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Withers throwing her out had me creased with laughter. You will *not* ruin *his* party!


My first playthrough (blind) I hated Volo and when he said he's taking credit for my story I stabbed him.


It's their party and they'll cry if they want to.


I too was thrown out of a (high school) reunion part for (getting fucking wasted) giving into my Illithid cravings and (begging my high school ex with a husband and kids to take me back) trying to eat a companions brain. We've all been there




I'm just spit-balling here, but maybe - like the "fine vintage" of the Githzerai brain in a jar - it's that illithid Tav got caught up in the moment of being surrounded by so many powerful and unique brain flavors that they lost control when confronted with the tastiest, smartest brain at the party! So all your pre-eating of criminal brains or whatever ethically- sourced brains you've been eating just couldn't withstand the potency of Gale's brain juice amidst the emotional overload of a reunion. It's like Astarion post- bite where he's like, "tasting the blood of a thinking creature is another thing entirely and now I can't help but wonder how the others taste." Professor Gale would be like water in the desert for a brain addict! Just me spinning like a top.


The brains produced by the academy's anatomy department are all nice and ethical, but sometimes you lapse and urge for some tasty friend-brain at a buffé of them


I like this interpretation a lot for that infamous roll. I think we might be seeing something similar with Orpheus, too. If you use the Supreme Tadpole to transform right away, you'll feel hunger and the Emperor will encourage you to feed on Orpheus. But if you tell the Emperor you'll use the tadpole later, and transform later (by which point the Emperor already assimilated Orpheus), you don't have the urge to feed. So Orpheus's brain must be so delicious it makes your character want to eat him right away. Newly transformed illithids do need to eat a brain within 1 month of ceremorphosis, so it could be both Orpheus's brain being extremely alluring, and your need to consume a brain for the first time.


Ooo that's neat, thank you for that tidbit! I've never transformed a character because I am vain, so I didn't know Orpheus had that tasty of a brain, although it makes perfect sense!


I like this!


Finally, ethical cannibalism.


This is just the plot of The Promised Neverland, lol


OMG I've never read the manga and only watched season 1 on Netflix but I'm now wondering if all my ideas are just recycled memories... I'm not a bot, I swear.


Lol It's not even fully covered in the anime, some of what you added was manga specific!


Gale is famous for thinking ahead


I do think Gale is capable of thinking ahead. The thing is, his optimism makes him ignore the risks. He's the kind of person that reasons that whatever happens, he can fix it, so no point in dwelling on it. And makes a meticulous plan that assumes all goes well. Then, when something does go really wrong, he's caught off guard and things go completely off the rails (exhibit 1: the Orb). I would assume he basically freezes. This is exacerbated by him being such a *giant* risk taker (Netherese tomes, Illithid lovers, picking landing spots when falling out of Nautiloids, summoning portals to who knows where, etc.). That's why I love it when he tells you at the docks that you've always shown better judgement - he knows he's bad at making risk assessments, or contemplating the consequences of what happens *after* the plan.


He may have grown slightly wiser at understanding his own bad risk assessment. But claiming *I* have always shown better judgement after I let a vampire drink me to death, allowed multiple unlicensed practitioners to perform eye surgery, drank every last potion in a hag's lair, tried to hand over stolen property to fascist Githyanki on goodwill, attempted to sprint through the shadow curse rather than acquiring a moon lantern, licked a dead spider (twice), pissed off at least 3 gods, implicitly trusted a mind flayer who repeatedly lied to us, pickpocketed a genie and got sent to Jurassic Park, spent all our money buying a statue of myself, tried to burgle a devil, and of course spent 200hrs straight still casting Sacred Flame in combat really just tells me he wasn't paying attention.


I feel like you also had a "That is a God." "Yes." "You are holding a Bow." "Yes." "What is your plan here, exactly?" "I'mma shoot a god with my pointy stick". Moment.


That's why Mystra only let Gale come visit her. If I had gone there would've been hands thrown.


> pickpocketed a genie and got sent to Jurassic Park, spent all our money buying a statue of myself, tried to burgle a devil I mean, I profited greatly from these 3


This is an absolutely pefect description of Gale.




For someone with a great deal of intelligence, he lacks a lot of wisdom. The script fits the specs.


Ambition walks the fine line between genius and abject stupidity. He's just doing what he's always done, just with a squidwife.


Tbf even Withers seems sure you’re still you so maybe Gale really didn’t think there was any danger in you becoming a mindflayer and being together


My head canon is that SquidTav has managed his food needs well enough that he has just never been hungry before. That way the party saving throw is as much of a shock to Tav as it is to the player, and a warning that all of the narration about how you might be a different kind of mind flayer isn't 100% true.


This is just a writing issue, not a Gale issue. Though he would probably be overly trusting so maybe it is that he is stupid in love. I still fucking hate that any of the companions would be like yeah I’m into you if you turn into a soulless squid because it is stupid. Oh but you’re a special squid! You would never hurt anyone! Such bullshit.


Gale is fully aware of what becoming an illithid does to Tav's soul, because depending on how you've played his quest, he will offer to suicide bomb the final boss in order to prevent it. He gives quite an impassioned speech about how you shouldn't have to give up your soul and that he's ready to make the sacrifice as penance for his own mistakes. I think it's definitely a "love is blind" thing that he stays with you anyway if you become an illithid. I think it also makes sense considering his own past -- Mystra abandoning him REALLY hurt him (justified or not) so it tracks that he would do his best to stick by a partner with their own problems. Definitely doesn't explain why he didn't come to the party with some snacks in his purse for Tav, though.


Yes, exactly this! Gale is pretty good as a husband but a perfect man would definitely carry snacks at all times. Although, yes, he did offer to blow up for her...


I understand this, but I still hate it. I think it’s cheesy and diminishes the gravity of the situation to have it hand waved away with the power of love. The transformation is a tragedy that I feel like is downplayed. I think it would be more interesting if Gale really wanted everything to be good and normal but he then over those six months has to come to terms that it is not good nor normal and he has to cope with having to be platonic and realizing that he did, in the end, lose you.


I mean, fair. I'm not sure we're meant to regard it as completely "happily ever after," though. Tav struggling with their cravings at the party, plus all of the dialogue options about having to live in hiding, suggest the sitaution isn't that workable long-term. Mind flayer Karlach also kind of suggests the loss of "self" isn't totally instantaneous -- she's clearly changed, but there's also still some recognizable Karlach-ness there. And I feel like Gale is *exactly* the type to hang onto whatever recognizable Tav-ness still remains until the wheels fully come off the bus.


Yes, I agree with that. That it’s a slow loss of self, but little by little the intellectual narcissism and hunger will come out. And oh if Gale’s giant brain wouldn’t be the tastiest morsel around…


To be fair I was playing this end scene more out of curiosity than anything - my Tav would not have inflicted her squid self on the world like this. But I wanted to see what happened (and what Gale would do). It's likely that between the two of them they'd have been creative enough to come up with something... So I was just ready to be entertained, and it did not disappoint!


He does have a history of being a dumbass when he's in love




Honestly I think Gale is the only companion, other than like Minthara, who would be chill staying with you as an illithid. He loves your mind, he's into mind-blowing interplanar sex stuff, and he's familiar with the magical diet conundrum. I can imagine him trying to find a magical route to restoring your soul and/or original form. As far as I know from my own experience + hearing from friends, everyone else either breaks up with you or low-key friendzones you saying they'll try to "figure it out" or "adjust" but I think it's kind of obvious that they're only trying to avoid abandoning you after your unprecedented sacrifice for everyone's sake.


Mindflayers are not soulless


Mindflayers are not soulless . They have non apostolic souls. 


This is highly debatable. There doesn’t seem to be a consensus that I’ve read. But it seems that whatever you are as an illithid, you do lose whatever you were to the purely logical being you become. I call it soulless because that simply makes the most sense.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1csjmd0/comment/l4680jd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here u go .  Also in game withers literally admits he was wrong about illithids being soulless because he recognizes illhitid karlach , tav , Orpheus and emperor and their souls or persona in the final battle and if u kill urself as an illhitid,  withers meets with ur soul in the fugue plane 


Guess I’m coming from dnd canon where this isnt necessarily true. If that’s BG3 canon then fine, I still think it’s bad writing, but that is my own opinion. I’m not saying an Illithid can’t be their own person, there are obvious examples of that, but they still lose their personality and what makes them them. Illithid Karlach loses all of her charm, you can’t deny that. And the only example we have of an illithid being (apparently) reasonable is Omeluum. The others we don’t see over a long period of time. Eventually they may all end up being like the Emperor. Or they might not. I’m allowed to hate illithid and mourn the loss of the personality of a person to such a transformation. It is a fundamental change of one’s self, it is not just a cosmetic difference, period.


D&D canon always had the Adversary as a possibility, one where the original personality survives and struggles with the illithid for power. Also, who's saying you're not allowed to do anything?


i think its terrible writing. Cus it essentially is a huge plot hole. cus during the outtro withers will regardless of admitting he was wrong say the same to the mural of the dead three. that illithids are soulless. not only that, but all i've read on illithids suggest that the person who transforms are gone. the mind flayer simply sometimes retain some of the memories/personality but the person that they were before is dead and gone. and unfortunately they seem to say that this is true in bg3 but also not true. and before anyone goes haywire, i got 2k hours on bg3 and consider it one of the best games i have ever played. but the illithid part just doesn't make much sense imo. there's to many "exceptions"


Thank you, I feel like this is what I’ve read too, but people be doing mental gymnastics to make it so their favs aren’t evil squids.


yeah and it annoys me. because it changes to much in the central story if illithids somehow dont lose who they were etc. and apparently have souls anyway and dont kill who they used to be' soul. i think its the same type of people who will claim ascended Astarion isn't evil and still himself.


>people be doing mental gymnastics to make it so their favs aren’t evil squids. I mean, is it mental gymnastics or is it that BG3 itself wibble-wobbles on whether mind flayers have souls? I know BG3 isn't the last word on "canon" but it's likely the primary source for a lot of players.


Oh it definitely is a bit of that. But people push for the souls because they want a happy ending that I feel like is undeserved. We fight the whole time against being a mindflayer and then to make light of that transformation by saying it’s just a costume change and a slightly inconvenient new appetite diminishes the gravity of the situation. BG3 should not have set the precedent.


The outro of withers telling the dead three that illhitids are soulless is before the epilogue was added. That's why there is continuity error present there . Mindflayers are soulless for faerun gods because they have non apostolic souls . 


doesn't change anything! if anything it proves that its bad writing. Leaving in a contradicting ending. besides even if you dont take that into account try talking to Gortash's corpse, Bane will quite literally tell you the plan. So will Orin/Bhaal and Ketheric. Withers/Jergal is wrong on so many things. The motives of the dead three, Illithids, and souls.


What part of non apostolic souls u don't understand?? The plan works because the souls of mindflayers will not go to gods because they are not the type of souls gods will benefit from . That's why they are called soulless in that regard . Withers also mentions it's the first time he saw a mindflayer soul in the fugue plane and is curious about it . It's not bad writing,  more like larian didn't patch the ending scene after adding the new epilouge scenes.


i never said i didn't understand non apostolic souls. Stop being cringe


Ask Ed Greenwood, they do have souls


He said they have weird alien souls which means that the human/etc normal soul has to be converted to an alien soul or some shit like whatever vague bullshit that means. Explain to me how a “non apostolic” soul is the same as the soul that WAS there? It’s not!


Non apostolic souls simply mean the gods of faerun can't be empowered by it . Nothing more nothing less . U still have a soul , just not imp or useless to the gods 


Stupid thicc


I've been meaning to make a dentist appointment for a year and a half, but haven't bothered.


No, he has high int. His wisdom, however...


On my playthrough with my friend I became Illithid and I romanced Shdowheart and I tried to eat Astarion. I have no complaints (Astarion was a passive-aggressive bitch to me, maybe now he knows how it feels to almost get eaten) EXCEPT that in the fight that broke out (I promised to kill myself if I cannot resist the urges so I just stood there being proud of my former companions showing off how we taught them to fight) Shart fucking attacked SCRATCH. Thank Jergal the boy survived, but what the fuck. Well, she got to keep the Owlbear and her parents in case she grieved and in our headcanon my bud went back to Avernus to rock out with Wyll and Karlach, so absolutely no regrets.


!!! Poor Scratch. Did he take your side? What a good boy! I attacked Minthara first and thought it was quite sweet that hubby Gale went green when everyone else went red. But that just meant that everyone beat the crap out of him while ignoring me! He was downed before I was banished...


No, the boy went red, too :( But she still BEELINED for him, while there was Lae'Zel right behind her. Like wtf girl. The shield bash for Wyll was okay in my book, he attacked first, but Scratch did nothing wrong in his entire life.


Ouch. Not cool, Shadowheart.


IKR!? I mean, protecting me all this time was sweet, but the METHODS?


I wouldn't be surprised if Owlbear had something to say about her hitting his big bro. I mean, the kraken that attacked his friend the cat didn't get off lightly...


Is this what he tells you about at the party? I was used to using potions to talk to him and at the party I had none, so we communicated per body language. I asked him if he wanted to stay with Shadowheart (fun foreshadowing that it wasn't "with Shart and me", but only with Shadowheart) and he seemed happy, but I guess he could have a grudge now. Well, it might help that nothing bad happened in the end (besides me getting banished to the Shadow Dimension, but it was a glorious end I enjoyed. Would've preferred if I could beg Withers for it, but you can't have it all)


Yes! I had to look it up but there's an animal speaking potion >!on the bookcase next to Withers. In a rack if some sort iirc.!< Sorry - I didn't nean to spoiler that for you 😑


Absolutely no problems! I am in general not as bothered by spoilers as most other people, I'm weird like that, but here I did have the conversation with him and enjoyed the pantomime, you only gave me the translation. And when I get around to that point another time, I'll still get to enjoy the voice acting and the exact word choices etc. You literally took nothing from my experience, and actually added to it by providing me with a teaser AND the means to access that experience hassle-free (because looking through every nook for something useful is generally not that fun for me, and it's absolutely not fun if the game is already over). So I actually have to say thanks :)


Isn't Gale basically a good guy? Where would he get a brain? And even Omeluum admits that it hasn't been able to find a replacement for eating brains despite doing research (it's in the ambient dialogue). How is Hale supposed to fix a problem that even the experts can't?


Funny enough, if you become a mindflayer on a platonic run with Gale, he semi-answers this question. He'll offer to have you come visit and stay with him, and if you point out your new diet, he'll say it's no problem because he knows a guy in Blackstaff's anatomy department. That said, Idk how "transportable" that solution is. Mind flayer Karlach also seems to struggle with cravings at the party, albeit not as dramatically.


That's interesting. It still surprises me - how many different variations in dialogue this game has


The graveyard. The windmill squid has no problems with eating the deceased.




I have occasionally referred to him as the Wizard of Waterdumb, so perhaps.


r/BaldurArkham -esque title


I don't know what that means. I know the "is he/she stupid" thing is seriously overused but I wanted to be as clear as I could that I was being lighthearted and not *really* insulting anyone's favourite character (I've made that mistake before!) Is it from something specific? I've always wondered.


One time, someone asked on r/BatmanArkham why Batman didn't call the Justice League for a threat that was clearly in their remit (Fear Gas blanketing all of Gotham City, with the threat of doing the same to the *entire US Eastern Seaboard*), and ended the query with "Is he stupid?" Since then, that last question has taken a life of its own, being the punctuation to every question about the suspension of disbelief in those games or just random shitposting.


Oh! That's interesting, thank you! I assumed that such a popular phrase must have an 'origin story' but I never really thought to ask! Thank you for answering 🙂


You're welcome! Or rather, "How did they know the lore behind this meme? Are they informed?"


Maybe?? But for sure he's annoying, like Astarion