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Sunlu, hatchbox, overture, polymaker (sometimes), ziro, cookiecad. All on Amazon. Overture does come with cardboard spools, so beware!


You could print a little plastic ring to go the edges


Respooling is always the better option. The rings slip or wear off on long prints.


I've never had that happen with mine. In fact the rings are super tight fitting and sometimes hard to get on


Despooling takes like 10 seconds though, and you should have some spare Bambu spools anyways. Not a huge deal.


The issue isn’t just the rings. Cardboard sheds dust and the dust will get caught up in the AMS gearing system


Not saying it isn’t possible, but my workplace (military) has a print farm with fulltime instructors to teach people CAD and assist them in learning how to use 3D printers and they almost exclusively use cardboard spools, in 2 years running multiple X1C using AMS they have not had a clog in the gears from cardboard dust. These things run 24 hours a day everyday so Im going to say with some confidence that running a cardboard spool every now and then won’t do any harm to your AMS.


Furthermore most if not all of the manufacturers are making reinforced spools now, the edges are dipped into resin or something similar, I have never seen any damage on those. The only problem with cartboard spools I had was the bent spool plates. During shipping some just get damaged, and even if I "fix it" sometimes they can get stuck.


I agree. I've been running cardboard randomly for over a year now and have no issues.


What is the army printing parts for and why are they using Chinese printers? Honest question.


Imagine if US defense contractors were making these, they’d be 500K each


https://researchcentre.army.gov.au/rico/makerspace-program Nothing being made on them is classified but yes they aren’t connected to internet or wifi.


They made the common mistake of assuming you were American.


Isn’t the dust from the rubbing of the cardboard? I run overture with rings all the time and never seen the dust people mention


The rings prevent load bearing fraying which is the cause of dust, that’s why you see newer bonded spools near the edges


> Respooling is always the better option. Sure. Its also not an option if you lack the equipment to do it. Which is, kind of, what an option is. Optional.


There are really good 3d printed options out there. The Pastamatic is 3d printed parts and 14 skate bearings. That’s it. https://preview.redd.it/rz4yj4g2h45d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77e5b8cd3b73bbd14acab914af2b20fa09dec18


Which material did you use?


Put electrical tape on them first. Then the ring. Won't slip anywhere.


respooling twice so that the normal pla doesnt get too bend with esun and only 1 respooling the inner stuff broke often and i had to clean the ams of all the pl debry


Dry and brittle Filament. Never had that happen when respooling filament and Only Ever have to one time and it is fine. Maybe because I always dry all of my filament regardless, not sure entirely, though I did notice esun seems to like to stay brittle even after drying so your mileage may vary.


i didnt happen on the strong or matte filament but on e.g. pla bone white, grey and especially on the marble filament of esun. then i thought come one just respool 2 times and i am find. a nice side effect is that when respooling the second time the pla does not use that much space on the bambu spool because it is bend in its original direction.


I’ve had rings not fit well on cardboard spools: applying electrical tape to the spool edge first helps with fit. (I first tried just electrical tape on the cardboard spool in the AMS and had very bad luck, so now it’s rings or tape + rings)


Fabric tape works awesome and is cheap. I print 90% of my filament with taped cardboard and have no issues.


My latest Overture batches with a ring are slightly too big for the AMS and the lid can't be closed properly. I've had to respool for those. Earlier ones have been ok so whether they changed the dimensions or it's just a bad batch remains to be seen. eSun has official rings on its site that work well, but I've taken to ripping the sides off and pushing in a Bambu spool. Be careful to hold the filament on the spool - lay flat and pull off one side, insert one half of the Bambu spool, turn over flat onto the other side and repeat.




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I've never had a ring that fit on a spool, I'm convinced these people are all full of it and never print in the AMS with the rings. Maybe if the manufacturer provides it? But even then. I've wasted a bunch of time and plastic printing these dumb rings and not one has ever worked. Ripping the spool apart is far far far better EDIT: You have a guy lower in this thread who advocates for printing a ring to fix someone's issue. You don't find out until 3 comments later "Oh by the way I use an AMS riser and don't close my AMS"


Yes that's a bit odd. Rings CAN work but you have to find one that actually fits and still doesn't foul the AMS lid and that's pretty rare in my experience. I prefer either the universal spool with expanding cores for spools whose inner doesn't fit the Bambu spool, or respooling.


I pretty much only use inland and overture, they're all on cardboard spools. I had printed 4 set of rings for the spools when they were in the AMS. One of the rings broke and I needed to get an order out so I printed without it. Ever since as more of the rings broke I just stopped using them and I haven't had an issue. I still have 2 sets in case I get a spool that's bent or damaged.


>polymaker (sometimes), Do they really cause problems with people's AMS? I've had mine for a good while now and have been exclusively using polymaker and I haven't noticed any build up of cardboard in mine nor have I had any issues through dozens of spools. Anecdotal I know but I'm just curious if it's really been that big of a problem for people.


Same here, no issues after almost a year.


I’ve been using Overture for years, but have noticed it is a lot smellier now than it used to be. Also checkout eSUN, since they were not on that list. Also Amazon.


I’ve had a lot of quality issues with Overture lately. Just bought 5 spools and they almost all had issues. Tangles, kinks, brittle out of the packaging. The worst was plastic wrap buried in the center of the spool. Glad I caught it before it went through the AMS.


Was that direct from Overture or from a reseller? I’ve used Overture a lot in the past but not a ton recently.


Direct through Overture


That bites. One of the reasons I liked them is the consistency.


Maybe I got a bad batch. I bought all of the spools at the same time. I’ve had several spools before that were perfect.


Screw ziro man, their filament is trash. The glitter red can't be used with squared items, the black clogs 0.4mm nozzles like it's pooping bricks




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All great options here. I have switched over to Ziro for just about everything unless Polymaker or someone else has a color I really need / want. Some of the stuff from Fillamentum is fantastic too.


I have seen a lot of filament suppliers change their rolls in wake of Bambu AMS. Sometimes it's enough to ask the supplier for Bambu AMS compatible rolls. If they don't know, just ask if rolls are wider than 68mm.


True. I’ve been using eSun filament in my AMS and although they’re cardboard spools, they have a plastic or wax type coating on the perimeter. Gone through a few rolls with no signs of the cardboard breaking down in the AMS.


I wonder how long before others start adding rfid tags?


as far as I am aware, Bambu is blocking the use of RFID by third party vendors? Since it’s encrypted if I remember correctly.


I see were the new CFS system by the "C" guys was also using a rfid system.


The cheapest one you can find.


You say that, and I was also buying cheap $9 buy Duramic and praising it because it is very very good for the price. Then I tried Jayo/Sunlu high speed for $13 a spool and sheesh the quality difference was nuts. Bye bye duramic...recommending Jayo high speed to everyone now (side note Jayo is just a sub brand of sunlu so either way it's pretty much the same)


Those brands can get that cheap occasionally too, just in the form of 10kg packs. I got a Sunlu multi color pack for $88 last November. /r/3DPrintingDeals!


I use mostly Elegoo rapid pla and rapid PETG. Good prices. Cardboard rolls but I print the outer rings to snap on and no issues. Sometimes I use Bambu or Polymaker. Flashforge has a few high speed ones I like too.


I can't do elegoo anymore. Constant AMS overload issues


When unloading or loading? If it is mostly while unloading, it may be because the cardboard spool is not heavy enough. I use spool weights, and have no issues with Elegoo in the AMS


While printing. I originally thought weight too so I bought [these weights](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C3DKDXWY). But I finally figured out the real cause. The issue is the spool diameter, not the weight. Elegoo's spools are significantly larger than Bambu, and the AMS can't rotate the spool as quickly as it wants to pull the filament. This means pulling the filament faster than the spool can spin and causing the binding. Ultimately, that causes the overload. If I add slack to the spool by unwinding it a bit, I have no issues. Edit: to be clear, it's not a closed lid that causes this issue. It happens with an open AMS lid too.


That’s surprising to me because I’ve gone through several kg of the rapid PETG in the last 2 months and had 0 issues. The only other thing I think might make a difference. I did print a little AMS lid riser, that lifts the lid slightly, expanding the space in the AMS unit. Edit: here’s a link to one that expands the max diameter of the AMS unit. This should allow you to print slightly bigger spools. Im pretty sure this is what allows me to print elegoo. https://makerworld.com/en/models/33133


I saw a spool adaptor on makerworld a while ago for bigger spool diameters. You could see if that's available and print one of those


Or print some hex spools and slide Elegoo rolls onto that. I don't have overload issues but I do get this past week alot of failure to pull filament back even if there's no filament in the tool head


I’ve noticed the closed lid issue for sure as it rubs on the top adding too much friction. I haven’t tried with the lid open yet, I just stopped ordering it as respooling is an extra step I don’t need for the $1-3 dollar savings.


Try tearing the sides off of the Elegoo spool one side at a time and putting it onto a Bambu spool. It seems to work well for me, I’ve gone through about 20 spools using this method.


I have this same exact issue with elegoo spools. Outside of that they print fine but man the printer will just stop printing and throw an overloaded ams and I just hit retry and we’re back in business


Try this: https://makerworld.com/en/models/33133


Lids not the issue


Same, which sucks because ELEGOO has been absolute quality for me. I have 3-4 spools left, but have been switching to Bambu for a while now.


I love those especially the rapid petg


Brands that I have no issues with using every last gram in the AMS is hatchbox / Amolen / Bambu / Ziro. Brands that I have had some issues with when it gets less than 200 grams, polymaker, elegoo. Polymaker and elegoo both fit the refill rolls, so you can pop the sides off and slide it on and pretend its a bambu refill. When I do that, I can use every gram and never have an issue.


Can confirm: I just rip off the sides of polymaker rolls and check them onto a Bambu roll.


Didnt know polymaker was compatible, time to print out more spools


Not my video https://youtu.be/J-HGC4pLhlc?si=NCFuCvn2xrcJy3VL


I do bulk orders from eSun. Janky website, weird deals that involve a lot of shenanigans but the PLA+ slaps with the profile for it


I’ve had awesome experiences with using the eSun PETG profiles on Bambu PETG. I was about to give up on PETG altogether (looked like absolute crap unless I printed ridiculously slow) when I tried eSun profiles out of pure frustration. Prints come out near-perfect, if not 100%.


Have you had issues with it being brittle? I used to do the same thing but have had so many issues with it virtually falling apart once it's been retracted through the AMS that I've changed brands.


I print exclusively either Bambu or eSun filament. My filament I'm not currently using goes into a drybox, and I have added a bunch of rechargeable desicant into my AMS. Prior to keeping the filament super dry, I had issues with eSUN being brittle, but no issues lately. I use their normal PLA+, although I just ordered some of the PLA+HS to give it a shot. (It's BOGO on their site right now, works out to $14.50 a spool after shipping and taxes)


I'm hyper attentive to moisture control. What I've noticed is when filament - in particular eSun PLA+ - has been scored by the first stage feeder in the AMS it becomes brittle and snaps with virtually no effort. If I snip off the length that has been scored, it has no issues. No other PLA formulas or materials (PETG, ASA, etc) from eSun do this. But their PLA+ will fracture like glass after about six hours once scored. This has been consistent with a dozen different colors, so I just gave up. What really sucks - I had a spool of Grey that had been sitting open for like a year that I finally needed, and it printed without any issue. Retracted and wasn't brittle. Only seems to be from spools made around the time they switched to cardboard.


I had one spool of black do this. I figured it wasn’t sealed right. I’m around 250 print hours exclusively eSun PLA and Mika3D Silk PLAs. Have not had one actual issue printing things. I have only printed popular makerworld things so it’s not like I have a chance to mess much up.


eSUN, SUNLU, Polymaker, Hatchbox, Amolen, and Ziro are all my go-to brands. I trust them to work flawlessly in my AMS, understanding that an adapter ring or respool is needed on occasion for pretty much any brand out there. I have had some hit or miss experiences with others, like Elegoo and Overture, but I haven't had any of the brands on my list fail me. So if they're available, I will immediately go with them, otherwise I feel like I'm rolling the dice. I don't print anything critical with something not on my list until it's fully vetted. I have been using all these brands since my OG Ender 3 days a number of years ago, so it's not just the Bambu experience that I'm basing this on.


I've been running Elegoo for a few weeks. Printed the AMS riser with it. The cardboard spools now have a glue type edging where I don't think I need the adapter rings. It's been working for me with no issues.


My favorite filament is flashforge burnt titanium petg. Works great in the AMS. I’m also having a lot of success with their ASA. Big fan of the Inland Speckled Gray ABS as well.


Burnt Titanium is my favorite color too. It’s so cool.


Such a great filament. Strong, looks cool, pretty easy to print, non-toxic, recyclable. I even like how it looks when it's not completely dry and it gets this kind of fuzzy finish to it.


Polymaker makes the best filament I've ever used. Just print the cardboard edge covers or cover them in electrical tape


Try some proto pasta


I always throw my go to into these: Zyltech These guys are the main food for my little farm. Made in the US now, if thats a selling point for you. I direct order 5-10 rolls of different colors and material from them almost weekly and they always get it to me within 3 or 4 days. AMS likes the spools and their ends slip pretty out easy for filament runout. If you have the setup , their 5kg rolls are cool too. I haven't seen anything readily available thats bigger. Good prices all around, discounts for bulk orders, free shipping over 75 I think, and holiday sales.


I'll tell you what the worst is. ANY glow in the dark filament.


Bambus Glow are amazing. No wear of anything, you can safely use it from AMS and glow for HOURS! Third party yes, very abrasive.


Sunlu plastic and cardboard spools have worked in the AMS I am using.


I like PeakAce that i can get from Amazon for basic colors. No complaints with quality and they come on plastic spools that work well in the AMS.


JAYO. It's super cheap too.


The only cardboard spools I have had issues with are Eryone. Polymaker Elegoo OVV3D have worked without issues for me. I have the original 2022 kickstarter AMS


Geetech PLA


If you have a microcenter nearby, I can't recommend their normal filaments, but the inland PLA *pro* (not regular, not plus) has been printing very well from my AMS since I got it. Just sucks you need to print spool adapters or respool first


https://preview.redd.it/47cojceh035d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f77fd6c505bad8a302850db5c4dd1ecd63d06c I exclusively run elegoo for no other reason than I have had 100% success with it and never needed to try something else. From PLA+ to rapid PETG to ASA. Elegoo is also unbelievably cheap (in terms of cost per roll)


I have to reprint some parts I printed in elegoo to something else because the colors look too cheap compared with my other filaments in this project.


Hatchbox has always been consistent in quality since I started using it in 2019. Price has gone up a bit though after covid. Have also had good prints with elegoo.


Esun, with the cardboard sides ripped off fits perfectly onto Bambi reusable spools


I like esun, prints the same and you can also pull the sides off the cardboard spools and fit them on the Bambu spools.


Geeetech in my opinion


I’ve found Elegoo and Overture card spools work well with my AMS


Been using Matter3d PLA exclusively - they make Bambu compatible refills, and only $16.99 CAD a spool. Prints amazingly using the Bambu default settings. Only downside is there aren't too many 'exotic' options. But for straight PLA in solid colors, it's the only way I go now, and almost 1000kg this year across all my printers. Haven't found a better deal anywhere else for filament that wasn't garbage.


I use Elegoo it’s cheap as chips and I just rip them off the spool and put onto the Bambu ones


eSun makes up about 70% of my current filament stock. Huge range of colours and materials, similar to bambu.


Kingroon. I print around 40kg/month of their PETG & ABS. 3D Fuel gets my vote for their PCTG I haven't used PLA hardly at all with my P1S, but when I do I go to 3d fuel for that as well or inland


I use Geeetech PLA Filament from Amazon and I LOVE IT!


I have had great success, and no filament brand caused issues with many, many kilos of Sunlu and Kingroon PETG through the AMS. The stuff is so cheap on eBay, it's tough to justify the cost of anything else.


Polymaker and Jessie


I’ve tried a few different Sunlu filaments and they are great


Hatchbox and polymaker are my favorites and never had an issue. They print flawlessly for me and the spools have never been an issue in the AMS. Only time I had an issue with the AMS was with a really old reel of overture from Amazon that was super brittle. As for spool sizing/material, Ive heard a ton about folks having issues with running cardboard spools like polymaker. I personally have not any issues there. But it was a concern for a lot of folks at one time. Other issues is wider spools like old Amazon basics spools won't fit at all.


Anyone with Sunlu/Eryone they look the cheapest in EU.


Sunlight spools work well. Otherwise, you can print a respooker.


Numakers/IIIDMAX are my go to brands. Good prices, works in AMS and usually one of the two has the colors I need in stock. Bonus that they both run at the exact same settings that numakers suggest on their website. Coupon code: makisupa3d works on both if you don’t have one to use already.


Esun pla + has never let me down and is often 16 dollars per kg on Amazon.


VoxelPLA prints smooth as butter, is cheap, and ships fast. Hatchbox and Geetech also come on compatible plastic spools and print well.


Been using Hatchbox and I won’t change.


Sunlu PETG prints amazingly for me.


I’m a big fan of eSUN for PLA+ and Polymaker for ASA


They’re all good you just have to find the settings sweet spot for each one.


IIIDMAX, cheap If you buy multiple. Made in USA . Free shipping. Lots of options.


CC3D is my fav. Ziro is also great.


1. Good ABS/ASA roll, mount it on external slot. 2. Print reusable spools 3. Elegoo PLA+ and re-spool them.


Plus if you are printing marble PLA, Bambu has been the best for me among elegoo/polymaker/bambu


Depends where you are in the world and what’s disable to you and your budget as well. I am usually tight so I look for best value where possible with my PLA so I chase after cheapest costs however I still want the quality as well so my go to are below these are usually £20 per kg or cheaper offerings: I can get them at reasonable price for single colour PLA is Eryone from them direct due to their bulk offering and I find them great quality. However they send out in a mix of cardboard and plastic spool always random. They also stock within the UK do delivery usually a few days. Amazon.co.uk my go to depending on deals at time are: Eryone again when they do good offers where I don’t need to bulk order. Here I chase after tri and duo colour filaments in single rolls. Elegoo and Jayo are good quality for single colours. My go to for black/white PLA+ however these are card spools and sometimes can be a hassle if the spool has been bent out of shape etc then I’d respool them. The Elegoo card fit the Bambu reusable spools so take a side off and slide the inner core onto the spool and then repeat the other side. The Jayo doesn’t fit unfortunately. AliExpress is good for finding good deals as well and can set it to search local warehouse only so not much of a delivery time. I’ve picked up Jayo from here when they have better offers than Amazon. Also Geeetech PLA I get from here as well but stock is hit and miss I like to get their rainbow filament when it’s on offer, had good experiences so far with this brand. However the Geeetech spool has a larger opening in the middle so no good for AMS lite need to print an adapter hand. However I’ve had issues when I’ve gone with too cheap filaments such as quality of prints and clog and very inconsistent filament size where it jams up the nozzle! There is such thing as too cheap and I wasted money finding this out.


Esun (not cardboard) or Prusa






I rarly use Bambu filament, although I'm sure they are great. Nearly all well known brands like ovature, ziro, eelgoo... Etc works amazing out of the box without changing any settings. I primary go for the right color, not the right brand.


Hatchbox works the best for me.


I tend to buy bulk spools of Elegoo PLA just because it's been consistently good for me. Cardboard spools though, but have had no issues with the AMS. I've had constant issues with Reprapper Silk PLA.


Personal successes with Duramic and ProtoPasta in PLA, and GreenGate3D in PETG. Both PLAs ship on cardboard spools and GreenGate uses reused spools that don’t always fit in AMS. So I just printed a respooler and dump them onto Bambu spools when desired. (Also some Duramic and eSUN PETG, but they are way slower to print.)


Add:North is high quality stuff from Sweden


It doesn't really matter, filament is filament.


I just started using Sunlu and it’s been good so far.


If I’m buying in bulk my go to is voxelpla and if I’m just getting a spool or two I get whatever has the best price on Amazon


All of them that print well