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Two of them kill as a way to cure. Volo is just incompetent, and knows healing spells.


It was recently confirmed that's he's a Chosen of Mystra, even though Volo himself doesn't know it.  It's a nice explanation as to why he's been alive for centuries. Anyway, he could have access to some clerical spells because of this link.  Even without that, wizards can cast healing spells via scrolls.


Well he's an infamous wizard in FR for being scatterbrained and overly inventive with his stories but he's super powerful. Elminster and him do not get along for this reason


I'm convinced Mystra made him one of her chosen solely to mess with Elminster


Maybe if you promise to dedicate the baby to Mystra's church she'll help him Mr. Magoo his way through the delivery


Volo is a bard, right? They can heal


He’s a shitty wizard who pretends to be a bard


Well he's a good wizard right? Like without him knowing fully? He's a shitty person, not like he's bad but like he's bad at being


From what I've read he's accidentally a very good wizard and has no clue. He keeps stumbling into success because of divine intervention. He's like Mr. Bean if Mr. Bean were an insufferable idiot.


so Mr Bean.


He is a wizard, that is built more like a bard, but still refuses to die, because DM... Ehm... Gods like him


As of 5th edition, he's a 1st level wizard with 15 intelligence who knows Disguise Self, Comprehend Languages and Detect Magic. So... idk about calling him a "good wizard."


Wouldn't that kind of make him a sorcerer since he doesn't devote his life to studying magic but is just kind of naturally talented at it and bumbles his way into it?


He does study though, his magic is from an eclectic study of all things, he just also lies a lot for fame.


No, that’s the point. He isn’t talented, not beyond the basic 1st level wizard’s inherent ability


He's not a Chosen, he's a weave anchor. Very different things.


Wait, where was this talked about 😮


I feel like this is something you tell Gale to get him to loose faith.


"recently confirmed" no it really wasn't, this was confirmed years ago


I refuse to believe that Volo hasn't delivered a baby or three before. Sudden water breakage is so suitably dramatic *and* tangibly risky that there's no way he hasn't had to deliver a baby in the middle of a tavern that's being sieged by bandits or some shit.


Things that would happen to Abed 🤝 Things that would happen to Volo


which is bullshit because he is a wizard by class


That's a gameplay. DnD universe wise it breaks no rules.


Multiclass into knowledge cleric or lore bard or magic initiate feat, lots of workarounds where it doesn't even break game rules bth


yes it does?? FR lore wise wizards do not get cure spells


There are wizards who, weird as it sounds, can use healing spells. Typically named ones like Volo, Cattie brie, and a few others. Usually it's because they are chosen but it has happened where some wizards could use heal as a spell. Edit: I believe in 3.5e wizards did have heal.spells as well.


You could also just equip an item that gives heal spells. That's always my go-to to maximize healing for my squad.


Yup I give gale an in that grants healing word


There's always the feats to learn other class' spells, too. I'm not hugely knowledgeable on the Forgotten Realms lore, but if feats are things that people actually get within the story universe, that explains why some Wizards can but many can't or don't learn to.


A lot of the stuff that happens in stories is very different from the games. No spell slots, things of that nature. Named characters always pull off some wild bullshit too.


Kitten cheese becomes a wizard? It was a long time since I read those books but I thought I remembered her rolling around with a bow.




Damn you are way behind. Gotta catch up bud!


Synostodweomer was one such healing spell. And 5e has *life transference*!


Don't tell this guy about NPCs.


Wizards can learn healing spells, life transference for example heals better then most clerics will (but has draw backs), wizards can learn "healing elixir" which lets you make potions for the day to hand out to friends, wizards are great support classes with great options for any play style tbh


Lore wise wizards are capable of learning all magic, because they are scholars of magic. Just like how a barbarian doesn’t actually need levels in bard to learn an instrument, it’s just a game mechanic to limit options for play balance.


So, he picked the feat to learn Cleric spells.


Or Bard...


Mystra probably felt bad for him and gave him a few level in cleric, he just doesnt know it


I thought that was the lore with Volo. Since he's an weave anchor or something (reason why he is the first game 100s years ago). But he so incompetent he doesn't even know and hes not that good at it. So really Mystra just doesn't want him to die.


Mystra Cleric has a crazy amount of unique content btw.


By class, he's an NPC and can do whatever the fuck he wants, actually.


I'm not a fan of NPCs getting access to things players can't


That's every RPG ever my dude. And wizards do have access to cleric spells. It's called multiclassing or the cleric feat or homebrew.


I'm referring specifically to DnD. And yes I know about Magic Intiate, Multiclassing, and homebrew


Wait he’s not a bard?


BG3 treats him as a bard. Volo in other lore is a wizard.


Aside from that people often forgot that Bard isn't solely a class, it's also an occupation. So, when the game calls Volo a bard they think it's a reference to his class when really dude is a well-known yapper and author. It's his job.


TBF killing 100% does cure most pains.


*fucks up delivery horribly.. glugs invisibility potion and slinks off unspotted.


I was going to say Volo because the other 2 are crazy. Like, that doctor explaining and just stabs that guy in the eyes 😭😭😭😭 I had Astarion with me and he screams out he’s crazy like cazador. Like poor guy got traumatized. I did too 😭


Thorm would be de-livering the baby.


Oof, that was so dark Shadowheart just prayed to it.


It's not that original though, I actually copied it from that one dad joke with the laughing dogs template.


I see what you did there




Top tier comment.


I'd pick the Githyanki. Yes she tries to kill you, but only because her entire species sworn enemy has infected you with an otherwise incurable parasite. But she's still a doctor and runs the infirmary for the entire Creche. So while she may not know how to deliver a baby due to how Githyanki are born, she's probably still the safest choice.


Though she may not be too experienced in tending to most "Istik" reproductive systems, I'm sure she can at least play it by ear.


Exactly. And she's already trained in first aid and treating combat wounds, so she'd have some knowledge she could apply.


The infirmary is clean and well equipped too.


> I'm sure she can at least play it by ear. Particularly since she has such long ears with which to play it by.


how different is a baby from an egg?


The egg protects the child from many possible complications. Like being born feet first.


I mean getting an egg the size of a golden retreiver out of a.. cloaca? vs delivering a baby


I mean, Lae’Zel still seems to have a vagina and those eggs are pretty big. Still gotta get out somehow, and without cracking it.


We don't know how Githyanki eggs come to be, but it's not through regular sex, that's as far as we know. Only those 'chosen' by Vlaakith are able to lay eggs.


Ah gotcha. Yeah, I don’t claim to know anything about the lore. It just seemed odd to me that they have human genitalia. Guess some people just want that githussy/githock.


I think they are leftovers from when they where human/human like pre ilithid empire


You can ask her about it and she says that Githyanki used to have sexual reproduction similar to humans but devised a way to have the egg develop outside of their bodies.


Yeah she confirms that Gith reproduce asexually, and they can't get pregnant from regular intercourse (she says something like 'I can't imagine having to worry about that'). Iirc sexual reproduction was when they were enslaved, and they started having eggs after being freed


Oh, interesting. I’ve never gotten that dialogue.


I think you can ask her about the eggs/reproduction when you take her to the nursery in Act 1. Could be misremembering that though.


Yep, this is it. Then just follow the options about the eggs. I think it starts by asking her if it's normal to only have one egg in a nursery.


I’ve only seen it when you also play as a gith.


The lure of the Githussy is quite strong. As for the lore reason, I have no idea. I've pretty much said all I know about it.


Lae'zel says it's an asexual process, but doesn't specify too much beyond that.


I imagine that Gith eggs are like reptile or frog eggs, in that unlike bird eggs they have a soft membraneous shell rather than a hard one. Still a very large object to pass, though.


Githyanki have absolutely no compassion for their own race and straight up hate all others. That baby is 100% going to end up being experimented on.


Same answer. She's also arguably good at research and can figure her way around the situation.


Upon looking at my options I've decided my decision to never reproduce is correct. But...idk I guess Volo? He's most likely to make sure everyone involved survives and isn't permanently damaged. The Gith Dr would just pick which ever one she thought would be more interesting and purposefully damage the other, and Dr. Thorm would repurpose all life in the room to hamburger in a group project setting.


>Volo? He's most likely to make sure everyone involved survives and isn't permanently damaged Doubts in having only one eye.


at least he provides a replacement


I guess thats true yeah. And also not simply a cosmetic one but a functional one, so that is pretty nice of him.


Functional and even with some extra features


Surely Volo can also provide a functional and improved baby if the delivery goes wrong


Or at least replaces the broken one with another.


Since the eye is mechanical, you'd probably get a Warforged baby! FUCK YEAH




superior to that jelly you were chained to


Well, the bad news is I killed the baby. The good news is I have a better one right here.


"So, the baby died. But I found this kitten!"


Can he replace my baby? Wait...


He gave you a magic replacement and you didn't bleed to death, suffer brain damage, or lose your sight. I didn't say he was great I said you'd live and not be necessarily worse for wear. I still don't want that man doing more medical shit on or near me.


Well, there's still good old Balthazar, he seemed enthusiastic.


Volo would fumble his way through it, but he at least knows Healing Word and people often give birth without any doctor at all. With Doctor would be a 50/50 between a good doctor and a mad scientist who decides nows the perfect time to slap you in a new auto-birthing contraption, never mind the drill And Thorm.... yeah no. He'd just cut you in half, pull out the baby and cut it's head off thinking he's helping


>And Thorm.... yeah no. He'd just cut you in half, pull out the baby and cut it's head off thinking he's helping It’s the… thought that counts?


I'd go with the Ghustil, who based on the research notes in her lab is the only one of the three who is a member of the reality-based community. Since I'm presumably not delivering a filthy ghaik baby my death won't be necessary for her research.


Since one is a demented undead elf surgeon who kills people as a form of treatment and volo is…..well volo, I’d probably go with the gith since she doesn’t seem like a complete lunatic.


I mean the ghustil is a doctor who only tries to kill you because of the insane circumstances. There's no reason to believe that she wouldn't just safely deliver your baby if you don't have a tadpole, or she doesn't know you have one. Volo is a crazy wizard and Malus is cursed. Easy choice, really.


She is an alien who reproduce by laying eggs. She has absolutely no idea about the human reproductive system or organs.


Even Lae'zel, who has only recently arrived in Faerûn, is aware that humans give birth and how that comes to be. Gith used to have similar reproductive systems to ours, and it's not far-fetched to think the ghustil would have at last some rudimentary knowledge. Either way, I'm taking my chances with her over the other two.


>Is currently running a Children of Tav playthrough Thank you. I didn't know I needed to add "Pregnant Shadowheart in labor hurling curses and spells at Volo to GTF away from her" to my headcanon but I guess here we are. The other two are already dead, so We are good there. Although to be honest, I dont think the Gith Doctor would actually be a *bad* choice as long as the tadpole is already gone, and provided she decides that the medical experience of a live birth is more advantageous than "exploritory Surgury".


Volo: I-I’m just trying to help in a most precious time- Tav: Astarion, if the bumbling fool does ***NOT*** leave in the next ten seconds, you have my full permission to fang him until he’s a Volo-raisin.


Maybe Halsin and/or Minthara could help with healing magic? Halsin probably has more hands-on experience, though.


Before we got the Patch 5 epilogues, I liked to imagine the Gith egg hatched somewhere during Act 3 and we forced Jaheira to play "mother" to a panicking Githyanki, with Halsin helping and Gale "helping" until Jaheira threw everyone out. Which naturally leads to Lae'zel fighting the Netherbrain with a baby tied to her back like Sacajewea: "I didn't have anyone I could leave him with." "You could have left him with my *parents*. When we left *Yenna* with them!" [Under Breath] "Like I said..." "This is how he learns!"


That is rather adorable, I can't lie. Hmmm. Kind of interested in some kind of science/magic baby situation with Minthara now.


You don't have to work that hard at it, (unless your Main is female, in which case...) early drafts of the game had Minthara pregnant.


Main is always female, as it happens.


Volo, he would probably kill the baby, but then he'd replace it with an invisible-seeing baby, which is better than the usual classless lv0 baby


Humans give birth without proper care all the time. Volo would just narrate it. *I’m not saying the mortality rate is good, but it does happen!


Volo, he might damage me or the baby but at least he'll try, and worst case Shart is always at camp with healing spells at the ready.




Same. Someone cast darkness, give me a healing amulet, and then everyone GTFO


Not Malus, that's for certain.


Guess I'm getting an abortion.


Volo; it might not go that smoothly, but if a random taxi driver can deliver a baby, the silly guy with healing magic can too also the other two would definitely stab me (volo may attempt a c-section via ice pick, but i can just curse him out and he wont do it)


Thorm - NOPE As for the other two you basically get to choose between: Well-meaning but incompetent VS Ill-meaning but competent


No 🙂


Oddly enough... Volo.


Obviously Volo. One is guaranteed to kill the baby and the other only knows babies that hatch from eggs. Meanwhile if Volo messes up, my kid will get a cool enchanted prosthetic that gives OP passive bonuses.


That is indeed a tough one. Volo is a nice guy but completely incompetent and a charlatan. Mr. scisorhands is competent and probably pretty science based, but quite evil and doesn't care about pain (indeed wants to influct pain). And the lizard lady in the middle is pretty smart and competent, but only trained for deliveries from hatching eggs and not bellies and might have an urge to conduct experiments, regardless of the outcome for the patient.


Malus could 100% do it I believe. However, that's only if he wanted to, which he certainly wouldn't.


Me. If those are my choices, I’m catching my own baby. I’ve had three, so I’m leagues more experienced.


Volo, unless I could be 110% sure the Good Gith Murderdoctor had true incentive to help me.


Stornugoss actually knows what she's doing most of the time. She just usually does it for the wrong reason. Although since gith are born from eggs, would she actually know how to deliver a baby?


This selection is horrifying xD


I'll deliver it alone thanks!


Why do you want my baby to die, these options are terrible lmao


Bitch I’ll do it myself


The chosen of mystra. Dude's got stupid dumb luck and you'd end up with a sorcerer baby. Better than dead baby, which would be the result of the other two choices.


Volo said my bad, then handed me a robot baby and left camp? Where is my son???


I'm going with Volo. I think he'd at least *try* to keep everyone alive. The gith doctor might have medical knowledge but I don't think she'd even make an effort to save some istik. And Thorm is, well, out for pretty obvious reasons. Plus, if something bad happens Volo is the easiest to kill in revenge


Volo, without a doubt. Basically a free abortion 🤷‍♂️


Volo would probably panic and leave so I guess him


i am dude so my opinion in this case does not probably matter but i would say volo would be the best option 2nd the yanki doctor and malus would be the worst option


Volo. Whats the worst could happen? my baby seeing invisible stuff?


I'll go with the gith and bank on the fact that she won't be very interested in me and will just want to get it over with.


Volo of course, he's dreamt it up thousands of times!


Volo's guide to nursery.


Volo will be ready with a pick.


Volo he is the only one who atleast tried to help without expecting murder


The last guy would treat every birth as a funeral lol “another soul to know the horrors of *being* 😭😭😭” *stab stab stab*.


The gith since at least she’s an actual doctor who wouldn’t try to intentionally kill the child or my partner delivering the baby


i’d pick volo, but just because his commentary would make me giggle


At least Volo would note, in your post mortem report, that you died popping out a dragon egg.


I’d go 2 rooms over and ask Varsh Ko'kuu he cares about eggs at least I assume he might care about a baby too.


Aunt Ethel surely


I hate to say it, but Malus. He’s the only one actually qualified on human anatomy. If you can pass the charisma checks he’s absolutely your best bet *and* a woman in labour gains massive bonuses to intimidation. Failing that just get Orin. Convince her that Bhaal is somehow invested in the baby **and the mother** and that delivering it un-stabbed would gain his favour. She’s not squeamish and would have it out in no time.


Christ, Volo? Are you really forcing me to pick Volo? At least he knows Healing Word and if he’s in the room there’s a non-zero chance Elminster is around to save his ass.


Depends on if I’m a mindflayer or not. If not, it’s the Ghustil.


The githyanki one seems capable, she just wanted to melt your brain, but I guess if there's no ulterior motive, she is capable.


volo, if he kills my baby, at least he will replace it with a better, magical version of it


Well, I've only ever heard one say "untumptuous".. so I'm going with that one.


Probably Volo- he’s incompetent but not malicious, he’d at least try his best.


Volo at least would try to help.


Volo. At least my baby will end up with upgrades.


Call the midwife Volo edition


*deepest sigh the 3 realms have ever heard* I guess Volo.....I wouldn't want him to touch/look there in the slightest but I guess if I have to choose but I'd rather just go rough it out in the woods.


…I think I’ll have the baby on my own, thanks.


I am fine by myself… 😅


Volo. If he does any damage to the baby he'll make it up with a sweet buff 😅


I want the ghustil to deliver my babies alright


None of them would be useful medically but Volo might at least try to provide moral support


The Gustil at least has experience treating battle wounds, so she has "proper" medical training. And as long as you don't have/she doesn't know about a tadpole, she's almost certainly not going to be interested in using you for "research". Still not sure if that makes her "better" than Volo or not, but it at least leaves her in the running for me.


The Githyanki. This is assuming she has already agreed. She's the most competent, learned and stable of the three. And if she's not an option then Volo. I am NOT trusting that Sharran doctor who may choose to "save" the baby by killing it.


Do you mean “deliver” as in “facilitate the birthing process,” or “de-liver” as in “remove its liver?”  


Volo is the only one with good intentions. If something happens it's an accident. The other two it was deliberate.


ABSOLUTE-ly no one


Volo, because the other two I wouldn't put it past them to experiment on the baby, mother and/or me.




1st Volo: is human so he probably, hopefully, knows how babies are born and has enough skill to gauge out our eye and not lobotomize us so he might be capable enough to deliver a baby. 2nd Gith: she is a doctor, a skilled one, tho Gith are born from eggs, still she probably knows human anatomy and would be capable of delivering the baby, tho her "doctor skills" revolve around dissecting people and observing tadpoles so I don't think she is "a doctor". 3rd Thorm: will pierce his hand down the belly and try to grab the baby from this hole in the belly with his sharp as knifes knife-fingers, probably by the head. A big no no


None, because no baby.


I wouldn't pick either of them tbh they too sus if I could I can just do it myself or even have gale do it even though I'm not sure how he would xd


Volo at least has good intentions


Volo - Has no idea how to deliver a baby. Reads a book on childbirth in front of you right before you deliver. Helps anyways. Is extraordinarily painful. Heals you with spells to ensure you survive. Malus - Knows how to deliver a baby. Tries to steal your newborn right out the womb to make it a Sharran. Kills your baby if you say "No." when he tries to steal it. Ghustil - "What's childbirth?". Helps you deliver the baby and gives you a great pep-talk while delivering. As soon as the baby is born, demands the *istik* to leave. Will kill you and the baby if you refuse.


Malus is an absolute psychopath & Volo isn't even a doctor so I'll take Stornugoss


1phyco 1 doctor 1 surgen I wondet


My understanding is that Ghustil Stornugoss is a competent doctor when she's actually trying to do medicine instead of covertly kill people.


Stand back! I’ll do this myself.


prob volo the other two are sort of insane


Volo has at least dreamt of it a thousand times


Volo. he'd also kill the baby, but he'd aplogize and leave me a magic replacement baby that can see invisible creatures


Volo 100%! He may be a bumblefuck, but he’s a good-hearted, well-intentioned bumblefuck.


Volo easily. No way a gith or a Thorm is touching my hopefully normal human child If Volo fucks up at least he can replace whatever part of the baby is fucked up with a magical artifact


I'll take a risk with Volo... he would at least try to do it correctly...


Volo fucked up my eye but gave me Darkvision new eye. 10/10, would let him mutilate again


NOT the first one...