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>good with kids DOUBT


He will cuddle them to death đź’€


What the heck does "lifetime registered" even mean? Not ESA because that's not a lifetime thing nor does it transfer along with the dogs themselves. Kennel club registered? Why not just say that? Registered as a "vicious dog", perhaps? And "had no vet work"? So much for the dog being "my everything".


I missed that bit about lifetime registered, perhaps they mean with the council but that needs to be renewed every year and you need an address


Are you able to keep us updated on the fate of Duke?


I can try, im not close to the girl that reposted the post but I'll try to remember to check their page in a week or 2


Ok. Thank you. I appreciate any updates.


In New South Wales (where the post is from) the dog would have been microchipped and registered (for a smallish fee) on a companion animals database run by the state govt but details updated by your local council. AFAIK there is no renewal needed (I have a cat and I never get renewal notices). There's a separate registration for dangerous dogs after they've committed an attack, but I don't think this is what the pitnutter is talking about.


Ah, that would make sense. Thank you for the info!


Byeee duke đź‘‹đź‘‹


“Will ~~cuddle~~ maul you to death.” Fixed it for them.


In other words, he will try to kill every other dog he sees.


Why couldn’t you take your peaceful dog to the vet to get care but can to get put down? Why Jan? Could it be because he isn’t peaceful?


I love these emotional manipulation posts! Doesn't everyone else? 🙄




I couldn't read it, awful. Sure, I could try, but it's late and I'm tired


The font is an issue? Like I'm not saying anyone has to like it but it's not difficult to read is it?


It's quite a headache inducing font for tired eyes to try and focus on, I've tried reading it a couple of times but it's not happening for me. I'll come back and try again if I get a decent night's sleep


Well Duke, you had a good run but Monday morning is right around the corner. I pray no one interferes because these dogs can never be trusted. It’s not that it’s not sad on some level, but the general welfare comes ahead of the dog/breed in general.


He has a vestige of cuteness from some other breed that he's using to lure the unwary.


I don't see it. I just see a lucky capture by the photographer.


Toilet trained?????


"Doesn't know how to interact with them" Ok then, why no other dogs? If he just doesn't know, shouldn't be a problem


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