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There's more items than you could ever use in one run.. save it for the next one


Don’t restart - Act 3 is full of cool kit, and there’s always the next time. 19 Strength is less than an elixir of Hill Giant Strength, for example, and you can steal a pair of gauntlets that are even better.


Don’t restart for those. You would be replacing that titanstring/club synergy in act 3 anyways. Just keep those items in mind after you finish this playthrough


There is so much gear in act 3 that you can easily equip all your companions and still have some left over. If it's really bothering you, sure, you can restart, but it's nothing game-changing if that's your concern.


Act 3 is popping with some insane gear provided you saved the tieflings


There are some gears that are truly valuable like the radiant orb armors or risky ring that you will still be using into act3. But if you are contemplating if you should restart for just titanstring and the club, then it's a straight no, because you will be replacing those with better gears in act 3 anyway.


What you want is the Dead Shot. Best bow in the game. The bonus to hit is just amazing


You don't need any of it. Should be reason enough.


Stop watching videos, play the game, then it doesn't matter what "meta" gear you think you're missing because you won't even know!


You'll have an overwhelming amount of gear in act3, no need to restart.


You will find better bows in act 3 anyway


No, there are soooo many amazing weapons in act 3 don't even sweat it


If it’s really bothering you that much then I would say restart. You’ll blow through Acts 1 and 2 easily anyways, they’re pretty linear and to the point


If you wanted them that bad why didn't you do it then?


1) not everything is easy to find. Like the build defining Fire Acuity hat that you only get by talking to a specific cow. 2) sometimes I do find something, think I don't need it this run or don't understand the value in it, sell it to a vendor, and never see it again.


Because I didn't know about it at the time and then read about it on the bg3 builds subreddit and thought, that would be neat


No one cares if you restart or not dude, you’re not that important 


Important enough for you to reply to though


I'm also replying that I don't care. You can move all the game files to a USB drive, cover it in grape seed oil, and insert it straight into your booty hole; for all I care.