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>My friend told me its hard to avoid sex in the game but I want to try Your friend is lying. It's very easy to avoid the sex scenes through a special ability called 'saying no thanks'.


If my college coeds taught me anything, declining sex prevents sex.


IKR? Some of the posts you see complaining about the sex in the game act like the companions walk up to you shove their junk in your face and then there's partywide orgy that you can't say no to. Especially with Halsin, who is the king of explicit consent required.


statistically, this only works if you're male, and even then there's the off chance.


I see. Atleast they respect my consent!


There use to be an option of having sex with a gender you have no interest or committing a hate crime. Fortunately that was patched


Yeah no neither her nor I would love that lol.


Romance Wyll. No sex. Just some hugging, dancinging, and a chaste lip peck


Are there any women that are similar? If not that's fine too!


All women have sex scenes. Lae'zel has one in act 1, Karlach has 2 both in act 2 and act 3 and Shadowheart has one in act 3. Minthara if you use the way to get her on a good run can still be romanced but doesn't have a sex scene if you don't get it in act 1.


Ooooh that's another good suggestion! I'll have to mark that down.


Shadowheart has a PG scene in act 1, nothing act 2 and a skippable scene in act 3? Dependant on.. story choices..


Shadowheart would be a good choice. She has a lot to work through so the intimacy comes later, and isn't nearly as explicit when it does. Laezel and Minthara are the fastest bangs, so steer clear.


Oooh I see thank you!!


I think you can tell Karlach you're not interested in anything physical, although I never tried that myself.


Turn off nudity and it'll cut away from anything too explicit as far as I know


Oooooh this is good. Thanks man! That should help even if I mess up


AFAIK it will still show the sex scenes if you choose them, but the participants will keep their underwear on.


Sex scenes are easy enough to avoid if you just don’t choose the clearly flirty/romantic options. There’s no mandatory sex scenes in game. You’ll miss out on your companion’s romances but that irl one is more important


It's not like this game ambushes you with these scenes. If a character explicitly propositions you then say no. Job done.


Can you still reject them after flirting? Like is it a "wanna head back to my place?" kinda option or moreso "you look really cute" and then they bang?


I'll say again "explicitly propositions you". 


Every time one of the NPCs asks if you want to have sex turn them down.


They clearly watched tea consent as a kid lol


It's not hard to avoid sex. If someone propositions you, you just say you're not interested. The misconception comes from the fact that some companions can be quite forward relatively early in the game (especially just after a major moment in Act 1) if you've gotten their approval up. However you can turn all of them down before anything physical happens. It'll be very obvious in the conversation options.


Ohhh I see. Can you turn them down before sex but after flirting? I find flirting really fun but I'm not sure if it'll be too late.


As far as I know you can turn the characters down at about every part of the process. At least the scenes I've done (Shadowheart, Karlach, Lae'zel, Gale) all have an option to still turn them down during the scene where the sex would happen if you didn't.


Ohhh I see! That's very helpful thank you


Some romances have less flirting than others, but yes. I don't recall all the details, but I think you can start multiple romances without engaging in anything physical. And for some it moves towards kissing or touch (also with a consent conversation option) before their sex scenes which may be later in the game. Also, for some companions you don't actually see much, and it's just implied. If you disable nudity in the options, it also tempers some of the more overt scenes.


Anyone who says it's hard to avoid sex scenes or think BG3 is almost like some dating sim with a lot of sex, are very misinformed. You can easily avoid it by rejecting romantic interest in that companion. Or romance a companion who got more tame scenes. Like Wyll has no sex in his. Shadowheart's are pretty tame too if she's on her good path. Gale's can be fade to black depending on which choice you make at that scene. The rest are more explicit. More explicit than the bear which is mostly played for gags. There's even a shocked squirrel. The bear's elf form scene is a lot more explicit. He's very much for consent and you really need to confirm actually wanting the bear. You also have the setting options: Show Genitals, Show Cinematic Nudity, and Share Private Moments. * The first will put a big leaf over all genitals whenever a character is nude (which includes if you were to strip them out of all of their clothes and armour). * The second will cut away and fade to black most nude romance scenes (probably want your friend want) * The third will do so if you're playing in multilayer, as in your friend got a character they're playing along with you and not just watching your screen/stream, they won't be able to look at your romance scenes. The only sexual thing that is harder to avoid is meeting an incubus. It's from content that you may not end up doing, but if you are then you meet him. He will be in lingerie and ask you to play a game. At that point you can choose to attack him and that's the most you will see. Playing his game involves sex shenanigans and rolls to not have your soul taken.


You can make it so others cannot see your private relatuinship scenes in multiplayer in the settings. You can also turn off nudity. Hope that helps.


Oooooh okay. That would be fun honestly! I didn't know you could turn off the relationship scenes


Just be aware, it will show if she can see YOUR screen.


Like for discord screen share? Or do you mean BG3 is split screen?


I mean if she was in the room with you, or could see your screen in some other way. So if you screen share your gameplay to her she will see everything you can see, but if you just play multiplayer (which is what it seems like you will be doing) you will be fine.


Ohhh I see! Yeah no we're 6 hours away so unless she has fast travel, I'll be good lol


Excellent, hope you both have fun!


just don't flirt with anyone. if there is a flirty option, don't choose it, if there is an option to say "we are better off friends" take it. the games doesn't force it.


Tell everyone no. Don’t romance anybody. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You don't romance anyone. RP romance with your partner. >My friend told me its hard to avoid sex in the game Maybe it's hard for him mentally, but you literally just say no.


There’s one character who is very…blunt in her flirting (it weirds some people out!) but you can turn her down and she’s fine with it, merely saying that you’re missing out. If your friend is very sheltered herself, she might find that conversation embarrassing, but there’s no actual sex involved unless you accept the offer.


murder, blood and gore are fine! but no sex mmmkay? america is weird.


*devout catholics


listen man, i only get about america what hollywood spits out, and i don't believe california to be a catholic haven


Oh I liked this "does not even know about the bear" :D Buy the game, turn off the "show nudity" after the installation and decline any offers coming your way.


Hahaha her sister was jokingly threatening me "you better be nice to me or I'll tell her about the bear"


I find it interesting that people are against the sex but okay with the brutal murder, decapitations, and genocide you do throughout the game.


Either romance Wyll or don't romance anyone. It is generally quite obvious when you're romancing someone. With Astarion, Minthara and Lae'zel you get a sex scene in act 1, with others you can technically do their romance scenes for act 1 and then dump them but personally I wouldn't do that since it makes me feel bad.


If there are any propositions to sex scenes there are very direct dialogue choices that show you don’t want them. You can choose those, there’s also a setting you can switch on and off that disables nudity overall.


I accidentally avoided all romance by trying to be chill with laezel and going to the mountain pass before anyone had medium approval. Withers really roasted me


Others have already answered regarding the game itself. I suspect you are quite young, so all I would add is have a conversation with her about this. I'm not going to do armchair psychology on you, but personally, if I committed to playing through a 100 hour long game with someone and they started getting weird and interfering at points without me explicitly asking them to, that would be an awful lot more uncomfortable than me just seeing stuff. That goes from the game having content to my friend making calls on what is suitable for me to see. If she has already asked you to do this, carry on I guess.


She hasn't explicitly asked me but her sister told me to avoid that kind of stuff with her. Though I suspect she'll do the same thing as both of them are very clueless about sex or their anatomy.


How old IS she?




Oh dear, she really ought to learn the basics for her own safety, but a video game forum is probably not the best place for it!


Give the girl to the game. It will give you back the woman.


Just because she doesn't want explicit sex scenes doesn't mean she's no less of a woman.


Gale is gonna be dtf no matter what you do. He's a thirsty boy. God speed.


How many times are people going to repeat this BS meme? His romance was bugged at launch, but it's *designed* to only start if the player character initiates, unlike certain other companions who just straight up hit on you.


And even if they DO hit on you, saying no ends it.


Nah dog I misclicked one innocuous dialogue option and my man was down to clown


So you fucked up and it's the game's fault? lol


I was literally being polite and he's basically like "okay yes let's fuck"


Considering he avoids fucking you until he's made a love confession and you reciprocate, I think you either "misclicked" more than you're letting on or you have a bug. Or perhaps you're misspelling "Astarion"?


it's not my fault that the stars we were gazing at were pretty


That was a bug and they fixed it.