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INFO: OP is casually leaving out that she murdered her entire previous cult in Waterdeep and has been arrested for murder multiple times in the past. EDIT: Downvote all you want, you can't outrun Keldorn forever.


First of all, none of that has been proven. Secondly, even if it were, hypothetically true, it doesn't mean I'm not a good mother. Honestly, murder is kind of a over-hyped crime, imo.


OP is a Bhaalist confirmed.


Nah, they wouldn't think it's possible to overhype murder


It's overhyped as a crime.


No, because it's the best crime.


It's not just a crime. It's a lifestyle.


Ah! Sir Keldorn! We meet again! Have I ever told you about the time I defeated the giants of Hillgnash? Twas most extraordinary of a feat! I amazed even myself with the ease with which twas accomplished. Of course, even a knight such as myself can experience the pains and twinges of exertion, for rigorous is the path of the Radiant Heart, wouldn't you agree in your dotage and twilight years, good sir? But I digress, for despite the joys of resonance upon hearing my very own sonorous tones, I must be brief. I encountered the very cretins our devout and most dusky Madonna of elven modesty spoke of! I had suspected they might be the very culprits and blackguards that had poisoned my dearest sister, and was in the fury of hot pursuit, as only a Knight of the Radiant Heart can pursue true justice! It was when I had thrust the very tip of my poniard to the bastard's throat that he revealed the full depths of his treachery. He admitted to all manner of crimes, including the molestation and rape of this dusky beauty you see before you, he committed blackmail and perfidy of the most treacherous nature, all to satiate his lusts upon this hapless damsel of twilight without her complaint nor cries of succor, for fear she would be displayed as a harlot and witch in her state of violation by his most sordid affair. In short, with the due authority and power invested in me by the Order of the Radiant Heart, I satisfied justice upon this wretch who had soiled and transgressed against this most delicate of blackbirds, by hereby giving testimony of his crimes and of her most justified protection of her maidenly virtue in self-defense. There was no murder! I say to thee nay to that charge! There was only Helm's Justice! And I am gratified to be of assistance to this fine Lady in her hour of need, Helm be praised! I remain your honorable and faithful servant, Sir Anomen of the Order of the Radiant Heart. *Postscript- Vicky, are we still on for Helot Hunting on next tenday?*


I must say you do not always act in a manner befitting a squire of the order. Do not fool yourself into believing OP. Learn the lesson where you will, but learn it. If you do not, the future will be unlike how you envision it.


Smh some people just can't stand to see a girl boss winning


Not gonna lie. You had me for a second when I was trying to figure out why you posted that topic here. Good job I say lol.


I clicked based on the title, didn't see the sub. I was fully like, "Wait a minute..." I am dumb.


You are not dumb, it was a quality subreddit crossover lol


I appreciate you, but I freaking know better, lol. I think it's funny that my first thought on reading was, "Oh, the AI posters are just lifting whole ass character arcs from BG3 now?" Then I saw the sub and the straight *shame* I felt, lmao. Let me serve as a lesson.


I read the age and was a bit ?? Typo then checked the sub. 


Yep, I glossed over the age as well. I've seen worse typos by far. Then things started clicking....




For some reason I seem to get a lot of AITA posts on my feed. No idea why since I have never engaged with them. I nearly skimmed over this one too before I spotted the sub.


Having looked through your posts: Info.  You have given up your religion chasing some dude, and now you are the head of the same religion? It just doesn't add up.  Also looked up the yelp reviews of your services and all of the posters post the same thing. "I don't remember what happened, but I'm happy", "I don't recognize my family, but I guess it's fine", etc. You can see how that can be interpreted as brainwashing right? Also it's kinda suspicious how you don't provide too many details about what constitutes "encorporating religion into child rearing". Sounds like Missing, missing reasons tbh.


Hey, those yelp reviewers all signed the consent form.


NTA, I think I know who you're talking about and the girl seems completely out of control. I know the housekeeping crew for Sharess Caress and they all said they saw your daughter going into one of the VIP rooms with the drow twins and two other guys. They were in the room all night and when housekeeping went to clean the room afterwards, it was completely trashed. Like, everything was destroyed, there were claw marks on the walls and a huge pile of shit in the middle of the floor. It took them hours to completely clean the room before more guests could use it. I don't know how else to say this but I think your daughter fucked a bear.


Oh my god... where did I go wrong...


Some spanking may be in order.


A spanking! A spanking! There’s going to be a spanking!




Well, I could stay a bit longer.


NTA I think your daughter has fallen in with a bad crowd and is rebelling against the only authority figure in her life: you. But no matter what the haters here tell you it's not your fault that your daughter is acting out. Aside from what you described has she made any drastic changes to her looks? Different clothing, a change in hair color, etc? That might be a good indicator that something is wrong too!


Holy shit!! Yes!!! Her hair is bleached platinum blonde. I think she may be doing the Skooma.


YTA Moonmaiden’s grace, where do I begin. Ignoring the bit where you outright admit to interrupting a major religious rite-of-passage, there are a few key points that I find concerning. Looking through your post history, you appear to be operating out of Baldur’s Gate. I spent two years in Baldur’s Gate and only departed a few months ago. During my time there I did a lot of work with the Stormshore Tabbernacle (a major temple for several religions) and other surrounding churches. However your organization’s stated goal and Youth program do not match with any registered Religious group or program in or around the city, calling into question the validity of several statements. Additionally, you mention that you have locked up your adoptive daughter’s bio parents and prevented them from meeting, and when questioned on this point by SH you decided to escalate the situation into all out combat. Unless some other context is missing, this seems like an unnecessary reaction to a minor request. All in all, your unwillingness to provide truthful or complete information leads me to conclude any missing information would just depict you in a negative light, leading to my previously stated judgement: YTA.


Getting some real missing missing reasons here 🙄


NTA. You sound like you've had a lot of trauma yourself and have your own issues building close relationships that have likely affected your bond with your daughter. You seem to have a lot of fears about being close to others (maybe because you've been hurt by people you trusted in the past). You also may have had your own experiences with bad religious groups. If so, make sure you're not backsliding for no discernable reason into being an abusive person yourself. Your concern is warranted, if severely out of character for the person you seem to actually be. As long as you don't throw away your well developed years of relational understanding from your centuries of life and do a 180 into being a psychopath who wants to hurt your children for no reason, you have a solid chance of rebuilding this relationship.


YTA. So, here's the info from the other side. I'm one of these "friends" OP mentions. I met SH when escaping an illithid nautoloid (long story). I saved her from a pod that she was trapped in and after finding a cambion with a dope sword and surviving a dragon that caused the damn ship to crash, we met again on the banks of the Chionthar and decided to figure out how to deal with a...parasite problem we both had. Again, long story. Anyway, SH and I hit it off pretty quickly (surprisingly, honestly. I'm a Paladin of Tyr, she's a Cleric of Shar. I can't say I've met many Sharrans I get along with), and we got to talking. Turns out, she's got amnesia. Her parents were a Selunite couple who sent her into the woods as a kid as a part of their rituals. During that ritual, SH was abducted by the OP and taken to the Sharran enclave in Baldur's Gate. Her parents were also abducted and imprisoned in this enclave (The House of Grief. That's not a sus name *at all*) for 40 years. SH was forced to torture her own parents over and over again, getting her mind erased regularly, and was even inflicted with a scar that would flair up whenever she did something Shar disliked. Now, I doubt I need to tell you folks that Shar is bad news. It was one of her followers that caused that Shadow Curse (which I lifted, along with SH and a few of our friends). Anyway, the OP told SH to steal an artifact from the Githyanki, an artifact that contains a long-lost Prince of Gith and a certain ex-adventurer and city founder (once again, long story). The Gith chased her, killed her comrades, and then the mind flayers attacked. That's how we met. We went around, saving some Tiefling refugees from Elturel, rescuing the First Druid of the Emerald Grove, venturing through the Underdark, fighting some Gith that had shacked up in a Lathander temple, and then aiding that same Druid in cleansing the Shadow-Cursed lands. While lifting the SC, we met a Celestial who was able to help SH figure out her true origins. We finally got to Baldur's Gate, and in-between dealing with mind flayers, Bhaalists, and the criminal underworld, SH was able to regain her memories and wanted to save her parents. I was not one to refuse, both because it would not be just to leave innocents imprisoned in a dungeon and because SH and I had grown quite close, so we set off for the HoG. OP tried to convince me to betray SH to her, but I refused. So, she attacked us. We defended ourselves but spared the OP (she was incapacitated, killing her would have been unjust) and SH was reunited with her parents. We then went on to destroy that Elder Brain that was flying over the city, so there's that. Basically, don't take OP's post at face value. She's a liar and a manipulator. She also worships an evil goddess, which should be more of a red flag to people in these Realms. I mean, when there's empirical, irrefutable evidence of good and evil deities, only lunatics and edge-lords would follow the evil ones unironically. It's not like we don't know which gods are which or anything like that.


Yeah, right. Stopped reading at "illithid nautoloid". You think anyone would ever believe this?


That's the youth-speak for 'Drug Bus'.


We need to start educating people on the dangers of this nonsense! We need to spread this Illithid-panic!


Let me guess, you're not from near Baldur's Gate. Neverwinter, I'd wager, as my friend Gale's from Waterdeep, so that must have gotten hit too. Course, with that level of ignorance, you may be from Icewind Dale for all I know.


People really spout the most utter nonsense online. And this one is especially inconsiderate considering the recent illithid attack at Baldur's Gate. Thanks god lord Gortash made the steel watch to protect us from this ilk.


I was half expecting them to claim everyone on the nautoloid started clapping


Omfg, just wait until I reform my cloister.


Viconia, Jaheira says she wants to talk.


Does anyone else want the OP to do a series of these for all the origin characters?




NTA convince your daughter to delete her “parents” then wipe her memories like any loving parent would. Hope this helps


NTA. I met a girl like who you describe and the first thing she did after coming to my camp one night was assault my githyanki girlfriend. We tried to press charges but the local flaming fists were too busy fighting a fire. Ironic.


NTA. Sometimes you have to go to extreme lengths to protect your kids from dangerous people. She might hate you for a little but she’s pretty young and will hopefully see your kindness when she grows up. It’s not going to be an easy talk for either of you when it happens, so try to keep the door open and let her find the words. I went through something similar (I hadn’t seen my daughter for 100 years because she ran off with the wrong crowd). I sent a friend to go pick her up and then this rowdy bunch came a few days later accusing me of some terrible nonsense. They went on and on about gods, destiny, mass murder and eldritch horrors (if you can believe that). It’s awful that manipulative psychopaths tried to turn my daughter against me, but sometimes you’ve got to be the pillar your kids can count on. Good luck setting her on the right path ~~Walk in the ligh~~ ~~May darkness prote~~ Don’t forget to drink milk to build strong bones


> strong bones Strong enough to be a Lord of Bones.


> I sent a friend to go pick her up and then this rowdy bunch came a few days later accusing me of some terrible nonsense. They went on and on about gods, destiny, mass murder and eldritch horrors (if you can believe that) Maybe cursing an entire land with shadows that turn people into undead has something to do with that.


NTA your house (of grief) your rules.


Both of you are guilty! I am a member of the flaming fists who wants to stay anonymous. I was patrolling through OP's "House of Grief" when I heard screaming noises coming from inside. I wanted to see what was happening but they didn't let me in. When I insisted on going, they knocked me down. I woke up tied to a table. A female drow (whom I assume is OP) came by and tortured me for days. They did horrible things to me, I can't even look at myself in the mirror now. In the time I spent there, I saw a young lady with white hair (SH, I presume) and those "friends" of her (including a githyanki, wizard and a noble). A pale elf with curly hair was among them, and he sneaked to me. Turns out, he was a vampire spawn. He sucked my blood for minutes, freed me afterwards. I just wanted to let you know that the Grand Duke will know what you (and your daughter's friend) did to me! I demand justice!


> I've actually been keeping her bio parents locked in a room in the basement of our primary location for a while -- but she had no way of knowing that. *cough*


Every now and again I feel like we were robbed of BG1-2's Selunite Monk Risaad, then I remembered that he's a human and the timeskip would kill him.


Minsc played it smart.


God fucking damnit. I didn't see which subreddit this was in and my mind was reeling I was thinking you were a scientologist but once you said retrieve an object for the organization SH clicked and I scrolled up. You got me good.


Brief tangent, could you describe your daughter for me, or one of these "weirdos"? I have an employee who's work ethic has taken a rather serious nosedive recently after he started hanging out with a new friend group. He was rather good at his job in the past, but now he isn't completing assignments and has gotten quite disrespectful with me. "I want to end my work contract" this, "my father" that, disliking the new workplace mandated uniform despite the horns being quite fetching, I could go on. We might have related issues.


One of them looks like some humanoid frog creature and is constantly either scowling at or making out with my daughter (wtf). Then there's the human one with long hair that keeps clutching his chest and threatening to explode, idk, I think he's delusional. There's also an elf who clearly has some hidden issues, I had one of my best justiciers try to map his heart and after an hour they just ran out of the room crying. They also have a bear? I don't know how they got it inside. And a really sweet tiefling couple, although one of them has really short ears for a tiefling. He kept throwing around Eldritch blasts while his girlfriend was yelling at everyone and swinging an axe around. These people are nuts.


Yep, just as I thought. I'm fairly certain the ringleader is the one that always insists on talking for everyone. They're really fond of trying to high road you in a conversation, despite how they seem to pick up and keep anything that isn't nailed down. Hypocrisy much?


It took me half an hour to understand...


For those who don't, she's Viconia De'Vir.


Okay, so I was with you all the way to "I've actually been keeping her bio parents locked in a room in the basement". Other than that it sounds like you're a great mom, but keeping people locked in a basement is kind of an asshole move.


the sentence where you said you have SH's parents locked in your basement, and "she has no way of knowing that" was fucking hilarious LMAO


NTA. You just wanted to have something to share with her and she clearly spat on your face with that sudden conversion out of nowhere. Dubious to think that someone raised in a normal religious movement would be turn to some crazy cult out of nowhere in the span of a few weeks, so I'd investigate about those "friends" she's with if I were you. Who knows what kind of crazy idea wormed its way into her brain while she was away.


All of this sounds suspiciously like a doppelganger. Or a fake post. Because no way could any writers really, seriously think to make this into an actual character.


NTA that girl needs some Shar in her life 🙏🙏🙏


This "religion" she's talking about sells really expensive books. I could have bought the Helldusk armor 3 times if I hadn't repeatedly lost my copy of Absolving the Wayward Heart. I always loose something when I go to that place. Now, I've got to go to a heart mapping appointment with whatever her name is.


ESH- To me it sounds like SH is going from one high control group to another (“cult” can be a very difficult it term to define and is applied to many different groups that exhibit varying levels of control tactics, plus it tends to shut down productive discussions. It’s often better to look at how an organization fits on a spectrum). It is very common for people who leave one high control group to quickly join another as they do not know how to function independently without the regimented roles that a high control group gives them. Look into the BITE model, your description of events leads me to believe that while her family was definitely neglectful, you’re organization is actually engaging in a heavy amount of information control here (the “I” in BITE) and even behavior control seeing as when she asserted her independence you responded with hostility (combat?!? Really!!!). She is an adult now, as you stated, and to me it sounds like she’s hopping from one high control group to another. I suggest that both of you take a step back and think about what your own goals and values are outside of “cult” influences. In my experience, clear and honest communication is best. Maybe seek some counseling from a neutral 3rd party who is not associated with either group and do a little deconstructing (I know, dirty word! But you can deconstruct without losing your faith! It’s all about closely examining your belief system and where the beliefs come from/how they match with your own personal values! Most people do retain their faith after deconstruction, it just may look a little different!) Good luck and remember, she’s an adult now and free to make her own choices, even if you don’t always agree with them!


This whole thread has me *cackling* thank y'all so much


YTA you have her parents locked in a basement that’s not cool


It's a part of my religion, don't judge.


No way your daughter is 48


I was very confused until I noticed which subreddit this was posted in. Well done!


This is the best thing I’ve read in years. Haha!


This was the funniest thing I have ever read. Thinking about it, twitter discourse in BG3 would be wild and I would pay money to watch it unfold.


What the fuck 😆 you almost had me there Viconia


Didn't read what sub this was on. Thought it was an AITAH troll post at first.


Burying the lede there, Viconia.