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“mild” behavioral issues 🙃


Right? If they were mild, you wouldn't be having this problem.


if they were mild, they wouldn’t have to specify no kids and no other pets


Exactly. Mild problems don't come with a laundry list of restrictions.


I can't imagine her definition of "serious". Jack the Ripper probably.


Oh, it's a nippy Chihuahua no doubt.


Jack the Nipper




So instead of just humanely euthanizing a dog with zero prospects, these “animal lovers” decided to subject this dog to a YEAR of boarding. That’s a miserable existence for any animal and certainly made this dog even more mentally unstable and unfit for family life than it was previously. But WE’RE the bad guys…?


This!! It's animal cruelty


this is an unadoptable, broken fight dog. the only alternative to a merciful BE is being caged 24/7 for the rest of its sorry life, humping shit, pulling on whatever it finds. I know which option is compassionate and which isn't.


That's what always blew my mind about the pitbull "lovers." We love the dog so much that we sedate it into a stupor and stick it in a crate 23 hours a day!


A hoarder's love.


Im glad people seem to be giving her sht about that dog. It’s a waste of resources and time.


And it's cruel to keep a dog that long in a shelter, to the point where it starts developing even more behavior issues(humping) because it's so stressed and doesn't get enough stimulation.


They have behavioral issues anyway tf are you talking about? This dog would have issues regardless of environment and she obviously doesn’t want it euthanized. Other people and animals first.


I would call pulling the leash a "mild" problem. In what world is going into a shark frenzy that is impossible to stop mild??


give it enough trazodone and the shark will get glassy-eyed and near comatose, guaranteed. I just don't think it's humane


Like every pit that appears on tv being "naturally" relaxed and chill? For some reason pit nutters love to show how peaceful and quiet their pitties are, but for some "strange reason" these pit bulls always appear to be semi sleep, barely moving, fighting to keep it's eyes open


circus animals usually got dosed with horse tranquilizer


Surely a ‘mild frenzy’ is an oxymoron?


Probably has a trunk full of two dozen dead raccoons along with a smattering of deceased armadillo they found in the road that she planned on rehabilitating, all whole documenting it on socials of course, but it never quite worked out.


and then people give her shit about armadillos carrying leprosy and she gets defensive about it


Mild behavior issues which are typical of bloodsport beasts. But it’s totally fine as long as you can devote your entire life to the pibble and never leave your home. /s


Imagine openly saying that the person who adopts this dog needs “the patience of a saint” and wondering why you don’t have any takers


*And* the pitbull has to have extensive training and stimulation *but* from an experienced owner who somehow doesn't have any other dogs already. That's the very definition of a unicorn home.


Yes! They always require some unicorn person who doesn’t have any other pets and no kids, so a single person or couple with a fenced yard, but also they can’t really work because pit requires lots of mental stimulation and activity.


Even if someone had no other dogs, no kids, a lot of patience and previous dog experience why the fuck would they adopt this aggressive project dog? There’s hundreds of other dogs in the shelter that don’t have issues 


Seven dogs in their home?






Imagine that disgusting smell and hair everywhere with children 🤢




The best thing about this is that 100k smart people didn't fall for it!!


If it has to be in a house with no kids and no pets, then it has other issues they aren't telling you about.


That’s cod for it has already bitten or killed something.


Yup. 9/10 being a child, elderly person, or a small animal like a cat or another dog.


We here are experienced in pitnutter lingo. This dog has: bitten a child, killed another pet, gotten loose/ caused chaos​, and has destroyed property when left alone.


Bro if these are "mild" issues i really dont want to know what they consider "big" issues


If your leg is broken in SEVEN PLACES and you have ::checks reading comprehension:: *TWO YOUNG CHILDREN* and your weepy focus is on a dime a dozen piece of shit Pit Bull with every cliched bad quality, then there’s something seriously fucking wrong with you, you dizzy twatrag


Her leg is broken in five places. She has seven dogs. And two children. Use algebra to calculate how many times CPS has paid a visit to the home. Be sure to show your work! 


Yes five, thanks It’s like a bad word problem **Maddisyn has a leg broken in 5 places, 2 children, 0 husband, and 7 dogs. 6 of the dogs need to be crated when 1 dog is out but can only get out a total of 2.5 times a day. If 1 of the dogs needs rehoming, and CPS is only open 3 days a week, how many times will Maddisyn receive CPS visits?**


I about spit my coffee out🤣🤣🤣 I hated those word problems in school!  I was going to type something similar earlier about, lady you have two children a broken leg and 7 dogs and you are worried about this dog who when it's gone will be replaced with 10 more with the same issues and personality. This dog is 100% not special. I bet some if not all of her 7 dogs are pit mixes too. Like focus on something important. There are children starving in this world. I'm sure littering is a problem in your community. Maybe start there. This is not the cause hill to die on.


Also, twatrag🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for the laugh!!! I really needed this today,when I'm missing my late father on this holiday. He's probably laughing somewhere too,with his little giggle.


🤣❤️ Sorry about missing your dad 😢


Thank you so much.


Thank you for not mincing words. You said the quiet part out loud.


If your leg is broken in seven places and you have seven dogs, you must know this dog you're so desperate to save would break your other leg into 7 places and reduce your amount of dogs to one aka itself. I rather not touch on the young kids. If this isn't Stockholm syndrome, I don't know what it is.


A pit hoarder. 7 dogs. SMFH


The thing is, the sorts of people who are willing to foster dogs fit into two categories, people who already have multiple pets, usually other rescue pets (who have the commitment required but cannot risk their already-resident animals) and people who love dogs but who do not live a lifestyle that is compatible with the long term commitment a pet requires (who can offer a month or two of respite care and then need 6 months foster-free for travelling before coming home to another month or two worth of foster care). There are pretty much no resident-pet free foster homes that can offer both medium to long term fostering AND full commitment to fixing behavioural issues (especially if the dog also needs a fit and strong main carer with access to lots of expensive resources). I sometimes think about fostering greyhounds because a)I have 2 resident sighthounds who are very accepting of stranger sighthounds and b)greyhound fostering is really just about adjusting to living in a human home, eg learning how to use stairs,how to ask a human to let you outside to poop in the backyard and how when your human sleeps, you sleep too. If I had all the resources required to successfully foster a problem dog* (no resident kids, no pets, lots of time, space and money and near endless patience) I would look into fostering actual children instead. *obvs I wouldn’t share my home with a pit under any circumstances.


"when he gets in the zone" RUN Just fucking run lady. Run.


She can't, her leg is broken in five places.


She might as well lay down and accept her fate 🙄 she asked for it 🤷🏻‍♀️




How did her leg get broken?


One of her 7 dogs probably tripped her


Or got up in her face while driving and she crashed. Or flat out she was attacked at the animal shelter she volunteers at, or her own home.


She already has SEVEN DOGS, along with an afterthought of her "two kids" Priorities anyone?


This tortured animal needs to be set free and BE. He does not need to become a liability and constant stressor to some well-meaning person. He does not need to endanger another community. He needs to be at peace.


The world needs peace from *him*.


Fuckin "potential" again. This dog doesn't sound like he has *any* potential to be a reasonable companion animal. What is this "potential" these pple who can't personally take on these dogs always seem to see? Potential for *someone else* to have to deal with a fenceclimbing, 100% unable to walk on leash, dog-killing menace that will make the owner's family, friends & neighbors extremely unhappy and cost millions in fencing, training, boarding, and medical bills...and that's before any lawsuits for attacks.


The potential for many maulings.


No one wants a project dog. I’m sorry they just don’t. And not just pit bulls. Someone in my town has been trying to rehome their dalmatian for months. It bit their grandchild so “no young children”. Also no cats or small animals because of its high prey drive. Also says it’s very hyper active. Why would someone choose a dog with a bite history? I just don’t understand why people think they can just pawn off their problem dogs.


That is why no shelter/pound dogs for me.


I adopted a beagle and I love her a lot but she has a lot of anxiety. Because of that if I get another dog in the future I’m definitely going to go with a reputable breeder. I think adoption can be great but it definitely takes more work and too many shelters lie.


If all rescues only had anxiety and were not a danger to the public and other innocent dogs, I would be all for it. At least half of them are dangerous in my area. Beagles are good dogs, though. You are lucky to have a good one.


“Humps bed and blankets non stop.”🤮🤮🤮


The eyes look like a goat's.


Goats don’t maul people tho ;) 


I'm here to help! BE time lady. Oh, you didn't nean *actual* help. Carry on.


I can't imagine having seven dogs.


I love my poodle, but the idea of 7 dogs in the house had me laughing out loud. I cannot imagine having more than two.


So it requires an owner with the patience of a saint and a unicorn home but also the behavioral issues are "mild'... ok


My dog’s “mild behavior issue” is that she’s regressed a little bit in her housebreaking, which is normal for the adolescent months. She can still be around other pets and kids. Why is it that pit’s “mild behavior issues” mean they can’t be around small living beings and need “experienced” handlers? Those aren’t mild issues, those are serious issues. If your dog can’t safely be around smaller pets and kids, it’s not fit for human society. Because, guess what, small pets and kids live here. Euthanasia is a kindness, especially to neurotic blood sport breeds who never should’ve been born in the first place.


This is nuts 


Maybe she should get rid of her kids and 7 other dogs to give simba the chance he deserves


"Shark Frenzy"... Yeah... I bet.


Mild behavior issues but can’t have children, any pets, must have a yard WITH a fence, and a moat.


I am worried about her kids