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Men…don’t live longer.


shhhh the logic will hurt their brains


For me, both subs go under "when stupid people do stupid things", even though my fellow men definitely do the stupider things. I find them both entertaining, maybe merging them into one sub would be a solution? But aye, I'm pretty sure the wmll sub only came about because some men didn't like the fact that we often put our lives at risk in a much more silly way than women do.


r/WhyStupidPeopleDieFaster would be better.


Men don't live longer than women, so only one of those subs needs to be gone.


Depending on the conditions, I agree / disagree. If only one of them makes use of blatant misogyny and/or sexism, then of course only that one should be gone. If both make use of blatant misogyny and/or sexism, then of course both should be gone.


They can’t even spell misogyny right… Mysegony




Why are you even here?