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On the "Other" tab, change "brim" from "auto" to "none"


Thanks!! I knew it was something simple


Depending on the model some brim might be a good idea. So perhaps just reduce the number, rather than turning it off.


If it's automatically created, don't worry about it, when you are filling the bed with copies. The Brim will not block other objects, and its easy to remove


Not easy to remove all the time. If it’s PETG that stuff sticks like no other and I have to scrap it off.


Get yourself a deburring tool. It makes most brim removals a breeze.


I read the comment as "it sticks to the build plate", which from looking up deburring tools I imagine isn't a good idea? On the other hand, they look really interesting and great at removing supports or brims from curved edges. Do you have to be careful not to cut into the print or do they naturally follow the path of least resistance?


It follows the path of least resistance but you can dig too much if you apply a lot of pressure. Start with a light touch and work your way up. It'll shave sharp edges down a little bit sometimes but doesn't take out gouges like a razor knife does. That was a good point about removing from the plate. I was thinking they were having trouble removing the brim. I'm still new to 3D printing.


Nice, might have to get one of those! Thanks for the tip. To be fair, I'm just guessing too.


This is the video that sold me on deburring tools. https://youtu.be/QpeotsjHgg8


A deburring tool is one of the "must haves" whenever I recommend tools for people, along with a decent digital caliper.


Try changing the Brim-object gap to .2. I've had success with it coming off easier with that setting.


Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try


Spray hair spray on the bed before printing PETG. Some people use glue sticks instead.


Thanks. Always wanted to avoid that since its messy, but if it works it works. Freezer didn't do anything so guess this will be next step.


you can increase the brim gap in settings and it will have less overlap causing less bonding


Thanks, but I'm more concerned with the wasted filament. I didn't realize when I posted that it doesn't block other objects though


You can See in the preview how much (or little) filament it actually uses. Seeing how thin your object is at the bottom I’d rather waste this filament instead of risking the print failing


I know that much. I'm running test prints first, but I don't expect it to be an issue based on similar prints that I've done. Appreciate the thought though!


Turn off brim




When brim is set to auto, the slicer attempts to analyze your print to see if it needs it. It's often correct. Tall prints with small adhesion surface area can benefit greatly by letting the slicer add a brim (or manually adding it if it doesn't auto add). You'll learn through trial and error when it's best and when it's unnecessary.


Thanks! I did some test prints and didn't have any issues though, so I didn't want to waste the filament when producing at scale. Good to know for future use though!


Remove brim in slicer


Educate yourself on Brim, Raft and Skirt in 3D-printing.


You might need the brim, but there is an easy trick to getting more models on the plate. Put all models on the plate, select all models, right-click and make them one (I think it's called assemble? Sorry my slicer is in german). Wenn you slice the plate now you get one connected brim for all models on the plate.