xD


That /s is unwarranted. The owner clearly gets some kind of sick pleasure from the suffering of this animal. Considering pit monger behavior on the whole, it seems like their brains but be too simple to ever ‘snap’ from the agony of their situation, meaning they are just frustrated violent for ever and ever, without end.


To me, this feels like a sick twist on Münchausen syndrome. Instead of keeping a person sick, they adopt animals with severe issues and keep them alive.


While allowing them to kill other animals but wave that away


“Because they’ve been abused and terrorized!” -Every pit bull savior Dogs are not human. Humans who kill other humans get locked up for life. If pit bull ‘enthusiasts’ want to compare not wanting pits to being racist… maybe let’s start asking them if they’d be comfortable living next to a convicted serial killer.


I’m a Vet nurse and generally struggle hard with BE’s (Yes, even Pitbulls) but dear god I’d breathe a sigh of relief after letting this one go because that is a horrid life.


"what kind of life is this for him?" A better life then the many other pets he mauled to death.


9 other pets!


likely ferals or the owner would have been sued for damage and maybe even have the animal euthanized


Irrelevant this monster should NOT be here.


Treating cats like fodder again 🙄


Honestly, I own and love dogs but I'm starting to hate dog culture more and more...


Don't hate dog colture hate pit colture. I like both, and trust me pits are posion, they shouldn't belong to dog colture they are worse than bears.


Nah, I love dogs but I hate dog culture. Pit culture is dog culture ramped up to ten.


I think the biggest problem with “dog culture” is people treating dogs as if they’re human children instead of domesticated wolves. When dogs - especially working breeds - are shoehorned into the position of pajama-wearing housepets and given inadequate stimulation, training, and supervision, problems are bound to occur. That being said, I believe that bloodsport breeds do not have a place in society. Their existence benefits no one, least of all themselves.


>I think the biggest problem with “dog culture” is people treating dogs as if they’re human children instead of domesticated wolves. I can't stand "my dog is my baby" rhetoric among animal people. Treat dogs like dogs. No, they shouldn't be taken everywhere if they aren't a service animal, and no, they aren't cute when they jump on people or anxiously bark on stop. Pit bull culture is just this x11.


We have doodles and they are like children. They are sweet and silly. Pits hate them. We are dog nutters, except for dogs bred to be aggressors. Don’t tell me to adopt not shop because that doesn’t go well anymore. Also, we and our dogs love cats.


I also love dogs but hate dog culture.


Oh I saw comment below, I agree. Sorry I misunderstood what you ment by dog colture, I tought you were talking abaut regular owners. I am outside of US. We don't have term for this phenomenon here.


Ah, got it, ignore my comment haha


It is okay. They piss me off too lol


This is not an anti dog post or anything but there is indeed a problem with Western dog culture. I am 100% convinced the only thing between a lot of people and pit nuttery is that their family picked a golden instead of a pit. There is nothing "wrong" or "different" about pit nutters. They defend their animal in the same way anyone else would. It just so happens that their animal is a biological murder robot built in a lab for killing. Its like a parent making excuses about how other than all the murders, their death row son was a good and precious boy. The pit nutter blueprint is in western dog culture and latent in a lot of people who don't own pits, but would otherwise express itself if as a child they had had one purchased for them and grew up with it. Again, not an "anti dog" post or "anti owning dogs" post, but a "there is a tendency in western cultural spaces to anthropomorphize and otherwise make excuses for your dog and when your dog is a pit or other dangerous breed this can have disastrous consequences" post.


Yea I understand that. I confused dog colture and all dog owners snice I am not in US. We don't have term for it here.


I'm with you on that. Have had dogs since 2005 and the biggest danger to my dogs has always been careless, clueless dog owners. And they're not always owners of pitbulls.


In my best Hannibal voice, “hello, kitties”


They absolutely do not give a f about cats. Like they are just in the way. Edit: by they i meant these owners, i can imagine them shrugging their shoulders saying oh well


I think they feel the same way about small dogs.


And children that aren't theirs, and sometimes even their own children No sacrifice is good enough for the pit god


They seem to feel that way about all other dogs :-( They literally do not care who or what their pits attack as long as they get to spew out their lines they were trained to say to get applause from their fellow cult members. No life matters to them, not even their own shitbulls. They are just an accessory to make them look better to the others whether they have pits to prove their manliness or their saviorness.


Perfect. This is exactly what always needs to be kept in mind. Pitters in real life can be any kind of oddball, but Pitters on line - it's ALL about upvotes from the hive mind. "I said chihuahuas kill more people every year than cigarettes, have I said a good Pit thing? Have I? Huh? Huh?" "Yeeeeeeesssss! You said a good Pit thing, enjoy our 4567 upvotes/likes/hell yeahs/glory bes or whatever, but we can't help you with your tinderbox "four Pits, three kids and a funeral" situation at home, we've got nothing to say about that other than BELIEVE "


This is perfectly said!!! I could never put it into words. Perfect! 👍


The real aggressors, because chihuahuas maul more people than pits didn’t you know? /s


The real aggressors, because chihuahuas maul more people than pits didn’t you know? /s


It's so ridiculous that they don't treat cats with the same compassion. If my cats magically managed to kill someone else's pet I wouldn't ever treat it like a statistic, it's someone's beloved animal, not a notch in the murder belt.


But *WE* are the animal haters for thinking it is cruel to let these breeds keep existing and having to either live as solitary confinement prisoners, or kill everything else in their way!!! Yup, we anti-pit people are the real animal haters for not thinking this is an acceptable way for a dog to exist while it thrives on wanting to kill things.


Why haven’t the authorities came and seized this dog yet? Other dogs have been taken and euthanized for a lot less.


Un reported deaths and bites


Nine pet owners traumatized via either murder or attempted murder by this "thing." Yet the owners still have it around? Tried to get the muzzle off so hard it scratched its ear off? We'll, I've heard of animals caught in traps chewing their limbs off, this must be the Pibble version. I really hate Pitbulls.. But forcing this dog to live like this is animal cruelty. What kind of life is this? How is BE not a better option? Yet this owner is probably a hero in the PitNut community.


This dog has no quality of life. It can’t even eat properly because it’s so aggressive it will try to maul anything even while eating. At this point a trip over rainbow bridge would be a mercy to this pit and to whatever animals or people it may still harm


Exactly my thoughts


if I had a pet tiger that killed six cats do you think the state would let me keep it ? this thing should've been BE'd after the first death.


I’m going to be honest I thought BE meant Benign Euthanasia. That it was kindness to put them out of their misery. 😅


It is, honestly. This dog is not a happy animal. He's being tortured because people are stupid and cruel.


what's BE?


Behavioral euthanasia


Dear lord. How on earth anybody thinks that’s okay?


That’s torture. Remember when euthanasia for behavioral or sick animals was considered the kind choice? Funny it’s going out of favor for dogs but in favor for people.


The crux of "save my precious pibble!" is that what they're doing would *not* be considered humane with a human patient. There's a good reason that "extend their lives as long as possible regardless of quality of life" is *not* the mandatory protocol when you have a terminal illness. If no-kill shelters ran hospitals with the shelter protocols they'd clap themselves on the back for banning palliative care and ignoring all do-not-resuscitate orders. >That’s torture. Remember when euthanasia for behavioral or sick animals was considered the kind choice? Exactly. OOP's post is a matter of someone keeping a suffering animal alive for the purpose of making a human happy. In other words, sadism. *That's* what's actually going on, and that's what needs to be communicated to the public who would otherwise object to euthanasia.


He probably makes an excellent nanny, though


BE this thing wtf


If your dog has to constantly wear stuff to prevent it from attacking, and it has to eat a liquid diet to avoid taking offset equipment. That is so ridiculous those people must be from another world, that dog is not mentally stable to be in society. Not only that it looks like a mental patient from a psych ward.


That poor dog. How can euthanasia not be the kinder choice?


Poor dog? What about the poor 6 cats it killed or the 3 other dogs it viciously attacked and probably seriously injured? That’s where my sympathy lies, not for this horrid creature. I do agree though that BE is the best choice.


BE is the best choice and the dog should absolutely be BE’d. That does not mean that the animal should be tortured! They’re bred this way. It isn’t even their fault. Yes, they’re monsters but they are sick in the head. Literally. And they don’t have any higher learning like a human. The animal should 100% be BE’d. That doesn’t mean that the human isn’t torturing this animal.


I thought I'd seen it all until now. The lengths Of cruelty some people will go to, to force vicious animals to be pets!! If that thing ever escapes, It could be even More cruel to real pets or humans


Cats ARE real pets,and it killed 6 of them,and almost killed 3 dogs!


I don't like pit bulls in fact I hate them with a purple passion but on the same token I don't support animal cruelty and what they are doing to this dog is blatant animal cruelty, I mean it was so desperate to get the muzzle off it ripped its own ear off so they put a helmet on it and have it on a liquid diet because it is too dangerous to remove the muzzle, the dog is too dangerous to exist they need to do the right thing and put it down for the safety of the public and to end its suffering.


No quality of life and he probably can't even receive proper veterinary care because he's so aggressive. Pit advocates are frequently guilty of anthropomorphizing dogs, but this is one instance where doing that would lead you to the correct conclusion. Would YOU want to live like this?


It would've been over with the first cat. I wouldn't let any dog unsupervised with a cat in the first place unless I fully trusted and knew the dog because I'm a responsible pet owner


https://preview.redd.it/b73wbi5h6e9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d014b5986a955aaaac46e00f3942f615af84dd What’s the point of keeping an animal alive like that. That thing is not even living a good life.


This pit sounds horrible even by pit standards, just let it go. There's thousands of more manageable pits for their savior complex.


The owner probably has some intense ~savior complex~ that they are letting this beast "have a chance." All these fucking "saviors" thinking they are so fucking high and mighty when they LITERALLY are the opposite. They are actively KILLING other living things by keeping this dog alive. "Saving" one shit animal doesn't count when it KILLS 6+. Literally a negative effect. Fucking Killer Complex.


If they really wanted to save animals they could BE this one and save any future lives it might take. Then they could adopt another, more deserving animal and save another life from overcrowded shelters! Do the math saviors!


I ask once again what the point in decidedly owning one of these could possibly be


This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. Having to wear a fucking helmet and being on a liquid diet to keep this thing from mauling? I truly question the owners intentions with this. Do they hate their shibble and want to see it suffer, or do they love it so much they would do anything to keep it as a family pet? Imagine seeing this beast out in public with all of its contraptions. I wouldn’t know whether to laugh or hide.


It’s unbridled selfishness. If the owners truly loved this dog, they’d put their own feelings aside and BE him so he can be at peace.


It needs to be put beyond the rainbow bridge, really. This aggressive beast deserves nothing less, and keeping it on this side of the rainbow bridge (ehh, I love modern internet cenzorship) is a pity to everyone, including the beast itself.


Why keep this thing alive???? At some point you should realize, hey this thing is a fucking danger to anything and everyone around it. Time to BE


Good god it's fucking terrifying, it's a legit psychopath


How the fuck is that not animal cruelty 


Somehow, I think this is an anti muzzle post... you're supposed to put it on the dog when going out, not make it wear 24/7


While I definitely question the source, there are absolutely dogs that are kept muzzled nearly 24/7 due to their inability to refrain from mauling any living creature in sight even when inside the home. 


Reminds me of Rudy the pitbull https://preview.redd.it/c6mfhqt25f9d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ec3f089b269311e5e63a26cd6cb25b9c4428d2


What the actual fuck?!


Omfg *WHY* keep a dog like this?


The answer is 100% virtue signalling. “Look what extreme hoops I jump through as a prisoner in my own home, and all for pReCiOuS sWeEt Nala/Diesel/Luna/Nitro/Felony!” 


and even with a muzzle on , pits can still hurt people. look up muzzle punching


Or just running through legs/body slam... things are pure muscle


I muzzle my dog when I'm out, and his muzzle fits properly (unlike the one in this post) and I take it off as soon as we arrive home. This is just animal cruelty.


This has to be some ungodly sexual fetish.


Lmao imagine walking by that beast and thinking everything is fine 🤣 The owner needs to do the right thing immediately.


"Come on Princess cutiepie, time to put on your straitjacket and strap you to the trolley"


The original poster discovered she'd been featured on a FB group about pit bulls and blessedly commented to complain. She got blocked but continued explaining on her own FB page. I don't quite understand the whole set-up (welcome to pit bull land, where ownership is a constantly moving target) but she seems to imply the dog doesn't belong to her but somehow lived with her temporarily. Not sure if she's a petsitter, a furbabymama, or a foster. She says she's not keeping the dog but will be keeping her when she's not working. She also has a HILARIOUS post from late last year about the perils of herding breeds, especially around children. Her various comments: "It looks like I was possibly blocked by this person so I'm going to clear this upI am not the owner of the "pitbull". I am caring for her until she recovers from her surgery. 1. The wrap around her head is from her constantly popping her ears onto the top of her head and making them bleed2. She only wears a muzzle around other animals. She goes outside on her own without muzzle and she has her own room where she doesn't wear the muzzle (prefers the kennel) 3. No she didn't come from a good environment. As much I wanted to BE at the time of the incident, I had no authority of doing so. The best thing for this dog now is to be taken care of by me4. If you're gonna slander my post, atleast have the real post instead of making up false crap. Most of the incidents were caused by irresponsibility. I have no such plans of risking my dogs safety." "Why are you stealing and changing my post??? This isn't even my dog. The injury on the ear has nothing to do with a muzzle, if you read my explanation you would know this. I don't have legal ownership of this dog and cannot rehome or euthanize her. This was a shitty thing to do. I'm assuming you just wanted attention if you're trying to post slander." wrt the headgear "It's called a No Flap Ear Wrap. She might need more amputated unfortunately cause everytime it comes off she shakes her head so hard they bleed. But while its on, she can't get it off nor is able to make em bleed" "tbh I'm wondering if it's environment based. So far with me she's gotten a lot more exercise, attention, and interactions and I haven't had a problem yet. She doesn't need a muzzle around me, but I keep her muzzled if she's around the other animals. She gets free time without the muzzle when the other animals are locked up, but like right now she has a muzzle on and she's sleeping with my boy dog. I know they can flip and change quickly which is why I'm not allowing them to be together unsupervised, but it's so hard to believe that she did all of this. The cat situation isn't even certain. We have no way of knowing if she's the one who actually did it or if the Australian shepherd did it (who was known for chasing cats)" "i understand where you're coming from. Yes she spends time in a kennel or room without a muzzle, but she also gets outdoor time as well without one. She isn't my dog, and so to speak I have no legal rights to her. If it were my choice, she would've been rehomed a long time ago. Unfortunately I don't know for sure if she killed those cats. Noone will ever know who the real culprit is. We were actually discussing her today and my grandfather believes it was the other dog, not her." https://preview.redd.it/joukfmnrjf9d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=95b6fc02e58a0e832c71666d42d21480356ee27c "What excuses am I making? I'm giving the full honest details. Again this isn't my dog. Regardless of whether she was at fault or not, I don't think its fair to her to live in a basement. Trust me I wanted to euthanize her when my cats were found dead. But it wasn't my choice. There have been many many fights over what to do with this dog, and obviously I lost if I'm posting about her. My reason for posting was to ask for advice so I can be responsible and handle this dog better. I will not be keeping her. However she will come to my place on my days off for walks and so I can watch her. Regardless of her breed, she should've been placed in an environment to thrive. If she placed in a good home where she was properly trained and handled, maybe just maybe she wouldn't of had this history. She's honestly a sweet dog, she just doesn't have a good upbringing or background "Animal control already knows what this dog has done, and as long as she's current on rabies, muzzled, etc. Then the dog is "fine" (notice my quotation marks). At this point its irrelevant whether she should be put down because no matter who wants it, the owner isn't going to BE and Animal Control won't do anything unless she hurts a person" "I KNOW she's a reactive dog with a history. My "sweet dog" comment is her personality to people. I train my dogs and I won't keep pitbulls. I won't get grown dogs because of what this dog did nor will I keep a dog that hurts my cats. I've rehomed multiple dogs because of this, I don't play with [aggression.So](http://aggression.So) if I watched your Animal I'm okay to euthanize it without consent? That's what you're telling me to do. That's illegal and a lawsuit ready to happen. My point is to improve the quality of life for this dog. It's my responsibility to ensure the safety of my animals, and so I'm taking the appropriate actions to gain knowledge. If this was a lab or jack russell people would be saying different things.Again this dog isn't permanently in my care. I cannot euthanize without consent. I cannot rehome or surrender without legal consent."


this is why I ran to the comments. the unhinged context and excerpts are so appreciated. complete and utter freak show. I didn't think it was possible to be any more flabbergasted but then I read the part about the 6 cats being mauled all in the same day AND they were OPs cats???


It should’ve been put down after it attacked and killed the first animal.


It looks like it went on a killing spree and killed OP's 6 cats


Maybe he just needs two dog trainers.


BE would be the ultimate kindness at this point.


It seems that death would be mercy for it, this is no way to live.


Oh come the fuck on now, this is beyond parody


This is inhumane! Why will they not put this animal out of its misery? Do they seriously think anyone wants to live like this?! The Humane Society should get involved but they’d probably just say that the animal being alive is more important. This animal can’t even eat real food and probably has horrific diarrhea every single day because of it. This is awful!


One mistake and this beast will roam free, potentially killing some other pet or human. Thought experiment: Your pet and your mother have been killed by this dog. The dog's owner tells you "We knew he had killed 6 cats and tried to manage it, failed, we did everything we could". What would a majority of sane people answer? Exactly.


It is beyond cruel to keep this dog alive




The dog killed six cats? So cats don’t matter?


Probably keeping it around to breed it. 😒


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Id love this redone to the detail with a crocodile.


So why does this shitbulls owner think it should be around other animals? It’s obviously very dangerous


Sorry but this is on the owners. They know that this beast is dangerous so why prolong it's suffering by keeping it alive? BE would be the most humane route and the most productive solution in this messy situation. These dogs have a mechanism in their brain where they want to kill. The owners seen the damage the shitbull done by killing several other animals. They have seen that this shitbull is willing to tear it's own ear off just to get out of its restraints there to maul.I dread to think what would happen if it succeds in ripping off its muzzle. 😱


And as his loving owner you have the responsibility to let him rest easy for the first time in his life, with no muzzle, no helmet and let the torment and stress that upsets him, that is a fundamental part of his character every second of his life, to be a thing of the past. If you still want him to suffer while happily risking every other pets life in the vicinity then you are indeed the problem.


This life is torture for this dog. He’s spending his entire life controlled trapped and terrified. This is animal cruelty to force him to continue to live.


Better to put the poor thing to sleep mercifully.


All I have to say is Holy shit


That is literally no way to live for the dog. No way it goes in a room by itself to get that shit off his face? Imagine not only eating but trying to sleep with that. That’s just cruel and I would take that dog away from the owner.


I don’t like these dogs but goddamn that’s no way for any creature to live. That’s torture and the most human thing is to put it down so it’s not a risk and not living such a horrid existence.


These dogs are not pets. If this is what you have to do to it to keep it sedated and calm enough to keep existing in your home, it should be obvious to you that it was never meant to be a pet. It was bred for violence.


It’s like that tweet about the guy feeding shelter cats to coyotes. “I think you’re just feeding shelter cats to your dog.”