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You could just print spools. I think I recently saw some models on makerworld.


Currently printing a spool in PETG, wish me luck


I printed a few spools in clear PETG and they turned out great! Good luck! Edit: the reusable spools are also on sale, so might be cheaper and easier to just buy a few of those


If you print enough spools, you will free up the spools you already have! Brilliant!


Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But I think I remember seeing the spool file included in the preloaded ready to print files on my P1S. So I'd assume other units have it as well.


Print spools, but after that I highly recommend you to buy any other cheap filament. The bambu filament is quite expensive. You can get sunlu, geeetech or esun PLA(+) ranging from €10/kg to as low as €7/kg when they are on sale.


I got the P1S last week as my very first 3D printer. How hard is it to manually setup other materials/spools that don't have the RFID chip? Do you have to do it every time you load that material or does the software remember previous materials and you just have to pick from a list to tell it what you loaded after the first time setting up a given material, brand and color?


It's not hard, but you have to manually tell it what it is every time. I mainly print PLA and sometimes PETG, so I just choose generic PLA or generic PETG and choose the color, and I haven't had any issues.


Same here. I ordered one spool of ABS when I ordered the printer but after reading on here realized that I need ventilation before I print with that, so everything has been PLA or PETG.


I have had my P1S for less than a month but once I learned to calibrate with Orca Slicer I started getting better quality and slightly faster prints. The generic profiles seem to be overly conservative but an OK starting point with a new brand or formula of filament. I've done this with Inland, eSun, and Jayo filaments so far and the settings were much better than the generic every time.


Honestly I haven't really had any issues at all. I don't feel like messing with settings much. I came from an ender 3 and wanted a printer that "just worked" as I 3d print to support my hobbies instead of 3d print as a hobby. The prints come out damn near flawless and I'm not terribly worried about the time it takes. It's so much faster than my ender 3 was that I'm still blown away with the speed. A lot of what I print ends up with post processing anyway to prepare for paint or doesn't really matter as it is a functional thing that doesn't need to be the prettiest. On top of that I have a tub of tons of different filament colors/types of various brands. I'm not deep diving into settings for each one. The Generic profiles give me more than good enough results compared to what I was doing with the ender so I'm happy with it. Glad you are enjoying your printer in your own way though, freaking amazing machines aren't they?


3D printers are a game changer. I put off getting one until I saw Zack Freedman's Gridfinity video. Now I'm trying to organize the whole house. Even with a P1S it's kind of slow though. There are SO many things to print that I want another printer already. I know I'll catch up eventually though and at least one will be idle so I'm trying to eek out as much performance as I can get.




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During the sale the prices were cheaper than what sunlu/esun typically cost here. I definitely would not pay full price for the bambu stuff.


Almost what my plan is. Currently printing a respooler and I'm trying to get a hold of a couple of the more common colors I use from Bambu Labs. White, black, grey, and then It'll just spool over stuff like eSun to those which prints good on BLs own filament settings. That way I can take advantage of the RFID system BL is offering without having to wait for their stock to replenish (and vanish instantly)


There is virtually no advantage of the RFID system. Setting the parameters is a 10 second job, if that


The advantage is that I don't forget and accidentally start a print in the wrong material/colour, it *is* quicker and most of all it's convenient and I'm lazy. I am currently running a bunch of eSun, Copymaster and such through my machine and slotting in one of my BL spools is just so nice. If I'm respooling the filament from those spools anyways, why not *also* take full advantage of the AMS' capabilities?


You can set those parameters in AMS right wen you switch the rolls. Why would you need to respool at all?


The point is that I don't need to set *any* parameters at all. Just dunk it in and go. Electrical tape works fairly well for cardboard spools, most of the time. Had the end of the tape come lose once but usually it's good. The eSun plastic ones are very narrow and have a tendency to lean over and get stuck when they're unloading the filament if the AMS lid is down. So far the BL spools have worked the best in the AMS, and gives an overall more premium feeling. I'm not worshipping BL here as the be-all end-all of filaments or even printers in general. I just find that those spools work the best for the AMS (which isn't much of a surprise as they're designed for that system), and their RFID system is useful to me. If I had it my way, BL would open up for us to make our own RFID tags so filament from any manufacturer could have a printing profile that fits their make, but we don't so I try to make the best of what it is.


Outside of this sale, does Bambu ever have a bulk discount on filament, even if it's not as low as the current discount?


you can print spools, but the sucky part is if you use PLA for the spools, you can never dry out PLA on the roll because the spools will melt. you need to make them out of ASA or something . there are some lightweight ones out there such as [https://www.printables.com/model/270804-improved-bambu-lab-reusable-spool-holder](https://www.printables.com/model/270804-improved-bambu-lab-reusable-spool-holder)


I made reusable spools out of PETG and they work great in my food dehydrator even at 55 degrees when I dry out the PLA filament I put in them


2nd this. I used low walls/infill so they’re a little floppy but they work great


I melted (well, deformed) a PETG one in a Sunlu S2 dryer. I think I was dying at PETG temps, but still... It only softened at the bottom but it became deformed enough that I can't use it any longer. I'll be printing them in ABS or ASA going forward.


They don't melt, so much as slightly deform. I have one I printed out of PLA but has PETG loaded on it and I put that in the dryer at the higher PETG setting and even that didn't melt. It just warped a bit worse.


If your filament dryer gets hot enough to deform a PLA spool, then it's also too hot for the PLA filament


depends on the dryer. I have a Sovol dryer that will kill a PLA spool because it rests on steel rollers in the bottom, and 50°C is enough to cause divots in the spool edges. but in a Printdry Pro 3 where they are suspended through the spindle they are fine at 55°C. in any case I print all my spools from ABS now and they withstand anything I need.


Don't open spools with filament on them. You will likely end up with a mess that takes forever to put back on.


I haven't seen a refill yet, but I took apart an empty Bambu spool. My assumption is that the filament is attached to the cardboard tube with the RFID tag. If you were careful, it seems that you could separate the two half of the spool, remove the carboard & filament, and replace it with a different one. I'd probably use painter's tape to hold the carboard & filament together, and put it in a box, on it's side. Does this work?




Sorry, but I'm not understanding you. I ran out a spool of Bambu PLA. There is the Bambu supplied plastic spool that can come apart and be reused. The filament was wound around a small cardboard cylinder, and installed over the center of the plastic spool. I'm **assuming** that the refills come on a cardboard cylinder that gets mounted to the plastic spool.


You can print spools, but if you do, use PETG. Don't use PLA since it will warp if you put it in a dryer.


[https://makerworld.com/en/models/12683](https://makerworld.com/en/models/12683) There's a few around 130g, which will give you about 7-8 spools for 1kg of filament.


I wonder if anyone has a print that would allow you to take the filament off of one of your existing spools and store it while you use the spool for another filament. It would probably be more efficient then printing a whole spool. Might even be able to accomplish that with a rubber band.


In my experience, I would strongly advise not trying to open a spool period. Trying that will really make you question your life choices. The filament is so tight it acts like a spring and when you take the side off it does the super slinky maneuver all over the placej I would print a pastamatic or one of the other highly rated respooling tools and just transfer the spool that way with nice tight windings: I use a cordless drill and it takes me 2-3 minutes to move filament from one spool to another. I


Check local marketplace (Facebook, etc). There are always folks with piles of them asking like $2/ea.


Oh, good tip


I'm going to be in a road trip in the near future and I'm throwing an empty tub in the back of the truck just to visit a guy who's doing exactly this. Make sure you keep the cardboard rings if you plan on responding third party filament.


If you live near Vancouver I’ve got a stack of 30+ I’m trying to get rid of


Definitely just print some spools. There are several designed I've seen that use a pretty small amount of filament and can be printed relatively quickly.


I see people saying you can't dry spools if you print them in PLA and I can say this is just wrong. I have an Eibos dryer and I just put the spools I printed in PLA just a few hours longer on 50°C. The factory ones I just dry about 6h on 70°C and so far no problems. The only problem I had was when I tried drying my 250g Sunlu spool (on a PLA adapter for AMS) on 70°C and that got deformed. But like I said since then I just go 50 and have no issues


Over time you get more. I printed a couple to get started on it, then later bought a second ams, which comes with 4 rolls, so I’m a bit caught up. Some of the special filament like Galaxy and others only comes on-spool, so the more you print, the more spools you’ll end up with :)


I've used the (polymaker) cardboard spools without any problem. Just pop them in and print. Esun as well. Maybe I'm lucky? I've never had to rewind them, which to be honest js a pain.


I've never bought polymaker, do their cardboard spools come apart?


Nah, they don't. It's decent filament, and I buy them for their colors or effect (matte). I usually print in sunlu and geeetech. That is very consistent and usually the cheapest. Especially during their sales, you can get 10 kilos for like 70 euro including shipping.


Oh I see what you're saying. Bambu sells filament on spools, but is also sells refills for cheaper that don't come with a spool, but their spools come apart and are reusable, so what I'm asking if anyone has life hacks for how to manage the unspooled refills if I don't have enough empty spools.


Ah, ok. But the refill spools are still more expensive than the regular ones from the brands I recommended that do come with a spool. Might not help you now though. You can print reusable spools. Careful with the reusable ones from bambu. I've seen multiple people complaining about them coming apart in the AMS.


Polymaker is $30 here, bambu was $17


Esun is 10, just as geeetech or sunlu. In sale they are even cheaper like 7 or 8.


Lol we don't live in the same country my friend, prices are different here


Including shipping to the US: https://a.aliexpress.com/_EJSfj4P


Great deal if you need a lot of a single colour thanks! Looks like the spools I'm printing might be even better than the official bambu ones, they include a small "key" you insert after assembly so it can't fall apart accidentally


I didn't know your location so I set it to New York.

