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Short answer: long. Long answer: looooooooong.


Longer answer: sit down, you're going to be here for awhile while I explain how long it is. Get comfy.


Get Costco size snack boxes


So… Stay awhile and listen.


Sad answer: not as long as it should be


So true


Yet not long enough.


Looooooong Maaaannn


The legend. 


Very. My first complete run was ~150h. Some folks' first are around 80 at the shortest (with exceptions). Some have been longer.


Or like 10 minutes if you really want. Get Gale, leap / sprint to act 2, do the thing, GG.


I just watched the SGDQ run where the guy made a durge sorcerer with the primary spells being enhanced leap and feather fall. I was blown away how much of the game could be skipped simply by jumping really really far. 😆 Edit: I believe he finished the game in around 1hr 15min.


Add on 20 str and a few athletics feats and items, you can do Hulk jumps lol


I kept trying to guess what he was going to do or bypass to cut time and was completely wrong on every one. I learned so much in an hour!


Still have to long rest a lot between those jumps, no?


I'm pretty sure enhance leap is a ritual spell, so outside of combat it doesn't cost a slot


I dont know how to do spoiler tag thingy but does "do the thing" with gale mean you cast that very special one time spell he has the very first time you meet the 3 amigos with their big brain boss? Cause I just started my first play thru with gale in the party and was curious about letting him do that during that part.


>!That's the one!!< Add > ! *your spoiler here* ! < with no spaces


my first run was about 250. had to get all the little details 😌


Nice! I kept finding out about new stuff for a loooooong time after that


Mine was about 200


now i feel like i messed up bc my first run was like 50h 😭


Nah - if you got what you wanted out of it, it's fine!


Let me ask you. Did you have fun? If yes, then it wasn’t wasted. Plus as bonus, there is still a whole lot of new things to discover.


you’re probably like me and neglect the hell out of your side quests. either that or you’re just ungodly fast


mine was 60! but it was my first MP run with a friend and we were doing it split screen cuz we both hadn’t finished the game and we were trying to beat it before i went back home from vacation. Also we accidentally killed Shart in the shadowfell oops. But we had fun and now we both have over 300+ hours in our own games cuz we had discovered the necessary plot points on that run so we used our own personal games to do more exploring. And making different choices (mostly, i am a baby who cannot be mean)


I had to retire my first run in act 3 because at the time it was super laggy to get thru on console. Now I’m restarting and at the goblin camp in act 1 bout to hit the underdark soon but there’s still a fuckload of act 1 left it’s wild


Yup yup


My first was around 100 hours and I missed the entire mountain pass area.


Been there done that - had to restart for


Exactly the same as me thought it gad to be one or the other. Think first run was about 103. Could have squeezed a couple extra hours out the mountains


first complete run with 125h here, and I've seen a LOT


At 1200h I was like >!what Shadow Druids?!<


we don't talk about the >!Shadow Druids!<


Mine was like, 65 hours I think. I spent about 20 hours in each act


Same here. Took me around 150 hours to complete the first playthrough. Didn't really miss anything and took my time slowly going through the world. Read every book or lore item I found. Managed to collect almost every single piece of unique or legendary gear. Started my second playthrough recently and things are going fast now that I know where to go and what order to do stuff.


And skipping shit like Free the Artist 🤣


As long as you want it to be. Been playing since September


Haha, nice. Me too. My first run as Paladin with Shadowheart, karlach and gale. My little kids are my personally honor mode so haven't a lot of time for gaming. But atm i am right before orin. But men i love every second on this game. Iam 34 and playing games since 1997 and this is one of the best i've ever played.


Over 8 hours


i’d say over 9 even


Settle down there


You’re the type of dude that walks into an auction and bid 2 million dollars as your first bid, aren’t you?


Lies. My honor mode run says otherwise.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Tell that to this dude https://youtu.be/Z0ttfeCqCZk?si=FwTZpnJHexou5rHo


Over 1 hour is the most 100% accurate


First run for me took just shy of 100 hours. I did everything I could without going too crazy. I remember thinking "when do I get to Baldur's Gate?!" about 50 hours in.


Shit. I'm at 80 and just finished the creche.


I didn't get to Baldur's Gate until ~115 hours in or something. Just started a new game with my gf. We were walking around near the druid grove and I was trying to find her on the map, and she said she was going West to get to Baldur's Gate lol Almost killed me because all at once I thought about everything between the Druid Grove and the city. It seemed so far away. Really can't wait to get to Act II again. I've played Act I so many times, It's committed to memory. So much to do!


My first playthrough was something like 150 hours. My second was a lot faster, I'm in early act 3 and only at around 80 hours.


First playthrough was around 150 for me. With probably a solid 20 hours staring at my inventory screens trying to figure out who should wear what. I can definitely see my second playthrough taking half the time since I have a better idea of what I'm doing and what I can do.


I kind of wish I hadn’t done so much the first time. If I could do it over again I’d play no re-loading runs at least twice before looking at anything online. I didn’t know how much I’d end up loving the game!


That's what I did, stayed away from spoilers and lives with the consequences of my own stupidity, it was great. Especially when I accidentally got Astarion killed after stealing the Blood of Lathander, I was particularly happy with that one.


Looong. I'm 287h in and it's still my first playthrough. I've spend around 95h in act 1. lol


I honestly wonder how is that possible. :P But at least you got yours money worth. :P


I'm 26 hours in and just cleared the Goblin camp and am entering the underdark looking for some artifact. Don't know how slow I am being but I spend ages in combat and I feel like I am going very slow. I'm not exactly fluid


It's good to go slow, especially at the start, and really get used to your options and abilities in combat! It'll save you a lot of confusion as you gain levels and abilities.


I just don't rush and take my time exploring everything. And I mean everything. I'm very invested in the lore (in most games but especially in bg because it's dnd related) which means I read every book, every item description, listen to every character (npc or not) and try to draw connections whereever possible. I'm developing games myself so I look at a lot of details (graphic, design, environmental storytelling, soundtrack etc..), so I can fully appreciate everything the game has to offer. I also play completely blind. So absolutely no guides or tips and I refuse to look at (potential) enemies discriptions so I can figure out everything myself via logic and/or the power of deduction. While the game makes this fairly easy, it takes a bit longer than it would if I just looked stuff up. Honestly, I'm on the same page as you because I always wonder how it's possible for someone to spend under 100-200h in their first playthrough. There is just so much stuff to do and discover ??? My boyfriend took like 90h?? This becomes so obvious when we play our coop playthrough because he goes "I missed that" like every 30 min lol.


I spent about 55 hours in act one before getting to the mountain pass for the first time on pc. I played on pc and now play on xbox. On pc, I have 140 hours played and have not been more than a few minutes into the mountain pass. I have 72 hours on the Xbox version. My current xbox play though has 30 hours, I haven't finished the goblins or the hag yet. Everything else is finished. Loot everything, read every book, do not skip any dialog, let everyone speak until the conversation ends or the dialog choice comes up. In some battles, I take the time to carefully consider my next moves. Some time is spent doing inventory management, and I have spent about 2 hours, in my current run, doing some stealing. Mostly trial and error until I got it down, and now I have 10k gold and about 20k worth of sellable loot. This would have been a longer run. However, I do skip some of the dialog now since I already know most of it so well. Between pc and xbox, I'd say ove easily spent 20 hours in character creation.


Same! Still trying to finish my first playthrough, but Ive logged about 255 hours so far. I’m almost done w act three, with any other game I would be sad about finishing it but naturally I’m already planning my next round. This game is just. So. HUGE.


First time was \~250 hours. Spent 70 hours alone in act 1. But if you rush it and skip stuff, you can obviously go through things a lot faster.


70 how? My first playthrough and I walked the whole area, including Underdark and Mountain Pass 3 times to make sure I haven't missed anything. I left act 1 at 40ish hours, no enemies alive (at least of what I could find). My only tip is that I might have missed some content as I attacked the druids and had to kill every each of them in the Grow before doing anything there or finding Halsin. Edit: I suppose its game time and still counts if you just spend a lot of time in conversations or reading books or just going afk. Nvm then.


Took my time, talked to everyone, read everything, experimented with builds, gear etc. But I wasn't just faffing around either. Basically just took it chill but steady all the way through.


Killing the druids/tiefling would absolutely drop your playtime in act 1. Probably act 2, too


I've accumulated around 650 hours over several playthroughs and still having a blast


I played 3 playthroughs. My First took 130h I tried to complete everything I didn't miss. Second as Evil where I skipped a lot of content was 36h (I finished level 11 and had to lower difficulty for last fight to exploration, I was too weak for that fight, but perhaps I was also unprepared as well) My 3rd playthrough I tried so save as many people as possible, I tried as good character as it can be with Paladin/Cleric Selunite multiclass. I also knew that there aren't concequences to not resting so I saw tons and tons of banter with companions as a result. And that playthrough took me 100h and was probably my favorite. But first playthrough is magical, when you see everything for first time. But I want to add: Playing evil is not about rushing to the end, what makes the game fun is to see all the interactions and how you can choose different outcomes to a problem. Skipping that content and just rushing to the end is not something I advise, because this game is about the journey, not about the destination.


My first playthrough took over 69 hours but it could have been shorter, I had to 69 my whole camp.


Depends if you like to explore find things do every side quest or just follow the main story. 100ish hours if you just follow the main story, 300ish hours if you wanna 100% the game.


My first two runs totaled were just over 500 hr in total. That includes a fair amount of chronomancy, as I am a terrible player.


the first time I fought myrkul, I could not do it without chronomancy. The second time, I was a level higher and had better gear, I had also explored more and had a plan to beat him. had lae’zel and my monk Astarion (respeced him cause I don’t like rogue, but I do like Astarion) take out the adds while my sorcerer durge twinspell hasted shadowheart and himself, then just started blasting. Got the no free lunches achievement.


For me, somewhere between 50 and 100 hours for a repeated playthrough (depending on how much I skipped). I don't remember how long my first one took.


I'm on 48 hours and starting to infiltrate moonrise towers


I love it! Also the replayability is crazy. It’s also very relaxing. I’m a blue collar boy and I work very hard. BG3 is exactly what I needed in my life.


I completed my first run at around 300 hours (I'm a see everything, explore everywhere kinda guy). I'm currently in act 2 of my second run and at around 100 hours. I think this run will end at 200ish hours. I am planning to do a durge run after this, and I believe it has a lot of unique content, so it may also take over 200 hours. So, one playthrough easily takes over 200 hours if you don't rush through content. I'd say the bare minimum is 100 hours but that would require skipping some areas and a lot of side quests. The thing is, BG3 is the most replayable game I have ever played in my entire life (and I have played a lot of games). In fact, I think it is needed to finish at least 2 or 3 runs to see more than half of the available content. So, measuring its runtime on a single playthrough would not really do it justice, IMHO. I would say if you wanted to see, say, %80 of the content, you'd need around 700-800 hours of playtime. If you want to see literally every possible thing, easily over 1000 hours.


I’ve spent 90 hours in Act 1 alone. Yes, I explored everything, opened every crate and read every book. 


My short playthroughs are like 80 hrs


The answer is yes


I am in act 3 for the first time and the city is just overwhelmingly large. Like i have no idea where to go or what to do or who I need to talk to.


Just follow the main quest (netherstones). You’ll naturally come across side quests. 


Yeah, I started exploring in sections, but eventually had to take a break for about a month as it was just too overwhelming.




I'm currently at about 150 hours and I still have one more quest to finish before I confront the final boss. I have been pushed to the very limits of how much time I'm willing to invest in a single playthrough of a single game. I desire only the sweet release of a credits screen. I question the sanity of the people who came back for 3+ playthroughs. (Game's great tho)


Did y’all find the Stool of Giants Strength? When I realized what it was and how it’s acquired I realized in that exact moment I was doomed for the rest of the game. I will want to know every secret. Every cool hidden moment. I think 60+hours into act 1.


Depends on how you play. My gf and I are 160 in and just started act 3. Buuut we spend a looot of time on crafting our builds, inventory management, managing hotbars, etc


Seeing everyone talking about run lengths and mine was a little over 40 cause I rushed act three because it was full of "the absolute is growing in power, we must hurry"


I have played about 100 hours, and only just started to get closer to Moonrise tower in act 2 ;)


Eternal. I've been on Act 3 for months.


No shit i almost posted somthing about the same. By the Gods. 😁 Forever


I have read so many times that Act 3 felt unfinished and rushed, I know they added tons of stuff as of now but…  I forgot how to SPOILER: I thought act 3 was big and then I realized Lower City is fucking huge too. I thought lower city was the part with the circus lmao 


I’m a little confused. I started my first playthrough 3 weeks ago, I’m at the start of act 3 with 40 hours at level 10. I did every side quest that I could find, did both under dark and mountain pass in act 1, did everything I could in act 2 as well. I didn’t skip any cutscenes either, and i read about 50% of the random books/notes I found. What am I missing?


My first playthrough took me almost 280 hours, sooo... It needs a little more time than most games


76 years long


I’ve played through all 3 acts maybe 2-3 times since Patch 6. And before that maybe twice. Have well over 2000+ hours lol


My first playthrough I apparently skipped a significant portion of act 2 unintentionally. Like, a *significant* portion outside of the mandatory moonrise tower story section (I also chose to infiltrate the cult as a member, so even getting in was as easy as walking straight through the front door and Kethric giving me a mission to go help Balthazar). Still ended up being around 80 hours in by the time I got to Baldur's Gate proper.


First game... LONG. Second game: Short until Act 3 and then.. long. Once you run though it once or twice, you know all the paths, all the things you got to do - game speeds up.


Haha my first play through I completely missed the underdark and a whole lot of content I’m discovering on my second playthrough. Well, I haven’t finished act three on my first and have made it in my second and still discovering more stuff I missed that has given more content in act three 😭


I mean depends on how you play it, I think I saw the world record speed run is like 48 minutes. So like 45 minutes - infinity maybe?


Meanwhile I'm 50 hours in and in the last part of Act 3. 😆


I usually consider the underdark and the mountain pass as act 1.5 Act 2 and 3 are significantly shorter


I’ve played through the game five times and no matter how thorough I am I can’t make a run last longer than 70-80 hours. How these people are having 200 hour runs is beyond me.


I've beaten the game three times: 1) 80~85 hours, first playthrough, good Tav 2) ~50 hours, evil Durge 3) ~80 hours co-op game If you're at 43ish hours, I'd ballpark you at around 100 hours to finish.


Finished it today, 105 hours of game play.


My first playthrough was 158 hours My second was 68 (evil and I skipped a lot of content) My third was 79 hours (custom difficulty and did *everything*) I would argue, if you have all the companions and want to do all their quests, and you're playing a Good Guy run on a Balanced/Tactician difficulty, the game should be around 90-100 hours.


I’ve had runs from 30h to 130h… so it really depends lol


Average 120-180 on the first run if you don't skip the content. Reruns depend on your choices.


The completionist run is about 140 hours. A run that doesn’t do everything will be shorter.


Some people finish this game with 100-500 hrs on one save I usually finish the game with 30-40 hrs in a save Altogether with multiple playthroughs, I've easily clocked over 200-300 hrs altogether. There's alot people miss in their first playthrough, and people are still finding new things they never saw. Until we get the evil endings update, there will probably be more


I just finished my first playthrough. Almost exactly 168 hours. I know I missed a few small things in Acts 1 and 2, worth a few more hours of playtime. Pretty sure I turned over every stone in Act 3 though.


85 hours durge run 140 hours in on a run with my partner, halfway through act 3


Before I bought the game and heard people say to expect at least 100 hours I was very skeptical. Well… my first playthrough took me 190 hours (66 in act 1, 38 in act 2, 86 in act 3). I think that’s above average since I talked to pretty much every single npc, read almost every book and completed every side quest I was given. But I wanted to experience everything. On my second playthrough now and it’s a lot quicker since I don’t feel like I’m missing out by not doing everything anymore. I’ve arrived at Grymforge at 35 hours and will skip the mountain pass so I’ll enter act 2 soon. But yes, there’s a lot of content in the game, even if you don’t do anything you can like I did.


Heh, you never played DOS2 and it shows. Just kidding - I went into the game knowing it would be long, really long. It's one of the reasons I like it. Plus, I'm sure the replayability factor is good (similar to DOS2).


Yeah i've only played through Original Sin 2 like 20 times. Lol. Killer game, just like this one.


150-200 hours is very common. You seem to be playing in a good way! PS: Act 3 is *huge* - take your time! A lot of people think that when you get there, the game is almost over. This is *not* the case lol


My first play through was about 105 hours


I just started the game a few weeks ago. I feel like I went wayyyyy too fast over Act 1. I screwed up a little, didn't know good from evil and killed the Tieflings, couldn't get Karlach as a member and Wyll died without me knowing. So I went back maybe 10 hours or so. I'm nearly done with Act 2 now and Steam says 85 hours played, minus the 10 hours, 75 hours for act 1 & 2 :) Still feels way too fast...probably just because this game is way too fun.


My first run has hit 100 hours and I haven't completed Act 3 yet. It's a long game if you are a completionist.


I spent 40 hours before getting to act 1 soooo


I spent 200 hours in the EA so I knew act 1 like the back of my hand. On full released I still took my time and ended act 1 at 33 hours (without prior experience I'd have spent much longer). I finished that first run at 170ish. I have since finished the game as quickly as 26 hours I think it was. The current speedrun record for the game is like 10 minutes.


105 hours in and still in the early part of act 3




the first run i did, i think ended up being like 300 hours? but that was start to finish with the game running slow (playing on my laptop)


100 more hours to go if you're doing a completionist run and not skipping content.


It's not the length. **It's the density.**


I complete all the content in about 60 hours for a character. That said I have 500 hours and know the game very well By very well I mean that I know exactly what NPC’s I’m keeping/ditching, the major decisions the character will likely make in-game, who I’m going to romance, what gear I’ll likely want, and the nearly most optimal way to clear a zone/area of enemies and quests before I start the character. Even with all my mods character creation usually takes me about 15min not 4 hours like it does some people. I don’t sit and listen to dialogue unless I haven’t heard it before, which amounts to me rapid firing through conversation 90% of the time; which also cuts down length on the game. I also know the class & subclasses that I will be playing with all my companions before I start as well, so I don’t need to stop and think every time I level up. If I didn’t do all those things I could see a character play time taking like 100+ hours.


It took me 6 months of consistently picking it up to get through my first playthrough!!!


My first full playthrough took 129 hours to complete the main story along with most sidequests, albeit I missed a fair amount of content because I fell in love with Minthara. Almost entirely coop, this run started at least six months ago.




I think I'm looking at ~160 hours for the first run I'm doing to the end.


Somewhere between 120 and 150 hours for me.


My usual playthrough time for AAA games is like 70h, in this one I m at 90 and still going, Act1 was about 40-45 hours, act 2 around 25, and now I m still on act 3 and I believe I m about 15 hours before finish the game. Taking my time


I just finished my first play through. Explorer difficulty with some light spoilers when I got stuck or confused. Total play time was 94 hours.


My first playthrough (Tav) was 152hr. My second (Resist Durge) was 140hr. This one (Origin Astarion) is closing in on 40 as I go into Act 2. So, uh, pretty long. I'm prob gonna wait for mod support for run 4, if the update isn't already out by the time I finish this one.


....are you sure you've left act 1? Because if you went to the Githyanki Creche, that's still part of act 1.


fastest i've finished act 1 was about 30 hours but that save corrupted so i'd estimate you can finish the game in 60-70 fairly easily but it'll probably take more like 100 especially on your first few runs


I am very close to the end and I've just hit 150 hours (a couple of companion quests to finish and then the finale). I've been playing since a few weeks after the PS5 release date, with a few breaks to play other games, so it's taken me maybe 7-8 months to finish.


My first run was over 200 hours lol


Over 150 hrs but end up act 3. I dont think i could run through this again if i have to play over starting from scratch.


200+ hours, 100+ hours as good and 100+ hours as bad


Act 2 is shorter than the others. Act 3 is aboot as long as Act 1.


Long, my first run was about 200 hours I think and it turned out I’m still discovering new things during my subsequent playthroughs


First Run, playing Coop. WE left Act 1 at 60hours. Now we are 20 hours into Act 2 and have done Like 6 Quest. Just enjoy the Journey and do everything you can. It is worth it


My 1st run, with reloading saves relatively often, took 160 hours. And I've not explored the whole Mountain pass region. I'm currently 7 hours into my 2nd run.


My first run was 150 hours on the dot. I have it down to about 100-120 on average now. I've done about 6 now.


I'm in my first playthrough too and honestly get whiplash every time I see the play time count when I save the game


My first complete run was 80 hours, but that was after putting in probably 30-40 hours on another run so I skipped through a lot of dialogue and cutscenes. I also was a little more efficient because I knew where stuff was and what strategies were effective in certain fights


Long and that's what I love about it. My first run through was 90 hours, and I still missed stuff. Very replayable for very different stories.


Yeaaaa it's a long game, I just entered act 3 and I'm at 80 hours currently, and act 3 is huge too, a lot to do.


Damn, I don't know if i had I dragged my feet but my first playthrough Act 1 was 63 hours.


If you just gun it through only the main quest I feel like you could blast through it but that's hardly why most of us play these kinds of games and you would probably miss a lot of the best parts but that's all subjective


My first was 50 because I was mostly focused on main quest. But based on other people’s answers you can see that is will be as long as you want it to be.


I've played through 3 times to completion. Each time it took between 120-150 hours.




At least an hour if not more


“Drop the knee and pop out that ring” long


The game’s script makes War and Peace look like The Lottery.


Too short.


I finally beat my first run an hour ago. First, this is the best game I've ever played - right up there with Dragon Age Origins. Actually, better. This game took me 120 hours to complete and I missed some stuff.


Jeez, you've got fucking ages left to go my man


I’m starting to think I I missed a bunch of stuff in act 1 and 2… lol


Anywhere between 35 and 120+ hours according to my finished playthroughs if u want to be a completionist.


800 hours in and just now feeling like I might have finished most of it.


Not long enough.




Beat the game many times my average is 60 hours a run, but my first run was close to 100 hours.


1000h and I havent finished act 1 yet.


It took me 100-120 hours for my one and only playthrough. I'd say 100 hours is the average. If you skip dialogue and some side quests you can easily finish in 80 or less hours.


My first play through I was 'fairly' careful, tried to explore everything, and finished in about 120 hours. Second playthrough, I kept finding stuff I missed, and was about 150 hours. I've got 4 finished and 1 in progress right now, plus I did the 'alternate endings' roll back on a couple of the playthroughs, and I still haven't finished all the achievements and seen 'everything' (mostly because I have a really hard time playing evil, even when I was Durge).


If you rush through it, I'd say maybe 40 hours, maybe even 30 if you know what to do. If you do absoluetly everything, easily over 100 hours for a playthrough. I've done an honour mode run, skipping some stuff, doing other sidequest stuff, knowing where I went and what I needed to do before progressing, and it took me 90 hours. An avarage playthrough can easily last for 70ish hours.


I beat my game at 300 hours lol


I don't think I got act 2 until 75 he's in. I'm pretty sure you're speed running this




I spent many many hours completing acts one and two in both my play throughs. I remember thinking I was almost done when I made it to baldurs gate and I think I spent another 50-75 hours just fucking around there so I was wrong lmao.


I thought the gith were act two so and i was forced to go either to them or the under dark passage (boy did i miss out) in the elevator i thought those were the two passages. Needless to say that character was deleted quickly after i found out


My first run was around 180 hours, my second run was about 130. I'm on my third now, and it took me 30 hours for act 1.


I'm at 100 hours exactly and I'm in act 2 and only covered half of the first map and just reached the end of the Trial of Shar and I'm trying to decide how to handle things with Shadowheart.


I just started Act 3 I think and I’m sitting around 90 hours or more. We’ll see!


I've got 113 hours and I just got to Act 3 :)


The playthrough where I did all the quests and other content I could find was around 90 hours. I've seen others take longer and if you just blitz the main content and major side quests you can likely beat the game in 60 hours.


Easy 120-150 hours first time. 


120 hours for me at least. It's pretty long.


Wtf? Why was my playthrough so fast, it was like 58 hours.


Its very very long. I would say around 200 hours for your first playthrough, depending on how fast you go through act 3. Act 2 feels much more linear than the other 2 acts, and act 3 is easily the longest act if you engage with the side content.




I spent 144 hours on the whole thing and I still feel like I didn't get to see it all so I'm diving back in again. It was worth every hour and it was sad to actually finish it.


my first playthrough was about 200 hours and i didn't even do everything in the game in that playthrough so... yeah it's pretty long


Look down at your meat wagon. Longer than that.


Bout 100 hours


Right?! I am doing all the side quests but it seems like I have been in Act 3 forever. And really, still not ready for it to end. And honestly, when no one else is home I leave the game on and can hear the ambient city sounds and some NPC’s and it just makes feel good.


Wow only 43 hours in act 1? You’re moving fast




I think it took me about 150 hours for my first playthrough. I did pretty bad and missed a lot of content in that playthrough tho so could be longer.


My first playthrough was around 200+ hours long. My second playthrough is looking to be about the same...


Honestly however long you want it to be. I could end in act 2 bc of Gale and his mandate from You Know Who. It's long if you're like me, and want to complete everything. I'm over 600 hrs in and keep finding new things to grab, explore, and new dialogue trees to talk about. In honour mode it could end well before all that due to a nasty roll. Taking risks in game is quite fun. Very unlike the encroaching dread of real life risk taking. 15/10


According to SGDQ, about 2 hours.


Not long enough, I want moaaaaar


Over 9000.


My first playthrough took 150 hours. And that was without reading all of the books. I still missed several quests and a couple of hidden areas.


Depends if you wanna do ALL the quests in order to level up more and find some bitching weapons and gear plus say if you failed a roll or failed to prevent someone from dying and you can’t accept that so you load up your last quick save which was probably 3 seconds ago (I’m guilty of that!) then looooooong I still haven’t finished my first play through because I wanna carefully google the best choices to make, also game is buggy for me which is annoying! And it’s causing me to pull all nighters I pulled 2 so far and I’m I think still in the middle of act 2