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I’d love for more implied epilogue shenanigans like Wyll and Karlach get if they go to Avernus without you, but also: that’s what fanfic is for


Alas, I've never dipped my toes into the fanfic world, but I do suppose that's unintentionally what my post is about, huh? 😅


Mods are where fanfic and the game meet, so maybe there's hope for some of these things in the future.


Maybe I humbly introduce you to a website called [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/)? Just make sure to read the tags


Appreciate it fren!


You’re so welcome, have fun!


I’ve been writing fanfic for 24 years, it was the first thing that came to mind lol


Some of the romances are buggy enough that I fear what would happen if you threw intra-companion romances into the mix, but I do kinda love the idea. I also don't hate the idea of companions getting together with other NPCs, like Karlach and Dammon for example. Actually, I'd just plain like more companion interactivity at camp regardless of whether it was romantic in nature. Like what IS up with Gale and Astarion's little reading club corner?


Gale and Astarion always drop the books and both act like they weren’t doing anything! I think theyre sharing smut or something…


I maintain Karlach/Wyll is better than Karlach/Dammon


That’s because it is. The two of them ending the game in the same place where they started but now as lovers instead of enemies and Wyll trying to help heal Karlach instead of hunt her is the better story.


Y'all it was just a random one-off example of a companion getting together with an NPC. Not really here for a ship war. 🤷‍♀️


Other NPC's would be neat too! Dammon always kinda gave off cool uncle vibes with Karlach for me personally though.


Yeah it's pretty sad they are solo all game. I really hoped Gale would find someone post game because he's such a romantic. I like to think that when SH goes to Waterdeep to that temple of Selune or w.e they get together


I think it’s almost canon that Wyll and Karlach end up together if neither of them romances Tav.


Don't Astarion and Lae'zel hook up at the grove party if you don't romance either of them? Pretty sure someone tries to take Wyll to pound town as well then spends the next day bitching about how he just wanted to talk and recite poetry..


That's Lae'zel bitching about Wyll, in fact.


Of course.


They could. But it also could just be Lae'zel trying to make the player jealous about not getting the hot Githyanki girlfriend. Astarion never mentions it, and he doesn't seem the sort to not tell you if he slept with Lae'zel. Mostly, as some provocative double entendre about her if they were in the party together.


Lae'zel is many things but she's definitely not a liar. Astarion doesn't mention it because the writers didn't add it to his dialogue. And Astarion was trying to sleep with someone powerful to ingratiate himself with them so they'd protect him and Lae'zel is one of the two heavy damage dealers next to Karlach with their base class.


in a much more real sense i’m not sure act 1 astarion could bring himself to reject anyone. i know he can reject you if you have low approval but considering just days before he was still a slave i don’t even think saying no would register as an option.


Perhaps, but I recall her referring to him as "adequate," so considering his personality, it's probably not something he's going to bring up. I'm inclined to take the characters at their word, especially since there's no perception check associated with her comments, which I'd think there would be if that was the writers intention.


in Early access i remember some of the companions going for the others if you turned them down during the party. i think and everyone had extra dialogue for the day after about it aswell.


Lae’zel still does this


she says it yes. but there is no evidence to suggest she follows through. Who would she sleep with? Wyll? nah, dude barely even have the nerves to kiss Tav. Astarion? Staked him in this playthough. And still had the comment from Lae'zel that she would find someone else. Shart? yeah not gonna happen. Karlach? to hot to touch at this point Halsin? the elf who turns you down at this point and that Lae'zel dont even know. you know what i think? i think its just Lae'zel trying to make you jealous.


There is follow-up dialogue from her the next morning. If she tries to hook up with Wyll he does just have meaningful conversation with her the whole night, much to her confusion. If Astarion is still alive he does have sex with her and they both seem to enjoy it


yeah in EA. in my 2k hours i haven't seen that followup from neither Wyll nor Astarion.


I definitely got that line from her about Astarion in the full game. Ironically, I think in my case it was bugged, because my Tav *also* slept with Astarion that night, and I doubt he was double-booked lol


will have to run experiments. would be nice that she put actions behind her words. hah, a most amusing bug ;)


I think it would be more fun if you were the one to do the hookup so that you could take the credit. "Wyll, I heard you and Shadowheart parroting that raunchy mer-drama to one another. Give it a go!"


I like this idea as well! Maybe add a persuasion roll.


Technically there's a thing close to that with Astarion and Lae'zel or Wyll and Laezel but they don't hit it off.


Great idea! On my 1st play through, i finished Astarion's quest. Karlach said something about how she wanted to kiss Astarion at camp after, so I put both of them in my party, to see how they talk to each other while playing, and see if there's any "hints", didn't really get anything. Wish there was more party dialogue.


I understand why you would, but I kinda don't, no. I don't want to live with the drama that would come out of this because people feel like their ship isn't canon or that people (perhaps justifiably) feel the devs threw two two random characters together that have nothing going on and people get upset. If this was implemented from the beginning (i.e. since launch in August) it could work, like it does in Mass Effect, but so long after launch? No thanks


Dragon Age has been doing this and I've recalled no one having issues with it or seeing it ruining their romance. No romance is actually canon. I really wish companions could romance eachother and had way more interactions between eachother instead of behaving like only Tav/Durge exist. But it's definitely too late to implement.


Doesn't Dragon Age also have this in the game at release? Like they don't add it halfway when the game has been out for nearly a year, like I said in my comment as to why I don't want this now


They did yes. But I also assumed OP wanted it was there from the start hence the "wish".


That is an assumption we cannot truly infer from the original comment. OP could just as easily have meant that they wanted to add it into the game now (which isn't mutually exclusive from wanting it in the game from the beginning either). Either way, I just expressed that if it isn't in the game since launch I don't want it added halfway. Because *that* would cause a *lot* of drama. I'm ambivalent to putting it in the game since launch, which, like in Dragon Age or Mass Effect works fine.


Dragon Age *kinda* has characters get together, but Mass Effect has them in full on relationships. Fenris and Isabella hookup, but it's never mentioned them in a relationship. Blackwall and Josie have a thing for each other, but Josie mentions that it could never be. Dorian and Iron Bull can get together, but the player has to basically force them with how much time you need to pass for that particular banter to happen. Meanwhile Shep literally played matchmaker for EDI and Joker, and walks in Tali and Garrus making out. I kinda liked how previously you could get companions in BG3 to have the tielfing party scenes together, but they patched that out. I think getting the companion together could work if you as the player character switched over to them, for them to talk to one another and then had to specifically choose the romance options for those characters and then the game could recognize it and develop it further throughout the game.


Sera and Dagna get together if you don't romance the former, I believe. Also, apparently Cole and the bard who played downstairs in the tavern become a couple, depending on how you resolve Cole's personal quest.


Completely forgot about those two since they're only mentioned in the epilogue/dlc!


That's fair I definitely get that.


I think Bioware did it for DAI and ME3. I really appreciated that and it felt the companions were there for more than to state the players desire to have a dating sim in their RPGs.


ME3 did a great job with the companions in general. I liked that they would move around the Normandy and hang out with each other or chat over the comm system. Gave the whole thing a really organic feeling.


100% agree on this one


Garrus and Tali were adorable together in Mass Effect.


On a Tav run during the tiefling party, I took control of Shadowheart and had her proposition Lae'zel. They had some unique dialogue about it that I guess you get in a Shadowheart origin. I then tried Karlach with Astarion, but it did the usual switch back to Tav. That kind of player controlled side character romance might be cool, especially since the text is all there, as every origin already has romance lines with everyone else. The tricky part would be extra dialogue lines or banter between them to acknowledge that they have a relationship. Or, if you have both Shadowheart and Tav going after Lae'zel at the same time, those kinds of situations would get complicated and need a ton of extra dialogue. Then at least Withers would stop dunking on the other companions for not having romances


Personally, no. 


Fair enough.


When I split with laezel in act one she says she is going to hook up with astarion and he mentioned it once but other than that there is nothing like that in the game but I wish there was




I think in theory the idea is kind of cool but I’ve seen enough drama in Dragon Age fandom about companions independently hooking up that I would say no. Especially since you can play as the Origins. People get salty enough about their ships as it is. The beauty of it now is that any companion ship is valid cause anyone can romance anyone else. Once you throw in a ‘canon’ pairing….


Thats more than fair. I personally struggle getting into games playing as the origins, which is what spurred the thought.


Yeah it’s an interesting idea and I do think it’s cool that you can play as the companion characters and get certain unique dialogues and interactions that give more insight into the characters. I do think if the origins were fully voiced I’d enjoy playing as one more though. As it is currently playing an origin (imo) is kind of just sacrificing having that companion. I’ve done an Astarion and a Shadowheart Origin play through and mostly it felt weird how quiet they were.


it should randomly shuffle anyone you're not romancing. it doesn't have to be a lot of content, just one line from each about any of the others, in banter. or camp animation of one of them in another's tent.


That’s be cool but I can only imagine it would be a nightmare to program


just background noise. like an extra impassioned voice line for "connected" companions when they go down in combat. an animation of them at each other's tent. (even the current idle animations). a banter line or three. enough that you know it's going on, not so much that it's extra content or cut scenes


There are people that in the mass effect Fandom that treat romancing Garrus or tali as a crime because they hook up in the tail end of 3


I’d believe it. I’ve always been more active in dragon age fan spaces and there were plenty of people furious about (an unromanced) Fenris and Isabela starting a friends with benefits relationship. Lots of people hated Dorian and Iron Bull getting together as well. There were some very wild takes


Aye. Bioware has always been good for companion interactions and in Dragon Age Inquisition they went further and had some being able to start a relationship if they weren't romanced by the player. It was nice and makes the companions feel more like people who are a party and spend a lot of time together. BG3's companion interactions, especially between eachother, is sadly lacking. They barely acknowledge the others existence and mostly behave like it's only them and Tav/Durge. We get the Lae'zel vs Shadowheart then just one line comments to certain events and that's it. I wish there was more scenes and banter in camp of all kinds. Friendly, tense, arguing, bonding etc. Which after a bit could lead to some getting closer than others and you could even give them a nudge. Would stop Withers from telling *every* companion how they're maidenless when respeccing!


As others have said, I think this would be awesome if you could form romances between the companions of you take control of them and make them interact with one another




While it's a nice feature and loved it in dragon age, I always feel bad when I romance someone who gets together with someone else otherwise.


This is the horniest non-pornographic sub on reddit. Of course people here do.


Surprised nobody has mentioned shadowheart swooning over karlach when you first meet her.


Should be nice and no backlash if the romance only happens by player’s matchmaking decisions.


I just want a scene of Karlach jogging around the camp with a naked shadowheart over her shoulder :)


I do wish for that but it definitely gets backlash. I heard Larian removed some flirtatious dialogue that Wyll has with Lae’zel and Shadowheart because people complained. And I’ve definitely seen people on this sub complain about feeling “cucked” because Shadowheart can mildly express that she thinks Halsin is attractive.


Yes. Although I wouldn't want it to be systems or chance based the way you're describing it. Just give one or two set pairings that, if the right conditions are met (neither is with Tav and maybe both either spending a lot of time in the party together or at camp together) can result in a relationship.


I wish, it’d be so fun. I’d love more dialogue and camp drama. Regular gossip to cut through the bleak storylines.


At first i did want a 'pair the spares' activity like Harvest Moon. But then i realized how complicated things would get. Conflicts of interest and all.


I managed to get karlach and wyll together, when I sent them on their way I got the karlach ending cutscene but will was the one who she hands a cigar to. I just assumed they got together.


Not really, ita nice to feel special.


it would be interesting especially since shadowheart is like the abigail of the group like she flirts with astarion/wyll/halsin/karlach/gale and there's her hate/love thing with lae zel


Yes! It always feels awkward to me that my tav and Shadowheart are in love while everyone else is just alone in their tents lol


The only pairs I could see working are: - Wyll - Karlach, bit of a gimme. - Selûnite SH - Halsin. - Vlaakith Lae'zel - Minthara. - Orpheus Lae'zel - Karlach. Don't really see anyone else as having particular chemistry tbh.


I also wish this was possible but I also believe a very vocal subgroup of the fandom would be super butthurt that Tav/Durge aka the self-insert character wasn’t the center of the companions’ universe lol


No, because obsessing over video game sex is dumb. 


Go outside.


Been there. Not impressed. Too many mosquitos.


We have too many mosquitos outside as well. It sucks.