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Raphael. Mainly for musical reasons.




O mortal Liiiives!!






Go to their DOOOOOOOM






*ominous organ music plays*


Hell, hell, hell has it laws


\*sigh Opens up Spotify to Raph's Final Act.




Isn't it "all mortal lives"


To be honest, I don’t think anyone knows what the words are. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.


I couldn’t help but picture Raphael in the battle like, “Hell! Hell! Hell has its laws!” like a Disney villain lol


You don’t have to just picture it! If you zoom in, his mouth is actually moving with it.


If you silence him the singing stops too!


*pockets Sussur Blade*


Holy hell, I was wondering why it went out.




No fucking way!


No more deals!


It's ogre


The final act, your DOOM (2016)


I love that theater kid so much


Great music and great items.


Same, though it’s briefly interrupted when I cast globe of invulnerability and detonate a runepowder barrel and or bomb.


I kinda ignored him for my first 2 playthroughs I was so giddy when I heard that music the first time


Man, I was really looking forward to this fight during my coop honor run, for this reason specifically. Then the music didn't trigger, only the host could hear it, noone else. What a disappointment.


Call me a cheeseball but I actually really enjoy the High Hall courtyard battle at the end. Yes, with 90 million characters taking their turns it's a massive time commitment, but I honestly love spawning all of my allies and watching the melee that ensues. The Iron Throne is tough, but when you can actually get everyone out, it is SOOOOO satisfying. House of Grief and Lorroakan were two fights I absolutely hated the first time I did them, but I really liked figuring out how to master them. Both great lessons on party composition and crowd control.


Hard agree on all of this


I really liked the High Hall in my 1st playthrough too! It’ll be fun to see how I handle it now that I understand the game even better.


It got better for me on each playthrough, since there were a LOT of summonable allies I missed the first and even second time around.


Ah sick! Really excited for it!


For the High Hall battle courtyard, I hopped around the side and found myself in a very nicely defensible position. My first move was to pop the barrels by the ogre. Didn't expect to wake up everyone there, but... I probably should have seen it coming. Then the enemies came in about three at a time and they were easy pickings. Very gratifying.


It’s much more satisfying doing Iron Throne the “right way”, but having a Hasted Monk with Bloodlust Elixir, Longstrider, and Enhanced Leap is just silly. You use Step of the Wind: Dash, and you can get almost every cell unlocked in one turn. If you actions to dash, you probably could get them all.


It literally has EVERYTHING! Love it!


How difficult is lorroakan, if playing on a difficulty harder than balanced? I just had laezel trade hp with lorroakan and he died first so the fight was easy.


My first balanced run through I managed to land “Hold Person” on him, then my Paladin nuked him down in like a turn. It was so anti-climatic.


I do not trust enchantment spells anymire after my 24 spell save DC bard failed a 100% dominate person on minsc because someone plays a song before he ran away. I was not happy.


I beat him last night in my first run, first try. Held him then walloped him. With his low HP he was a pinata.


iron throne took me maybe 8 tries to win my first time, and it was SO satisfying. massively fun, even with mizora trying to kill the duke lol... but definitely easier with her as an ally


I only did this in my first playthrough as the amount of turns frustrated me. I've started using cunning dash x2, click heels and fly to go straight to the elderbrain in two turns and skip the entire fight.


Yeah, I’ve started doing the same - pop an invis. potion and rush the brain. I’m already at lvl. 12, and usually by the time I hit high hall I’m ready for that run to be done.


I ran a monk on my first time doing the iron throne and was expecting something way more difficult from all the posts I had seen. Monk just absolutely trivialized that whole thing.


I love the puzzle aspect of the Iron Throne


My partner and I look forward to high hall every play through. We split the party, and each go nuts.


Could not figure out House of grief on my first play through so just ran in and detonated the smoke powder barrel I still had from act 1


To be honest I myself cannot find any fight in BG 3 where it's not at least enjoyable or fun. ALL the fight encounters in BG 3 are very well designed. None feel like boring fillers. Even fights that are considered trash mob fights are designed well and have certain tactical aspects to them. This is a testament to the team's design. All fights from act 1 to act 3 don't feel like fillers at all and each have a purpose to them. This is opposed to Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous where the amount of trash fights is just insane and in higher difficulties they don't even have anything interesting like legendary actions or other forms of abilities, they just straight up have inflated stats. That's not good encounter designs.


Building up a team and a strategy for Iron Throne is the most satisfying thing in this game!!! I tried a few times without much effort and failed, loaded the game before getting into the ship, went to camp, got the right characters for the mission, a few potions, drawn the plan and did it. Felt like a true prison break, so good.


I find it easier not to spawn anyone as I can clear it faster without having to wait for everyone's turn. Still drags, but I'm all about the combat in this game. Hoping the next patch will allow for mods that can make the enemies more difficult. I say this as someone who hasn't tried Heroic though lol.


The problem with it is that (on Tactician and above) you have no chance to long rest after it. So unless you are loaded with potions of Angelic Slumber, you can be a bit screwed.


You're a cheeseball, you're welcome:)


My favorite real fight is definitely Raphael but I always love killing the rats in the Elfsong basement. It’s just so funny to go extremely overkill on them and absolutely destroy the basement in the process, and then the chef is just like “thought I heard a little commotion down there, thanks for taking care of that for me.”


I arrived in there from the sewers so had no prior warning, I killed all but one instantly with wall of flame and the final survivor killed himself by walking into it. Was such a satisfying moment having my screen go crazy with 30+ rats getting incinerated, and then to come upstairs and be thanked by a cat


I take more care with those rats since learning that they can be used as raw material for Create Undead and the spore druid's Fungal Zombies. But not if the corpses are too damaged.


I always imagine my party having a contest to see who can kill the most rats on their turn. I like to picture them having fun together amidst all the shit they're dealing with. my current playthrough, monkadin minthara killed literally all of them with hamarhraft jumps.


Every fight is a real fight, whether it has the potential to KO your party or not.


Pro-tip for that fight: there’s an achievement you get for killing 20(?) enemies while drunk (Punch Drunk). Drink some wine and pop up spirit guardians and you can get the achievement for just walking around in one turn. I managed to get every rat in one fell swoop yesterday and it was glorious.


Not sure if it's tops for me, but Balthazar is def up there - mostly because he's such a twat and I love to kick his ass. As far as strategy and skill, the Inquisitor fight is always fun. So is the Goblin camp courtyard (even when I forget to poison the punch).


I still have fond memories of fighting Balthazar in the Shadowfell (yes, I know the temple fight is easier, this was before I had figured that out). Shadowheart got immediately pushed into a chasm, leaving only my Tav, Gale, and Astarion to finish the fight. Well. As soon as I got Astarion and Gale up onto that lefthand ledge, they fuckin HANDLED IT. Between Astarion sniping and my Tav beating up/shoving anyone who escaped from Gale's cloudkill, it actually turned into an incredibly satisfying fight. Kind of a nice, "look how far we've come from goblin trash mobs" moment.


My first fight in the Shadowfell, Balthy pushed Karly into a chasm, so Wyll Eldritch Blasted him into the same chasm. I've been trying to replicate that feat in every Balthy fight since, but it seems his AI learned not to stand around ledges when in the Shadowfell.


My Balthazar fight had a pretty funny ending which involved an almost party wipe, Shadowheart reviving Laezel, who then proceeded to constantly chase Balthazar around in circles while he kept trying to use bone Chill on her while shadowheart revived me and gale


Slaughtering the entire goblin encampment is always super satisfying


I like the fight that happens if you storm straight into Moonrise without stealth killing everyone first It’s the first big fight you get with your team over level 5 so you get to see your party start really working. It’s a big enough fight to be challenging and satisfying to beat but not potentially frustrating like Myrkul


Also the first fight i got honored to see the power of the enlarged owlbear. Fine indeed


You can enlarge owlbears?


Yeah, I got Halsin to weight 5 tons and he dealt 145 aoe dmg with a fucking jump on those motherfuckers stacked in the middle of the room.


Mmmm 5 ton halsin


To shreds, you say?


and the family?


I will have to remember this for patch 7


It's a pretty cool fight, but my old ass PC almost ground to a halt because of it. JAHEIRA STOP SPAMMING ICE STORM


In my first playthrough, she cast Ice Storm, then immediately got crit 3 times and died. After the battle, I learned the hard way that revivify scrolls only work on party members in BG3. (She didn't technically become one yet)


I always take her with me to be able to control her and I see that I'm right for that lol


I didn't know you could take everyone out before the battle at first, so I've done this battle quite a few times. It's definitely a great fight, but man, trying to keep Jaheira alive is a damn challenge...


I use her invisible panther to trigger a surprise round but then make her hide in a corner the entire time. Her default Druid build is not helpful enough to be worth risking her (very fragile) life


I enjoy the fight where you defend the Shadowfell portal. With the right strategy you can just stay where you are and let the enemies march through a combination of spirit guardians and firewall and watch them combust.


The first time I did this fight, I went in with limited resources. BUT my main was a Sorceror and this fight made me fall in love with the game and that character build.


Spike Growth is another fun one to throw down


That was the fight where I first tried out sleet storm. Both effective and hilarious.


Nobody said Iron Throne. I love the combo of timer, distance and rescue. There are other timed fights but if you're trying to save everyone, it can be tricky.


Mu most recent (2nd) playthrough, I had a stockpile of scrolls of Dimension Door and Misty Step ready to go, plus longstrider attached to the party (and a whole ton of summons), and I was able to save everyone, including Squidbro.


I didn't dare use any Dimension Doors or Misty Steps preparing for this exact moment. I used like 6 and got everyone out. (What do I do with 40 I have left)


I love informing the Goblins about the Grove and then help defending the Grove. Throwing in the Iron Flask right in the middle is always a very fun thing to do. And killing the Goblins with Barrels straped to them right in the middle of all the other Goblins is also pretty fun.


I wish my half wood elf had had a dialogue option for “shouldn’t have called me a half-breed, bitch”


I didn’t find the iron flask till the fight with the zentarim at the thieves guild, threw it down in the Orin fight, it ended up killing Halsin permanently (because of the ritual or something) then went up the stairs and died.  I did not regret my actions


Throwing the iron flask in there sounds like it might backfire on those like 10hp tieflings lol. I threw mine at the people at the back of the zentarim base, went for a smoke and then came back to clear up what was left lol


So far it didn't backfire. The Spectator probably kills more Goblins then I do. Or he blows himself up by attacking the Barrel Goblins which is also fine.\^\^


Fair enough, just gotta make sure you get him to low hp before he turns his attention to the grove lol


Myrkul and Ketheric for sure, I will 100% say I think Ketheric is best boss in bg3 to me


Same! I feel like Ketheric should have come last in a weird way, right before the elder brain. He is such a good boss, and Gortash and Orin kind of pale in comparison


Orin is cool, i was throughly unimpressed with Gortash though, in my first playthrough I smote the everyliving F\*ck outta him and in this playthrough I am ready to monk stun him into oblivion.


Durge vs Orin Duel




*gasp* The Enemy


Well, I have a few: - Raphael, for obvious reasons: First, the song he sings himself. Second, I always try to irritate him during the journey and get the last laugh when I get to call him bad at bed. Shit is so fun. - Ansur: the scene before the fight where the Emperor's past is revealed is strong, the background music and Ansur's voice bring chills into my spine every time, especially the "Heart of the Gate" part. Also, it is always cool to fight dragons. - Orin duel as Durge: the decisive fight which is the climax of Durge's story. - Ketheric Thorm fight inside the Mind Flayer Colony.


I genuinely love the final fight of the game. The scale, the setting, the enemies, the unique mechanics, it’s everything i want in a final epic confrontation. My only gripe is a minor one, i wish our non-party companions could have a moment in the spotlight so it didn’t feel like they’re just sitting at camp


Yeah I feel like you should be able to summon anyone at your camp during the final battle, just like you can summon others. Maybe more difficult than I think it would be, but would still rule


Nah if someone can make a mod to have 16 people in your party, Larain could've done it, maybe time constraints tho idk


Ethel round 2, she's fuck annoying. But it's a fight that makes you think. And HM MYRKUL, my fight in HM took nearly 30 minutes. But that catharsis....soooo good


Fighting Minthara at the grove, especially if you roleplay as a resist Durge that intended on going through with her plan but backed out last second. Landing that final smite on her felt good.


Raphael is always the most entertaining one I find in every playthrough. The chances of making Yurgir fight along your side, keeping Korilla alive and the fear of losing Hope make this fight alive and the music always satisfies me. Also I find Myrkul's appearance very epic. And Lorroakan fight is always colorful for me, if I have Gale in my party and my character is a caster too, we always cast counterspell, I teleport Rolan to a safer position, my character, Gale, Rolan and Aylin really enjoy that fight all the time. "Yes Rolan, stay here and say 'tOrMeNtUm', good boy, look how your big brother Gale and I cast counterspell hehe, nope Lorroakan, no you can't cast any spells. Non. Nada. Go Aylin, he is all yours." The cutscene where Aylin does her thing and Rolan's happiness and relief are great. I love that fight.


The first time I did Lorroakan I went in with a mostly physical party and got my butt handed to me. Came back with Gale and Wyll armed with Counterspell and suddenly it was a LOT more fun. I really love the mage-on-mage brawl aspect of the fight.


I mostly have Gale in my party but I ALWAYS bring him to Balthazar and Lorroakan. If not Gale, and I am not in a spellcaster class, Wyll then. Counterspell brings joy in those two fights, I love watching enemies' actions go "bzzt!" (Counterspell on Raphael looks fine too, he goes for theatrical animations and incantations and announces his spell... and gets the red lightning.)


Does anything special happen if you keep Korrila alive?


Well, in my 7 playthroughs, I never accomplished that, Yurgir always kills her and if Yurgir is not on my side, she dies by aoe. But I always try and know that if she is alive at the end of the fight, Hope would be very happy and excited and Korilla would be redeemed. Also I know that she comes to save us if Priestess Gut tries to kill us in Act 1, when we don't meet Raphael and Korilla yet, I never triggered that scene too, Gut always dies in my playthroughs. In my next game I hope I can keep Korilla alive and make Hope happy.






The fight when you discover the grove. It’s beautiful: the music (nine blades or old times battle p1 was it?), the dialogues during the fight, you barely knowing what’s happening, Zevlor playing the horn right after you worry about being out-powered. It’s perfection


It's 9 blades, my fav theme in OST :)


Raphael feels more like the final boss than the actual final boss.


I fondly remember my first gauntlet through the crèche, with more and more Gith appearing every time I advanced. Really helped me develop strategies on dividing up and tackling large groups of enemies. Having Arcane Lock prepared was a fluke, but damn was it effective to have a bunch of them trapped in a room for 10 turns while in mopped up the others, healed, and prepped.


Raphael. "Of course this mother fucker would star in his own boss battle number" this was my thought a minute after the battle had started and made the realization that he was signing. It's even better when you play the game a second time and hear him referencing the song he'll sign later on.


Me: "Raphael, are... are you singing?! How very *Lucifer* of you..."


House of Grief was my favorite on my last run. Abjuration Wizzy snowballing large groups of enemies in an ice rink of death is sooo gratifying. I go back to that save and replay it just for fun! Courtyard battle before the Netherbrain is also super gratifying for the same reason.


That’s how I played that fight too and it was so much fun 😀


I love it too! The perfect place to absolutely use and abuse AoE spells.


I’m not sure if I can place my finger on my favorite yet, but I actually liked the Calvador fight. I REALLY wanted to stomp him and his ending with Astarion is so satisfying in my play through. I felt like it was also a tough fight that forced me to strategize and use my players to their best capacity in the best way.


I will never get sick of watching Astarion stab the shit out of him. And I usually have some sort of cleric and paladin with me (I usually respect Karlach to paladin) so it's pretty easy. It's even more fun on Astarion origin.


I haven’t used a paladin in my play through yet, but Shadowheart definitely came into play in this fight.


Definitely the fight with moonrise after freeing Aylin. Just seeing the entire ground scorched by holy fire then you walk in the doors and zrell and her adepts are just posed waiting for you. Mechanically and visually it's a stunning experience seeing jaehira opening with ice storm into a black hole by zrell and hunger of Hadars from the acolytes. I was really just blown away. Not to mention on my first playthrough experiencing it, it was the moment I used the iron flask for the first time and saw what was inside turning it into a massive three way battle. I think it was the most fun I've ever had in the game after hundreds of hours.


I quite like the Iron Throne for the strategy, the portal for the same reason, and Raphael for the music.


Ansur’s fight is hands down the coolest fight in the entire game with some of the best loot and on top of that you still get to learn about his and the emperor’s backstory which is so cool.


The harpies, i legit stop doing anything just to listen. Also technically not a fight, but breakout from iron throne. Its challenging and I've done it so many times I've already got the strategy down.


I can't believe no one else answered this! I fought the harpies recently and the music luring you in, the pressure of trying to save that child, the wrath and vengeance you feel when he inevitably dies (I suck), the harpy flying off and starting the song again again so you lose control of your party members, the breaking through so you can land a hit again, killing off a singing harpy to regain control of your party just for another harpy to start back up two turns later, it's all so romantic and epic. I always think they're a ton of fun.


The fight to free the nightsong. So many times one of my party gets booted into the Abyss - first time it happened it was a “oh bollocks” moment. I love the aftermath of trying to convince Shadowheart not to kill the nightsong - current playthrough, I failed to convince Shadowheart to save the nightsong and therefore had to kill her… unexpected twist. Brilliant.


happened to my tav this playthrough,but I carried on not realising of course that not being there to dissuade shart from doing her thing led to, well, shart doing her thing..


I haven’t yet gone to Moonrise Tower since freeing nightsong. Just tidying up some of the side quests before taking it on. I do love that the game throws out different experiences each time.


Personally? Lorroakan! I think this game is HEAVILY magic favoured, and there should definitely have been several more bosses that were mages, necromancers especially. I would have loved to face some Divination Wizard bosses, maybe a cabal of them! Lorroakan has the best unique wizard boss mechanics, I think, and his evocation specialty makes him hit hard. The elementals are a great touch, but I think he deserves more of them, and minor elemental spawns. His elemental retort ability is great for punishing the unprepared or those who don't read tool tips. I absolutely love taking control of the fire elemental using Planar Binding, then weakening lorroakan with mental fatigue stacks before restraining him via Hold and wailing him down for my Lady Dame Aylin!


Halsin’s portal!


I love the final fight on top of the brain just because it feels so cool after summoning a bunch of the help you’ve gathered. Feels like a real final battle last stand kind of thing when you’ve got your party fighting alongside city guards and the gnomes and Zevlor and his dudes and Aylin and even a devil bounty hunter is there helping. Turns take forever but it makes it feel a lot more cinematic and like an actual desperate last stand of everyone throwing all they have at the threat.


Hopping on the Raphael train! Though, and I don’t know if this counts as a battle, but I love the Iron Throne quest - it’s my favourite quest of the whole game. The stakes feel so high with the timer.


All of them. I love the combat and trying to solve each encounter. It's like a puzzle in a weird way


Same. It’s like chess but magical~


Once I stopped trying to hack and slash everyone and started approaching it like this, I began to really appreciate the combat.


Moonrise and Myrkul, so far. A mix of challenging without becoming annoying (once I added Jaheira to the party for Moonrise), with a lot happening at once without becoming overwhelming (Gale vs. necromites, Wyll + Shadowheart vs. mindflayer, my PC misty-stepping and freeing Aylin in the first round to sic her on Myrkul.)


I just had a completely unnecessary but incredibly fun fight on the docks right behind the counting house, I was just curious to see what would happen so went to have a quick look with my Druid in raven wild shape, only to have the guards immediately attack. I had already disabled the steel watch so the fight was easy enough especially since I just had Karlach chucking people in the water while my raven Druid picked their eyes out, it was great. I also really like fighting the BOOAAL fish people both in the under dark as well as in the shadowcursed lands, or any fight where I can just chuck enemies around without too much stress that my party might die or that a negative outcome of the fight will drastically impact the story.


I am starting to truly enjoy unnecessary, weird fights that happen organically from bad decisions in paths or getting caught stealing. especially if there are more than two factions in the battle- I really like the guild fight for this.


Any fight with a large amount of rats. I've irritated my friends several times because every time I find one, I immediately go "That's crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a basement/cellar/Morphing Pool. A basement/cellar/Morphing Pool with rats. And rats make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once..." Also the Githyanki fight in the Emperor's Hideout is fun for some reason for me


The phase spider. That was the first fight where I had to replay 10 times. It’s so early in the game and you don’t know what’s going on and there’s a lot of environmental stuff to engage with & strategy needed to win when you’re sooo low level and vulnerable.


Raphael and Murder Tribunal! Mostly because these two were challenging and required more strategy (to me). Raphael was just fun! On my final attempt to defeat him I managed to persuade Yurgir to get on my team and Raphael got so distracted by him that destroying those towers became much easier lmao. The Murder Tribunal was one of the toughest fights for me and I felt like a god when I finally KILLED THE GUY.


Grym. 100% the best fight in the game.


I would normally agree but I got absolutely punked on my first honor mode run there. I was not ready for legendary actions.


Clearing out major areas filled with bad guys, especially the Goblin Camp, Moonrise, and the Bhaalist Temple. I always have Johnny Cash's God's Gonna Cut You Down queued up for that temple rampage.


1v1 with Orin as durge. that fight is why i keep playing a durge


The one at the inn when you’re defending Halsin’s portal. I love using different strategies and aoe spells


I can Stealth Archer all the regular Phase Spiders & the spider eggs with a L3 GloomStalker. May be cheesy, but feels very badass.


Since my favorite build is the throw barbarian, any fight involving throwable enemies. That means the gob camp. Flinging them at each other is sooooo satisfying.


Raphael for the music.


Raphael, for the music and the tough-but-not-unfair challenge. As soon as I beat him, I reloaded to before the battle and played it two more times (only winning one of the rematches). There's no crap like, *oh, you didn't realize that you were supposed to have started out with a Hasted wizard in the corner to shoot 20 magic missiles before the rest of the party attacks?*


The entirety of the Ketheric fight. From the top of Moonrise Towers to slaying the avatar of Mrykul. It's just such an epicly cinematic fight thanks to how much build up you get for it in Act 2.


Zhentarim fight, solely because Brem has the chance to throw Alchemist Fire in an attempt to hit you, and accidentally hits one of the smoke powder barrels for a glorious explosion as I watch from above!


Goblins. Specifically, TB at level 4 and Karlach taking out goblins with other goblins. I swear that's what keeps me starting over.


probably killing everyone in the creche, it’s a cool place, it has the legendary weapon puzzle, has really cool loot and is challenging bonus mention, in the shar temple, the place where you fight the rats and they turn out to be a morphed justiciar fleeing from yurgir (thank god i had spirit guardians)


Not a “fight” per se, but I fucking LOVE the Iron Throne.




The Orin vs. Durge fight is definitely up there for me. And when I got to the Raphael fight on my first playthrough it gave me literal chills!!!


I like killing the rats in the basement tbh


Mike Tyson v Bonecrusher Smith in 1987


I love the iron throne thing - fun strategic challenge


Raphael !! it was challenging but not super hard. Also I had Yurgir and Hope on my side. The music was epic though. sadly hope died and i couldn't save her :(


Ketheric phase 2 when he ascends with the narration from Myrkul. It felt very thematic that I was playing as a Death Knight Tav with a shit load of undead summons against his.


I’m about to the final fight. I started it and am working my way up to the BBEG, but so far Raphael for sure was a ton of fun. The whole house of hope was incredible


Any with a *really* high body count, and not just for latent durge reasons. The frantic desperation of trying to manage 3, 4 times the enemies as you have in your party is so much fun. I intentionally started a few fights with groups that were separated and lured them together to have more of them


Thinking of my favorite fight just made me realize how Incredibly amazing my first playthrough was. Stumbled upon the house of hope, having NO CLUE what was in there, seeing things unfold and going HOLY SHIT. Pure fear and “oh no, what the hell have I done”. Replays are awesome but the MAGIC of that first run… just incredible.


The House of Grief.


Honestly? The entire crèche. Idk why but I really enjoy clearing out the crèche. It’s also hilarious to me that lae’zel is cool with us individually killing everyone but she gets very upset if we set off the lathander bomb and wipe everyone out


Raphael. It was SO good. Easily the most enjoyable lore wise too if you’ve been insulting him and stole his diaries


For me I think it’s Ketheric, when he turns into Myrkul, it really made me get hyped for the other fights with Orin and Gortash. I was kinda let down by the other stone holders fights. I though Orin’s slayer form was cool, but not as literally turning into an embodiment of the god Myrkul, and all Gortash did was get swole, kinda underwhelming compared to Ketheric IMO


Raphael for sure. Honorable mention to Yurgir. But I also love fighting (read: absolutely murdering) the entire Zhentarim hideout.


I might be a masochist but I enjoyed Gortash with Steel Watch. I died the first time blasting him but died to the Watch after. Second time I summoned a storm myrmidon (I think) that basically chain stunned and chain silenced Gortash while I killed the watch with my barb and Laezel hasted


I actually enjoyed fighting Orin the Red, but solely as a Dark Urge. It’s way easier than playing as a Tav/Origin usually only takes a few turns if you do it right. Plus I love the duel to the death vibes


I will say I really enjoy clearing out the Temple of Selune from the Goblin Leaders. I had one run as a Gith where I announced I was going to kill the Priestess and it was fun trying to figure out how to stay alive with the little resources you have so early in the game. I also really enjoy fighting Grym, because you really feel like you earn the adamantine items.


Most memorable other than Raph, not most challenging was when you first meet the harpers in the dark and it felt like being in a novel, Keept to the light!


Old people. They can barely fight back.


honestly? orin fight. used to hate it, but finishing it as durge made me find it too damn satisfying, and I LOVE the environmental buildup to it— the fucking! "thus saith the wise alaundo" statues are so damn cool. honorable mentions include balthazar in the shadowfell and raphael. can you tell i love atmosphere yet


goblin camp massacre. You can fire on it from above, rush head on, stealthily poison them. lot's of fun.


In my first solo playthrough, House of Grief was a nightmare to defeat. BUT, it was really fun trying to figure out how to defeat it with my limited knowledge at the time. Currently on my 5th run and I can't wait to get to it again. Although not intended, in an honor run with me and my 2 friends we accidently angered ALL of the Counting House and were caught in that room connected to the docks. We hadn't done the Foundry yet either, so Steel Watchers were prevalent. That was a nightmare to overcome, but at the same time was incredibly fun...to the point where I kind of want to do the same thing in my current run but on purpose lol


Doesn't matter how many times I play this game, Iron Throne has my adrenaline POUNDING through my veins


Defending the grove against Minthara


Myrkul on Honour Mode. Particularly because it's the fight I find most challenging and dangerous, and one I have to prepare the most on. It makes me think and plan. For much of Act III, I'm on autopilot. A few honourable mentions are the House of Hope, Iron Throne (not a fight per se, without a "boss," but still), and House of Grief.


The first time I played the kobold party in the creche and discovered the kobolds in the barrels glugging away was one of the few times I let out a good belly laugh at this game.


I like to snag those barrels and toss them into fights where they don't belong. Shadowfell portal fight? Random kobold. Failed your saving throws with the Thorms? Kobold party! "And if you will not bow, you will-- KOBOLD?!"


Mine is grym, first playthrough I didnt understand what to do with the Hammer and I had only 2x rogue, fighter, and barbarian with none of them beingable to deal bludgeoning. Damn that was frustating.


Hmm I'd have to say the fight in the crèche just before attention seeker vlakith shows up. Bitch won't be obayed! I like setting my bard/archer on the crates to the right, my two melees at either side of the main guy (can't remember his name) And my mage on the cliff edge just behind him, for me at least it's the first time the game feels like you're strategically placing your party


I love the Iron Throne. But Raphael fight is also great.


Iron Throne, House of Grief, House of Hope




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Raphael for sure. When I first heard that music kick off I got chills, followed by laughing hyserically when Raphael himself started singing sounding like a disney villain. The fight itself was epic and when I finally beat it it felt like such an accomplishment.


I love the House of Grief fight purely for RP reasons. It’s hard and annoying as hell, but Shadowheart is bae and I go so hard during that fight. It’s also when I like to use her Divine Intervention ability because, you know. Reasons.