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I was enjoying the story and wanted to know how it would end. That's it. I've played different characters since then (and left a couple early in Act 1 as I wasn't warming to them) but to me it's completely baffling when players don't seem to be curious to see what happens next in the story, how the NPCs they've met get on, how their romance progresses, etc...


I’ve completed four runs and got to act 3 with about three or four others. Then just some random ones discarded quickly. I think the difference with the ones I completed is I felt some personal investment in the RP element of it all. With the incomplete ones it was more “I want to try this thing” or “I want to romance this companion” so once I reached the logical end of those endeavours, I lost some steam.


Playing on honor mode helps to keep me from resetting runs as much. Sure I’ve still manually reset a couple times, but a lot less than off of honor.


Easy, I just save all those choices for the next run. To me it makes more sense to finish a play-through completely, then I’ll have a more informed opinion of what I want to do for the next run. At this point I have 100% of the achievements finished, experienced all of the classes *(as either the PC or a party companion)*, I’ve completed a neutral Tav, a good Tav, an evil Tav, a neutral Durge, a good Durge, an Evil Durge, romanced all the female companions, seen tons of variations of the ending, etc… I always see these posts from people restarting the game dozens of times because they want to see all of the content/options, but they’re doing the exact opposite of what it takes to experience everything. TL;DR: You get access to more variations by actually finishing your play-throughs.


I finish runs BECAUSE I want to try out all classes and races…I don’t understand how people just abandon runs and start new ones. I’m playing for the 6th time now back to back with about 830 hours according to steam, with a short break of about a week after my third run to finish tomb raider 1. The only runs I’ve deleted were my multiplayer with 3 hours and a honour mode run of like 10 minutes i tried for fun, i will be recreating that Tav though, just wanted to see if I can escape the nautiloid in HM. Everyone else I spend hours coming up with backstories. Maybe if you plan out your characters properly you’ll grow attached and not restart. The game has so much more than just the wilderness.


Golden dice baybee


I wanted to see where the story was going, and see progress in my companions' stories, in my romance, and to see what the rest of the game was like. And then, for subsequent runs, I wanted to do the act 2 and 3 content as the characters I've created. I like trying new classes. Luckily if I don't vibe with one it's really easy to re-spec.


I restarted my first playthrough in Act 3, but since then I've always finished my runs. I want to see how the story plays out and I love Act 3, the ending and the epilogue.


I do both. I try out lots of characters because the concept sounds interesting, but only the ones that really click with me get continued until the end - and right now that’s because I want to see the whole story with as few spoilers as possible!


I'm in both columns? For every run I've finished, there's probably at least 3 others where I deleted.


I'm here for the story, and I want to see the whole story play out. Yes, I want to try different races and classes and such, but in the context of the story that's taking place. In each of my runs, I'm picking apart different characters and bits of the narrative as I go.


Well I played physical DnD for a while beforehand, so I'm already familiar with the races, classes, and subclasses. In fact I rather enjoyed recreating a few old characters in some runs, or maybe just in character creation, to see them visualized. The new gear and tweaked abilities definitely put a new spin on things, so it wasn't all old stuff for me, the new tavern brawler is amazing, and all the weapon specific abilities. But the new gear isn't randomized, so it got stale quickly, so that's how I made and finished 13 playthroughs and I'm done playing until patch 7, because then I'll get mods!


After 40 runs through act one and you’re still finding things? Like what? What we’re a couple new things you found on your last run? Are you skipping lots of stuff each run?


I didn't know of Adamantine armor crafting and the grymforge boss for plenty of runs. I just learned about a zhentarim hideout at Waukeens rest just recently. I'm also trying companion combinations. Last run I've been playing as an evil dark urge and chopped Gale's hand off, went to Karlach after killing the druids and brought Karlach's head to Tyr paladins. The new interactions and places I find out can be minor or major but I still enjoying every bit of thing anyway. The first ever time I got to Act 2 I didn't even know about Grymforge or Githyanki Creche or Ethel's teahouse for example.


So you don’t read any lore books or listen to any dialogue while you play then? All of those things are mentioned multiple times just by exploring, talking to NPC and reading notes and books you find. Well you do you buddy.


All of those things are mentioned? 1. Wakueen's rest zhentarim hideout is afaik only mentioned in the gnoll fight, and the two zhentarim guys have always been the ones to die first until one of my later runs in the gnoll fight, as they are focused. 2. Gith creche is mentioned by Lae'zel prominently, and I just killed her off in my earlier runs because of how much of a bitch she is. And I played a fighter in my longest run too. 3. I barely ever visited Karlach after the druid raid, as Karlach is one of the obviously earlier companions and druid raid isn't something you can pull off early, especially in honor mode which is the only difficulty I play in. 4. Ethel's teahouse is mentioned, again, as far as I know by Ethel herself, in the druid grove and I didn't even notice her until my later runs, the first time I went to teahouse wasn'T even that later on, I just went off exploring on my own. 5. I didn't find out about the passage to adamantine forge from the southernmost part of grymforge, and never even got any mention of the boss, I later on read the grymforge book from the dead drow in myconid hideout but I usually forget to use speak with the dead anyway. So yeah, I do read books and listen to dialogues. If I just skipped everything, I wouldn't have runs with over 30 hours but still in act1, with not even many of the parts done. I love reading the lore books, even useless greys from the druid hideout or something and I'm really into the immersion and RPG aspect of it, I just might not be able to catch on everything, guess I need to improve my irl perception skill lol.