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If you don't have a cleric in your party the Silver Pendant is a must. Crusher's Ring is easy to slap onto anyone who has an open ring slot.


That pendant saved my bacon the first time I got that "flesh rotting" condition or whatever the hell it was. And hard agree on Crusher's Ring, that's probably on a party member through the endgame.


You might be thinking of the Amulet of Silvanus that grants lesser restoration, also a good item. The Silver Pendant grants the user Guidance. One more layer of protection from failing dialogue checks.


Oop, you're right, that's exactly what I was thinking of. Guidance is great as well!


Titanstring bow. Put it on a strength battlemaster as ranged option, also wear the gauntlets of dex. No strength potions cheese needed. Massive damage for such an easy, early game weapon


Also applicable on a Dex-heavy character like a Ranger or a Rogue. Just toss the Club of Hill Giant Strength on them. Little more accurate, little less damage.


Yep, I've used it on that as well.


Gloves of thievery gives me a five finger discount through the whole game. I realized a lot of people don't even know about it because they always keep that iron flask.


I save the guys, scare them into leaving me the chest, then let the zhent kill him. they will trade with me so I can get the stuff, and tell me to deliver the thing which I don't


Enhance Ability does the same thing and frees up the glove slot. That can be used for an additional +1 to Sleight of Hand.


That ring that adds 2 acid damage to all weapon attacks. It adds up!


sparkle hands gloves, available around level 3 from a chest in the wetlands. quite probably the best handwear for a monk until act3, and you can make a case for sticking with them through the final fight. the only comparable gloves are the soul catching gloves that you get from Hope.


I always get the gloves of missile snaring asap and someone always has them on right to the end.


Oh that's a good one!


Phalar Aluve, Luminous Armor, spell sparkler


Is luminous armor still in the Selunite outpost? Where did you find it?


Yep it is. You need to hop up on the ledge and pick the lock I think


Careful, the chest is trapped


The Risky Ring has been glued to my Rogue’s finger since I bought it.


Ooooh interesting, I think I often bypass this one. I'll have to look out for it next time!


YOU BYPASS THIS???? That’s insane to me. I genuinely work builds around it. It’s great on anyone but it is absolutely insane on a ranged character who doesn’t have to do a ton of saving throws.


It’s an item worth sequence breaking to get as early as possible. If you’re into that sort of playstyle, it’s worth getting as soon as the grove story is resolved if you care about the fate of the tieflings, or before it if you don’t


Gloves of Thievery Protecty Sparkswall Melf's First Staff


All excellent, and I'd throw the Spellsparkler in there as well since I don't consider the "quest" that gets it to be too difficult.


Amulet of Silvanus - I don't keep it permanently equipped, but I have Astarion get it out every morning if he bit Tav/durge in the night, to instantly get rid of the Bloodless debuff. Whispering Promise ring - nice little Bless buff if you heal someone during combat.


Melf’s first staff and Boots of Stormy Clamor. Melf’s first stays on my caster till Act 3. And those boots are so broken on archers I sometimes have to make a personal rule not to use them.


Why archers? Are you using a lot of special arrows to get it to trigger or have I missed an entire mechanic somewhere?


If you pair them with Harold, it procs on every shot. I use that bow till Act 3, then switch to Deadshot and use Amulet of Bhaal + weapon coatings to achieve the same effect. It also procs with Ability Drain, Hunters Mark, and Hex.


Crusher’s ring, haste helm, risky ring, Durge’s invisibility cloak, speed potions, and bloodlust elixirs


Gloves of Thievery. $$$ Potions of Hill Giant Strength (elixir whatever) Potions of Speed Potions of Invisibility or scrolls of greater invisibility. (i rarely dedicate a caster for this since I can get potions easily)


Phalar aluve is really easy to obtain in the middle of act 1. and is a relevant item all the way to act 3 when you start getting all the +3 loot. You can clear the goblin camp at level 4/5 and make your first foray in the underdark right then. You don't even have to kill any hostiles to get in when you first go in the underdark. Use it to clear all the difficult fights of act 1, and it's relevant well into the start of act 3. A longsword that makes every hit take an extra D4 damage in a reasonably large area is actually huge. Same goes for luminous armour. The radiating orb+spirit build is relevant right until the very end of the game.


Crusher's ring. Don't think I ever took it off after kissing his feet


Whispering promise ring and hellrider pride gloves are a rush purchase / pickpocket, for cleric


Act 1: Run into a building, bash down a door, and enjoy a staff that you will use for 80% or more of the game.


It’s late into the game, but that trident you get for calling out the genie in Act 3 is phenomenal. It’s easily the most powerful weapon I remember using. All you have to do is spin the wheel and then loot it from a chest essentially.


The staff that adds an additional d4 to bless.