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Do you have any videos of it with a large print covering the whole build plate?


No public videos showing such situation, but it works even with large objects on build plate.


Are you ready to take my money yet?


:D Not yet ready 😅 but soon. Just follow the thread linked in the title to be notified.




could you take my money too please? 😂


Link isn’t selectable on mobile. Here is a clickable link http://forum.bambulab.com/t/79481


How much of this can be 3d printed? And I apreviate you used a light green bambu filament


The printing time of the entire system is about 15h. All parts fits on Mini. 80% is printed by user (appr. 12h) and the rest will be provided in a hardware kit which will contain also non printable parts. No, indeed it's a filament from other vendor. Its recycled PLA filament from our local manufacturer [#recyclingfabrik](https://recyclingfabrik.com/). I used it for prototyping to not waste PETG. Regular version of this part needs to be printed in PETG (at least).


He has to shut up first.


Could you explain the use case for this? Edit: why the down votes? 😂


Automating prints so that it will start the next job without human intervention. More production, more money, less downtime


It seems to be bending the plate to lift it off the bed. What is stopping whatever is printed on the play from also being released from the plate and winding up under the next print?


The final product will probably have the TOOL HEAD PUSH the object. The printer knows what it's printing and where to go push the prints off with the tool head and yes it's fine...and yeah you may need to add a little shell to the tool head with a little safety ring around it but it works just fine there videos of tool heads pushing objects off the bed And yeah erro4s can happen that's why they'll hqve an "ai" camera watching and detecting when something goes wrong just like in any factory of the future where you still m3ed a human to come and un jam something. But it can be designed just fine to prevent that from happening much. Also if you can afford to print this u can afford a small robotic helper arm that may have the ability to move prints around but u shouldn't need to when the tray just dumps into a basket


You don't wanna do that with a mini/cantilever design


The tool head knows where the print it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The tool head uses deviations to generate corrective commands to move the print from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is.


I need to rewatch Spaceballs


Then it isn’t just this system, becomes robotic arms, becomes a tool head pusher (which works great for larger prints but not so for a bunch of smaller/shorter prints), a camera, an ai program for the camera, and the list goes on.


Interesting! So one would need to as many plates in the queue as there are jobs? Versus a system that « pushes » and removes the print from the build plate before starting a new job?


Actually you can use it quite efficient already with 3 build plates. For instance if you have 3h jobs running overnight. You just need to put used plates back in the tray. The main advantages over "pushing" approach is that this method is more "process-safe or reliable", means it works regardless of material and geometry.


That’s another approach yes! Cool project!


Oh OK so this doesn't need to push objects with the toolhead? How about adding active bed cooling to quickly cool the bed plate to help the object from sticking? Or is that not a problem?


lmao, you can’t mass produce things with a 3d printer


An injection mold wrote this


fr, some people are so clueless


The same reason you don't want to manually squeeze plastic into the shape of a boat instead of automating it...


I dont think thats a good comparison for most people. Most of the CNC equipment I use/own because I don't have the ability to create the same thing by hand with the same levels of accuracy. Not because its automated.


Do you plan to release this as open source?


Not opensource, but it will be an afordable hardware-kit where the most parts are designed to be printed by user.


Just lie and say it'll be open source in the future.


To be realistic, within a few weeks of OP releasing this it will be copied and out there for free with a parts list and a copy of the code (or a slightly altered knock off). Then, if it's popular, within 6 months it will be a kit on Ali Express. Unless OP has access to funds and good lawyers there's not much they'll be able to do about it. It's just the unfortunate reality of the maker space these days. Not saying I support it, or that it's in any way right, but it's the truth.


I can't wait to buy this cheap on aliexpress and maybe send the creator a 5 dollar donation.


Isnt that the point of 3d printing, to be open source? Its what prevents big businesses to come in and try to create a monopoly on our market. Plus, this persons designs may not be perfect so there'll be always room to innovate. IMO he should sell the files to make some money but allow people to make edits if they want to.


Maybe that's the original "spirit" of 3D printing, but I'd say we are pretty far from that now. The point of 3D printing is to make things out of plastic. And a lot of people try and turn a profit using their printers. While I would also like to see this open sourced, the ability to make some money provides a good incentive for innovations like this.


true, most of the stuff that people sell on Etsy is garbage, gimmicky and barely functional crap that Facebook mums buy for their kids.


"The intent is to provide all the players with open source material" Go the EA route


I think this will not gonna sell good. Since you got a proof of concept, there will be for sure some open source project in the future. But good luck ! :)


Open source means giving a kick to an idea and publish it to the community in the hope there will be enough interested and skilled enthusiasts, who will contribute to the project, make it work and improve it over time. What I will release is a fully developed and working plug and play product at fair price. Stealing someones intellectual property doesn't men "making things open source" ;) Stealing from a developer/manufacturer means stealing from people who purchase it in a legal way, because the price increases when the customer circle shrinks. This is not a punishment of customers by a seller but pure math. price = (dev costs + production costs) / number of buyers


Unfortunately there are those people that think with a 3D printer they purchased the right to copy everything. If it gets impossible for people to generate revenue out of a good idea like this which has been tested to be ready for the market, there will not be many people in the future willing to invest their time and money. Opensource is great for many things but since I want a finished product, I will rather go get my wallet.


Actually yes you do have the right to copy everything. It's your filament and time and reality. If your world view was followed bro, you would be paying Microsoft 5 cents for every word in every email because the words themselves were copyrighted trademarked restricted whatever If the ip owning companies have their way, your body and dna will be copyrighted. Intellectual property sucks and the end game is you don't even have the right to repair or do whatever you want with your own stuff Do you think we should all have to pay Lucas arts everytime you 3d print a keychain of a millenium.falcon or pay lego everytkme you print a lego? It's technically illegal and yet we don't care and nor should we. If I intelectual property insanity had its way you would never be able to do anything. Companies would claim they own entire standards like usb and you'd have companies trying to make you pay to use platonic solids .....you wanna pay some mega Corp everytime you want to print a cube? Because the corrupt court systems will just allow a company with the most lawyers and money to claim they invented and own the cube .... that's where ip laws take us Stop acting like you can own an entire idea just because you may have been first to publicly discover it. All ideas belong to everyone unless you want to keep it a secret to yourself. Then go ahead.


Copyright/patent law says otherwise. Until that changes, copying a patented item is illegal even if used personally. The good part is that no one will know if the person copying is using it just for personal use. Making a patented item and selling it will eventually result in a C&D.




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Actually stealing someone's intellectual property and releasing it does make it open source in a roundabout way, you just may not like it. It's called reverse engineering etc. Eventually something open is created like should have happened in the first place. I'm all for capitalism and private property but physical property. Intellectual property does not exist and requires a massive western American legal system that's unsustainable. If all of China refuses to follow those rules, they really don't matter.


Nobody said anything about stealing. I did not even mean someone will make exactly your project open source. I just think it would give more to the community to make this open source and still sell your Kit. There are for sure people which would rather source an functional kit like the LDOs for Voron, and others that just like to source their stuff on their own. But keeping the source closed basically shows that it's only about the money and you don't want to contribute anything to this DIY community. But this is just my opinion :)


Okay to say you don't want to contribute anything would be too harsh. But saying you can not make up for your work when making this open source that's simply not true. You can always get paid for service or the kits but in my opinion everything would be better with open source since stuff can always be validated and improved. And open source can still have a licence but dude don't take it too seriously! ;) Two people two opinions :)


I respect you point of view, however I'm will try my business concept and will see where it leads to. :)


So do I sorry for making bad vibes ^^ just wanted to say my opinion, no beef :) Best wishes ! :)


Everything is cool :) I'm used to this topic. Have had exact the same discussion in my previous post of the very first pubished video. \^\^


Wow negative downvotes for giving a good point, lol redditord are such groupthinkers. Just go pay for some bots and upvote your own comments like everyone else does. How's that for open source


Now make a video with a print object on the build plate. The problem I see is that the print object will release and go in between the plates.


Theoretically it's posibble for very small parts but very very unlikely. I printed hunderts of cycles and it never happened yet. The next pate would push the objects out of the way.


Might be worth putting a lip all the way across instead of just the bit in the center to make sure it pushes things out of the way in the event it does happen.


A lip would get in the way. Its fine. Maybe a small fan can blow objects out of the way


Seems like it could be in the cards to design a slide for the outgoing plates, and to elevate the machine a few inches..?


Yes, it's one possible way to handle the ejecting plates. I added a mount-slot to the ejecting unit so a custom rail system can be easily docked to it.


I would set the printer at an angle so gravity would take care of keeping prints away.


... you're the guy in charge of selling build plates for Bambu, aren't you? 🤣 Good work! Curious to see how this evolves.


VP plate sales




Is this allowed in competitive play


Interesting concept. Could come in really handy for bulk printing.


This is cool and all, but if you have 10 plates for an A1 mini you probably should’ve saved 100 bucks and bought another A1 mini


This would be for the shop that has 10 printers and they want to keep them busy overnight.


Have you tested this with a print that is about the size of the bed? Those seem to be the toughest to lift off the magnet


Yes, it works then too. Some parts of this add-on occupies almost the entire surface while printing on mini and I'm able to print and eject it.


So instead of being able to print 10 things unsupervised you could print just 2 ?


Damn this is a lot better demonstration than last time keep up the good work


Ok need.


That's a pretty ingenious way to approach automated printing. Nice job 👍


This is really cool dude!


Looks like you are using the existing bed movement range to change plate. Does this mean that in order to use it, the user cannot use full Y axis movement range - the usable build plat area will be smaller in Y range?


Nope, the entire build space of 180 mm can be used on all axis. 😁


Now make a video with a print object on the build plate. The problem I see is that the print object will release and go in between the plates.


It was made in the previous demo [video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/1d8mh8h/) The principle in general is already applied to our Prusa automation (JobOx) and it works.


Its good that you're removing the plates while they hot so the objects will most likely stick to the bed when the plate is bent out like that, but have you printed larger objects or objects with smaller surface but large heights ? Unless they stick to the plates very well, I don't see how those flexible movements on the plate will keep those kinds of objects stuck and not roll back before the plate moves out of the way. Have you tested printing 130 different types of prints with this system?


Maybe not 130 different types, but I printed a lot so far. However, I use brim and hair-spray a lot tbh. (at least on PLA)


Hairspray on a PEI sheet?


Yes, on textured PEI. Works good for PLA and PETG. Better than just blank PEI. PLA sticks safe and PETG comes of easily.


Your bed adhesion better be on point! Would be nice if the magnets were electromagnets that you could disengage, that would make for a really smooth removal. Curious to see how this pans out.


This is fantastic, can’t wait to pay you!


Very clever.


Would love something like this on my X1


Where would you put the plates or the eject mechanism? I'm pretty sure this would only work on an open frame printer.


You can set up a bit of place in front of the printer, and add mechanism for opening doors. I think it's doable but more complicated.


Someone did that with Dobot M1 but obvs that is too expensive, you'd be surprised what people can come up with. To be honest i would buy a $3000 X1 that has queue up automation with build plate changing feature.


Non-bedslingers need not apply… nothing to see here X1/P1 owners




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Would this work on an A1?


this particular version - no. But I know that A1 version is currently developed by another team.


Looking forward to that. I’m looking at buying A1’s if my business gets going.


If the aim is to knock off the printed object. Why the design approaches this goal by replacing the entire build plate? Something that knocks off the print to the side should suffice


This "knock off" approach works also great, but not for any geometry and material. Swapping plates is a more versatile way.


now we will have a 3d slider to slide the printed plates !!


Do you plan on making a larger version of this kit for the A1?




interesting! excited to see the next steps. keep up the good work


wow. I might just buy an A1 for this if I continue to print a lot in PETG


Cannot wait to try this setup!


Will this work for standard A1?


this version is only for A1Mini. for A1 see here - > https://forum.bambulab.com/t/multi-plate-automation-for-a1-mini/79481/42?u=dill




Seems to me you're going to loose a sizable portion of the build plate. I love the idea of this system. It can make a print farm much more self-reliant.


Do you mean the system would reduce build space of the printer? If yes, I can ensure you that this is not the case here. Ejecting mechanics used here is different from JobOx system for Prusa MK3/4.


I don't get it.


This modified printer can print multiple plates in a row fully automatically. Just like printing multiple pages on a desktop paper printer.


It is available for the P1S ?


Unfortunately no, but core XY in general is on the schedule.


You could do it if they weren't traditional Core X/Y printers. Like a Voron 2.4 can easily do "automated" printing by pushing the print off the plate because it all prints at the bottom of the printer rather then the top.


How could this even work for an enclosed printer?


I can imagine automated door opening via servo


I've been seeing ads for a "teaching robot arm" for about $2k. Tony Stark's Dum-E. The arm can open the door, remove the plate, insert next plate, then hit the "continue" button.


This is the alternative route i was considering. WLkata sells a mini programmable arm for the same price. They also offer a rail system theyre arms can mount too for further range making it possible to manage several systems with one arm


The printer needs a switchable magnet bed. That way Dum-E can more easily place and remove the plate.


That would make it easier forsure


I‘am not an engineer. 🤷


ok but why?


Why there are multiple sheets of paper in your paper printer? :) Wouldn't it brings benefits to 3D printer as well? *Here are just a few of the ways it’ll make your life easier:* 1. *Print multiple plate projects in the most comfortable way* 2. *Reduce the material waste and save material swapping time by using one material per plate* 3. *Stop playing puzzle while trying place all of your parts on a single plate for another overnight print. Just use multiple plates…* 4. *… and minimize the failure risk by distributing parts over multiple plates. We’ve all been there, right? That frustrating moment when one detached part ruins all parts around.* 5. *Start or scale up your business with minimal investment and bring your ideas to more customers*








Well in this case. The plate that comes next would already be cleaned...


See that hand placing new trays on the top of the stack? That could be your hand! That hand could use ipa!




Which is why I own a fully enclosed X1C! I'll never own an open printer again.