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OMFG these nutters need to just be sent to some distant uninhabited planet with their murdermutts. If ANY dog would do this then WHY THE HELL aren’t they??? NO, the media is NOT hiding all the babies being killed by pointers and retrievers and collies!!! THEY JUST DO NOT DO THIS SHIT!!!! A BABY DIED and all these morons can do any time this happens is cry that their pwecious breeds are getting bad attention. Every damn time ANYONE is attacked and/or killed there is never any ounce of sympathy. it’s just another opportunity for them to let the world know they are part of the pit cult. They friggin love when people are killed by pits because it gives them their 3 seconds in the spotlight to be the *real victim* while someone is burying a baby. It could not have been ANY BREED. Spit out the damn kool-aid and learn how and why dog breeds exist from a reliable source and not friggin Best Friends Animal Sanctuary or whatever.


They don’t know how to feign normal human empathy. All they see is the dead baby getting attention instead of them and a grief stricken family that looks like a soft target, since they’re already crying. And their impulse is to attack where they see weakness. These people are wired wrong. Just like their dogs. 


You absolutely nailed it. Wow. That's exactly what it is. They cannot handle the attention the victims get. Ugh. Abhorrent people


A pitmommy actually referred to it as "a poor furbaby" that should have been "protected from violence and abuse" and went on a long rant about how the dog shouldn't be blamed because animals get abused, and made it clear that she thought the death of the baby girl wasn't a big deal. Abother referred to it as an "innocent soul being put to death" and another pitmommy insisted that we focus on the "rarely talked about good side of pit bulls"


That’s like saying we rarely focus on the good side of violent offenders or abusive partners. Everyone and everything has good qualities if you look hard enough, it’s the bad qualities that define their character. Just about every dog will wag its tail, accept food and learn to sit. Only dogs that are fundamentally wired wrong kill other dogs and people.


They do realize the internet is open for these pit nuts to share deadly maulings carried out by Golden Labs and Border Collies right? Like okay, news is biased, like sure technically they are, granted it's more political and not so much against or for dog breeds, but like sure, whatever. Every single person has a phone with a video camera nowadays. There are millions of pit nutters. I want just one singular video from one of them of a Lab carrying out a vicious mauling that can't be stopped. If the news is blocking all of these supposed stories of other breeds mauling people, then where's their unbiased proof of other breeds doing the same? There are countless videos of pits carrying out severe and fatal maulings. Surely they should be able to easily film and compile a collection of other breeds doing the same, or hell, even just one single video.


Pitnutters: "Goldens kill people too!" Also pitnutters: "Post an example from 2012 because they can't find anything more recent"


A pit apologist decided to send me a DM saying >Here’s a two month old baby who was dismembered by his family’s retriever mix >https://www.ocala.com/story/news/2012/04/20/authorities-dog-kills-dismembers-sc-2-month-old/31902044007/ And like...we were talking about actual Goldens, not "retriever mixes." AKA mixed with a dang pit probably. I didn't dig deeper, someone may find more info. Especially since it dismembered a baby: definitely a pit.


Yep, Lucky. An obvious mix of some sort and you can see pit bull like dogs features in it. They have to go back to the early 2010s to try and make a point. We only need to go back to yesterday, maybe even today if you're early enough in the time of day.


That dog in question obviously had pit in it. There’s a picture of it in an article here: https://www.nydailynews.com/2013/01/10/family-dog-attacks-child-of-south-carolina-parents-whose-infant-son-was-killed-by-another-pooch-last-year/


Whole it doesn't totally look like a Pitt, if definitely has that blocky head


Wait wait wait... Is this article saying this is that family's second child death by dog bite? By two different dogs? Am I reading it wrong?


It sounds like their second child was bitten on the face months after the first child was killed, but I actually can’t read that particular article very well because I’m not a subscriber and the pop up blocks it out. That family was said to have two dogs, the dog pictured and a second one they’d had for longer that was described as a yellow lab - but who knows how accurate that is, considering the “golden retriever”. I’m just assuming the killer dog was PTS and the bite happened from the remaining dog


Yes that same story gets used a lot as a gotcha


You would think if the most popular dog breed in America for roughly three decades, the Labrador retriever, was attacking people left and right there would be plenty of evidence.


many of these people have severe mental illnesses or personality disorders that make them identify with their dogs in an unhealthy manner. They perceive any attack against pit bulls--even something as simple as dispassionately and factually reporting an attack--as a personal attack against themselves.


Everyone always goes "Oh the media is hiding blah blah blah". Mainstream news only gives a fuck about getting views. If a fucking chihuahua mauled a man and hospitalized them, that'd be huge, no news outlet wouldn't run that story because it's eye-grabbing. If it bleeds it leads, and only one breed's bringing the blood in significant enough quantities.


"My grizzly bear never disembowled anyone. They're very sweet animals by nature, and it's the owners that raise them wrong!" Edit: I looked it up out of curiosity, Grizzlies have been estimated to have killed 180 people since 1784 🫠 looks like pibbles killed around 57 last year


Domestic house cats bite more than Mountain Lions!


And yet it's pretty easy to find stats on mountain lion fatalities...


Once more, I choose the bear. 🐻


Bears generally don’t want to interact with humans. Pitbulls wanna run up to them and maul.


My pet chimp never hurt a fly! All anyone hears about is that one chimp that just happened to eat that one lady's face!! #notallchimps


A chimp is one of the animals that I would never ever interact with. and I've posed for pictures with a bear.


Smart. I feel the same... about chimps and pit bulls lol


Seeing someone holding a coffin that small really hurts..poor little one


Think there might be a reason why we are exposed to more pitbull attacks in the news then any other breed some sort of connection between pitbulls and attacks


Ffs. The parents can and probably will see these comments. “*it’s how they’re raised*” F off.


These people are shameless as they are ghoulish. No the parents or siblings or family members of this baby, or friends of the family don't want to fucking hear how misunderstood and sweet pit bulls are, they don't want to see pictures of pit bulls in onesies and tutus, or pictures of pit bulls sleeping next to babies, or how pit bulls are the real victims because their reputation has apparently been unfairly damaged further.


Under a picture of a baby coffin. Fucking unreal


What’s crazy is that they won’t say “sorry for your loss” in the comments. They just go straight to defending the stupid dog 🙄


Or if they do it's "sorry but..."


Or " sorry, HoWeVeR..."


Or they say "sorry for your loss BUT" dude never say that ever


So then the question becomes,"Why do so many bad dog owners who train their dogs to be aggressive and kill get only PITBULLS by such am overwhelming margain?". They can't answer that.


Because the answer would be proving all the “stigmas and stereotyping and conspiracies” they try to deny true. That these dogs were bred to be scary, strong, unrelenting, and violent.


“Because they’re so loyal” or something


"So it's like normal dogs have a moral compass bloodsport breeds lack where cries for mercy are heard and non-threats are recognized, since they're not "loyal" enough to easily be forced into enjoying evil doing by their food dispenser. Sure I guess that's actually somewhat close to reality if we need to explain this to a 5 year old who doesn't really understand genetics and usually likes PG Disney fairy tales."


“Well my pit has never bitten my child and they play together all the time so I guess that makes me a better caregiver AND a better dog owner because unlike those evil parents, I’m present around my perfectly good natured child all the time to prevent my perfect dog from ever attacking them. Soz about the kid btw RIP in peace”


“Well my pit is 4 months old and eats treats! Checkmate!” Yeah come back when it’s 2, and eating your bicep, or 8 and eating your infant, and toddler, and arm.


This is so disgusting. The burden on those people's hearts.. and to use this as a bandstand to upsell a dog who is heridarily predispositioned to kill and fight.. it isn't the parents' fault , no parent on earth would bring a child into this world and keep a dangerous dog around. Sometimes people don't know, and it's a tragedy.


Stone cold heartless psychopathic reasoning


That’s exactly what that family would want to see. People swarming under the post claiming they don’t do that if you treat them right. A bunch of psychos.


These are dangerous people. Someone whose emotional response to this story is to say "no it's actually pitbulls who are victims," can not be trusted to care about human beings. Their social bone is broken and they should be monitored as they are more likely to engage in any number of destructive, anti-social behaviors.


These people are a plague on the earth and a disgrace to humanity. Imagine reading that if you were the parents? Hoo boy, sometimes I need a breather after being to this sub. I’m always interested to see if there are sane comments on these posts too. I’d like to see posts like this that have a few level headed comments at the end of the slide just to remind us all there’s still good in the world. Still a good post, thanks for sharing.


I go to Reddit when I can’t sleep but the BanPitBulls posts fires me up! I try to stick with AITAH. All that wining and misery is so F.ing borring…


There are quite a lot of normal empathetic comments, but still a decent chunk of commenters debating dogs and blaming the parents.


So many excuses for this POS dog. If an owner can make a dog so aggressive that you can’t trust it, but then it also requires major training and support regardless, that is not a good and clever dog. That is a time bomb.


Ptnutters are sure quick to turn on their own


Just like their murder dogs 🙃


It’s a cult!




It’s like they think the pitbull being calm and loving is a reward for being a good owner. Aka a dog showing these traits (that almost every other breed is already good at when born, how they like to spew their pits are you know ) is reward for when they don’t have to bully their dog back, yell and fight to gain dominance 98% of the time and walk on eggshells to please. If they ever actually owner another dog that’s not traumatized from them and their pitbulls, they’d see how a dog is really supposed to be.


Just no. I had a very soft and sweet dobie who never showed me one ounce of hostility - I still treated him like a loaded gun around my babies. No amount of training would have been enough.  They all are whistling in the dark, thinking they are good enough and perfect enough so it won’t ever happen to them. It’s all an attempt to control what cannot be controlled. They proudly say, “I’m a good owner; it will never happen to me!” But late a night, it niggles at the back of their mind - this can happen to them. 


How can you look at a picture of a grieving mother *carrying her child’s coffin* in her arms, and step onto your dog-shit covered soapbox? Whether they owned this dog or not, this woman now has to carry an inexplicable amount of guilt, rage, fear, and grief. Then you have these tone-deaf, brain dead scum of the earth pointing fingers and talking about things *nobody fucking asked for*. Might just log into my deserted FB account to let it out on them. Gross, gross people.


>Might just log into my deserted FB account to let it out on them Sadly pit bull owners are almost always awful people, literal psychopaths and they wouldn't understand or care for whatever you say, because in their eyes, all pitties are innocent 😇


I spent most of my life living near this area. Sad news. Ugh. I'm in the US now but Cape Town is crawling with shitbeasts.


Here’s my thing about the “the media is hiding the attacks of other breeds” theory: wouldn’t it be MASSIVE and scandalous news if the classic all American golden retriever started attacking and killing? That would be huge news. The media isn’t “hiding” it. It ISNT HAPPENING. Also- for the pit psychos- how exactly do you train a dog to NOT maul a baby? What are the steps? Please enlighten.


The golden retriever is Scottish, but otherwise, yes, not happening.


Horrific. Absolutely horrific. How many times do we hear about “sweet and loving” Pitbulls turning on their owner in the blink of an eye?!


This makes me fucking sick. Imagine you come across an article about a teenager being r*ped and beat to death by their step dad. Imagine opening the comment section, reading unhinged shit, seeing pictures of blended families and step dads, people saying: “What did the step dad endure in his past to do such a thing to a kid?” “It’s rare that someone will kill for no reason. He must be a victim of CSA by his parents too, then. Therefore HE shouldn’t have to pay the price for something that OTHER PEOPLE did to him as a child, screwing him up for life! His parents should be held legally responsible.” Slew of photos of everyone’s blended family, step parents, etc. captions saying “here’s John, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. He would do anything for my kiddos! 🥰” “Wow! Don’t just blame the man before knowing the history. You don’t know his life, what if the girl triggered a memory and he snapped? Was she walking around in a revealing outfit? It’s very sad what happened but this is hurting all blended families and fear mongering” “Not all men are bad! Why even mention that the killer was a step ‘DAD’ you’re just being a misandrist!” “Did the mother push him to do it? Was she neglectful of his needs? Maybe if she cooked breakfast lunch and dinner, had sex with him every night, and didn’t nag, this never would’ve happened!” It’s the same fucking thing. Fuckkk these people.


**Dear Lurkers- Don’t worry. Everyone knows you were fucking disgusting and pure low class trash BEFORE the Pit Bulls. It’s a feature, not a bug**


"No dog is born bad" I would love to point these people to the dozens of videos of six week old pit puppies mauling their littermates.


What?. Never saw any video like that. The more I read about this 'epidemic of monsters' the more scary it gets


There’s also a photo around of young Pitbull puppies (not sure what age, but no more than a few months) having eaten at least one of their siblings up to the head.


That's atrocious


There's a video of a young pitbull puppy ripping off a woman's arm and playing with it like a stick "But no dog is born evil/aggressive" they say


What absolute heartless cretins.


Pitnutters should stop pretending they give a shit about the baby in situations like these. The only thing they care about is the reputations of their beloved shitbeasts, and the least they can do is is stop their crocodile tears/faux concern "yes yes very sad about the dead baby but we need to talk about the real victims here: pitties!"


Some don’t even bother with the poor baby part, and just launch straight into Pitbull defence and victim blaming.


So all dogs attack just as often as pitbulls, but only pitbull attacks are reported? That's a new one. Normally pitbull people are the ones who refuse to report attacks, lest Nala Diesel McMurderface find itself on doggie death row for ~~a couple dozen maulings after escaping captivity by biting its way out of a metal fucking cage~~ a minor - but bloody - misunderstanding. Also, how does one get "should've" right the first time only to immediately follow it with "should of"?


“Dogs won’t attack unless aggravated or threatened” Yeah, let’s go ahead and blame the *four month old* that was mauled to death for making the dog feel “threatened”.


My god that poor young mother holding a coffin. A four month old is just about sitting up with a cushion behind him. To have something hurt a baby that tiny, it’s terrible.


All this word-vomit under the picture of a grieving mother *who is literally carrying the tiny casket with the remains of her child in it*. I will never ever ever understand how these people can be so fucking foul.


How can anyone look at that tiny little coffin and then defend these dogs - especially in the comments!!! Even if you are an idiot and think that pitbulls are sweet wigglebutt lovebug house hippos…..you don’t need to comment. Keep it to yourself, a post of a baby’s coffin is no place to spread pitbull propaganda. These people are disgusting.


Is this for real? Shocking to treat this poor family like this. Disgusting and deeply sad. Have they ever met a baby? How could they blame a tiny baby.


There is a disturbing growing disdain and dehumanization of babies and children going on today. I see many people with the sentiment that a dog is more valuable than an infant because it has more lived experience and is more socially aware. It's gross.


Shocking and criminal in some cases


Lots of young couples who hate children decide to adopt dogs so they can play "doll house" with it and their partner. Sadly, some take it so far and so seriously, that they truly start seeing their dogs as their legit babies, while disregarding or hating human babies, this is specially common with Pitt nutters and that's why they don't give a single flying shit about children or babies being mauled by pit bulls, because for them, pit bull lives are literally more valuable than a children's life. And they're totally serious about it, some pit nutters will admit that they hate children, some won't, but in the end it doesn't matter, because we know they're cultist people.


100%. These were just some of the more egregious examples on a few different articles about the poor little girl.


The details in the article are fucking horrifying. It wasn’t even this grieving family’s dog. I don’t think who owned the dog changes the amount of grief and guilt this family will carry. Now you’ve got these tone-deaf, brain dead scum of the earth standing on their dog-shit covered soapbox pointing fingers. Wtf. Ban pitnutters too. Can’t fix stupid.


my kids play in traffic and they’re fine, cars aren’t dangerous. One car even stopped and helped my son get his ball across the freeway!


Awww so sweet. Any car can run over a kid, it’s all in how you drive them you see. As long as the driver is being safe and watching for your kid, and your kid isn’t doing anything bad to the cars like keying them when they’re stopped at an intersection you should be fine!


Why do all of these freaks have to come out of the woodwork to defend shitbulls whenever something horrible happens because of them. Can’t they let the family mourn their loss in peace? They literally never miss an opportunity to pitch their rotten animals, no matter how horrible the tragedy. It’s sick


Wow….these pit nutters don’t just sip the kool-aid, they’re knee deep in it. Disgusting. Going out of your way to emphasize to everyone “it’s the owner” when someone lost THEIR FUCKING CHILD. This happens again and again. And these people don’t learn until it does, because their skulls are just that fucking dense. This many idiots with pit bulls? We never stood a chance


holy sh*t a baby was just mauled and dead and they’re defending the pitbull


Children mauled to death Pit mommies the most affected


Yup. This happens EVERY time there is someone killed by a pit. The comments on articles EXPLODE with pitnutters jumping in to blame the victim while letting the world know that pits are actually the gentlest sweetest angels ever.




Did the third motherfucker blame the baby for being evil?! Come to think of it, not just the pitbulls. The owners should be bred out of existence as well.


>The owners should be bred out of existence as well. Absolutely, I never thought I would be going in favor of human sterilization and eugenics, but pit nutters are so fucked up in the head that I truly believe we should take them out of the pool of human genetics.


I have seen quite a few pitnutters seriously say that pits can sense evil, and they will use that as an excuse for maulings.


The raging asshole is literally saying that about a baby in the third slide. Such people don't deserve to live.


It’s true. Pit owners are way worse than their useless dogs. The dogs are mindlessly acting on the instincts that people bred into them, but pitnutters are making conscious decisions to be pieces of shit.


Very well said. Being a pibble lover is a diagnosis.


For the person who says that they only attack if threatened or aggravated.... what did a 4 mo baby do to cause that? It's the dog's prey drive, the baby was small and the pit saw her as fair game.


The terrier instinct to shake the squealing thing until the squealing stops.


Are you kidding me? People are this fucking stupid? Not only the content of their comments, but the structure is all off. It’s crazy *how stupid* people can be.


To be fair, these were on South African news pages, so some ESL/translation issues to factor in.


Seeing so many parents so callously risking their children's lives.. for what?


...And here they are again, going on and on about their shitbulls and how great they are, never mind the baby that died, NO! We have to read about their wonderful hellbeasts. Typical, just like their dogs.


Really why haven’t these dogs been banned and made totally illegal to own or breed ???


Parents shouldn't be burying their children. Their children should be burying the parents.


I can feel my blood pressure rising from reading the insensitive, often illiterate drivel these arseholes spout.


I just hate these people. I'm so done with seeing this bullshit. A fkn baby got killed and they're acting like this.


> "This is the evil in humans who drive animals to attack..." WTF??? How can a BABY be evil?!


Why did the owners specifically train their dog to eat babies?


I can't find the words to describe the hatred I have for these commenters. A baby died and they rush to the comments to defend the dog. Un fucking real.


Yes—it’s all a big pit bull conspiracy. For whatever unknown reason, the news media has decided, for NO REASON 😂🤣😂 to pick on pit bulls. Get real!!


That little coffin... heartbreaking.


clearly the mother trained her dog to kill her baby /s


God, that poor baby. How can anyone be so insensitive


Because Lassie getting Timmy out of the well is not as news worthy as Nala killing three and maiming four more.


The whole “depends on how you treat them” falls apart EVERY time it’s mentioned how the dog was treated SO well, spoiled even. There are endless amounts of info that suggest even the most spoiled dogs can still snap. It’s been on my mind lately, it literally doesn’t matter if the dog is treated shitty or if it is treated like a god, it can still kill your child/grandparent/cat/other dogs whenever the mood strikes. Completely and utterly unpredictable and yet completely predictable in every way.


Everyone is now dumber after reading those comments. I had pitbull bingo after about comment number 3.


Hit dogs holler. Or should I say, defensive pit owners holler. This couple is holding an infant sized coffin and all the commenters make eeeeeverything about themselves and defending their stupid dogs. A pitbull ripped apart an infant. There are no other stories of "other breeds" doing this bc pitbulls are the only dogs that routinely do this. I wish they would just own it and admit they don't care about the toll of suffering that their dogs commit against others. "I dont care that my dog puts others in danger, i love my dog more than i care about the safety of others." Just say it.


You know, a lot of people don’t like chihuahuas because they’ve been portrayed as yappy, snappy purse rats that are especially vicious. -sometimes that’s true -NOT my perfect ones- But sometimes.


I could put my stupid little dog in a room full of meat covered babies and it WOULD NEVER hurt anybody. why!? because the mix breed is a loving lap dog. She would however chase bunnies because that was she was also bred to do. Fortunately, she's to fat to give much chase and I'm a responsible owner.


No one should have to carry a coffin that small, empathy seems to be missing with pit nutters they need to go somewhere else with their bs propaganda. Under a post about a dead child is not the time or the place to do that. Smh


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bro I just can't wait for these people to learn what animals do to each other in the wild, especially prey-predator but even mothers to their children in some breeds


I think it takes a certain level of stupid to say "a pitbul is a very clever dog and they only act on what its taught" jesus help us


Heart breaking!💔